The Psychic Reviews

Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: NewHealthyStart on August 29, 2012, 06:31:49 PM

Title: Soul Navigation
Post by: NewHealthyStart on August 29, 2012, 06:31:49 PM
Credit has to be given to her, she was right about what I'm going through today, she said she saw this change/problem that I'm having right now not too long ago when I called her.  I didn't see anyone posting on her so I figured I'd share.  However, the reason why I didn't call her back was because she seemed like she was trying to fluff herself up to me on the phone and it made me feel uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Truth on August 29, 2012, 09:16:40 PM
oh, i used her years ago. i must say, i think she is accurate too. when i used her i would call and ask about different guys i was into at the time. she would tell me, each and every one, how they wouldn't work out. i gave up on her because nobody was ever working out in her book and i felt like she was just overly negative. well, none of them ever did. so, she was pretty right about everyone.. maybe i should try her again..
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: skyline on April 07, 2013, 11:53:34 PM
Had a reading with her and thought it was quite incredible. She's obviously very talented and spiritually evolved. It was as if she knew personally the person I called about. She also broke the bad/not so good news gently and gave constructive advice.

She only made 1 prediction, but it was one of the readings where I was hanging on her every word and insight.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: jen80 on April 08, 2013, 07:16:18 AM
Read with her twice last year. First time I was in a very bad place but couldn't quite place what she was saying. It was quite general and could have pertained to anyone but at that time I didn't care but as I got to a better place I called her again and could see that she was way off, lots of guessing and every single prediction did not come to pass. Both readings were last year so maybe she got better but I wrote in my notebooks of crap that I would not read with her I will not but maybe its a connection thing with me.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: skyline on April 13, 2013, 10:38:13 PM
Have to say I'm still thinking about this reader/reading. It was if she peered into the person's soul and read the blueprint. I've had other readers see things about myself on this level, but never on this level for another person.

She only made 1 major prediction, so I will post if and when it transpires.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: jen80 on April 17, 2013, 07:46:03 AM
@presence Lol 'lazy psychic' well that's a first. So funny.

I hate it when they make see what her guesswork has done to her. Smh
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: skyline on June 12, 2013, 02:11:54 AM
Correctly picked up on a job outcome. Only other reader to do so was Storm Cestavani.

Turns out again the 2 outlier readers with a negative outcome were right.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: skyline on September 08, 2013, 04:06:44 AM
Was correct again about another job outcome. She specifically saw that they were offering the job to someone else. No one else picked this up.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Zee on September 16, 2013, 05:32:05 PM
The first assumption SN made (as most do) is that I'm in love with the guy and want him to leave his wife to be with me.

Wow, I have a friend the same way and because it's a male/female dynamic that's the first thing most readers chime in about: that I have feelings for him or vice versa. I never call about him.  They just pick up a recent male figure in my life who has been trying to contact me. When I ask if I know him previously, many start to describe him.

From my perspective I've never had any romantic feelings for him at all. We connected over a similar career and would talk about that at length and then we had a disagreement, fell out and I no longer want him to talk to him at all.  Even outside female acquaintances thought we were involved that way, although I don't know specifically what I said or how they interpreted our conversations; nor what made them think that.

It seems to be an automatic response anytime opposite sex's are involved because I'm sure relationships feel the same way to readers whether it's a relationship with a co-worker (work-relationship); sister/brother (sibling-relationship); mother/father (parent relationship), etc.

In general, anytime I bring up another man (which I have about school or work) that is the first place the reader jumps to - intimacy.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: hope4love on September 16, 2013, 11:34:06 PM
The first assumption SN made (as most do) is that I'm in love with the guy and want him to leave his wife to be with me.

Wow, I have a friend the same way and because it's a male/female dynamic that's the first thing most readers chime in about: that I have feelings for him or vice versa. I never call about him.  They just pick up a recent male figure in my life who has been trying to contact me. When I ask if I know him previously, many start to describe him.

