Yeah, I was gonna say, that seems pretty shady to me...
That they post ads on Craiglist to hire psychics should be enough to avoid them!
So NOT true. I had an interview I found on Craigslist once. It was a friggin' hour from where I live, but the guy who did the interview is a 7 time New York bestselling author. He was looking for a personal assistant, but I didn't get the position because it was down to only two people. No one else followed his specific directions. Although he had his girlfriend email me that they liked my resume and experience the most, the other girl, Susan had more experience as a PA, than I did as an Graphic Artist/Admin Assistant, but she also worked as a previous PA for Kristen Davis, of Sex and the City.
I didn't know who he was at the time of the interview (, he wrote
The Game, but I asked him during the interview why Craigslist. And he said he preferred any money that he gives out, should go to his potential hire than wasting it going through a placement service.
There are times when there is shadiness on Craigslist because it's mainly free, so buyers do need to be discerning, but I was able to sell a black chainlink fence once for $800 cash and I didn't have any problems.