Author Topic: Help me find this psychic please  (Read 4437 times)

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Help me find this psychic please
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2023, 11:06:19 PM »
I remember aboutagirl from YEARS back. She has a gift, but I got tired of her take forever to type up her answers on bitwine.
Yeah, I was going to mention her too when I saw that name come around again. She was not that accurate imo and even when I returned and asked about the delay she basically gave the same song/dance as the first reading. Nothing ever transpired from her.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Help me find this psychic please
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2023, 11:12:34 PM »
Its complex...I have my mild favorites, but I no longer recommend anyone. I think its best to post objective experiences and let others try and decide. You can search my profile for those Ive reviewed.
Bstalling is one of the most open individuals on the planet and almost all readers work for her. Some with better hits and such but she is very lucky.

Hey Hornet!

Offline Adrianna99

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Re: Help me find this psychic please
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2023, 08:42:29 PM »
I remember aboutagirl from YEARS back. She has a gift, but I got tired of her take forever to type up her answers on bitwine.
Yeah, I was going to mention her too when I saw that name come around again. She was not that accurate imo and even when I returned and asked about the delay she basically gave the same song/dance as the first reading. Nothing ever transpired from her.

My experience with Abby was: asked her about contact with a POI I was no longer in contact with because my ex had gotten in between us. She told me she saw contact in August or September. The thing is I did see him in both August and September but it was because we casually ran into each other, so I went back to her to tell her about it and she said ¨I hope that´s not the contact that I saw¨, and yeah that was the contact basically, not what I expected but yea, then I asked her to look if there will be any more contact and she told me she would love to tell me what I want to hear but she does not see any contact in the near future, and that I will have to wait a very long time for the POI to show any interest, and I asked her what did she mean by very long time and she said at least a year will pass, and that I may see him randomly again...and she was right, a year has passed and no contact, saw him randomly once after the reading but never again after yeah, fairly accurate I would say. She also described him accurately, but that was stuff I already knew about him..

Offline Adrianna99

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Re: Help me find this psychic please
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2023, 08:55:40 PM »
By the way, has anyone had any strange experiences after they started talking to psychics?
Last year after I started talking to all these energy readers I started becoming very spiritual myself (even bought tarot cards) and I started having dreams that would later pan out...For example, the POI I mentioned above had also blocked me on Facebook. Well a few months ago I had a dream in which he approached me and extended his arm towards me. When I woke up I checked facebook but I was still blocked. The thing is, the dreams manifest after 3 days aprox..3 days after I checked and he had unblocked me...he hasn't contact me tho, I don't know why he even bothered to unblock me...
My dog also got sick, pyometra, and a few days before getting sick I had a dream that she got pregnant and had lots of pups and in my dream I was very upset because I didn't spay her... a few days after we were at the vet and they had to spay her because of the pyometra.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2023, 08:57:43 PM by Adrianna99 »

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Help me find this psychic please
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2023, 09:27:55 PM »
Absolutely, I think that's very common. I kind of think this stuff is like a little bit of a calling. When you think back to what got you into psychics or how you started believing that these things were possible, you realize that there are some pretty remarkable stories out there and realize what's possible. Also it's like anything in life, the more you practice, the better you get. You've opened yourself up to it so as Rumi said, "what you seek is seeking you." I've backed way off from these things and suddenly my vivid dreams have stopped and I've felt a lot more rooted in reality and the practical side of life. (Which is a first for me) - LOL)! It's just a phase I'm in at this point and doesn't at all mean I don't still believe in this stuff but I've noticed that when I'm not seeking it, those crazy serendipitous things don't occur. I think anyone who becomes really interested in these things has some gift themselves or it wouldn't be so fascinating. I've had some CRAZY things happen in my life that are in no way a coincidence and I'm not about to open a shop up and start taking clients but it's pretty cool when it happens to you. I'd suggest keeping a journal of these things because it's really fun to look back and see how you can make the best predictions for your own life.

Offline Mina

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Re: Help me find this psychic please
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2023, 05:50:57 PM »
By the way, has anyone had any strange experiences after they started talking to psychics?
Last year after I started talking to all these energy readers I started becoming very spiritual myself (even bought tarot cards) and I started having dreams that would later pan out...For example, the POI I mentioned above had also blocked me on Facebook. Well a few months ago I had a dream in which he approached me and extended his arm towards me. When I woke up I checked facebook but I was still blocked. The thing is, the dreams manifest after 3 days aprox..3 days after I checked and he had unblocked me...he hasn't contact me tho, I don't know why he even bothered to unblock me...
My dog also got sick, pyometra, and a few days before getting sick I had a dream that she got pregnant and had lots of pups and in my dream I was very upset because I didn't spay her... a few days after we were at the vet and they had to spay her because of the pyometra.

