The Psychic Reviews

Relationship Psychology Discussions => The Vent => Topic started by: Furah2fun on October 27, 2012, 07:19:01 PM

Title: Contact predictions
Post by: Furah2fun on October 27, 2012, 07:19:01 PM
Hi everyone, has anyone had a successful contact prediction from a psychic when one had not been in contact with someone for quite sometime? I am asking regardless of final outcome or type of contact. Or if not, how far off in timing was the psychic?
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: elcaliente on October 27, 2012, 10:07:54 PM
I looked through my notes and found the following advisors that predicted Contact in October.  By the time contact was made in October, it had been 6 months since I had seen or heard from my ex.

Reading date      Advisor               Network     

June                      MelanieSimms      BitWine         
July                       Ellen Hartwell       Keen             
July                       Trish Helm           PPN             
July                       Kisha/Aries Int      Keen
July                       Margaret              BitWine
July                       Sansanvi              Liveperson
August                   Abundant Visions  Keen
August                   Soul Navigation    Keen
August                   Jane Wilcox          Keen
August                   Northstar Julie
August                   Lady Fontaine       Keen
August                   Mizz Peg               Contact Psychics
September             Veuska                 Keen
September             Michele Caporale   PPN
September             Lady Ashley15      Keen
September             Princess Petie       Keen
September             Raven                  Contact
September             Vallentina Rose     PPN
September             OValley                Keen
September             Allynis                 Keen
September             Jacqueline            California Psychics
September             Wizardmask         Keen

Hi everyone, has anyone had a successful contact prediction from a psychic when one had not been in contact with someone for quite sometime? I am asking regardless of final outcome or type of contact. Or if not, how far off in timing was the psychic?
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: oben on October 27, 2012, 10:46:32 PM
That is great smee2, I have to say I am jealous, lol. None of the contact predictions I got came to pass, not even one...
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: elcaliente on October 27, 2012, 11:18:15 PM
That's sad.  Are you reading with the same advisors?
That is great smee2, I have to say I am jealous, lol. None of the contact predictions I got came to pass, not even one...
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: oben on October 28, 2012, 01:06:45 AM
I am not reading that often anymore, had a crazy reading phase and read with almost over 150 of them, 15-20% maybe saw no contact and no reconciliation and told me I should move on. Rest of them all talked about contact, first it was mid August then went on as time went on, and now almost October is over and nothing.
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Furah2fun on October 28, 2012, 01:55:31 AM
Thanks for the responses. I am always curious to see how far off the timing predictions really are. @O, I  hate when they keep saying..august, sept, october, nov...etc. Its so annoying. It would be better if they  just said they can't do timing, rather than speculating!
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: oben on October 28, 2012, 02:45:16 AM
Absolutely, I wish they would just be honest and say I do not do time. I do not know, I have been given so many hopes regarding the contact time, like he is calling in 4 days and I would be so excited and even lose sleep :) and of course frustration at the end :)
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Luckystar on October 28, 2012, 04:28:15 PM
hey truelove,

I haven't had many readings through keen where i asked about contact, but i had a few on CP that were correct. I read with so many of them in the past but I only read with Eden off CP now as i feel she is the only one worth that amount per minute. She accurately predicted quite a few things among telling me that i would hear from my "sm" during a trip this june. It happened on the trip. Also, i know there are plenty of mixed reviews on Kelli, but she literally told me i would hear from my guy around september 25th in 2010 and it happened the night of the 25th (she predicted that at least a few weeks in advance, maybe a month). I thought she was feeding me BS in her readings but she seems to also have gotten the big picture as far as how things would be turning out in my situation.
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Furah2fun on October 28, 2012, 10:07:23 PM
Hi Luckystar! Thanks for your insight, I have only read  on CP so that is helpful. I agree re kelli, when i read with her in 2011, she was blabbering about all this bs, but later turns out she was completely correct. She's an interesting one, she predicted one year out what street my ex would be working on in a major city. It wasn't july that I remembered her prediction from a year ago.

