The Psychic Reviews

Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: whskers on December 19, 2017, 04:36:59 PM

Title: Anastasia Christine
Post by: whskers on December 19, 2017, 04:36:59 PM
I’ve read some members in the board have good things to say about AC but just wondering if there are more feedbacks about her? 
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: mignnone on December 19, 2017, 08:02:49 PM
I like reading with her. She’s nice and honest. I think she’s good for current situation but I won’t hold on to timeframes. She’s usually right but not 100%
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: whskers on December 19, 2017, 11:49:21 PM
So hard to find people good with predictions
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: jas on December 20, 2017, 12:03:31 AM
I called her a lot back in 08' & 09' - I finally figured out that she is not good with predictions.  However, as the previous poster stated, she is good with current situations and feelings.  Very nice person.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: Rayban212 on September 10, 2019, 09:57:32 PM
Bumping this cause I read with her on 2 different POI and I do like her. She’s more of an Empath though, she gave predictions but I don’t trust those lol
Anyone read with her?
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: Caroline10 on September 10, 2019, 11:34:08 PM
I like her! She's good with the current situation I think.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: Lo12345 on September 10, 2019, 11:56:00 PM
I love her. She is so nice! She calms me down. Love the empath part. But I wonder when she give the small predictions are they gonna come to pass. Like I love knowing what he is thinking but when I want to put a prediction on it I wonder if she is the best to go to. BUT I LOVE HER.  Kinda torn and want other opinions.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: kumamon on September 11, 2019, 05:19:24 PM
I like her a lot and she is very quick and very reasonable and not giving you false hopes
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: joyjoy on September 14, 2019, 03:09:05 PM
I read with her last week and my urgency now is getting answers on time--she answered my question and was really insightful and helpful.  Seemed like a great reader.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: sexyp on September 14, 2019, 03:57:12 PM
she matched all the other heavy hitters for me. i didnt ask for predictions but she gave me one that is consistent with uli, mattie, kisha, lady P, gaylene
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: positivethoughts2 on September 14, 2019, 05:09:08 PM
I only ask 1-3 weeks out and she has been spot on with timing so far. I’m trying to not call her much because she’s been so accurate I don’t want to ruin it.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: honeybee28 on September 17, 2019, 10:51:54 PM
I've read with her a couple times and I really like her. She's a great empath, and you can tell she honestly wants what's best for you. She gave me positive readings, and they've resonated. In one call I had after I had a disagreement with my POI, she really picked up all the emotions, and really gave me a heart-to-heart about what was going on. I honestly felt like it was over for us, but she assured me things would be smoothed over in around a week, and at the time, I totally couldn't see that happening. But it did, I heard from him like she said I would and it was really surprising. Fingers crossed her big prediction comes through though!
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: Lo12345 on September 30, 2019, 01:03:24 PM
Bumping this! And getting updates.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: honeybee28 on September 30, 2019, 02:04:25 PM
I know I just posted about her a few days ago, but I had a call with her recently, and was not as happy as I was before with her? It felt really meh, and was different than what she was saying before, it was very generic and next to no detail. It wasn't a negative reading, just not a good vibe from her overall, and felt like she couldn't be bothered. Maybe she was having a rough day.  I dunno, I probably won't read with her again.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: Paulina93 on October 14, 2019, 08:25:37 PM
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: Arigirl on October 14, 2019, 10:20:29 PM
I spoke to her a few weeks ago, I unfortunately don't think we connected very well. She answered my questions very briefly in 1-2 sentences (a few words) and couldn't provide much detail. Her reading didn't necessarily conflict with my other readings (only time will tell I guess) but it was very general and could apply to many situations I feel. Overall, she was pleasant and I could tell she really wanted to help.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: Imnotsure on November 06, 2019, 01:39:53 AM
seemed to resonate with my situation. But gave me predictions that I am not sure if they will come true.
Has anyone had her predictions manifest in the time given?
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: SarahM on November 06, 2019, 03:52:46 AM
She nailed the present with me, amazing empath, however I don't think predictions are her thing. However so far nothing any psychic has predicted has happened for me, even with the heavy hitters, so she's not the only one...
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: Oisin16 on November 13, 2019, 04:13:40 AM
What does she mean when she says the
Poi will open their Sacral chakra?
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: Cteebaby1 on November 16, 2019, 01:55:42 PM
I’m not impressed at all sorry. Very vague and just seemed to go along with what I was saying.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: beachgal214 on November 16, 2019, 03:01:49 PM
I think she mentioned sacral chakra to me too - meaning it was not just a physical connection but it was emotional too.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: Imnotsure on November 16, 2019, 11:50:38 PM
I think she mentioned sacral chakra to me too - meaning it was not just a physical connection but it was emotional too.