Oooh to me, this means you have WAY more power than you think

You would do really well with manifesting but it’s weird…
It’s how you approach manifesting. Many of those groups get frustrated because they want per verbatim the particulars of control, and some just focus too much on everything being movement, they lose sight and just think everything is sign they end just manifesting more signs instead of results

From what you typed and my perspective (so it is very very very biased) this guy can lock onto you very easily. It may seem like “telepathy” but you’re aligned to your surrounding more than you think, especially when your dreams sync up like this, it may see like future predicting, but for me, this  just confirming the alignment you’re in.

You can choose to think of this as psychic gifts but as far my spiritually goes… I realized I don’t like focusing on tarot cards, even though I did try, and at one point I was also highly addicted to it too. Its even now when I pick up a deck of tarot cards my body screams “nope, stop seeking the answers outside of you” (that’s definitely a manifesting thing that’s been brainwashed for me: stop seeking answers outside of you)

Have you heard of the technique “inner conversations”… it will be wonky but your POI will pick on the sensation. It won’t be word for word but the sensation will be there.

Inner conversations was coined by Neville Goddard. He is hard to understand if you didn’t grow up with Bible background.
Katie formerly from “create your future” is very good at explaining this, she has her own YT channel now. You can do a general search on YouTube for this topic, if you want more insights I could give suggestions… for me my favorite is an “inner conversations” approach

Offline Adrianna99

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Re: Help me find this psychic please
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2023, 10:04:30 PM »
By the way, has anyone had any strange experiences after they started talking to psychics?
Last year after I started talking to all these energy readers I started becoming very spiritual myself (even bought tarot cards) and I started having dreams that would later pan out...For example, the POI I mentioned above had also blocked me on Facebook. Well a few months ago I had a dream in which he approached me and extended his arm towards me. When I woke up I checked facebook but I was still blocked. The thing is, the dreams manifest after 3 days aprox..3 days after I checked and he had unblocked me...he hasn't contact me tho, I don't know why he even bothered to unblock me...
My dog also got sick, pyometra, and a few days before getting sick I had a dream that she got pregnant and had lots of pups and in my dream I was very upset because I didn't spay her... a few days after we were at the vet and they had to spay her because of the pyometra.

Oooh to me, this means you have WAY more power than you think

You would do really well with manifesting but it’s weird…
It’s how you approach manifesting. Many of those groups get frustrated because they want per verbatim the particulars of control, and some just focus too much on everything being movement, they lose sight and just think everything is sign they end just manifesting more signs instead of results

From what you typed and my perspective (so it is very very very biased) this guy can lock onto you very easily. It may seem like “telepathy” but you’re aligned to your surrounding more than you think, especially when your dreams sync up like this, it may see like future predicting, but for me, this  just confirming the alignment you’re in.

You can choose to think of this as psychic gifts but as far my spiritually goes… I realized I don’t like focusing on tarot cards, even though I did try, and at one point I was also highly addicted to it too. Its even now when I pick up a deck of tarot cards my body screams “nope, stop seeking the answers outside of you” (that’s definitely a manifesting thing that’s been brainwashed for me: stop seeking answers outside of you)

Have you heard of the technique “inner conversations”… it will be wonky but your POI will pick on the sensation. It won’t be word for word but the sensation will be there.

Inner conversations was coined by Neville Goddard. He is hard to understand if you didn’t grow up with Bible background.
Katie formerly from “create your future” is very good at explaining this, she has her own YT channel now. You can do a general search on YouTube for this topic, if you want more insights I could give suggestions… for me my favorite is an “inner conversations” approach

Oh, the inner conversations thing sounds really interesting. I´m gonna look it up and maybe try to get into manifesting again. The thing is, during this spirituality phase or whatever we should call it, I was doing the Silva Method by Jose Silva, I think his teachings are similar to Neville's. I've always wanted to get into Neville but never had the time. At the same time I was addicted to the tarot cards as well, just like u say, I would shuffle them like 20 times a day, insane I know.

The thing is, I'm not sure I quite understood what you said about my POI locking on me easily, but back in the days when I bumped into him I used to get these shivers on my spine before seeing him and I already knew something was gonna happen, and the shivers feel like when you feel cold but the shiver lasts for like 20 minutes and you re inside and it's warm, and it's an insane tingling that makes me twitch and makes my body curl. After I stopped bumping into him, I stopped getting them...I also got them when I shuffled the cards, and that was my signal to stop shuffling and lay out the cards. Before buying my tarot deck I also had a dream of me holding tarot cards and photos of me as a baby mixed between the cards and me telling myself that it's ok to use the cards because I am a good person and the cards are not evil. I think I had this dream because I told a family member about my experiences and he was like maybe you should get a deck and we were like debating if it was safe bcs another family member would tell us these scary stories about tarot being evil and the Bible and stuff. So yea, after that dream I went and bought a deck.

