The Psychic Reviews

Relationship Psychology Discussions => My Story => Topic started by: kdspirited on March 15, 2020, 10:14:49 PM

Title: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on March 15, 2020, 10:14:49 PM
Hi All
So this Coronavirus got me thinking. For those who are social distancing themselves maybe we could also do a little psychic distancing. I am going to do a 30 day psychic free challenge.

There are two parts to it
1. No calling any psychics and every time we have the urge to call one we
2. Listen to the following meditation (30 day manifestation challenge) it short

Also you can post other stats such as $$ you saved during this time

Most importantly post your results after 30 days or share your experience.

This is of course not mandated but I for one want to get rid of this addiction once and for all and sharing things I have found to help me along I wanted to share here.

Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: HornetKick on March 16, 2020, 01:45:53 AM
These are helpful, but can you answer quickly if I have to listen to the video once per day for 30 days or how does it work. I didn't read everything, but I've started. I would probably play it right before bed.

Have you done this and did it work for you?
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: bee.23 on March 16, 2020, 04:36:58 AM
Hi All
So this Coronavirus got me thinking. For those who are social distancing themselves maybe we could also do a little psychic distancing. I am going to do a 30 day psychic free challenge.

There are two parts to it
1. No calling any psychics and every time we have the urge to call one we
2. Listen to the following meditation (30 day manifestation challenge) it short

Also you can post other stats such as $$ you saved during this time

Most importantly post your results after 30 days or share your experience.

This is of course not mandated but I for one want to get rid of this addiction once and for all and sharing things I have found to help me along I wanted to share here.

I love this ❤️
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: beachgal214 on March 16, 2020, 04:20:20 PM
Im in! I am 20 days in right now and having a weak moment!

I too feel that predictions are not what I need. And I have been doing so well. But having a weak moment of "how can he not reach out during this global crisis". like how?  And I know its not over between he and i.. friendship or whatever we are or will be.  so it hurts that during this, he stays quiet... yet at some point will be back.  just frustrating.

Will watch that video and Im also doing a magnify your radiance 40 day meditation if anyone is interested.

Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: bee.23 on March 16, 2020, 07:35:01 PM
Thanks for these meditations guys! Y’all are absolutely the best!!
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on March 16, 2020, 10:24:25 PM
Im in! I am 20 days in right now and having a weak moment!

I too feel that predictions are not what I need. And I have been doing so well. But having a weak moment of "how can he not reach out during this global crisis". like how?  And I know its not over between he and i.. friendship or whatever we are or will be.  so it hurts that during this, he stays quiet... yet at some point will be back.  just frustrating.

Will watch that video and Im also doing a magnify your radiance 40 day meditation if anyone is interested.

Hi beachgal I have done this and it really helped me reduce the readings since last year not to mention it has helped me focus my mind on things I dont have to the ones I have or the ones I want to have. You have to find it within yourself to define what "it works means to you" I have not doent the 30 day challenge on the maifesting but I am willing to try. Day 2 on that
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on March 16, 2020, 10:26:17 PM
These are helpful, but can you answer quickly if I have to listen to the video once per day for 30 days or how does it work. I didn't read everything, but I've started. I would probably play it right before bed.

Have you done this and did it work for you?

You can listen to it as many times as you want per day but try to listen to each at least once a day. The I am loved one I listen to while I walk. So walking validates the meditation. I am taking care of me and my boday because I love myself. Hope this helps.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on March 16, 2020, 10:47:14 PM
I have 2 readings booked towards the end of the month so I will start the challenge after then.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on March 16, 2020, 11:18:21 PM
Awesome! start anytime you feel like you are ready to move on from this addiction. 30 days at a time.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on March 17, 2020, 02:58:40 AM
Hi All
So this Coronavirus got me thinking. For those who are social distancing themselves maybe we could also do a little psychic distancing. I am going to do a 30 day psychic free challenge.

There are two parts to it
1. No calling any psychics and every time we have the urge to call one we
2. Listen to the following meditation (30 day manifestation challenge) it short

Also you can post other stats such as $$ you saved during this time

Most importantly post your results after 30 days or share your experience.

This is of course not mandated but I for one want to get rid of this addiction once and for all and sharing things I have found to help me along I wanted to share here.

I love this idea! I literally thought of the same thing yesterday. I am on board! Also, those on board let's channel these savings to our benefit as not buying more stuff in place. With the craziness going on we should hoard our funds more than spend it.

yay! sounds like a plan. I think we can create a list of self love tactics we can use. Things we can do at home that help relax us heal us things we have been putting off and want to do. Also share other meditations you all like and want to share. Things that will help life our vibrations
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Ninacy on March 18, 2020, 07:06:11 PM
Lovely idea, we all need a detox from excessive psychic readings and yes, we need to regain our full power back.
I've finally made it to 8 months with no (paid) readings and I'm proud of myself as this was impossible a few years ago.  I do occasionally check Youtube readers and their general spreads but I haven't use Bitwine and all these scammer-filled platforms in a while.

Now with the whole coronavirus and home quarantine thing, I feel more tempted to get at least one reading but I keep asking myself if I really need it and if this will make me feel better and I don't do it (so far lol).

