The Psychic Reviews

Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: vtech on May 22, 2012, 04:23:37 PM

Title: Validation at last
Post by: vtech on May 22, 2012, 04:23:37 PM
Well not for me exactly however last year when I started calling Sincerity, My family had asked me to ask her a question and she had told given my family a prediction that would not happen till June-July of this year. Well I just got off the phone with my family and something they had been waiting on for 12 years is coming through as they just got news. Last year Sincerity had told me to tell them that she saw a decision being belayed yet again but that this year it would happen and they would be taking a trip also to the place where everything is happening. Well I also just found out that they are taking a trip this year as well to the exact same location.
They were screaming on the phone and I am now afraid..because if you knew what they were waiting for, not even I in a million years would believe that it would come through but it is and my parents were crying on the phone.
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: Serendipity on May 22, 2012, 08:29:30 PM
Asian woman does a happy dance. Thanks for sharing vtech :]
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: new_hope on May 23, 2012, 09:49:06 AM
Vtech, that's great news. I have been meaning to call Sincerity, but something always stops me. I think your post might just do it :).

On another note, I believe Synergy mentioned Aurora a while ago and I tried her. At the time I did not like her as she seemed like a negative reader but I've got to say as much as I did not want her prediction to manifest, it did. A couple of readers predicted the same thing after Aurora, but she was the first one to bring it up, and she nailed it. So Synergy, thank you for recommending her, one of the very few readers that will tell you the bad before the good.
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: positivethoughts2 on May 23, 2012, 12:11:10 PM
new_hope  - sorry it wasn't what you wanted to happen but congrats on a prediction happening. I tried Aurora awhile ago too. I have to go look @ her reading.
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: melancholia on May 23, 2012, 09:17:42 PM
Is this Aurora - Your Message From Above, or Aurora on CP?  Or another one I'm wholly unaware of?
Title: Re: Timeheals
Post by: melancholia on May 23, 2012, 09:32:41 PM
TimeHeal: the fish is beginning to stink just like you...I guess I have to toss it in the garbage and buy a fresh one!!!
MY fish is really high in quality don't no if I even want to compare you with it..otherwise I would loose my appetite for the night!!!
Now Please Shut-UP!!!!!

LOL What the hell? TimeHeals didn't even post in this topic. 
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: Synergy on May 23, 2012, 09:36:20 PM
Is this Aurora - Your Message From Above, or Aurora on CP?  Or another one I'm wholly unaware of?


I am glad Aurora worked for you even though I am sad that it wasn't what you wanted.  I find that she is one of the most accurate, honest psychics I have read with, and I always feel like she gives me the best tools for my personal growth. 


Aurora is Your Message From Above on Keen. 
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: melancholia on May 23, 2012, 09:36:58 PM
Is this Aurora - Your Message From Above, or Aurora on CP?  Or another one I'm wholly unaware of?


I am glad Aurora worked for you even though I am sad that it wasn't what you wanted.  I find that she is one of the most accurate, honest psychics I have read with, and I always feel like she gives me the best tools for my personal growth. 


Aurora is Your Message From Above on Keen.

Awesome; I thought so.  I'm fond of her as well.
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: newlyPsychicAddicted on May 23, 2012, 10:01:40 PM
its ok blessed to express ur concerns abt someone... but there  is no point attacking members here and i seriously dont know why u r doing so....

please understand that there is a vast difference bw expressing concerns and attacking others... we know that u dont like annie ... fine... we heard you but why r u being nasty with timeheals ?????

I do hope that even you would try to maintain the decorum of the forum and take others opinions in good spirit... we may all agree to disagree but please no personal attacks.....
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: newlyPsychicAddicted on May 23, 2012, 11:44:49 PM

Ok .... i just dont have the stamina to go thru the whole drama... even if we assume that timeheals was first to attack you was it necessary for u to carry it forward????  even after assuming she was the one to start it, why cudnt u be the one to stop it???? this accusations are not helping us anyways.....

Not saying who attacked whom but it wud definitely help if instead of accusing each other and asking for apologies we just try to be more supportive for each other.... obviously we all have a lot gng on in our lives and taking more stress from a place which is supposed to offer support is not productive in any way......
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: melancholia on May 24, 2012, 01:49:50 AM
Here's a thought - since it would be reasonable to assume that everyone here is an adult (otherwise you really shouldn't be reading with psychics), how about we drop the whole, "but moooooom, s/he did it first!" routine and just stop being jerks to one another in general?  I'd compare it to high school, but the posts I'm seeing lately are far more reminiscent of first grade. Grow up, keep it on topic, and if you have personal beef? Take it to pm. I don't care who started what, and I would say it's a safe bet that no one else here does, either.  We are here to review psychics, not listen to adolescent whining.  Now, can we PLEASE get back on-topic?
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: new_hope on May 24, 2012, 12:09:50 PM
First Somnus, I totally agree with you. Secondly, I want to thank everyone for their kind words.

Aurora is one of the psychics I truly trust now because she was the first psychic to predict the situation I am currently in when everybody else was telling me something otherwise. There were four other readers that predicted the same thing but way after Aurora, and their predictions came after I had already called them with concerns, nonetheless they were also right. Aurora blew me away with the fact that she picked it up when I called her when the situation was at its absolute best. I would definitely recommend her, and I truly agree with Synergy, she is very honest, at times can be brutally honest, but she will say the truth no matter what.

Also, I have been trying to reach her to let her know she was right, but she is never on. Does anybody know when she is on, and how I can get a hold of her. Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: waiting4godot on May 24, 2012, 04:56:54 PM
Go to her website directly and send her a message.
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: Zee on June 03, 2012, 09:58:48 PM
Is Aurora on Keen, if so what else goes with her name?  Or is she on a different site?
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: Serendipity on June 06, 2012, 08:53:40 PM
Zee - I purchased a reading on Sincerity's website and sent a message to her on her KEEN page to check the other email and she called me to schedule a reading. Hope it works out for ya soon!
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: Pana on December 13, 2018, 06:03:13 PM
Hi, does anyone have updated contact info for Aurora? is no longer active, and I couldn't find her on Keen, unless she's changed her name.

Any help is apprecited!
Title: Re: Validation at last
Post by: britbrat on December 13, 2018, 06:24:30 PM
She started changing her username a lot and I'm not sure if she changed her web address or if she no longer does readings. She was accurate for me on some things. I would be willing to try her again. Her and Catherine/Phoenyx Amore changed their names more than once and I couldn't find them. Catherine I was able to get a reading from last year, but nothing major happen only a few minor predictions.