Dawn picks up strongly on what you want to happen in your life. She told me for several years that an ex would call me soon, and he would! In fact, started calling regularly. However, he never did divorce his wife. We live in separate states, therefore I am NOT carrying on an affair with him. He tells me how much he regrets his decision, yet he doesn't leave her. So Dawn knows that I would love to be with him and she tells me he wants to be with him, but now she is sayings he just doesn't have the backbone to do it.
On the other hand, here is an example of what she gets right; in 2012 there was a condo that I wanted to purchase, however, the previous owner had committed suicide so I was very wary of making an offer. Dawn said, "you have nothing to worry about, her spirit has moved on". She told me I was going to love the place and would have a real sense of home and one of the neighbors would become a great friend. I bought the place.....Dawn was 100% correct in her prediction.
Hope this helps.