Good luck folks with your challenge. YOU CAN MAKE IT  :D :D!!!
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on March 19, 2020, 03:32:27 AM
Lovely idea, we all need a detox from excessive psychic readings and yes, we need to regain our full power back.
I've finally made it to 8 months with no (paid) readings and I'm proud of myself as this was impossible a few years ago.  I do occasionally check Youtube readers and their general spreads but I haven't use Bitwine and all these scammer-filled platforms in a while.

Now with the whole coronavirus and home quarantine thing, I feel more tempted to get at least one reading but I keep asking myself if I really need it and if this will make me feel better and I don't do it (so far lol).

Good luck folks with your challenge. YOU CAN MAKE IT  :D :D!!!

Ninacy thats awesome congrats on making it to 8 months and staying strong. I agree before I feel tempted to get a reading I ask myself how many of my previous readings have transpired in a signigicant way and the answer is no. so why would I try another one. Not to mention the torture and anxiety it would give me.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Ninacy on March 19, 2020, 02:27:54 PM
Lovely idea, we all need a detox from excessive psychic readings and yes, we need to regain our full power back.
I've finally made it to 8 months with no (paid) readings and I'm proud of myself as this was impossible a few years ago.  I do occasionally check Youtube readers and their general spreads but I haven't use Bitwine and all these scammer-filled platforms in a while.

Now with the whole coronavirus and home quarantine thing, I feel more tempted to get at least one reading but I keep asking myself if I really need it and if this will make me feel better and I don't do it (so far lol).

Good luck folks with your challenge. YOU CAN MAKE IT  :D :D!!!

Thanks! I am thinking I need to stop the ipsy/boxycharm purges also ahaha. I haven't paid for a reading since Jan but still binge buy makeup.

OMG, I also binge buy make-up (and health supplements lately) but now I can't because of the coronavirus. I guess when you ditch a bad habit or addiction, you seek something else to feel the void lol.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on March 22, 2020, 06:32:18 AM
Not sure about you all but I am feeling so much better every day that I am not reading. This coronavirus has also made me realize how precious life is to be wasting over someone who simply doesnt want you. Fuck em i say. We should all focus on healing ourselves and moving on. There is a reason they are not in our lives and the sooner we come to that realization the faster we will heal and move on. here is another youtube I watched that I think you all will appreciate
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on March 25, 2020, 07:12:01 PM
How is everyone doing on their 30 day challenge. I am now 9 days into it and going strong.

Here is a really good youtube video on letting go

This really put into perspective for me that when we keep dwelling on the past we are not hurting anyone but ourselves. We keep reliving the hurt the pain the distance and keep ourselves from truly healing ourselves.

Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on March 25, 2020, 07:51:30 PM
I start March 31st
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on March 25, 2020, 07:53:30 PM
How is everyone doing on their 30 day challenge. I am now 9 days into it and going strong.

Here is a really good youtube video on letting go

This really put into perspective for me that when we keep dwelling on the past we are not hurting anyone but ourselves. We keep reliving the hurt the pain the distance and keep ourselves from truly healing ourselves.

ha no worries start again and see if this time you make it past the 10 days if you make to 11 thats a win. One day you will make it to 30. Its more about when you are ready. Interestingly you post made me chuckle a little. You said you were bored and thats why you got a reading. If you are bored and feel like a reading try a youtube video on pick a card tarot they are great for entertainment and you dont lose any money. 9 out of 10 times you will get the same answers as the ones you just money on

Keep on going

Not good. I shut down social media and got bored and got 2 readings. Both in alignment for late April or early may for contact. Surrrrreeeee lol, we will see
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Jasmine4849 on March 25, 2020, 08:06:51 PM
How is everyone doing on their 30 day challenge. I am now 9 days into it and going strong.
Kudos for going strong.  My last reading was on March 7 - I'll be at 30 days soon!
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: beachgal214 on March 26, 2020, 12:27:20 AM
Last reading was the day I committed to this!!! ironically.  3/16! before that I don't know how long it had been.

ugh I did purchase one of those goofy drawings. it sounded so different and unique. but I don't plan to read on anyone anytime soon.

I called on the 16th bc I was major triggered and it did ease the trigger and I haven't felt any urge to read since.  I don't know why the drawing piqued my interest so much but it did.

I guess day one starts after I get that?
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on March 26, 2020, 06:54:49 PM
Last reading was the day I committed to this!!! ironically.  3/16! before that I don't know how long it had been.

ugh I did purchase one of those goofy drawings. it sounded so different and unique. but I don't plan to read on anyone anytime soon.

I called on the 16th bc I was major triggered and it did ease the trigger and I haven't felt any urge to read since.  I don't know why the drawing piqued my interest so much but it did.

