Author Topic: Abundant Visions/Gaylene  (Read 236295 times)

Offline Arigirl

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #840 on: February 25, 2020, 04:03:06 AM »
So I hung ended up hanging out with a handful of my exes friends over the weekend because we share some mutual good friends.  Found out gaylene was pretty off unfortunately

Was she off for present or future predictions?

Offline Ash1234567

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #841 on: February 25, 2020, 05:15:22 AM »
Yeah she was way too positive for my situation, it all seemed too good to be true!


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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #842 on: February 25, 2020, 05:26:26 PM »
Ugh that stinks.  I felt like after I read with her that I had possibly fed her a lot of info.

Aaron what did the friends confirm for you?

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #843 on: February 25, 2020, 11:00:35 PM »
So I hung ended up hanging out with a handful of my exes friends over the weekend because we share some mutual good friends.  Found out gaylene was pretty off unfortunately

Was she off for present or future predictions?

First time I read with her about the situation back in December, she was bang on what had happened leading up to the breakup. Picked up on some really really specific things . I was super impressed by that. Wrong on everything afterwards.   Every subsequent I’ve had with her on the topic was incorrect.

Offline Arigirl

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #844 on: March 05, 2020, 04:43:24 PM »
Has she been correct for anyone recently?

Offline LetItBe123

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #845 on: March 05, 2020, 05:26:34 PM »
Had a reading with her a month ago and she accurately predicted a career opportunity in 4 weeks (I got an interview), a setback in 5 (poi and I had a huge fight and stopped talking) and then when I called to follow up about the fight with poi and she gave me an accurate contact prediction. I also believe she really picks up poi’s feelings and intentions. I find her very accurate.

Offline Catlover86

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #846 on: March 05, 2020, 05:52:36 PM »
She was right for me in regards to a fight I was going to have with POI, even knew what the fight was going to be about. His feelings I can’t confirm, and i feel she will be correct on career predictions as well.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #847 on: March 05, 2020, 06:06:41 PM »
I used to talk to Gaylene all the time years ago. She was always a favorite of mine. Her accuracy rate for things I called about back then were about 95%. She became damn near impossible to reach over the last 7 years though. Her lines are so long and sometimes she didn't come on for days at a time so the line would just grow. As far as scheduling an appointment, she rarely responds to those. Better off just waiting in her line for a few weeks. I don't bother calling her anymore because of the wait of weeks on end and, I prefer readings from clairvoyants and empaths vs tarot readers.

Offline LetItBe123

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #848 on: March 05, 2020, 07:11:19 PM »
Perhaps I’m just catching her at the right times but I have found it pretty easy to get ahold of her. She emails out her availability throughout the week so I just go off of that and book appointments. I alternate between chat and phone readings but I can usually reach her within a few days of wanting to speak to her

Offline Arigirl

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #849 on: March 05, 2020, 08:19:00 PM »
So I hung ended up hanging out with a handful of my exes friends over the weekend because we share some mutual good friends.  Found out gaylene was pretty off unfortunately

Feeling she was wrong for me too. Sucks.

@catlover86 Was the outcome wrong or right here?


Offline Catlover86

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #850 on: March 05, 2020, 09:00:08 PM »
So I hung ended up hanging out with a handful of my exes friends over the weekend because we share some mutual good friends.  Found out gaylene was pretty off unfortunately

Feeling she was wrong for me too. Sucks.

@catlover86 Was the outcome wrong or right here?


For POI she predicted a relationship in feb
That was incorrect

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #851 on: March 06, 2020, 12:53:59 AM »
She told me a few things that so far have not happened in the last 2 readings. So I think this is it for me and Gaylene

Offline KotaSwan

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #852 on: March 25, 2020, 08:17:56 PM »
Here you go :

I haven't read with her in a while but she did get some things right for me and some didn't :(

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #853 on: March 31, 2020, 08:18:22 PM »
I have read with her 3 times none of her predictions have happened. Infact the exact opposite keeps happening

Offline KotaSwan

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #854 on: March 31, 2020, 09:01:31 PM »
ahh! sorry Kd. I did think for the longest time that she is good at being an empath though. I can't confirm any of the predictions although a couple of dates did happen for me but they weren't that substantial.

does anyone think she is good on what the other person feeling or what is going on now than her predictions or its a 50/50 for most of you?