From my perspective I've never had any romantic feelings for him at all. We connected over a similar career and would talk about that at length and then we had a disagreement, fell out and I no longer want him to talk to him at all.  Even outside female acquaintances thought we were involved that way, although I don't know specifically what I said or how they interpreted our conversations; nor what made them think that.

It seems to be an automatic response anytime opposite sex's are involved because I'm sure relationships feel the same way to readers whether it's a relationship with a co-worker (work-relationship); sister/brother (sibling-relationship); mother/father (parent relationship), etc.

In general, anytime I bring up another man (which I have about school or work) that is the first place the reader jumps to - intimacy.

I agree.  It seems that most readers automatically jump to conclusions about a situation based on the surface unless they're really able to gauge whether or not it's a mutual interest or other factors.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: chrys on September 17, 2014, 06:19:23 PM
I read with Soul Navigation yesterday and pretty much everything she said was totally on point.  I just had to give her names and DOB's she layed everything out for me and this is the second time she read for me and her last time frame was dead on.  Will have to wait a little bit to see if her next prediction will work out.

Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: cosmogirl76 on November 09, 2017, 09:22:48 PM
Well I read with her just now and nothing she said made sense really. I asked if she saw a reconnection with poi and she said it came abrubtly - yes i will give her that. I said we had an arguement and she said oh yes he feels sooo defensive right now and angry and it came really unexpected for him. Well thats weird cause it happened 7 months ago and ge started it. Also said 3 months prior to the arguement he already decided to end it which is not true cause we werent even together and he contacted me 3 months prior after another hiatus. I asked what the reason was for this 'break'. She never picked up the other woman. Said he was afraid of commitment. Wrong :-(
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: mignnone on November 09, 2017, 11:53:54 PM
Sorry she did not work for you. She was totally on point for me. Described the person to a T then told me what I needed to do to get the results I wanted.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Exposed on November 10, 2017, 07:02:28 AM
Soul Navigation is also wrong about job opportunities. Several I applied to this year, and they are taken by other people. I've spoken with other psychics, basically said the same thing. BS they tell you positive, in the long run it's a pain of dissappointment.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Kate on November 10, 2017, 10:28:10 AM
She was very very accurate in describing the person I was calling about a while ago.. however, when I called her again, she did give inaccurate information. I think she misinterpreted what she was seeing.  She has been wrong on a few other minor details also.. however, she is an impressive reader and does see/pick up on intentions as far as I can tell..
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: skyline on November 11, 2017, 12:43:50 AM
She's' the real deal.

Picked up on the last 2 major romantic interests who came into my life, months before it happened.

Psychics are always going to be wrong if you ask them whether you will get a job or not.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Exposed on November 11, 2017, 12:59:21 AM
She's' the real deal.

Picked up on the last 2 major romantic interests who came into my life, months before it happened.

Psychics are always going to be wrong if you ask them whether you will get a job or not.

Those statements are contradictions. Don't you think?
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: skyline on November 12, 2017, 03:23:40 AM
Those statements are contradictions. Don't you think?

I prefer more open ended questions like "anyone new coming up in my love life?".

Versus, specific questions like "will I get the job?".

I find that psychics are almost always wrong when you ask the second question.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: HornetKick on November 12, 2017, 04:02:49 AM
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Kate on May 15, 2018, 01:58:15 AM
Hello all.. I have read with Soul Navigation a couple of times.  She does seem to connect well to the person I'm calling about... BUT, I want to know if her timelines and predictions are trust worthy in how things pan out..  Can anyone give advice? 

I've been in a bit of a confused space the last 2 days and went on a bit of a spiral around readers who I know have skill for a current read (mainly because I wanted an instant read) .. but not sure where to place trust in events unfolding

I read with SN this morning my time.. would really appreciate some insight from anyone who has good solid experience with her as a reader as to whether her predictions pan out (from an emotional perspective - not career)?
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: journalmuse on May 15, 2018, 02:19:50 AM
Hello all.. I have read with Soul Navigation a couple of times.  She does seem to connect well to the person I'm calling about... BUT, I want to know if her timelines and predictions are trust worthy in how things pan out..  Can anyone give advice? 