I guess day one starts after I get that?

all good beachgal this is a slow but sure way. Sometimes we will make it to 10 days sometimes 20 and eventually we will get to the 30 days.I have to say the less I read the less anxious I get.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on April 02, 2020, 04:03:25 AM
2 weeks into my 30 day challenge and I was really struggling today. I didnt break but I am so tired of thinking of him. Its been over a month since I last saw him. I was hoping not having to see him everyday will help me get over him faster. I was doing really well there is abig part of me that knows I will never hear from him again. But there is another one that keeps nagging about the fact that he might. I want that voice to go away and it is not. I have already given this 3 years of my life. I cant give it anymore. I am so tired of this and myself being and feeling like this. I want to be done
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: bee.23 on April 02, 2020, 08:34:39 AM
How is everyone doing on their 30 day challenge. I am now 9 days into it and going strong.

Here is a really good youtube video on letting go

This really put into perspective for me that when we keep dwelling on the past we are not hurting anyone but ourselves. We keep reliving the hurt the pain the distance and keep ourselves from truly healing ourselves.

ha no worries start again and see if this time you make it past the 10 days if you make to 11 thats a win. One day you will make it to 30. Its more about when you are ready. Interestingly you post made me chuckle a little. You said you were bored and thats why you got a reading. If you are bored and feel like a reading try a youtube video on pick a card tarot they are great for entertainment and you dont lose any money. 9 out of 10 times you will get the same answers as the ones you just money on

Keep on going

Not good. I shut down social media and got bored and got 2 readings. Both in alignment for late April or early may for contact. Surrrrreeeee lol, we will see

You are so right. Been watching several YouTube pick a cards and all say soon..we will see my friend. Stay tuned lol

All my YouTube card readings seemed so accurate! And literally all said contact for sure by end March (didn’t happen) 😭
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: bee.23 on April 02, 2020, 08:37:09 AM
2 weeks into my 30 day challenge and I was really struggling today. I didnt break but I am so tired of thinking of him. Its been over a month since I last saw him. I was hoping not having to see him everyday will help me get over him faster. I was doing really well there is abig part of me that knows I will never hear from him again. But there is another one that keeps nagging about the fact that he might. I want that voice to go away and it is not. I have already given this 3 years of my life. I cant give it anymore. I am so tired of this and myself being and feeling like this. I want to be done

It gets easier, stay strong ❤️
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Lovefash67 on April 02, 2020, 02:44:33 PM
Ive been psychic free for two months and I will be breaking it on Monday to speak with Yona for a top up that I order in February .4 years ago I never thought I would have made it through heart break and also a point where I barely call, I was calling psychics everyday and multiple times a day. I use to sneak psychic calls at work, thats how addicted I was. I haven't binged on reading since Sept 2019 which was a mini binge , Ii called about 4 psychics that day.

 Trust me, I have my days where I am stressed or anxious and I get that urge to want to call, I browse through the forum and see what psychics look good and then browse the web . What has been working for me is me questioning myself and asking do you really want to spend your money on this or I even tell myself you have no money wait it out. Then by a couple of minutes the urge goes away and then of course it returns another day. Another thing that has helped is that I have also learned what readers work for me and I stick with them though sometimes they can be wrong they do have high accuracy compared to other readers.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on April 02, 2020, 09:07:56 PM
First of all I appreciate you very much. I have to say yesterday was a dark day today I am feeling better. I know life is going to be a challenge for the next few months. Being busy and focusing your mind on other things help. But since I am out of a job and no social interaction getting over someone is that much difficult and calling psychics seems so easy. But I am doing well. I toid myself acceptance is the first step. I accept that this is over and no psychic reading is going to help me move on if I dont want to. I need to find the truth in my own heart. And the truth is its over and there is no coming back from that. I am working on my insurance as soon as I get that I am signing up for therapy. I need it
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on April 05, 2020, 05:20:58 AM
My last reading was April 1st....4days clean. I really would be proud of myself if I could go 4days w/o listening to my readings. But, I guess this a step-up from calling everyday.

Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on April 05, 2020, 06:20:02 AM
My last reading was April 1st....4days clean. I really would be proud of myself if I could go 4days w/o listening to my readings. But, I guess this a step-up from calling everyday.
so proud of you purplerain. Do what you must to not get fresh readings or binge. Its ok to listen to the old ones. In my experience gives sometime when you go back and listen to them they sound so ridiculous. They do to me at least. Keep on
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: beachgal214 on April 06, 2020, 08:38:32 PM
I am not doing so hot... ugh.  not sure why!

reading on my relationship today and it was just a crappy reading.  I already knew things weren't great so not sure what I was looking for. I guess insight. and I dont know that I gleaned anything I didnt already know..

also ordered a kisha reading last week.  so... back to the grind once I get that???  no binges but still not pleased I spent more money today.

Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: bee.23 on April 09, 2020, 06:54:22 AM
I am not doing so hot... ugh.  not sure why!

reading on my relationship today and it was just a crappy reading.  I already knew things weren't great so not sure what I was looking for. I guess insight. and I dont know that I gleaned anything I didnt already know..

also ordered a kisha reading last week.  so... back to the grind once I get that???  no binges but still not pleased I spent more money today.

Stay strong🙏🏽❤️
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on April 09, 2020, 11:26:17 PM
I am not doing so hot... ugh.  not sure why!

reading on my relationship today and it was just a crappy reading.  I already knew things weren't great so not sure what I was looking for. I guess insight. and I dont know that I gleaned anything I didnt already know..

also ordered a kisha reading last week.  so... back to the grind once I get that???  no binges but still not pleased I spent more money today.

