With Judi it is important to see if she is channeling the heart or ego too. But you are totally right - a lot of people don't act on their feelings.
However - every situation is unique. I think in all things POI or ex-lover related, the circumstances need to be considered when calling any psychic. People are in crazy toxic relationships, but the ex could still love and care for them but they may not act on it because they know it just wont work, so to be fair, in this case, the channeling could be 100 percent correct. It is just a matter of the person acting on their feelings - but in a toxic situation the universe is doing you a favor of them not coming back into your life, even if there is love still there. In other cases where there is nothing toxic or harmful between an ex or a POI, I feel it is more likely for them to act on their feelings if the impact you had on them/they had on you was nothing but positive and life simply got in the way.
Judi is a channeler - so if she's channeling feelings she is simply telling you how they feel. I wouldn't really look deeper than that with her reads. BUT, if your situation is one that seems likely for reconciliation (which most people know intuitively with our without psychics) I think her read can be useful in maybe giving you peace of mind.