I've been in a bit of a confused space the last 2 days and went on a bit of a spiral around readers who I know have skill for a current read (mainly because I wanted an instant read) .. but not sure where to place trust in events unfolding

I read with SN this morning my time.. would really appreciate some insight from anyone who has good solid experience with her as a reader as to whether her predictions pan out (from an emotional perspective - not career)?

I like her a lot, she's very nice, and I've read with her a few times. I do think she has a gift, but I often find readings with her frustrating because she doesn't really give me a final outcome. Maybe because it's so far out. She has been right so far, in that her readings have routinely said that what I want could take years before it happens. She won't say - yes it'll happen, or no it won't happen - just that for right now she predicts things will stay the same for a few years.

She has been most effective for me in reading peoples' feelings and motivations. She also has her own site, by the way, in case you want to read with her there instead of through a platform.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: PrettyLittleLiz on May 15, 2018, 11:43:07 PM
Hello all.. I have read with Soul Navigation a couple of times.  She does seem to connect well to the person I'm calling about... BUT, I want to know if her timelines and predictions are trust worthy in how things pan out..  Can anyone give advice? 

I've been in a bit of a confused space the last 2 days and went on a bit of a spiral around readers who I know have skill for a current read (mainly because I wanted an instant read) .. but not sure where to place trust in events unfolding

I read with SN this morning my time.. would really appreciate some insight from anyone who has good solid experience with her as a reader as to whether her predictions pan out (from an emotional perspective - not career)?

Read with her a total of 2x (once in November and once in January). Predictions did not manifest and aren't looking like they're going to happen. Her prediction in November was that he would really move the relationship forward with a commitment this year, but not to expect it until after the holidays in 2017. Second reading was in end of January and she said he loves me and would do something to show me for Valentine's Day because we were going to build a life together. This did not happen. I don't even think he did anything besides text me.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: sawthelight on May 16, 2018, 12:58:41 AM
Hello all.. I have read with Soul Navigation a couple of times.  She does seem to connect well to the person I'm calling about... BUT, I want to know if her timelines and predictions are trust worthy in how things pan out..  Can anyone give advice? 

I've been in a bit of a confused space the last 2 days and went on a bit of a spiral around readers who I know have skill for a current read (mainly because I wanted an instant read) .. but not sure where to place trust in events unfolding

I read with SN this morning my time.. would really appreciate some insight from anyone who has good solid experience with her as a reader as to whether her predictions pan out (from an emotional perspective - not career)?

Read with her a total of 2x (once in November and once in January). Predictions did not manifest and aren't looking like they're going to happen. Her prediction in November was that he would really move the relationship forward with a commitment this year, but not to expect it until after the holidays in 2017. Second reading was in end of January and she said he loves me and would do something to show me for Valentine's Day because we were going to build a life together. This did not happen. I don't even think he did anything besides text me.

Aww I’m sorry, I’m in a similar boat.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Kate on May 16, 2018, 01:55:01 AM
Hello all.. I have read with Soul Navigation a couple of times.  She does seem to connect well to the person I'm calling about... BUT, I want to know if her timelines and predictions are trust worthy in how things pan out..  Can anyone give advice? 

I've been in a bit of a confused space the last 2 days and went on a bit of a spiral around readers who I know have skill for a current read (mainly because I wanted an instant read) .. but not sure where to place trust in events unfolding

I read with SN this morning my time.. would really appreciate some insight from anyone who has good solid experience with her as a reader as to whether her predictions pan out (from an emotional perspective - not career)?

Read with her a total of 2x (once in November and once in January). Predictions did not manifest and aren't looking like they're going to happen. Her prediction in November was that he would really move the relationship forward with a commitment this year, but not to expect it until after the holidays in 2017. Second reading was in end of January and she said he loves me and would do something to show me for Valentine's Day because we were going to build a life together. This did not happen. I don't even think he did anything besides text me.