Dont beat yourself up think of it this way. You said you are not binging that is a huge win already. Today is Day 1 next time you will go further and realize more. Today you realized that you spent all that money to got no new information. Lesson learnt. Next time you will know this before you call. So onwards as Bee said you go this
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: beachgal214 on April 10, 2020, 08:20:38 PM
I am not doing so hot... ugh.  not sure why!

reading on my relationship today and it was just a crappy reading.  I already knew things weren't great so not sure what I was looking for. I guess insight. and I dont know that I gleaned anything I didnt already know..

also ordered a kisha reading last week.  so... back to the grind once I get that???  no binges but still not pleased I spent more money today.

Stay strong🙏🏽❤️

Thank you!  I am doing good this week!!  Haven't gotten the general reading yet but no other cravings so that is good <3 Feeling strong and full of light this week!  <3

Hope you are too!
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: beachgal214 on April 10, 2020, 08:28:57 PM
I am not doing so hot... ugh.  not sure why!

reading on my relationship today and it was just a crappy reading.  I already knew things weren't great so not sure what I was looking for. I guess insight. and I dont know that I gleaned anything I didnt already know..

also ordered a kisha reading last week.  so... back to the grind once I get that???  no binges but still not pleased I spent more money today.

Dont beat yourself up think of it this way. You said you are not binging that is a huge win already. Today is Day 1 next time you will go further and realize more. Today you realized that you spent all that money to got no new information. Lesson learnt. Next time you will know this before you call. So onwards as Bee said you go this

Thank you so much!!  I know that is true. Not binging is huge.  I hope you are feeling strong too! You too awakened!! Thank you all! <3
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on April 15, 2020, 11:56:10 PM
I am 2weeks clean today and I'm still listening to my old readings when I get bored 😂
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Smiley1 on April 16, 2020, 03:17:17 AM
I’m spending the money that I would get readings with by doing self care and redecorating my home. 
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: beachgal214 on April 16, 2020, 04:54:16 PM
No readings since April 6!  I had ordered the Kisha general reading and DID get that this week. So Like I said in earlier post that I wouldd start that as the date. So lets see I got that Tuesday. So only 2 days so far, but if you count phone readings none since the 6th!  so almost 10 days - no urges!  <3 Feeling strong guys!! you can do it!!!

I have been there with the good days and the hard days.  I am not so tough on the really hard days and I have fallen back to temptation. but each time I get better I feel like. can go longer etc.

If anyone needs anything feel free to PM me!
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on April 17, 2020, 04:33:48 AM
so proud of you all for giving this a go. We will all in our own way find out how to do this.
30 days sober today no paid readings did do a few you tube videos but these next 30 days I will do without them as well. Feels good I am by no means rid of the temptations it was very strong a few times but I didnt cave i. They were especailly strong when I read reviews posted on here about a new psychic or someone turned out to be right for someone
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on April 20, 2020, 09:25:38 PM
Hi you all I hope everyone is staying germ free and healthy :-)
I wanted to share something I came across on youtube it is someone who is a relationship coach and her videos resonated with me a lot I felt they were very empowering

check out susan winter on youtube
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on April 21, 2020, 01:00:10 PM
20days clean.
I listen to my old readings all the time and I did my own reading the other day😂 (I dont think this counts??)

Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Mirosee on April 21, 2020, 02:42:55 PM
Congrats on the progress guys! I am on my 10th days now. I hope I can reach 30 days.

But it's definitely less anxious without reading. at times I still got strong urge to do reading ( even though i'm giving up on my POI) so I really think I'm addicted to psychic reading lol. I'm glad I found this forum so I can read many experienced that motivate me to stop reading.

20days clean.
I listen to my old readings all the time and I did my own reading the other day😂 (I dont think this counts??)

Congratulations!!! First let’s not take away from that!!! 20 days is amazing!!!

I’m currently coming in on 3 days...
That’s a really great question! I struggle with this too. It is great question for a group type of therapy, however, because of this forum it could have mixed interpretations and persuasions... I’m not touching that.
Ok, I’m touching it: it depends on you, and again I highly suggest guidance with professional therapist. I’ve been doing baby steps and cold turkey and some strategies have helped some haven’t. But I would lean on the side of trying ween off listening, and self readings... especially, if it feels like you get a rush or/and are keeping like secret, hidden, and not being honest with yourself. If your friends or family knew you were doing this how would it make you feel? Would some be encouraging or some be disappointed?