 So she's been right in the big picture for you?
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Luckystar on October 29, 2012, 09:03:15 PM
I agree re kelli, when i read with her in 2011, she was blabbering about all this bs, but later turns out she was completely correct. She's an interesting one, she predicted one year out what street my ex would be working on in a major city. It wasn't july that I remembered her prediction from a year ago.

 So she's been right in the big picture for you?

In the height of my psychic addiction back in 2010, i had a reading with her for about 40 minutes (at this time she was only like $4 a minute). After the call i thought she was mixing some BS into the reading for two reasons.
1) she went into my "past lives" and told me i was prosecuted and punished for all these crimes and things i did to help people and got punished for them (who can confirm these things??...)
2) she said my guy was immediately attracted to me and knew i was the one so he ran in fear (so in my mind i was like "OK maybe fairytale"), but then went on to say that by the time he was 25 (that would be 2 years out from that point), he would be ready to be serious with me. In short, we have been talking and are supposed to be meeting this week because he wants to apologize for the past (I could not be happier about this)....and now he is 25.
Anyway, i don't have my notes in front of me but she described him..... and also told me that i would start dating him and then i would meet another important guy who is older, and this would be while we were dating and then said i would have to make a choice between the two. Only later did i believe her as it looks like she got the picture right so far and also told me that i would have a boy and a girl (she said i have "2 children of destiny").... most of these things are in line with my two local psychics who both said i would have 2 children and a choice as well.......

I guess only time will tell :)
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Furah2fun on October 30, 2012, 03:50:30 AM
WOW! Luckystar, that's amazing. Glad you are meeting this week and getting an apology!! I will be excited to hear what happens. Good Luck!
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Luckystar on October 30, 2012, 03:58:16 AM
Thanks truelove...who else have you had luck with on CP?
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Furah2fun on October 30, 2012, 04:36:22 AM
Truth be told, some predictions are still pending. However, given the current situation (or lack thereof!!) can't really see how would manifest. Having said that, several CPS were right with me from 2010-june 2012.
Summer, William, Genessa, and Alison (oddly none of them fed me a fairytale). Even paige and winter..although they were way too fairytale like..I miss reading with Summer a lot!!!
  I thought Kinsey and Anauel were quite good, but I won't know until end of this year if they are accurate.
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: oben on October 30, 2012, 05:01:03 AM
@Truelove: reading your post, I wondered what did summer tell me when I read with her, so I went through my notes, she at first told me that we are SMs and even we have been together during our past lives! We belong to each other and we will be together, the when I told her there was a significant distance geographically between us, she immediately said well you are not suppose to be life long partners, someone new is coming to your life till the new year!!! I wish I had a good reading with her too the way you had :)
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Furah2fun on October 30, 2012, 05:09:09 AM
@O, that sounds odd, so she said you will be meeting someone new. hmm. I had countless readings with her, so we established a rapport. Just another example of how people connect differently with psychics!
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Luckystar on October 30, 2012, 08:26:51 PM
Summer, William, Genessa, and Alison (oddly none of them fed me a fairytale). Even paige and winter..although they were way too fairytale like 

I only read with Gennessa, Alison, and Winter. Winter is a total fairytale reader.....i mean it's really bad. Gennessa is a great empath, not too sure about predictions. Alison was just okay for me, and her predictions were wrong. All in all i wish i could have just saved all my money for 2-3 readers on that entire site.
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: elcaliente on October 30, 2012, 10:09:07 PM
When you say that some of the readers on CP's predictions were wrong, are you referring to the final outcome or just interim contact predictions? 
hey truelove,

I haven't had many readings through keen where i asked about contact, but i had a few on CP that were correct. I read with so many of them in the past but I only read with Eden off CP now as i feel she is the only one worth that amount per minute. She accurately predicted quite a few things among telling me that i would hear from my "sm" during a trip this june. It happened on the trip. Also, i know there are plenty of mixed reviews on Kelli, but she literally told me i would hear from my guy around september 25th in 2010 and it happened the night of the 25th (she predicted that at least a few weeks in advance, maybe a month). I thought she was feeding me BS in her readings but she seems to also have gotten the big picture as far as how things would be turning out in my situation.
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: oben on October 30, 2012, 11:28:17 PM
Both winter and genessa fed me fairy tale, William gave me a semi fairy tale as well. The first two had time lines for late August early September. But William has a prediction for November which I am 100% sure will not happen lol
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Luckystar on October 31, 2012, 12:27:56 AM
When you say that some of the readers on CP's predictions were wrong, are you referring to the final outcome or just interim contact predictions?