Okay she said sacral chakra to me as well..
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: Oisin16 on November 17, 2019, 12:15:31 AM
I think she mentioned sacral chakra to me too - meaning it was not just a physical connection but it was emotional too.

Okay she said sacral chakra to me as well..

She said my poi will open his sacral chakra mid November and will contact me, no contact at all
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: sexyp on November 17, 2019, 10:55:34 AM
does she tell everyone this sakra chakra stuff?
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: GoldieShawn on November 17, 2019, 01:31:28 PM
I’m on the fence on her. Took her off my favorites. She wasn’t definitely wrong, just short and general so really hard to verify. Stuff like “he’s got a lot going on.” That is likely true, but also pretty much describes being an adult. Regarding the sacral chakra stuff- that’s the chakra that controls hidden desires, especially sex, so it’s likely it comes up a lot in romantic readings if you believe in it. Not saying one way or another on whether she is accurate with it, just providing info that there are only seven commonly referenced chakras (though there are actually many more that most casual students don’t know about). You might also hear about heart chakra (what you’d expect), solar plexus (self confidence) or throat (if you need to communicate). Hope that helps. FWIW I don’t recall that she’s ever talked to me about chakras.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: Solitude_Soul on November 17, 2019, 04:40:40 PM
She told me the same about Sacred/Sacral Chakra and its very strong. He is sorting things out in his life and see future together by the end of this yr. This is totally BS and so far from the reality.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: aquagirl on November 17, 2019, 05:12:16 PM
I think she mentioned sacral chakra to me too - meaning it was not just a physical connection but it was emotional too.

Every chakra deals with some form of emotional energy and when balanced, allows those emotions to flow. The sacral chakra is more about primal sexual energy than love. This chakra deals with emotions like anger, depression, addiction, guilt, blame etc... So to unblock this charka would be to release these feelings. which is good, but they don't mean love emotions, that's the heart chakra. A full balance of chakras are important.    Sacral would typically mean more physical, lustful.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: maggs30 on November 18, 2019, 02:11:10 AM
I got throat chakra and solar chakra and he did in fact contact a few hours later. Interesting I didn't get sacral since we were intimate later that day lmao.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: russianred on January 14, 2020, 10:51:15 PM
Any more info about her? I've spoken to her a couple of times. She was one of the best at getting me to understand what she believes is going on in POI's head and how his way of dealing with problems suffers from mine. Prediction matches what almost everyone else has said.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: maggs30 on January 15, 2020, 12:10:59 AM
In my last read with her a week or 2 ago she got head and throat chakra. Interestingly she said it would be moving into the heart chakra and well I made him admit his feelings Saturday and he is now talking about distant future with me.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: russianred on January 15, 2020, 12:33:12 AM
In my last read with her a week or 2 ago she got head and throat chakra. Interestingly she said it would be moving into the heart chakra and well I made him admit his feelings Saturday and he is now talking about distant future with me.

Do you ask about chakra or does she bring it up?  It hasn't really come up in my calls with her.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: maggs30 on January 15, 2020, 01:55:59 AM
In my last read with her a week or 2 ago she got head and throat chakra. Interestingly she said it would be moving into the heart chakra and well I made him admit his feelings Saturday and he is now talking about distant future with me.

