Author Topic: Ari  (Read 51023 times)

Offline Mayra92

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Re: Ari
« Reply #135 on: March 12, 2024, 02:24:13 AM »
By the way, my review on Ari : had a reading with her a year ago or so and she was completely wrong.

I wanted to get in touch with my ex after many months appart and she told me he would not be happy to hear from me, that we would not talk so much, almost random or zero , that he was dating a woman etc....

A month later, the contrary happened, we reconnected, he was so so so happy ,was more than single and we talked for days and weeks and months lol. she gave me a refund though and seemed kind.

But this concept of refunding so we cant leave review is not so good for customers. That's why so many psychics on there got zero bad review.