I would encourage you to incorporate at least one new coping habit. 😬😬😬

But you are doing amazing and don’t want to take away from that, or trigger something. But I am concerned if you’re living for the feeling you get from hearing your reading on repeat. But what do I know I’m day 3... almost 3
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on April 21, 2020, 03:15:39 PM
Congratulations to the both of you @PinkAmerica and @Mirosee
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on April 21, 2020, 09:21:43 PM
Great job everyone I too am 30 days clean and also loosing the urge to self read or do youtube readings. They are all for entertainment until they are not. I am now going to take the next 30 days and focus on therapy and counseling. I want to become mentally healthy so I dont have to ever rely on psychic  readings baby steps. This addiction is interesting I am clean 30 days but I still have the urge to get a general reading with Kisha not about POI but more about finding a new job since that is front and center to my immediate survival
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on April 23, 2020, 10:36:05 PM

Great job everyone I too am 30 days clean and also loosing the urge to self read or do youtube readings. They are all for entertainment until they are not. I am now going to take the next 30 days and focus on therapy and counseling. I want to become mentally healthy so I dont have to ever rely on psychic  readings baby steps. This addiction is interesting I am clean 30 days but I still have the urge to get a general reading with Kisha not about POI but more about finding a new job since that is front and center to my immediate survival
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on April 23, 2020, 11:11:56 PM
Thanks Purple Rain I appreciate it I am convinced that we will all get there on our own time and at our own pace
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on April 28, 2020, 05:32:37 AM
28 days clean!! 2more to go! :)
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Mirosee on April 28, 2020, 06:24:52 AM
18 days and I'm having a strong urge to read. Been anxious for days lol. Congrats @PurpleRain! You are so close!
28 days clean!! 2more to go! :)
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: beachgal214 on April 28, 2020, 11:53:22 AM
22 days here!!  Not even thinking about readings anymore! At all!

Mirosee feel free to message me if you need strength!! You got this. I have been here before, gone weeks and caved... then more weeks etc.  You will just keep picking yourself up and getting better each round as I call it.

I have not had a reading since the 6th, have not had an urge nor even a thought of calling a psychic!  I feel repulsed in a way. Not in a judgmental way but like my body and mind is like nope no way that is not what you need or want. Its awesome and liberating and I am proud of myself and my hard work!!!  There is not even a site or a psychic I would want to read with,  I actually have a purchased reading with a popular psychic on this board, I bought it in Feb - and I have yet to use my time!!!  I keep pushing back bc I truly dont want it.

I was very entangled for a very long time.

Anyway all this to say, I admit I have had some fall backs over the course of the last 6 months but each time I get stronger and stronger and it gets easier. like someone above me said, sorry I forget, that we will all break the cycle in our own time.  I have gone 10 days at times, a month etc and triggers come and I break and get a reading. but I have not gone back to binging and the crappy guilty self loathing feelings I get after those slip-ups are usually enough to deter me again!  The main thing that has helped is time - moving on - and from clarity and conversation with the POI that I started calling about.  Acceptance, that sort of thing. Seeing things more clearly, that you can have very real feelings but sometimes relationships arent meant to be for whatever reason. accepting that and healing my own self has helped tremendously!

Here for anyone who needs an ear or support <3

Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Mirosee on April 28, 2020, 01:31:51 PM
Congrats beachgal214! 8 more days to go to complete the challenge although I'm pretty sure you will go beyond that. I am glad that you manage to be free from reading binge. You are amazing I should learn from you  ;D

Thank you for your kindness, I really appreciate it  ;D ;D ;D :-*

22 days here!!  Not even thinking about readings anymore! At all!

Mirosee feel free to message me if you need strength!! You got this. I have been here before, gone weeks and caved... then more weeks etc.  You will just keep picking yourself up and getting better each round as I call it.

I have not had a reading since the 6th, have not had an urge nor even a thought of calling a psychic!  I feel repulsed in a way. Not in a judgmental way but like my body and mind is like nope no way that is not what you need or want. Its awesome and liberating and I am proud of myself and my hard work!!!  There is not even a site or a psychic I would want to read with,  I actually have a purchased reading with a popular psychic on this board, I bought it in Feb - and I have yet to use my time!!!  I keep pushing back bc I truly dont want it.

I was very entangled for a very long time.

Anyway all this to say, I admit I have had some fall backs over the course of the last 6 months but each time I get stronger and stronger and it gets easier. like someone above me said, sorry I forget, that we will all break the cycle in our own time.  I have gone 10 days at times, a month etc and triggers come and I break and get a reading. but I have not gone back to binging and the crappy guilty self loathing feelings I get after those slip-ups are usually enough to deter me again!  The main thing that has helped is time - moving on - and from clarity and conversation with the POI that I started calling about.  Acceptance, that sort of thing. Seeing things more clearly, that you can have very real feelings but sometimes relationships arent meant to be for whatever reason. accepting that and healing my own self has helped tremendously!

Here for anyone who needs an ear or support <3
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on April 28, 2020, 06:52:17 PM
You guys are amazing you can do it.
43 days no readings almost got a reading but then didnt let it happen
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: beachgal214 on April 28, 2020, 09:12:02 PM
That is awesome KD!! and Purple rain!!! Mirosee you got this!!! Pinkamena too!!!
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on April 29, 2020, 03:46:58 PM
Soon we might be the ones getting off this roller coaster ride for good.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on May 01, 2020, 06:31:09 PM
I made it to the 30day mark!!!

I think I'll restart the challenge next week...
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Mirosee on May 01, 2020, 07:43:02 PM
I made it to the 30day mark!!!

I think I'll restart the challenge next week...

Congrats PurpleRain! Gogogooo
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on May 01, 2020, 11:29:27 PM
I made it to the 30day mark!!!

I think I'll restart the challenge next week...

