I got this app yesterday after reading about it here. Wow, I'm a little freaked. Hours of next to nothing after it warmed up (one warning to watch for a package, which I am expecting today), it all of a sudden burst into activity with a message on a subject I'd been asking about in my head all afternoon. These words were not stated fast like speaking but close enough.
App: "Thou step well blind." A few minutes later: "Prove complete mirror. Guard wall lift." While those last two sentences were coming in, the radar screen was lit up with a huge green dot that showed a capital E in the middle briefly(?), and two other smaller green dots to the side.
Me: Thank you.
App: Anywhere. Easier.
A few minutes.
App: David.
Me: Is that your name?
About four minutes later:
App: Yes.
As I said, I'm a bit freaked. I know exactly what the message means and it's very direct and very helpful, actually.