That's helpful - thank you - I have called her a few times, but in usual style, in the panic I was in, I did forget that previously, she had got details wrong ...I do think she connects to some extent... I won't call her again. 
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: psychicaddict1 on May 21, 2018, 04:06:34 PM
She did what I hate about some psychics... she told me to “distance” myself from my boyfriend of two years. The reason why I hate distancing and the idea of it is because I’m a very loving and loyal girlfriend, and we live together. If I randomly started being weird, or cold, my boyfriend will be utterly confused, annoyed and neglected. Her telling me to “distance” myself for a 100% chance of getting married is utter bullshit! I love being loving and comforting, and I don’t want to change who I am.

Rather than making predictions, she went on for 30 minutes about distancing myself. Such a waste of money.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: alphabetsoup on May 21, 2018, 04:13:33 PM
thanks @psychicaddict I'm taking her odd my list, I was going to call, but THAT is proof she's unethical .
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: nightime on June 15, 2018, 04:37:24 AM
When I used to read with her a lot regarding my messed up relationship a few years ago, she told me that she too was looking for love and trying to find the one herself. Which then lead to her just giving me dating advice and how to play dating games with men. I don't know if she's found someone yet but I think she is a bit bitter towards men not giving 110%.

Fast forward a year or two later, I call her about someone giving me the 110% attention. Her tune changed and she was selling me a fairytale about this guy and she promised me that we would be married by year's end and how lucky I was to have met this man! The guy dumped me to go back to an ex a month after.

I don't know how to describe it but I feel like she means well but if the POI isn't living up to her standard then she doesn't give positive empowering readings.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: ShootingStar on June 28, 2018, 07:52:08 PM
Any updates on her?
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Yt5587 on June 28, 2018, 08:07:12 PM
She told me oh wow he finds you very beautiful. So beautiful. Then she goes hmm idk there’s a lot of confusion with this guy. The whole reading, except for the beautiful part, she sounded so unsure and confused so I hung up...this was a few days ago
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: ShootingStar on June 28, 2018, 08:26:34 PM
OK, I'm just trying to find readers who are SUPER honest and will jsut tell you no this won't be anything if that's the case and read that she is honest. I got more than enough fairy tales with the last POI!
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Yt5587 on June 28, 2018, 08:43:48 PM
OK, I'm just trying to find readers who are SUPER honest and will jsut tell you no this won't be anything if that's the case and read that she is honest. I got more than enough fairy tales with the last POI!

Honestly, try Angels guidance. She’s so blunt and spot on with present. Doesn’t give time frames that often which I like , if she doesn’t see something she’ll say it. She has really worked for me. And she’s only $2.99. I hope this helps
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: ShootingStar on June 28, 2018, 08:53:23 PM
OK, I'm just trying to find readers who are SUPER honest and will jsut tell you no this won't be anything if that's the case and read that she is honest. I got more than enough fairy tales with the last POI!

Honestly, try Angels guidance. She’s so blunt and spot on with present. Doesn’t give time frames that often which I like , if she doesn’t see something she’ll say it. She has really worked for me. And she’s only $2.99. I hope this helps

Thank you!
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Gigi777 on December 03, 2019, 08:28:44 AM
Has anyone read with her recently? Any feedback on how she is with POI and intentions?
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Kate on December 03, 2019, 10:39:38 AM
Funny you ask - I read with her on a whim today. Unusual for me as I try and stick to one reader.

Anyway - I have read with her previously, and know she has a talent for reading a man's intention and personality pretty well.  She has been accurate with me in the past, so maybe today's reading was an off day.

I didn't give her much info.. just a little outline re a man I am interested in, and that I was not in a relationship with him, but we had dated sporadically..

But I think the problem came because she misheard me when I mentioned his age. 

I think she thought he was a lot younger than me.. and she came out with this Mrs Jones type of reading where she saw me as the older woman teaching a younger guy how to be sexual with comments like "you were his passageway into manhood" and "he made you feel like a woman again/"  He's only 3 years younger than me!  Divorced with 2 kids.. I certainly wasn't teaching him anything in the bedroom department!

