Author Topic: For those fellow readers who read. Looking for advice  (Read 7465 times)

Offline Wildheart81

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For those fellow readers who read. Looking for advice
« on: June 08, 2021, 02:47:20 AM »
Back in 2016 I came out on Facebook and revealed my abilities. I decided to create my own Facebook page to do readings etc. I do live mini readings for free but donations are accepted. I go live and people can post under the comments their name to be considered for a free mini reading. My issue is when I do live free mini readings on my page I get allot of the same people and in some cases they post their name and or the same questions over and over. It gets very annoying. I don’t expect money from the free readings but at the same time some are posting virtually every single time I go live and never pay a cent despite the numerous times I read them. If it is busy I ignore those people but when quiet I will read for them so I’m not sitting there doing nothing. I could block them but I worry that won’t look good. I would like to increase traffic and also find a way to deal with the ones who take advantage.

Offline starempress

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Re: For those fellow readers who read. Looking for advice
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2021, 01:27:55 AM »
hate to say this but never admit having the gift.. unless you charge and you charge what you feel you deserve, people will suck your energy dry and expect the world from you :(

Offline YellowLove

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Re: For those fellow readers who read. Looking for advice
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2021, 01:36:03 AM »
Definitely start charging, you have to protect your boundaries!


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Re: For those fellow readers who read. Looking for advice
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2021, 03:35:47 AM »
Back in 2016 I came out on Facebook and revealed my abilities. I decided to create my own Facebook page to do readings etc. I do live mini readings for free but donations are accepted. I go live and people can post under the comments their name to be considered for a free mini reading. My issue is when I do live free mini readings on my page I get allot of the same people and in some cases they post their name and or the same questions over and over. It gets very annoying. I don’t expect money from the free readings but at the same time some are posting virtually every single time I go live and never pay a cent despite the numerous times I read them. If it is busy I ignore those people but when quiet I will read for them so I’m not sitting there doing nothing. I could block them but I worry that won’t look good. I would like to increase traffic and also find a way to deal with the ones who take advantage.

each person only have one chance. u cannot do it all the time for everyone. most people who seek psychic help have a bit of addiction and they will ask same questions again and again; impossible to offer free to all without limit.

Offline aquagirl

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Re: For those fellow readers who read. Looking for advice
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2021, 04:54:18 AM »
This is the problem with free readings, people take advantage and will do this exact thing.  What my suggestion is to make it one free reading per person per month, and say this is to make it fair for others to be able to get an idea about your talents. In between talk to people ask them questions about their day, or talk about a spiritual topic.  Have them ask you questions about said topic.  Hope that helps a bit.

Offline njlady

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Re: For those fellow readers who read. Looking for advice
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2021, 02:28:47 AM »
It's a business like any other.

Advertising free readings will only get you people who want something for free, usually addicts or a when is he going to contact me situation.  It's one thing to do a free reading for someone who really needs some guidance and can't afford your price and quite another to get the same people asking the same thing like a broken record. Don't cater to those people because like someone else mentioned, they will suck you dry. They aren't interested in personal or spiritual growth and won't ever invest a dollar on trying so why should you invest your time and effort on them?

In my office, we don't do free because that would be all we would be doing all day long.  If someone has a quick factual question, ok, it doesn't hurt to answer but chances are it's going to get more involved with a bunch of details and no one is going to spend time on that. Answer the question but if they need to go into details make an appointment and have them pay for it.  Free doesn't pay the bills.  Our education, experience, licensing, rent, insurance and on and on is not or was not free.

Sometimes someone with a compelling situation will either show up at the door or call and yes, one of us will help them out of compassion, special interest or just a gut feeling that it's the right thing to do.  Be more discerning in who you choose to spend your time on.  They aren't owed a free reading just because they showed up.  A friend of mine, a well respected reader, used to read for free every day on PalTalk.  This was a looong time ago. People would take up hours of her time per week and never send a small "donation"'.  None of these people would do shit to help her if she needed it but they had no compunctions about monopolizing her time.   

You can always start talking and do an on the spot mini read on a comment, not a question. 

There is an expensive reader I have been to on Long Island who is the real deal.  Every once in a while he does a FB Live and will pick a couple of people to read for free.  Private is $550 to $700 and he is worth it.  He gets people on FB live who can't afford him but need him and people who are thinking about spending the money to go see him but are on the fence along with people who go around to every reader they can find begging for readings.  Who do you think the people he chooses to read for are?  They aren't the beggars.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: For those fellow readers who read. Looking for advice
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2021, 01:40:33 PM »
Ive been a paid reader for years, they ALWAYS ask the same questions. This is a way for them to deal with anxiety around those topics. Don't be offended, just try your best. If you dont like it, step out now, because this is the life of a reader. Hundreds of dollars maybe even thousands for the same question.

Offline Wildheart81

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Re: For those fellow readers who read. Looking for advice
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2021, 12:39:52 AM »
Thanks for the advice.

I actually do charge for readings but several local psychics do free 1hour or so live readings as a way I guess to give back and promote themselves.  I decided to the same.

What I find happens on my lives is people who have gotten readings from me many times over the course of 6 months - a year continuously post their name. Then I get some new people who post a question and then repeat the question over and over during my lives. I have had to ban some people because a friendly reminder didn't stop them from doing it and or messaging me over and over when I am offline.

It's a fine line because you want to help but you also don't want to be taken advantage of people who will get free readings over and over and never pay you anything.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: For those fellow readers who read. Looking for advice
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2021, 03:26:00 AM »
Ive been a paid reader for years, they ALWAYS ask the same questions. This is a way for them to deal with anxiety around those topics. Don't be offended, just try your best. If you dont like it, step out now, because this is the life of a reader. Hundreds of dollars maybe even thousands for the same question.

I loved what you said. For 3 years, I got hundreds of readings (almost every night) and asked exactly the same question because it was my only concern, and I was desperate. Many readers blocked me and interestingly, no body could get it right but at that time it was a pain killer, just temporarily made me calm. Now, when I look back, I see I couldn't survive if I wouldn't get those readings.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: For those fellow readers who read. Looking for advice
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2021, 06:45:49 PM »
Ive been a paid reader for years, they ALWAYS ask the same questions. This is a way for them to deal with anxiety around those topics. Don't be offended, just try your best. If you dont like it, step out now, because this is the life of a reader. Hundreds of dollars maybe even thousands for the same question.

I loved what you said. For 3 years, I got hundreds of readings (almost every night) and asked exactly the same question because it was my only concern, and I was desperate. Many readers blocked me and interestingly, no body could get it right but at that time it was a pain killer, just temporarily made me calm. Now, when I look back, I see I couldn't survive if I wouldn't get those readings.

Exactly, it acts as a temporary anti anxiety, sometimes anti depressant, sometimes it does trigger more anxiety but that's only in an already anxious person. This is a way for people to cope. Most of my clients do not have close family or "besties" to confide in. They are looking for someone to address the same subjects, it's a form of hope or dopamine when they dont have therapy or access to meds. That's what readers need to understand. It can literally help someone survive extreme depression by giving them hope. I have not yet heard of a psychic readee binging then taking their life, but MANY will be seeking answers when they come to us in a way to self soothe depression. I think if you're the type to seek answers, it's a sign you are looking for hope, not quite ready to end it. But may be close. So its important to treat them with care.

For free readings, I just tell the commenters I will answer their question next time, because I had answered them before and am prioritizing others.