YAY! tons of virtual high fives and hugs. Such an achievement how do you feel
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Just FYI on May 02, 2020, 12:36:25 AM
You all rock! I’m going on 50 days. I almost broke today, but glad I didn’t give in. Another day without a reading.  ;D
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: russianred on May 02, 2020, 03:59:09 PM
I want to join this and commit to not call until at least June 1.  I haven't gotten a psychic reading for a while, partly because the thing I was calling about actually happened, but I'm still calling empaths and coaches for "insight" and tips on how to move forward with POI.

I'm deeply grateful for what I've learned from these advisors but at least for now, I don't think there's anything more to be learned, and I'm getting scared how my first instinct is to ask them what to say or how to behave rather than to ask myself.

May is a beautiful month of renewal and I want to work on putting what I've learned into practice rather than continuing a cycle of dependence.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on May 03, 2020, 05:11:03 AM
You all rock! I’m going on 50 days. I almost broke today, but glad I didn’t give in. Another day without a reading.  ;D

you're doing great!! Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on May 03, 2020, 06:42:41 AM
I want to join this and commit to not call until at least June 1.  I haven't gotten a psychic reading for a while, partly because the thing I was calling about actually happened, but I'm still calling empaths and coaches for "insight" and tips on how to move forward with POI.

I'm deeply grateful for what I've learned from these advisors but at least for now, I don't think there's anything more to be learned, and I'm getting scared how my first instinct is to ask them what to say or how to behave rather than to ask myself.

May is a beautiful month of renewal and I want to work on putting what I've learned into practice rather than continuing a cycle of dependence.
Welcome Russianred I know what you mean I am ready to work on this and do another 30 day commitment
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Sincity2 on May 03, 2020, 03:13:22 PM
I’m over a month clean!  So proud of everyone!  I have zero desire to get a reading, I feel they are bad luck.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: russianred on May 03, 2020, 08:46:26 PM
I’m over a month clean!  So proud of everyone!  I have zero desire to get a reading, I feel they are bad luck.

Congrats!  I think it is a good experiment to stop readings for a while and see if things in your life improve.  I lived many years before I started with getting frequent readings and I sometimes feel like I can't remember what it was like before I got all these advisors/readers in my brain.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: aries1995 on May 04, 2020, 12:03:08 AM
Wow you guys have done so well! My goal was to start this month but I’ve already had two readings  :-[ I can get to the 7 day mark then I can’t help myself! Please help :(
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Mirosee on May 04, 2020, 12:20:22 AM
I broke mine too after 20 days  :-\
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: russianred on May 04, 2020, 04:29:44 PM
Wow you guys have done so well! My goal was to start this month but I’ve already had two readings  :-[ I can get to the 7 day mark then I can’t help myself! Please help :(

I think you just have to reach the point where you are so frustrated with the readings that you don't want them anymore.  And/or a point where you feel like you don't have more to know or discover from the readings.  I've spent the last few days trying to get back in touch with my authentic self before I started second-guessing everything because of readings.  I look at the readings as something that helped me in some ways and I felt I needed at that time but I can't be a slave to them anymore where I feel controlled by something I relied on for the purpose of trying to feel more in control.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on May 04, 2020, 07:32:11 PM
Dont beat yourself up just set a goal that this time you will target going one more day than you did last time and if you make it to 7+1 day trust me you will keep going. slowly but surely.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: aries1995 on May 04, 2020, 09:32:08 PM
Thank you for the encouragement everyone! My aim is to get one reading a month. Since I’ve already got three now I guess I’m starting again from today lol
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: beachgal214 on May 05, 2020, 03:00:03 PM
30 days tomorrow!!!  Feeling GREAT!!!  Thanks to everyone here for the support!!

Sometimes I have the moments where im like wonder for shits and giggles if they are still thinking of me - then I'm like stop thinking like that and I redirect my thoughts!

It is definitely progression and I think in a major way.  Last year at this time I was in a. bad way!  I can now control the infrequent musings and the more I redirect and break the mental habits the stronger I get and the longer I go! 

 I don't think I ever hit the 1 month mark!! <3 keeping it up! 
great job to everyone beating this and good luck and stay positive,  one foot in front of the other to all those struggling. :)
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: beachgal214 on May 06, 2020, 03:12:33 PM
so today is day 30 over here.  I dont know why but I am getting that anxious feeling I know all too well over here.

its like this gnawing that I just want to know how hes feeling at present.

its heavy today. I have been doing so good. havent felt like this in a while.

the good news is I am not going to call keen or anything.  but I am tempted to phone a good empath. but trying not to. i think I can redirect my attention. going to try that.

Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: aries1995 on May 06, 2020, 03:30:30 PM
You’ve done SOOOOO well to get this far! This is my aim! You’ve gone 30 days without needing it! You’re strong and you can do this!
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on May 07, 2020, 01:20:34 AM
I'm ready to get back on the challenge. Except for kisha, my recent readings have all been meh. Even when I read on career/education it's all repetitive and nothing I haven't heard before.

Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on May 07, 2020, 01:23:02 AM
so today is day 30 over here.  I dont know why but I am getting that anxious feeling I know all too well over here.

its like this gnawing that I just want to know how hes feeling at present.

its heavy today. I have been doing so good. havent felt like this in a while.

the good news is I am not going to call keen or anything.  but I am tempted to phone a good empath. but trying not to. i think I can redirect my attention. going to try that.

Good job on making it to day 30.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: sunshineluv7 on May 07, 2020, 01:42:29 AM
I challenge you to look within yourself. How do you sense he's feeling?

Why does it matter how he's feeling? Is it worth spending money on?

Your cash, your choice! :)
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: russianred on May 07, 2020, 04:51:11 AM
so today is day 30 over here.  I dont know why but I am getting that anxious feeling I know all too well over here.

its like this gnawing that I just want to know how hes feeling at present.

its heavy today. I have been doing so good. havent felt like this in a while.

the good news is I am not going to call keen or anything.  but I am tempted to phone a good empath. but trying not to. i think I can redirect my attention. going to try that.

Hey, so sorry that you are feeling anxious and tempted.  I had written some questions trying to help you to "reason" your way out of calling but I think everyone on this thread knows that readings are not rational or logical yet we still have spent hundreds/thousands on them.

I actually got this from my therapist today (not in regards to readings):  when you are tempted to do something to soothe your anxiety that you know isn't good for you, it's a good reminder to look inwards and use healthy tools to combat (or even just sit with) the anxiety.  I honestly believe that compulsively getting readings is very similar to drinking or using drugs to cope with intrusive and anxious thoughts.  It's that compulsive "I NEED this RIGHT NOW" piece that is a signal to me that the reading will actually never give me what I'm looking for, unlike the readings I used to get on occasion "for fun"
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on May 09, 2020, 06:26:18 AM
I brokedown and got a general reading from Kisha. I am getting very anxious about my job situation or lack there off and she is good with landing career predictions. The good news is i had no desire to ask about my POI
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: bee.23 on May 12, 2020, 10:31:57 AM
I brokedown and got a general reading from Kisha. I am getting very anxious about my job situation or lack there off and she is good with landing career predictions. The good news is i had no desire to ask about my POI

Has she been accurate with your love and POI situations in the past? May I ask
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: beachgal214 on May 12, 2020, 01:11:16 PM
I brokedown and got a general reading from Kisha. I am getting very anxious about my job situation or lack there off and she is good with landing career predictions. The good news is i had no desire to ask about my POI

that is great news about not having urge to ask about POI!!!

how are you doing? I fell off wagon a bit and am working to get myself back.  I know I can get back there!!! I am just giving myself some grace and starting over. Day 1 today :)
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: beachgal214 on May 12, 2020, 04:57:14 PM
I brokedown and got a general reading from Kisha. I am getting very anxious about my job situation or lack there off and she is good with landing career predictions. The good news is i had no desire to ask about my POI

that is great news about not having urge to ask about POI!!!

how are you doing? I fell off wagon a bit and am working to get myself back.  I know I can get back there!!! I am just giving myself some grace and starting over. Day 1 today :)

Beachgal I am so proud of you! You got this!

thank you, Pink!! Trying over here.  I have felt amazing in the past. Just need to get back there. Unfortunately I usually broke the binge cycle by getting confirmation and validation from POI -- and right now I refuse to do that for various reasons, mainly pride.  so... its a bit harder this go round. my feelings were hurt bc of his lack of contact and so thats why im a bit edgy.  but I so appreciate the support and know ill g et. back there!!!

how are you holding up?
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on May 12, 2020, 09:48:10 PM
I'll be back on the challenge Sunday. I have a reading scheduled this Saturday...and that one will be my last reading for a while.

I'm also working on not listening to old readings. I think that keeps me stuck...I'm doing much better emotionally and I think I'm in a place where I don't need to be pacified by old readings.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: KotaSwan on May 12, 2020, 10:24:03 PM
I agree with Purple. Listening to old readings wasn't helping me to move on so I honestly deleted all of them last week :) I felt free of the past in a different way when I deleted the hope those readings was giving me.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on May 13, 2020, 06:25:30 AM
I brokedown and got a general reading from Kisha. I am getting very anxious about my job situation or lack there off and she is good with landing career predictions. The good news is i had no desire to ask about my POI

that is great news about not having urge to ask about POI!!!

how are you doing? I fell off wagon a bit and am working to get myself back.  I know I can get back there!!! I am just giving myself some grace and starting over. Day 1 today :)

I am doing well but could be better I am vowing to not let this set back stop me. I will go back to my 30 days nad I wow to make it to 60 this time without getting any readings. One thing I did realize was I have stopped craving these readings I want fewer and fewer of them.

As for Kisha working for me I cant say for sure that she has but I have always had general love readings with her and everyone says she is awful at that but great with career job related readings and her suceess rate is much higher. so I got a general reading on career and hoping fingers crossed that she has a better track record on this one.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on May 17, 2020, 12:10:27 PM
I had my last reading yesterday and it was actually a very therapeutic one. I'm glad that I'm ending on such a calming/healing note.

I'm back on the challenge!
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on May 18, 2020, 08:48:15 PM
I had my last reading yesterday and it was actually a very therapeutic one. I'm glad that I'm ending on such a calming/healing note.

