Okay, Peyton just had a major hit.
I had two readings with her. The first was a general one, and the second one was a week later but I asked to focus more on relationship. She didn't remember me the second time I called, and I didn't give her any information (except my name) for either reading.
In both, she mentioned a new opportunity at work - something like a raise or promotion 'that comes into your path, and is right around the corner'. I dismissed this pretty quickly, as during the whole time I've been there, there hasn't been any scope for promotion and I had to negotiate the fuck out of my last pay rise. On top of that, there were a bunch of layoffs due to covid, and I also work in TV (a dying medium).
Anyway, today I had a meeting with my boss. They're hiring me an assistant, changing my title and giving me a raise?! Like what the....?!
I didn't expect anything at all, let alone it happening so fast