Well first of all, i think i should say that MOST of the things that MOST of them told me on CP were wrong. I only mentioned Kelli because i thought it was worth noting that she stuck out to me since she actually told me around an exact date when someone would contact me and he did (and it wasn't "2", or "within a week", it was "around sept.25th"....but this was still when she was $4 a minute and i would not call her back for what they are charging for her now...she tends to ramble on. Eden is the other psychic on there who has gotten the timing of things right, however in addition to this she has also been very accurate in her remote viewing and predictions for me.
All in all, I really can't say if any one of them was right about the "final outcome" since i am not yet married or even engaged...and i won't know how many children i will have for a while so i can't confirm the children.

What is interesting though regarding the "final outcome" i have been given, is that the person psychics have seen me with in the end differs between some of them. On one hand some people see me ending up with the guy from my past, and then a few other psychics have seen me choosing someone " a few years older, about 6ft, with dark hair and blue eyes".

Obviously i don't know what will happen but at this point i just want to be with the person who is best for me and who i am also the best for. A few years ago this just wasn't the case... i was a complete mess. I would love to talk to cookie sometime to see if she could also describe my "future husband" but jeez i think i need a better paying job if i am going to have a good chat with her lol
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: elcaliente on October 31, 2012, 01:00:08 AM
Thanks for the clarification.  So, essentially, if I understand your post correctly, there are some readers that have predicted that you will be reunited with someone from your past, and others that have predicted that you will end up with someone new.  Of those that predicted you would reunite, there have been various dates given as to when you would have contact, and I presume thost dates have passed?  In my assessment of a psychic, I tend to consider interim contact less important than final outcome.  Timing is difficult to predict for a large number of psychics. Most will even admit that, at least of those that I have read with, anyway.  As a result, I take timing with a grain of salt unless I am speaking with someone that has garnered a good reputation for timing accuracy.  In my opinion, Kisha seems to be well-regarded for timing accuracy.

I was told, by Kisha, by the way, that in personal relationships, timing is even more difficult to predict than with career situations etc.  Her rationale is that a person that might "know what he wants to do, but might not take action right away for one reason or another.  Perhaps he wants to be sure; perhaps he has some emotional issue to address beforehand, or perhaps it is a case of a person fighting the feelings in his heart"  Ultimately, the heart wins the battle and hence the final outcome manifest...but in terms of when that occurs, well, the prediction could be off a little.   
When you say that some of the readers on CP's predictions were wrong, are you referring to the final outcome or just interim contact predictions?

Well first of all, i think i should say that MOST of the things that MOST of them told me on CP were wrong. I only mentioned Kelli because i thought it was worth noting that she stuck out to me since she actually told me around an exact date when someone would contact me and he did (and it wasn't "2", or "within a week", it was "around sept.25th"....but this was still when she was $4 a minute and i would not call her back for what they are charging for her now...she tends to ramble on. Eden is the other psychic on there who has gotten the timing of things right, however in addition to this she has also been very accurate in her remote viewing and predictions for me.
All in all, I really can't say if any one of them was right about the "final outcome" since i am not yet married or even engaged...and i won't know how many children i will have for a while so i can't confirm the children.

What is interesting though regarding the "final outcome" i have been given, is that the person psychics have seen me with in the end differs between some of them. On one hand some people see me ending up with the guy from my past, and then a few other psychics have seen me choosing someone " a few years older, about 6ft, with dark hair and blue eyes".