I'm back on the challenge!
Welcome back! onwards to a psychic free life
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: aries1995 on May 19, 2020, 11:07:40 PM
No where near 30 days but I’ve officially been a week psychic free! Probably the first time since December 2019
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on May 20, 2020, 12:27:24 AM
No where near 30 days but I’ve officially been a week psychic free! Probably the first time since December 2019

You're off to a great start
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: aries1995 on May 20, 2020, 09:27:18 AM
Thank you :)
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: beachgal214 on May 20, 2020, 05:05:25 PM
 I start now!  Tomorrow will be new day 1.  and how long will I go? goodness I hope forever <3

Best of luck to all on this journey :)
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Truthfromrosie on May 20, 2020, 05:06:30 PM
15 days and counting! Halfway there
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Lys on May 20, 2020, 05:25:44 PM
Hello :) I don't have a lot of readings but I will start the challenge today   :)
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on May 21, 2020, 07:25:43 AM
Amazing! so heartening to see us all trying to get our lives back.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Oisin16 on May 28, 2020, 03:38:05 PM
I am on day 21 no readings last one was 5/7 and I saved the chat log for reference and told myself that was it, especially in regards to my POI. Promised myself even for just general readings too, that was the last one. I stillg et free tarot readings through biddy tarot they are nice to help, but I only do one every month and may cut back to every other month even. Here's the thing I realized, even though I do not want to be with my original POI at all romantically I am not sure how much even a friendship would work at this point either even though we've know each other our whole lives. When you get even just a glimpse into someone elses life for a minute you realize that absolute neither of you has or will ever fully align. I have always been the odd ball in my entire family, dancing to the beat of my own drum, wanderlust, a nomad, and an almost unquenchable thirst for more in life. He's the type that will never leave our home town and wants a quiet and settled life. I tried that calm settled married life previously and it was not for me. Especially after losing a parent my wanderlust and desire to just be a bit of a nomad has increased significantly.

I offically made another trip around the sun this week for me (aka my birthday) and I really sat down and looked at what I want for my life for the next year and within the next 3 to 5 also. I want more stamps on my passport than anything else at this point. I want to travel, move, enjoy life and the little things more than just collect a paycheck, get married, pop out a few kids, retire then maybe be able to travel, and wait to die. No thanks, not about that life for me!

As for readings, for me personally it takes about 21+ days to break a habit. Also, saying I don't instead of I can't helps your mindset with it completely. Telling yourself you don't read with psychics verus I can't read with psychics. this has been proven by psychologists to be more effective in breaking habits and changing behaviors. Putting money aside is SUPER key also. Save for a trip, a new car, a new place. Just pretend you are putting it away for something, also putting in some where with restricted or limited access EXTREMELY helps save it.

Very inspiring, congrats :)
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on May 29, 2020, 05:56:43 AM
HI All
First of when I started this post I was very skeptical that Iwould make it all the way to 30 days and I had so many resistant thoughts in my mind about it. And through this journey I told myself lets see how far I make it if I go 24 hours or 48 hours without a reading I would consider it a success and not a failure. Next time I will go longer and next even longer. Well I made it to 45 days and then broke  down but I will make it further next time. In this journey I realized I need a readign when I am bored and my mind is craving personal interaction and I am not happy with myself for some reason. But If I have a sense of achievement of some sort in a day however small that distraction may be it gives me strength not to get a reading. I love all of you for giving yourself that sense of confidence that you can make it. I rhrink we can all make it one day off this support group off all psychic sites and kick this habit to the curb. I know because I have done it before. I want to tell myself I no longer need to control my life I no longer want to know. Let it all unfold as it is meant to be. What is yours by destiny will find you. Keep on keeping on peeps you can all do it.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: aries1995 on May 29, 2020, 01:36:57 PM
In this journey I realized I need a readign when I am bored and my mind is craving personal interaction and I am not happy with myself for some reason

This is exactly why I keep getting readings. As soon as I'm not happy I just want a r adding and I like talking to someone that's a complete stranger to the situation

Congrats on 45 days!
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: PurpleRain on May 30, 2020, 12:28:57 PM
Well this week was a flop 😥 for me! I'm having to start over.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Sincity2 on May 30, 2020, 01:10:35 PM
Today makes two months for me! 
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: Sincity2 on May 30, 2020, 01:25:47 PM
Today makes two months for me!
Congratulations!!! Yet other ppl success makes me happy! Thank you for posting!

THANKS!  I honestly have zero desire, I feel my whole life went down the tubes once I started readings...I was seriously addicted too. I even got a free bonus on purple ocean and didn’t use it, that’s how little I care about/trust readings at this point.
Title: Re: 30 day Challenge
Post by: kdspirited on June 01, 2020, 10:06:18 PM
Today makes two months for me!
Congratulations!!! Yet other ppl success makes me happy! Thank you for posting!

THANKS!  I honestly have zero desire, I feel my whole life went down the tubes once I started readings...I was seriously addicted too. I even got a free bonus on purple ocean and didn’t use it, that’s how little I care about/trust readings at this point.

Congratulations! so happy you did that