Author Topic: Reading a fake person  (Read 3668 times)

Offline Supermeggs12

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Reading a fake person
« on: March 01, 2024, 05:19:16 PM »
There is a certain psychic on a certain site I wanted to test. This psychic had predicted something and was smug/judgmental about it. So, I made up some details about a guy who doesn’t exist. I wanted to see if they could tell I was faking. But this psychic read as if this person was real - told me that I would reconnect with them soon. It’s interesting they couldn’t pick up that this person wasn’t real.

Offline jackY

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2024, 03:46:20 AM »
So you want to pay money for playing games? Sorry, but get over yourself. Did you give them a minute to connect? Look, if you believe that there might be people that have a gift, don't play games. Give real questions and then judge.

There is a certain psychic on a certain site I wanted to test. This psychic had predicted something and was smug/judgmental about it. So, I made up some details about a guy who doesn’t exist. I wanted to see if they could tell I was faking. But this psychic read as if this person was real - told me that I would reconnect with them soon. It’s interesting they couldn’t pick up that this person wasn’t real.

Offline Supermeggs12

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2024, 04:39:07 AM »
So you want to pay money for playing games? Sorry, but get over yourself. Did you give them a minute to connect? Look, if you believe that there might be people that have a gift, don't play games. Give real questions and then judge.

There is a certain psychic on a certain site I wanted to test. This psychic had predicted something and was smug/judgmental about it. So, I made up some details about a guy who doesn’t exist. I wanted to see if they could tell I was faking. But this psychic read as if this person was real - told me that I would reconnect with them soon. It’s interesting they couldn’t pick up that this person wasn’t real.

Idk if you read my post, but I had been going to this psychic for awhile. This was not a random psychic that I had no history of seeing. This psychic’s prediction on a real situation I asked them about had came out wrong and when I asked them about it, they started being aggressive and blaming the prediction not happening on me/lying about what they had predicted. They basically gaslit me. I definitely believe that psychics are real. If I didn’t believe in them, I wouldn’t be on this site or even bothering to speak with psychics at all. The only reason why I tested them like that was because I wanted to see if they could actually read, plus they were being rude.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2024, 04:48:35 AM by Supermeggs12 »

Offline Kate

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2024, 09:55:40 AM »
So you want to pay money for playing games? Sorry, but get over yourself. Did you give them a minute to connect? Look, if you believe that there might be people that have a gift, don't play games. Give real questions and then judge.

There is a certain psychic on a certain site I wanted to test. This psychic had predicted something and was smug/judgmental about it. So, I made up some details about a guy who doesn’t exist. I wanted to see if they could tell I was faking. But this psychic read as if this person was real - told me that I would reconnect with them soon. It’s interesting they couldn’t pick up that this person wasn’t real.

Agree. You have to be very careful with energy. Don't create bad karma. If you have an issue with a psychic and don't trust their readings, go to someone else. They'll do their best to read you even if you give them false information. Not all psychics are so powerful to be able to discern what is real or not. Always clean your own energy inbetween readings. Fall back on prayer always, and never take what a psychic says as engraved in stone. Treat them with respect.. I think it's a bad game to play TBH (I understand the motivation - but feel it's a lose lose situation..) 

Offline Dnj1984

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2024, 12:32:48 PM »
This makes no sense. Why play games? (And then pay for it?) Classic case of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” smh
Spirit knows when you are faking.. thus giving you the responses you got. It’s not up to the reader to decipher if you are faking or not. They provide answers based on the info you give them.

Offline Supermeggs12

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2024, 04:27:11 PM »
This makes no sense. Why play games? (And then pay for it?) Classic case of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” smh
Spirit knows when you are faking.. thus giving you the responses you got. It’s not up to the reader to decipher if you are faking or not. They provide answers based on the info you give them.

What you’re saying doesn’t actually make logical sense…? What..? Spirit knew that I was faking when I actually gave the psychic real information and they got that prediction wrong? I’d been going to see this psychic for awhile. When their prediction about something real that happened in my life came out wrong, they were aggressive and judgemental… that was the only reason why I asked them a fake question. Personally, I don’t blame predictions not happening on psychics because I know people have free will, but I was offended that this psychic went off on me for asking a simple question about their predictions.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2024, 04:30:59 PM by Supermeggs12 »

Offline Dnj1984

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2024, 02:01:14 AM »
I’m saying this… you PAID someone to see if they were fake. What does that give you? The ability to give them a bad review… to complain on here? What does that do for you… your time, your energy and most importantly your money?

If you thought they were fake, go to another reader. Lol

Offline Mina

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2024, 03:29:13 PM »
I’m sorry these were not the answer you were expecting…
If you learned something from this maybe it’s not a waste?

There’s a few ppl who posted before who did do this, maybe to help kick their relationship to that psychic to curb, but I don’t think this helped them. And I don’t think you’ll be the last to make up person. …AND to be fair I’ll even tests the psychics with questions like “is so and so working like they said would or with these ppl or family?” As if trying to catch fault… and most times it is wrong too.