Do you ask about chakra or does she bring it up?  It hasn't really come up in my calls with her.

She always brings it up. Anytime I call I ask for his thoughts feelings and intentions and what is ahead for us. I never ask specific questions or give details until they have hit on it on their own.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: Cteebaby1 on January 18, 2020, 06:42:24 PM
Just wrong for me
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: russianred on April 30, 2020, 03:56:19 PM
Bump... I really like her but I don't OD on her, just quick calls spread out.  She got timing right from the start and stuck to it and it did come to fruition.  She tunes in quickly and doesn't go on and on.  She did bring up chakras to me this time and the healing I need to do.  I don't know how accurate she was about the chakras (she brought up root and sacral to me too) but what she said about my insecurities made sense to me.  She's also been consistent over time with what she thinks is the weaker spot of my POI.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: russianred on September 06, 2020, 04:18:43 PM
Anyone read with her lately?  I am really digging some insight about myself that she gave to me this week.  I tried to get some predictions but she wasn't really into that this time around (this isn't a no contact POI situation but an ongoing relationship).  She said some stuff that touched my soul and inspired me, although it's going to be difficult for me to change my thought/action patterns of many years.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: wishes215 on July 09, 2021, 05:55:35 PM
any recent updates on her? I just read with her for the vest first time and she was super quick so definitely wont break the bank but Im not sure if the reading resonated. she did mention her chakras which is how she apparently reads. I didn't ask for predictions but more for the now. she said POI was not a player which is not true at all so that kinda threw me off. not sure what her specialty is.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: wishes215 on July 14, 2021, 04:56:02 AM
ok hear to report that she saw communication coming and POI and I hadn't spoken in weeks so I didnt think she would be right. but but but she was. I didn't ask for a timeframe but when I asked whats next for us, she said "commnunication" and she was right.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: curiouspsychicreadings on July 14, 2021, 01:40:06 PM
When did you read with her that she said contact?

ok hear to report that she saw communication coming and POI and I hadn't spoken in weeks so I didnt think she would be right. but but but she was. I didn't ask for a timeframe but when I asked whats next for us, she said "commnunication" and she was right.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: wishes215 on July 14, 2021, 07:31:25 PM
sometime last week and she said throat chakra for conscious thought and communication is what she is picking you so even if we aren't talking, conscious thought it there just communication is lacking and thats coming up. do you read with her often?

When did you read with her that she said contact?

ok hear to report that she saw communication coming and POI and I hadn't spoken in weeks so I didnt think she would be right. but but but she was. I didn't ask for a timeframe but when I asked whats next for us, she said "commnunication" and she was right.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: curiouspsychicreadings on July 15, 2021, 09:56:27 AM
I’ve never read with her.

sometime last week and she said throat chakra for conscious thought and communication is what she is picking you so even if we aren't talking, conscious thought it there just communication is lacking and thats coming up. do you read with her often?

When did you read with her that she said contact?

ok hear to report that she saw communication coming and POI and I hadn't spoken in weeks so I didnt think she would be right. but but but she was. I didn't ask for a timeframe but when I asked whats next for us, she said "commnunication" and she was right.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: wishes215 on July 15, 2021, 04:51:16 PM
ok.she is super quick and to the point incase you plan on reading.

I’ve never read with her.

sometime last week and she said throat chakra for conscious thought and communication is what she is picking you so even if we aren't talking, conscious thought it there just communication is lacking and thats coming up. do you read with her often?

When did you read with her that she said contact?

ok hear to report that she saw communication coming and POI and I hadn't spoken in weeks so I didnt think she would be right. but but but she was. I didn't ask for a timeframe but when I asked whats next for us, she said "commnunication" and she was right.
Title: Re: Anastasia Christine
Post by: curiouspsychicreadings on July 17, 2021, 11:06:01 AM
Ok thank you!