I realized I've always been interested in this stuff, when I was like 14, the newspapers in my country used to come with collections of books or other collectibles to motivate people to buy them and once they released a collection of different decks of tarot cards every week and I remember I felt really drawn to them and I bought the Angels tarot one and I would play with them, but my mom thought they were bad and I would hide from her when I used them, and eventually I think she threw them away. And when I was 18 I remember seeing psychics on tv in those late night shows where you would call to get a reading and I remember I called once LOL, that was my first time. 10 years after that I started contacting psychics more seriously lol...

I also realized that my NEED to know the future comes from my need for control...I'm a bit of a control freak, and changes and not knowing freak me out, not being in control freaks me out. But I think I figured out when this control problem started and realizing when and why it started has really helped me live more in the moment without needing to know what will happen tomorrow.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2023, 10:09:36 PM by Adrianna99 »

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Help me find this psychic please
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2023, 11:52:37 PM »
Its complex...I have my mild favorites, but I no longer recommend anyone. I think its best to post objective experiences and let others try and decide. You can search my profile for those Ive reviewed.
Bstalling is one of the most open individuals on the planet and almost all readers work for her. Some with better hits and such but she is very lucky.

Hey Hornet!

Hey B, how ya doing??

Offline Mina

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Re: Help me find this psychic please
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2023, 01:05:15 AM »
By the way, has anyone had any strange experiences after they started talking to psychics?
Last year after I started talking to all these energy readers I started becoming very spiritual myself (even bought tarot cards) and I started having dreams that would later pan out...For example, the POI I mentioned above had also blocked me on Facebook. Well a few months ago I had a dream in which he approached me and extended his arm towards me. When I woke up I checked facebook but I was still blocked. The thing is, the dreams manifest after 3 days aprox..3 days after I checked and he had unblocked me...he hasn't contact me tho, I don't know why he even bothered to unblock me...
My dog also got sick, pyometra, and a few days before getting sick I had a dream that she got pregnant and had lots of pups and in my dream I was very upset because I didn't spay her... a few days after we were at the vet and they had to spay her because of the pyometra.

Oooh to me, this means you have WAY more power than you think

You would do really well with manifesting but it’s weird…
It’s how you approach manifesting. Many of those groups get frustrated because they want per verbatim the particulars of control, and some just focus too much on everything being movement, they lose sight and just think everything is sign they end just manifesting more signs instead of results

From what you typed and my perspective (so it is very very very biased) this guy can lock onto you very easily. It may seem like “telepathy” but you’re aligned to your surrounding more than you think, especially when your dreams sync up like this, it may see like future predicting, but for me, this  just confirming the alignment you’re in.

You can choose to think of this as psychic gifts but as far my spiritually goes… I realized I don’t like focusing on tarot cards, even though I did try, and at one point I was also highly addicted to it too. Its even now when I pick up a deck of tarot cards my body screams “nope, stop seeking the answers outside of you” (that’s definitely a manifesting thing that’s been brainwashed for me: stop seeking answers outside of you)

Have you heard of the technique “inner conversations”… it will be wonky but your POI will pick on the sensation. It won’t be word for word but the sensation will be there.

Inner conversations was coined by Neville Goddard. He is hard to understand if you didn’t grow up with Bible background.
Katie formerly from “create your future” is very good at explaining this, she has her own YT channel now. You can do a general search on YouTube for this topic, if you want more insights I could give suggestions… for me my favorite is an “inner conversations” approach

Oh, the inner conversations thing sounds really interesting. I´m gonna look it up and maybe try to get into manifesting again. The thing is, during this spirituality phase or whatever we should call it, I was doing the Silva Method by Jose Silva, I think his teachings are similar to Neville's. I've always wanted to get into Neville but never had the time. At the same time I was addicted to the tarot cards as well, just like u say, I would shuffle them like 20 times a day, insane I know.

The thing is, I'm not sure I quite understood what you said about my POI locking on me easily, but back in the days when I bumped into him I used to get these shivers on my spine before seeing him and I already knew something was gonna happen, and the shivers feel like when you feel cold but the shiver lasts for like 20 minutes and you re inside and it's warm, and it's an insane tingling that makes me twitch and makes my body curl. After I stopped bumping into him, I stopped getting them...I also got them when I shuffled the cards, and that was my signal to stop shuffling and lay out the cards. Before buying my tarot deck I also had a dream of me holding tarot cards and photos of me as a baby mixed between the cards and me telling myself that it's ok to use the cards because I am a good person and the cards are not evil. I think I had this dream because I told a family member about my experiences and he was like maybe you should get a deck and we were like debating if it was safe bcs another family member would tell us these scary stories about tarot being evil and the Bible and stuff. So yea, after that dream I went and bought a deck.