Is it spirit? (Spirit has to tell the truth right?)
Why not demons? (Demons sure love it when we twist. And for some time I was thinking there is no way that answer was my spirit guide, because my guide would find a gentle way to tell me. Not make me feel twisted afterwards and depressed. Where do psychics get information?)
Or just imagination? (Maybe there is nothing. Just a psychic getting paid by minute by the quarters to their parent company who hustles the rest)

But I would argue what this steal most of all is your peace of mind, and fills pride in vices. Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result (… or the scientific double blind method? Just teasing) but i would say none this is logical to begin with but more emotional pride.

Offline Onyx

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2024, 07:01:08 PM »
I get why you did it. I'm surprised at the backlash you got on here though. There's so many fake psychics, I'm glad when they get exposed. But, you didn't even mention their name. Such an odd response from people

Offline mliva34

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2024, 09:05:47 PM »
I understand both sides.

For you, you did this for an emotional satisfaction maybe to let the reader know that you're aware of their action.
I also get the backlash because to those it's a waste of money and energy.

I'm not going to attack you lol - you have to do what's best for you and this is what people on here doesn't understand..

I don't get reading as much and when I do.. i use it as a guide.. because one, every psychic will have their good days or bad and you will never know if they will accurately predict what you're asking about until it happens... so you're pretty much gambling your money. I think pushing that in my mind that every psychic will hit or miss any predictions and will mix energies and not just with people but also jobs, made it easier not to get readings.

Offline Dnj1984

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2024, 04:52:39 PM »
I get why you did it. I'm surprised at the backlash you got on here though. There's so many fake psychics, I'm glad when they get exposed. But, you didn't even mention their name. Such an odd response from people

Eh.. not backlash. Mostly questioning why you’d waste your time? Spend your money with someone you’ve had results with. Most of all.. you wasted something you can never get back.. TIME. lol
I don’t care who the advisor is.

Offline shannynlin

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2024, 08:49:56 PM »
(late response)

I'd done something similar to this when I was a kid actually! It wasn't malicious or to "test" the psychic. I was just bored and had some extra money from working an ice cream shop lol.

The psychic told me that this person was "curious", with "a lot of innocent energy", like they were looking at me and wondering "what's going to happen next?" The person I was asking about was a toddler and I thought it was really cute!

I can understand why people test psychics though; it's one away to process events or emotions. I can also understand the criticism of "why mess with spirit?" From a practical standpoint, rather than giving negative attention to a spiteful situation, we can always turn to better prospects and be more constructive with where our time/money goes!

Offline applecheeks

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2024, 07:35:07 PM »

   This is.... ridiculous. Lying to readers to test them creates a lose-lose situation. If you do this to a reader who works through a platform, they are not in a position where they can tell a client that they are lying ("customer is always right"). They have to worry about getting in trouble with the company, and also with getting negative ratings. You basically just trap them up against a wall. If they call you out on lying to them, they will get in trouble in some form. If they move forward and play-along with what you provide to them (which really, they have to do), they then get called fake, and bad ratings for not telling the person they were lying to them. So, you basically just waste money, damage someone, and prove nothing.

Offline jackY

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2024, 07:41:05 PM »
Totally agree.

   This is.... ridiculous. Lying to readers to test them creates a lose-lose situation. If you do this to a reader who works through a platform, they are not in a position where they can tell a client that they are lying ("customer is always right"). They have to worry about getting in trouble with the company, and also with getting negative ratings. You basically just trap them up against a wall. If they call you out on lying to them, they will get in trouble in some form. If they move forward and play-along with what you provide to them (which really, they have to do), they then get called fake, and bad ratings for not telling the person they were lying to them. So, you basically just waste money, damage someone, and prove nothing.

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Reading a fake person
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2024, 08:12:12 PM »
There is a certain psychic on a certain site I wanted to test. This psychic had predicted something and was smug/judgmental about it. So, I made up some details about a guy who doesn’t exist. I wanted to see if they could tell I was faking. But this psychic read as if this person was real - told me that I would reconnect with them soon. It’s interesting they couldn’t pick up that this person wasn’t real.

This is just absolutely crazy.  The energy you put out is what comes back to you. This includes readings, so if you put out lies the universal assumes you want lies in return and will give you what you asked for.  If a psychic doesn't work for you move on. no need to ruin someones reputation based on childish games. Each reader has different strengths and abilities, they are in the energy field of trusting what you say is truthful and read based on that faith.  Just like serial readers, if you keep asking the same question 10 times in a few days, the universe assumes this is what you want to hear. Some beliefs also feel that if you don't come with an honest spirit and are disrespectful then ancestors , guides, etc reciprocate the same energy and can effect other readings.

You really don't seem to understand how psychic abilities work. Look spirit knows you're being foolish so they'll indulge with your foolishness back. 

Some psychics are fake, yes. we all know this. Sometimes they get it wrong, either they misunderstood the message they were given, youre not meant to know the answer, so you're given the information you need. (especially if it's part of your life lesson).  And then you waste your money, potenially ruin someones reputation, and then piss off spirit and your other readings may bring the same energy back for being so disrespectful.