Author Topic: Has anyone tried her  (Read 29602 times)

Offline oben

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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2012, 09:04:21 PM »
I started towards the end of July. I did not read with samadi yet so I was not sure if I should. I read with almost over hundred psychics in his short period of time (crazy is not it ). The reason I kept calling different people was because they would all be off on some questions which I would ask to see how accurate they are as I knew the answers. Ok I jknow that no psychic is 100% accurate. But if oneis telling me that I am happily seeing and talking to someone that I have no news off for the past 4 months, then regardless of how accurate they are on the rest of their reading, I would not buy what they say :). So end of July when I called everything was by end of August to early September, then mid August when I was calling everything was anytime from now tip mid September and now everything is to mid October :)

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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2012, 02:58:16 AM »
So I read with samadi today "finally". And ... Not very impressed unfortunately as some people would say they were. She was ok, I liked her though she was fun to talk to and had an interesting way of reading. Besides that, I think she just told me what I told her myself. And was wrong on two questions that I asked her (I already knew the answers, usually ask these two questions to test them. But have to say almost all of the psychics I talked to could not get them right, then a friend told me that universe has its own ways of tricking us if we try to trick others...I do not know)

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2012, 03:01:27 AM »
I believe they call that Karma!


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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2012, 11:09:40 AM »
I'm really curious the more I read this forum. and so I'll pose this question again.  I know that people consult readers for many reasons, but with respect to relationships, I suspect that a lot are along the lines of wondering if a person is "coming back".  If that is the reason for the call, then what do you all consider is the psychic's "prediction"?  In my mind, the prediction is a favourable "outcome" to the question, and in the case of a person coming back that would be that the individual does indeed come back.  Proposed contact dates or timing of specific events that lead up to a favourable outcome in my mind ared't predictions, necessarily, they are simply steps towards the desired outcome.

When I read that members have consulted psychics and they report that "predictions did not come to pass", are you saying that the "outcome' that the psychic suggested would occur did not occur? Or, are you saying that the timing of certain events that might happen along the way did not occur?

I ask because in my mind timing is difficult to get exact for any psychic.  So, if events have been forecast, and the dates come and go without anything occuring, doesn't mean that the "outcome" predicted by the psychic will not occur.  I just want to see if any other members have difficulty understanding how to properly interpret member's reports, like I do.

And also, if members have consulted mulitple psychics, are you all generally getting the same "outcome" predicted by all of those readings.  In other words, if it is related to "will a specific person be back in my life", are all the psychics giving you a "yes" prediction or not?

So I read with samadi today "finally". And ... Not very impressed unfortunately as some people would say they were. She was ok, I liked her though she was fun to talk to and had an interesting way of reading. Besides that, I think she just told me what I told her myself. And was wrong on two questions that I asked her (I already knew the answers, usually ask these two questions to test them. But have to say almost all of the psychics I talked to could not get them right, then a friend told me that universe has its own ways of tricking us if we try to trick others...I do not know)

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2012, 11:22:27 AM »
If you read the forum, even back to the beginning, you will find that the majority of predictions are that a person will come back. You will find the reasons they are not together are similar (as posted yesterday - confused, embarrassed, financial reasons).

Even contact is a prediction as it is necessary for the final outcome. You can run into each other at the store and say hi, but will that trigger anything? That's what most are looking for so when a psychic says "he will contact you in 2 weeks, things will stagnate for 4-6 weeks then by November you will be strong together again", to me that's 3 predictions.


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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2012, 11:37:55 AM »
I understand, but given that timing is particularly difficult for any psychic to get exact, in my mind the real "prediction" is the favourable "outcome".  Now if it just happens that a time for an event, such as contact, does occur within a timeframe given, then I can see how members could report that a prediction has come to pass, but if that contact did not occur within a timeframe give, do you also believe it is accurate to report that a "prediction" did not come to pass?  After all, many psychics can't give exact times for events, and expecially when so many things can impact timing of events.

Let me put it this way, for me, the outcome of a particular situation is what I focus on. The psychic reports that "someone will be back in my life" .  To know if there might be times of contact between now and then is helpful to me, but the end result is what I am concerned with.  If I have been given a favourable report for outcome, and certain contact dates that were given have passed with no result, should I be considering that the psychic's prediction of a favourable outcome is then not accurate or flawed?

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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2012, 02:33:11 PM »
This brings us back to: when do you just say it hasn't happened. If a psychic says a person will be back in your life by October 2012, at what point do you say ok they were wrong? November 2012? October 2013? Beyond?

If a psychic is NOT good with timing then they shouldn't be giving dates, just outcomes. Dave on CP rarely will give timing as he doesn't believe in it - to me that's being honest.

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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2012, 02:38:32 PM »
When people say here, "prediction didn't happen." more often than not its the outcome. Read back to the beginning of the board. Almost none of those people post anymore. They were all told someone would come back and that someone didn't. Some gave up on having their ex back, some found new relationships and some even found out their exes got married. So it's two fold, the "lesser" predictions of contact usually never happened and the "major" prediction of reconciliation almost certainly didn't.