I realized I've always been interested in this stuff, when I was like 14, the newspapers in my country used to come with collections of books or other collectibles to motivate people to buy them and once they released a collection of different decks of tarot cards every week and I remember I felt really drawn to them and I bought the Angels tarot one and I would play with them, but my mom thought they were bad and I would hide from her when I used them, and eventually I think she threw them away. And when I was 18 I remember seeing psychics on tv in those late night shows where you would call to get a reading and I remember I called once LOL, that was my first time. 10 years after that I started contacting psychics more seriously lol...

I also realized that my NEED to know the future comes from my need for control...I'm a bit of a control freak, and changes and not knowing freak me out, not being in control freaks me out. But I think I figured out when this control problem started and realizing when and why it started has really helped me live more in the moment without needing to know what will happen tomorrow.

Here try this approach. Also life isn’t about being in control, I agree it’s hang up for me too in certain ways, but uncertainty IS PART of the human experience, the more you try to control the less control you do have in your life. I know it’s paradox. But think about this not having control is the best part of an organism 😉

Offline Adrianna99

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Re: Help me find this psychic please
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2024, 05:01:39 PM »
Hey everyoneee...just a quick update, this just happened, the reunion with my POI, just happened last night. He contacted me saying he wanted to see me again, so we met and shared just like Riley said. Abby also predicted this, said he would regret his actions and contact me again, but as far as a relationship goes he is too immature. And indeed he is. Now I am waiting on a final prediction made by Abby about my other POI. The one I care about the most. Will update if it happens.
So far everything has been correct and I was honestly in awe when he contacted me. I haven't heard from him since September when we broke up. It took 5 months for predicitions to happen tho.
A fun fact, Abby also saw that I would meet a tall guy with long hair, possibly italian. A few weeks later I matched with a tall guy with long hair from Italy on a dating app lol i haven't met him in person but we chat.

Glad I could be of service haha! I used to have the same problem too, but now I just contact the ones that actually predicted stuff that happened. My other got to is Abby>, she's very realistic and does not sugarcoat although it's through chat and you don't get as many details.
So, the thing is, Riley clearly has a gift in my opinion, the problem tho is that this is obviously not an exact science and sometimes you have to interpret things yourself, let me explain my experience:
 - First time I called Riley the first thing she mentioned was she saw me scrunching a piece of paper. Funny things is I don't really work with paper or anything, but I had made a list of bad habits I wanted to quit. I didn't give much thought about what she said until the next day, I got mad because I realized I wasn't able to do what I wrote on that list so I scrunched it and threw it in the trash lol and when I did it was like "Aha!"
- She told me my poi would come knocking on my door. That was a bit odd because I would usually go to his house to hang out, but a week or so later he said I can come to your house if you want, and I was like no it's ok I can come to yours, and we went like back and forth about who was going to go to who's house, but the funny thing is I already knew the conversation was going to end in him coming to my house cuz she told me he would knock on my door. And eventually he said: no it's ok, I'll come to your house.  So I felt kinda cool in the moment cuz I already knew the decision.
- I told her my POI was going to a wedding and she told me it was going to be more than a wedding it was going to be a guys weekend also. And indeed he told me after the wedding that he was going to spend the weekend with the other guys from the wedding and sent me pic after.
- She told me she saw my poi stepping up for me cuz he saw him polishing his shoes. And here's the thing, she interpreted that as him stepping up for me, but what actually happened is that he went to a second wedding recently and I saw the pics, he had the most polished black shoes you can think of. The thing is when she mentioned I see him polishing his shoes I actually thought about the possibility of it being for a wedding (he really likes to go to weddings lol) but since he wore sneakers at the previous wedding I was like nah, he would probably not wear polished shoes anyways, but I was actually right, the shoes part was for a wedding and not him stepping up. We are in no contact now so I didn't know about him going to the wedding.
- Last time I spoke to Riley me and my poi were still talking to each other, but she said> "there will be a reunion, and you two will share". That sounded odd to me because the word reunion implies two people being apart and getting together again. But we were together when she said that phrase....well, a week or so later we broke now the word reunion and sharing all the changes that have happened to me in these months we've been apart does make sense. This is the prediction I am waiting for now, the reunion.

So my conclusion after all this is that, yes, these people have a gift, but as Riley herself told me, "we don't always get all the variables". It's not an exact science, unfortunately. So they get pieces of the puzzle and they try to put them together for you, but they don't have the puzzle box, you're the one holding the puzzle box, your life, and you have the biggest amount of information about your life so you can use the pieces they give you to form the puzzle. Instead of taking away the conclusion they give you, which, if you're calling a kind and nice person, well their interpretation will most likely be positive, take the pieces and try to put together the puzzle.

Anyways, I really like Riley, wish I could do therapy with her too, because boyyyy do I need it.

