You make some good points, but as you know most people don't want to put in the work like doing their own research by going through an entire thread to find an answer so they post a question like it's the first thing we've been asked, but I can assure the answer is somewhere in that long ass thread. Everything that most people ask, has been asked and answered multiple times already. Many of the reader's sites that are here can be picked up via google.
Also, the internet is one of the worst places a person can go if they are feeling vulnerable which may cause them to spiral, especially a psychic forum. I would think such vulnerability seeks out lighter fare. I wouldn't necessarily say this forum sustains people's addictions, since there are threads for those who want to stop because one does have to go through it in order to come out on the other side. I believe that about this forum wholeheartedly.
As a therapist do you sometimes come to this forum to cope? If so how does it help?