I will say a lot of people it seems in the inception of this board were hardcore CP fans. I mean no disrespect when I say this so I hope no one takes offense, but anyone reading with CP, unless someone has accurately predicted future events for you...don't read there. They are just a bunch of fakes and possibly empaths. Yes people want to know how someone feels, but a good clairvoyant can tell you that AND future predictions. It breaks my heart to see how much that site has cause pain to people here. I mean that is their business model, to spit out the same excuses sunandmoon talked about and feed people false hope, making them wait, while the other person moves on. I know it's an oxymoron of sorts to speak of a "real" psychic, but at least on keen there are a few.

It's hard. Reading with psychics can't be taken from a quantitative approach. Of course everyone will tell you so and so is coming back. And it's usually the two or 3 that tell someone the opposite who is right. But we discount them and conveniently forget them. You really have to take it from a qualitative standpoint. Did you have to give info/could you ask a test question that they got correctly/could they give an accurate short term prediction, etc.

Sorry, got on a tangent, but overall...about 95% here did not have a final outcome happen as they were told. Usually the opposite. That isn't a timing issue, that is being flat out wrong. To me, outcome is more important that smaller contact predictions. BUT if there is no contact or anything, it's hard to swallow that this person will magically swoop back in.

It's pretty much a crapshoot. Just find one or two honest readers, try them for a bit, see if they have short term stuff that pans out and stick to them.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2012, 02:43:21 PM by SomethingBetter »


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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2012, 02:58:17 PM »
Well that's exactly what I am getting at.  If a pyshich sees that the outcome will be a positive one, and gives a fair estimate on when that might or might not occur, but also estimates that there could be contact initiated at some point along the way.  If that contact does not occur, yet the outcome is still some way off, and the psychic still sees the outcome as being favourable - then is the fact that the psychic sees a favourable outcome a failed prediction? Just because some interim events did not come to pass?
This brings us back to: when do you just say it hasn't happened. If a psychic says a person will be back in your life by October 2012, at what point do you say ok they were wrong? November 2012? October 2013? Beyond?

If a psychic is NOT good with timing then they shouldn't be giving dates, just outcomes. Dave on CP rarely will give timing as he doesn't believe in it - to me that's being honest.


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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2012, 03:07:43 PM »
Did you have to give info/could you ask a test question that they got correctly/could they give an accurate short term prediction, etc.

What sort of test question do people use to measure the psychic's accuracy?

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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2012, 03:15:19 PM »
Something I know the answer to. Will I travel this summer, is X married, things like that.


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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2012, 04:26:19 PM »
@ Something Better:

I couldn't have said it better myself!

Honestly, I've come up with my own plan that seems to work well for me and is giving me less anxiety than holding on to readings for hope.

I recently posted in the dilema post about me making my own predictions haha...and how if my ex does NOT make effort by the middle of this month, then I'm going to pull back being his friend.

Mind you - it's not a friends with benefits situation just strictly platonic friends.

Well, a couple hours after that post, he contacted me, then contacted me again the next day. Before that - it was 4 days earlier. This has honestly been the most contact I've received from him for a couple months soooo it's good.

Still holding my ground though and taking control of my life - I think you'll find yourself feeling better than relying on readings. I dunno - I understand it's a process though for everyone.

In re: to predictions - I will say that Kisha has been right on. She said that communication will build this month and that when he comes back, he will want to take things more slowly this time around.

Venus @ CP has been right too - said the same as Kisha. That he wants to take things step by step

He's doing good and yes it seems that the predictions are happening, but I am still taking control of the situation - for me.

I told myself that he CANNOT stay doing what he is doing - even though it is effort.

If he doesn't move forward with progression, I will pull back.

This feels better than getting a reading to find out what he is going to do or is doing because it's not about that - It's about what am i going to do with what I'm seeing to make the best decision for me.


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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2012, 05:05:41 PM »
Ok, these are good questions...but how do you ask if X is married without it seeming like you are tricking the psychic?  Or is it a case of calling to ask "what will happen between X and me?  And then you ask, "is X married or single"?

Something I know the answer to. Will I travel this summer, is X married, things like that.


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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #28 on: September 06, 2012, 07:19:46 PM »
@o, call cp and get a credit. I did that multiple times, even when I used more than one credit in a month. Ask to talk to a supervisor and complain, especially how you have spent so much money etc and don't want guesswork. since you will have a credit, I recommend reading with summer. her timing may be off, but she doesn't guess and feed fairyales.

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Re: Has anyone tried her
« Reply #29 on: September 07, 2012, 01:13:28 AM »
@truelove, thanks for the advice, honestly I thought about that myself as well because I really felt that I gave too much info at the beginning and was given the same exact thing back. It was kind of my own fault. But then this was exactly what other people told me(and not all of them were psychics lol). So I really do not know if I needed to talk to a psychic to begin with, I think this was just a very pricy lesson for me;)