The Psychic Reviews

Relationship Psychology Discussions => The Vent => Topic started by: becca1111 on September 23, 2019, 03:42:16 PM

Title: PMS?
Post by: becca1111 on September 23, 2019, 03:42:16 PM
Good morning everyone!

I was wondering is PMS affected any of you in terms of energy. I've been feeling very anxious and my vibe just feels low. I appreciate any insight and tips on raising your vibrations!

Thank you!

With love~
Title: Re: PMS?
Post by: Lovefash67 on September 23, 2019, 03:48:30 PM
Hey becca, so I have PMDD premenstrual dysphoris disorder so before I get my menstrual I feel very depressed for days, I cry constantly sometimes for no reason, I am exhausted a lot and I craze lots of salt and sweets after I get my menstrual I feel a lot better. You may want to speak to your gyno and get your hormones checked to make sure you don't have an in-balance if you do they will give you some form of hormone which will help you feel better.
Title: Re: PMS?
Post by: maggs30 on September 23, 2019, 04:29:15 PM
My anxiety is always worse the week before and I sleep so much more. Like some days I need 10 hours of sleep and I'm still exhausted. I think it affects a lot.
Title: Re: PMS?
Post by: becca1111 on September 23, 2019, 06:45:53 PM
Thank you both!! Do you have any tips on how to deal with that during that period?
Title: Re: PMS?
Post by: maggs30 on September 23, 2019, 08:27:57 PM
No lol I need tips because its a roller coaster for me.
Title: Re: PMS?
Post by: _sydney_vicious_ on October 03, 2019, 06:02:32 AM
Yes! My period is supposed to come this week so I’m dealing with this right now lol. My mood was great UNTIL today. Now I’m having feelings where I want to be single and dump my POI even though things are great and nothing is wrong. I don’t have super bad PMS but my energy does drop and I’m out of it. To get myself “back” up I do yoga or kickboxing. And if I’m feeling sad then I usually force myself to watch a sad movie. Watching the sad movie has forced me to cry and has (funny enough) gotten rid of a ton of anxiety for me
Title: Re: PMS?
Post by: Lovefash67 on October 03, 2019, 11:51:16 AM
I honestly just go see my therapist and also keep myself busy and do things that  i like because I tend to over think more and I am more emotional during that time.
Title: Re: PMS?
Post by: alphabetsoup on October 03, 2019, 01:33:55 PM
Are you ladies taking evening primrose oil?  I just added it in for the last 3 cycles and they have been so much better, in terms of mood and anxiety,  I still get painful long problematic periods but at least my spirits are good!