$90 down the drain..

The problem is that there is a dearth of good readers out there who are talented enough to do instant phone readings. I think Meredith has talent . as I said she has read for me in the past and been pretty good.  But, I recall talking to Matt Fraser when he used to be on BSD.. he was SO talented. HE would zone in immediately re anyone I was asking about and give me straight, factual answers that I could always validate. 

Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Yt5587 on December 03, 2019, 11:00:07 AM
Made you feel like a woman again hahahha are you kidding me? She wasn’t detailed at all for me just kept saying: he finds you very beautiful but he’s confused
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Jellybean123 on December 03, 2019, 01:24:55 PM
I also did not find her very informative and she had made predictions in the past it did not pass or make sense to my situation
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: SarahM on December 03, 2019, 03:21:03 PM
Never understood the hype about her either... her along with Sacred Path on Keen :-\
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: dasaninot on December 03, 2019, 04:50:54 PM
Made you feel like a woman again hahahha are you kidding me? She wasn’t detailed at all for me just kept saying: he finds you very beautiful but he’s confused

Word for word what I got..."he finds you so beautiful" but "he's so confused", "he doesn't know what to do, or what he'll do, he's just feelings and emotions right now, he doesn't have any set intentions" blah blah blah. 
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Jellybean123 on December 03, 2019, 05:19:02 PM
Made you feel like a woman again hahahha are you kidding me? She wasn’t detailed at all for me just kept saying: he finds you very beautiful but he’s confused

Word for word what I got..."he finds you so beautiful" but "he's so confused", "he doesn't know what to do, or what he'll do, he's just feelings and emotions right now, he doesn't have any set intentions" blah blah blah.

OMG I just re- read what she wrote to me that is exactly the same thing.. AND SHE IS EXPENSIVE - not even funny
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: HornetKick on December 03, 2019, 05:25:34 PM
"you were his passageway into manhood"? Who the f! talks this way?
Honestly, it seems like she was totally making up fairytailish fluff based on what she was told by the caller.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Wanderlust619 on December 03, 2019, 08:07:26 PM
What she said about POI and his tendencies made me think she was connected. She gave me the truth I needed to hear after many fairytales. POI won't be back and the why made a lot of sense too. It was my last reading and I've been clean since. 17 days ago. She was EXPENSIVE but in the long run I'm saving because he's the only reason i kept getting readings. I'm glad to be moving on. If by any chance he does show up, I'll update she was wrong. I'll update if the new man she saw shows up too.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: _sydney_vicious_ on December 04, 2019, 01:09:22 AM
I only read with her twice (a long time ago) - I’m looking at the chat right now and she didn’t really make any predictions for me per se. it was more of her giving insight into why my boyfriend was acting a certain way (we were broken up and things were confusing). Re-reading the chat and it seems that she was just wasting my time and giving me advice vs predictions/anything useful. BUT when I did read with her I was going on a binge and she was like the fourth I’d read with that day (I know, I know) so maybe that’s why I wasn’t able to get as good of a reading like others. Is it worth trying her out again?
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: Cc2019 on December 04, 2019, 02:45:22 AM
She told me something similar about the “finds you so beautiful it hurts him but he’s confused and needed to run away”... Incidentally my POI did come back but I felt that her responses were really scripted
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: dasaninot on December 04, 2019, 03:16:21 AM
She told me something similar about the “finds you so beautiful it hurts him but he’s confused and needed to run away”... Incidentally my POI did come back but I felt that her responses were really scripted

I think it's safe to say she's a copy-paste cold reader.
Title: Re: Soul Navigation
Post by: SarahM on April 23, 2020, 01:29:24 AM
She told me something similar about the “finds you so beautiful it hurts him but he’s confused and needed to run away”... Incidentally my POI did come back but I felt that her responses were really scripted

I think it's safe to say she's a copy-paste cold reader.

Definitely a cold reader... she based the reading off what I told her. All I got was a bunch of generic statements. She’s expensive for nothing