Obviously i don't know what will happen but at this point i just want to be with the person who is best for me and who i am also the best for. A few years ago this just wasn't the case... i was a complete mess. I would love to talk to cookie sometime to see if she could also describe my "future husband" but jeez i think i need a better paying job if i am going to have a good chat with her lol
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: tjoy12 on October 31, 2012, 01:56:12 AM
If that were really the case, there would be more happy stories on this forum.

Just sayin...
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Luckystar on October 31, 2012, 02:33:03 AM
So, essentially, if I understand your post correctly, there are some readers that have predicted that you will be reunited with someone from your past, and others that have predicted that you will end up with someone new. most of us here.

Of those that predicted you would reunite, there have been various dates given as to when you would have contact, and I presume thost dates have passed?

This is a tricky question, because i only really had to ask about contact in 2009-2010 when i was the one falling apart and constantly trying to get him to talk to me (while he ran off with someone else). After i reunited with a different guy (someone i briefly dated in college), it only took him a few months for him to contact me. So essentially, it has been sort of like a see-saw relationship. Most of those CP people told me dates that came and went and only a few saw contact correctly. Now i ask about the bigger picture. Kisha is one of the psychics who sees me wanting to be with this older man instead. I was very impressed with my initial reading with her because she basically reviewed my past with me without me asking questions.

Tjoy, what did you mean, "if that were the case" ......which part of whose reply were you referring to?
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: elcaliente on October 31, 2012, 02:38:51 AM
That's interesting.  So most of the people on this forum have received opposing outcomes?  I, for one, have not. My outcome predictions from the readers I've read with are all the same. How many of the rest of you have received outcomes that offer different outcomes like that?
So, essentially, if I understand your post correctly, there are some readers that have predicted that you will be reunited with someone from your past, and others that have predicted that you will end up with someone new. most of us here.

Of those that predicted you would reunite, there have been various dates given as to when you would have contact, and I presume thost dates have passed?

This is a tricky question, because i only really had to ask about contact in 2009-2010 when i was the one falling apart and constantly trying to get him to talk to me (while he ran off with someone else). After i reunited with a different guy (someone i briefly dated in college), it only took him a few months for him to contact me. So essentially, it has been sort of like a see-saw relationship. Most of those CP people told me dates that came and went and only a few saw contact correctly. Now i ask about the bigger picture. Kisha is one of the psychics who sees me wanting to be with this older man instead. I was very impressed with my initial reading with her because she basically reviewed my past with me without me asking questions.

Tjoy, what did you mean, "if that were the case" ......which part of whose reply were you referring to?

I don't think it really matters if you ask or simply receive contact timing, the fact of the matter is that contact timing is still not that important.  It is the end result that counts. So if I understand correctly, you have moved on to another man now, even though your ex is in the wings?  Do I have it right?
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: oben on October 31, 2012, 02:42:33 AM
I have to say that envious of people who had a very good connection itch kisha, to me she did not say much, it was more a general reading, gave me some numbers, and the first reading said not only he did not care about me and what he did, but he even thought that he was right at what he did! Then on the other reading she said he is regretting what he did. And that he will contact me but it will not be good, and very random, I asked her what did that mean and she was like he wants to contact so he will intentionally contact u but for a very random thing and will not give you anything. And this is impossible. Also the time frame she gave already passed with no connection.
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: oben on October 31, 2012, 02:44:29 AM
@smee2, I received opposing outcomes not only from different psychics but even from the same psychic at different readings. Actually I had even psychics who changed their story while talking to me based on what I told them ;)
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Luckystar on October 31, 2012, 02:50:26 AM
Oh....maybe not most of us, but yes i think some people on here have been told by a reader "yes he is coming back" and then with another reader "no he is not i see you with someone else"

Maybe we should take a poll on this....interesting. I am guessing it is alot less confusing if you always have the same outcome being given to you  :)

I agree that the outcome is most important...who cares if we get contact if it is just going to end up in more turmoil and confusion or end up falling apart ???

