I am in a devastating situation where the breakup was so out of the blue, and we had an apartment together, we were engaged, life was fab.
It's been 6 months.
I have this gut feeling he'll be back before the end of the year, some readers agree. I am not waiting for him because I'm too good for that and so are you <3
Put yourself first and focus on what you can do to make yourself happy, which may seem impossible right now but in the long run it will be worth it. Start casually dating, because for me knowing other people value me when my ex doesn't put me at ease. Do I want a relationship? Not now. But I enjoy dating and seeing what's out there.
I wrote letters to my ex in a little journal I had, I wrote every time I was upset or angry, every time I felt good about myself, everything things worked out. The most important thing is to let yourself feel hurt, and deal with the emotions, don't hide them. I feel for you my love but at the end of the day, as much as it doesn't seem like it now, you'll be on top of the world and your ex will have more regrets than you. PM if you ever want to rant or just bitch about him <3
You are enough. A thousand times enough <3