@MikeNY I understand what you’re going through. Matters of the heart are downright brutal
the lack of closure is painful. I wish I had the magic solution for anyone going through this kind of thing. I’m going through something now that has made me call me favorites on CP a little more than usual. I’ve found that i get some good information/insight on the past and present. I get spiritual help and compassionate support from my favorite readers that I don’t get from other people in my life. That’s good enough when I’m feeling down. I’ve also learned to filter out some of the BS from these people. It’s painfully clear when they’re inserting their own stuff in there. It took over a decade of mostly s**tty readings to refine my BS detector.
Some of the best advice I ever got (from a psychologist) was to concentrate on your platonic relationships, and to do stuff outside work that makes you happy. I’ve been doing that and it has made the hard days more bearable, the okay days good, and the good days great. It’s still an ongoing process. I’m starting to learn about self love and self compassion. I even bought a workbook so I can finally start to treat myself better
this stuff is not intuitive for some of us.
I don’t know what happened with you and your ex. I’m sorry it led you down the path of calling psychics. You are in good company though. I hope you find peace, healing, and happiness. I hope we all do.