and omg speaking of confusion....
So if I understand correctly, you have moved on to another man now, even though your ex is in the wings?  Do I have it right? 

no lol, this was during the time my sm was "so happy" with another girl....once i got into a relationship with my boyfriend from college (this was a different ex, not the sm)...THEN he got the feeling that i wasn't his anymore....and starting contacting me. It actually turned into a mess for a bit after that but here we are 4 years later after first connecting and i am supposed to be meeting him this week. To clarify further, this "new" guy that some of the psychics are seeing, is someone i have not met yet. Hope that helps? :)
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Furah2fun on October 31, 2012, 03:38:27 AM
This is turning out to be quite an interesting discussion. I for one have always gotten the same outcome. To be honest, it is annoying! Why can't they see this dark haired, well built, 6"2 male for me?? haha.

  Luckystar, your story proves another point. When you start dating someone else, they always come back!!!

   4 years later!! WOW! So interesting how everything is playing out for you. I am excited for your meeting this week.
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: allbitenobark on October 31, 2012, 07:51:41 AM
@truelove - Haha, agreed, great thread!

@smee - Since we are taking a "poll" of sorts...I have gotten varying outcomes but mostly varying time frames, tbh. Pretty much all but maybe 3 or 4 of the 100+ readings I've gotten see that my ex and I have unfinished business at the very least. Most of my trusted readers have seen the "outcome" or at least the first part of my outcome happening in winter. A few others see it happening further out. The interesting thing is that I have always been told that by the readers that I trust since winter (Jan/Feb) of this year or none of the typical 2-3 month push out of time frames that many cold readers do.

@Luckystar - I have to agree that many of us have been told reconciliation or someone new, right? The only thing with that is that I could tell you that. So could your neighbor, your boss, and the check out girl at the grocery store, haha!!! I think that's where I get most frustrated with some readers. I posted something about this in this sub forum under the thread "Really? Ya Think!" LOL! I'll list a few that I truly feel have not blown smoke up my a**: Sapphire21, Cookie, Northstar Julie, LadyP, Kisha, Source Power, Gaylene, Queen Of Cups 18, Denise (Angelic Tarot on Etsy), and Rachel ( I am not saying they are 100% accurate (all predictions are still pending) but all of them have accurately described things in one way or another they could not have known and they have all been honest, ethical, and realistic. None of the ones listed have ever mentioned another man coming in to my life.
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: elcaliente on October 31, 2012, 12:39:46 PM
That's what I am saying, really.  When we post about predictions not coming to pass, we all should really be careful to describe what type of prediction didn't materialize.  Is it the final outcome that didn't occur, or is it some interim contact or event that didn't happen, yet the final outcome is still some time out.  After all, this forum is to rate psychics' accuracy and there are newcomers that are reading what we report to determine which reader might be best for them.   If, in fact, a prediction that is reported as not having materialized is simply related to a contact time line that didn't happen, that doesn't necessarily indicate that the outcome will not occur - just perhaps at a later time than was expected.  I think it it important to note that.

@truelove - Haha, agreed, great thread!

@smee - Since we are taking a "poll" of sorts...I have gotten varying outcomes but mostly varying time frames, tbh. Pretty much all but maybe 3 or 4 of the 100+ readings I've gotten see that my ex and I have unfinished business at the very least. Most of my trusted readers have seen the "outcome" or at least the first part of my outcome happening in winter. A few others see it happening further out. The interesting thing is that I have always been told that by the readers that I trust since winter (Jan/Feb) of this year or none of the typical 2-3 month push out of time frames that many cold readers do.

@Luckystar - I have to agree that many of us have been told reconciliation or someone new, right? The only thing with that is that I could tell you that. So could your neighbor, your boss, and the check out girl at the grocery store, haha!!! I think that's where I get most frustrated with some readers. I posted something about this in this sub forum under the thread "Really? Ya Think!" LOL! I'll list a few that I truly feel have not blown smoke up my a**: Sapphire21, Cookie, Northstar Julie, LadyP, Kisha, Source Power, Gaylene, Queen Of Cups 18, Denise (Angelic Tarot on Etsy), and Rachel ( I am not saying they are 100% accurate (all predictions are still pending) but all of them have accurately described things in one way or another they could not have known and they have all been honest, ethical, and realistic. None of the ones listed have ever mentioned another man coming in to my life.
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Luckystar on October 31, 2012, 02:41:04 PM
@Luckystar - I have to agree that many of us have been told reconciliation or someone new, right? The only thing with that is that I could tell you that.

Well, i am not sure if i am understanding that statement correctly, but not one psychic gave me both. I am saying some psychics predicted marriage with the first, and others predicted marriage with a new one.

From all my readings that i have had, it sounds like i will be dating the guy from my past when this new one comes into the picture. I will have to wait to see who is accurate in the next 6 months from here on out.

i know i have asked you this before, and i am sorry if you already posted and i missed it but, can you recall ANY psychics that were accurate for you? Whether or not they said the guy was returning?
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: elcaliente on October 31, 2012, 02:51:27 PM
I can understand how frustrating it could be to get outcomes that are all over the board like that.  I wouldn't know what to feel I could believe.  Much strength to you. I has to be difficult waiting to see what occurs.
@smee2, I received opposing outcomes not only from different psychics but even from the same psychic at different readings.

Same here. New man, old man, he's with someone else, there's no one else but you, past lives, future lives. I've heard it all.
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: allbitenobark on October 31, 2012, 08:32:00 PM
@Luckystar - I have to agree that many of us have been told reconciliation or someone new, right? The only thing with that is that I could tell you that.

Well, i am not sure if i am understanding that statement correctly, but not one psychic gave me both. I am saying some psychics predicted marriage with the first, and others predicted marriage with a new one.

From all my readings that i have had, it sounds like i will be dating the guy from my past when this new one comes into the picture. I will have to wait to see who is accurate in the next 6 months from here on out.

What I mean is that it's easy to tell someone that if their ex doesn't return then someone new will come along. That's just common sense and not very psychic to me. Not that this is your case because you stated that you've been told one or the other so that is different. I have had readings where I was told that my ex would return and if he didn't someone new was coming in, lol! I hope that's clearer now. Good luck with your situation and I hope it all manifests perfectly for you!! Fingers crossed, girl. :)
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: sunandmoon on October 31, 2012, 09:29:31 PM

i know i have asked you this before, and i am sorry if you already posted and i missed it but, can you recall ANY psychics that were accurate for you? Whether or not they said the guy was returning?

You have and it's dependent on my going back through my many notes.

But I can give you a quick summary from a psychic I had called the most. Keep in mind I have not called anyone for 13 months now. She admitted she was no good with timing BUT she said she had a great track record for two years, ie if she said in October 2005 there would be a reconciliation in December, it may be December 2007 (or 2005 or 2006, and no I had not been calling psychics for that long!)

She always saw my ex coming back. But in late 2010 or early 2011 she felt I would have a crush on someone by my birthday which is in March. That did happen and it seemed like he was interested in me as well. Fast forward to the end of August 2011 and we started dating. We are still together now.

She also saw me with someone who was good with money and who was the oldest son. That described my ex but it also describes my current bf.

When I thought I might be interested in perusing things with this new guy, I asked her about him specifically. She said he had a complicated personal life (he doesn't) and that he could be aggressive or have a temper (also doesn't have either. Again, we've been together for over a year now and he's the most laid back guy I've ever met, and I have become so calm and relaxed (for the most part, I still have my moments lol) because of that. 

So you can say she was right about the new guy... but still wrong about the ex because until I ceased calling she was still predicting he'd be back. But if we want to use her two year buffer what do we say? I started calling her in July 2010 - that's been over 2 years now. I stopped calling her July 2011. Does that give me till July 2013 to see if she's right about the ex? Not that I'll go back at this point!
Title: Re: Contact predictions
Post by: Furah2fun on November 01, 2012, 12:37:10 AM
Sunandmoon, that's great, that you are happy in a new relationship!!