The Psychic Reviews

Relationship Psychology Discussions => The Vent => Topic started by: Alchemist13 on May 03, 2017, 01:34:08 AM

Title: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Alchemist13 on May 03, 2017, 01:34:08 AM
Can't believe it. After a year of readings being accurate, they are wrong now. Especially from my two regular readers. Since February they have been saying wed reconcile. Etc it's now May and nothing.
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Sooshi on May 03, 2017, 01:40:01 AM
Who are your regs?
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Alchemist13 on May 03, 2017, 01:50:48 AM
LotusofLight  and treu destiny
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Alchemist13 on May 03, 2017, 01:51:59 AM
I read with Zadalia, Ulyana, spiritdevine, Fairie Moon goddess. All said the same thing but nothing panned out
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Baypark1 on May 03, 2017, 02:12:59 AM
Me too.  Same readers, same thing.  I've actually completely let go.  I was doing all the law of attraction stuff, being all positive, saying positive affirmations etc and I finally said  fuck it!  None of these readers are right, he's not coming back, he's with a woman and has been for 7 months, he's happy.  DONE!  I was truly done.   A few days later I saw him at a function both our kids were at.  2 days later, he drives by my house to pick up his son at a friends behind me then drives by again when he leaves (he didn't have to drive by my house, it's a circle and he could have just gone down the street behind me) and then I run into him at 9:30 am at Home Depot a few days later. I have not seen this man is over 2 months.  THEN, I get a message from the moderator of a dating site I've been on and he has the same name as POI.  For the last month, I've been seeing his name more and more and even had to get a new loan and the place started with his name.  I thought REALLY?  I finally completely let him go and I see him three times in 7 days?  WTH? 

I still am done.  I don't think he's coming back and I don't care.  I've said the words out loud.  HE's NOT COMING BACK. Regardless of what all the readers say.  After the week of seeing him 3 times, I did read with RavenII and Penelope. Both said it's because I've let go completely that he's now showing up. Both said he's ending it with her and will be communicating.  Still, I don't care.  I think I've finally had that Ah HA! moment.  I'm not a quick learner lol    IF he came back, I don't know what I would do at this point. I'm to the point of disgust with him as my eyes have been opened and now I just see how shitty he's treated me and he's really NOT all that. 

So, maybe NOW, someone else will come into my life.  That's what I really want.  Someone that will treat me like I should be treated and not as a second thought or whatever the hell I am to the POI.

It was refreshing not being able to come on here. I think the forum kept me hanging on. 

I'm sorry your predictions didn't happen either.  That happens more often than not :(
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Alchemist13 on May 03, 2017, 03:20:15 AM
 sorry, you had to go through it too. Just amazing how one year they can be so accurate and then be so opposite. I haven't had a reading this month and I probably won't. I refuse to spend more money on something that won't pan out and if it happens it happens on its own. Meanwhile I've been focusing on myself and doing some are and jewelry making planning to get a garden together. I haven't stopped living my life I just keep planning for the best. Even though I'm not ready to date someone else hopefully I will be later on.
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Baypark1 on May 03, 2017, 03:26:10 AM
sorry, you had to go through it too. Just amazing how one year they can be so accurate and then be so opposite. I haven't had a reading this month and I probably won't. I refuse to spend more money on something that won't pan out and if it happens it happens on its own. Meanwhile I've been focusing on myself and doing some are and jewelry making planning to get a garden together. I haven't stopped living my life I just keep planning for the best. Even though I'm not ready to date someone else hopefully I will be later on.

I'm totally ready to date someone else but I wasn't until a few weeks ago. Your heart will know when it's time.

It's pretty horrible that all the readers say the exact same thing and progress the same yet nothing happens.  Im just sooooo tired of wondering, hoping, wishing, waiting and wasting my money. 
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Bella on May 03, 2017, 03:30:09 AM
Yes, the best thing is to let go and move on...with your life.  Hanging on to what readers tell us is detrimental  to our actual living in the here and now.  They do not know the future.  I wish they did, but, they do not.  LIVE like you never called. 
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: wildfox87 on May 03, 2017, 04:01:21 AM
TBH i think my psychic reading addiction led me to become obsessed with my POI and develop an anxiety disorder as well. These psychic readings are not healthy to our state of mind, they are severely toxic and lead to unhealthy false emotions/feelings/& longing towards POI. I wish i could go back 3 years ago and do my life over differently. I have wasted so much of my late 20's it makes me sick!!!
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Bella on May 03, 2017, 04:17:28 AM
TBH i think my psychic reading addiction led me to become obsessed with my POI and develop an anxiety disorder as well. These psychic readings are not healthy to our state of mind, they are severely toxic and lead to unhealthy false emotions/feelings/& longing towards POI. I wish i could go back 3 years ago and do my life over differently. I have wasted so much of my late 20's it makes me sick!!!

Hey, don't be sick over it, just learn from it. Move on. In know easier said than done, but instead of crying an just moving on from a break up, as thousands do every day, we call psychos, I mean psychics....that keep us holding on to something that is just not there. You need to look at this as an addiction, nothing less.  And you are correct, it is NOT healthy at all.  I wish I had the antidote to moving on, but I don't.  However calling psychics only prolongs the healing....
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Alchemist13 on May 03, 2017, 04:43:56 AM
I have no pull to call them anymore. I have better things to waste my money on like art supplies. Lol
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Jjj on May 03, 2017, 01:59:55 PM
I now am focused on living my life and building great things for my future. I really only call one psychic and thats every few months (because he he sees so far into the future and wont give timelines) so i always take his readings with a grain of salt and keep moving forward.
I still love my girl and always will. Right now its not happening. If she is apart of my future then i will see her there and work things out. Until then im living for me and being better.
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Love-33 on May 03, 2017, 04:16:20 PM
I'm glad you all opened your eyes on this. Am sorry you have to go through this disappointment too, but it's for the better now.
Today my friend who also was a keen addict, told me the same. She had a reader: shanti66 who last month predicted a long term relationship with her current date. and she was even seeing marriage vibes. Yesterday she went back for a little check up, and oh, all of a sudden he is not ready for a committed relationship LOL. I just told my friend to stop going on keen, that she needs to stay patient with her man without worrying what he thinks etc... only God/life will tell if he is her long term boyfriend or not.
Those psychics who change their stories every month though... so annoying.

I did read with shanti66 too in the past and she did the same to me.
When my ex broke up and told me he was seeing someone else, she said to me "don't worry this is just a present thing, he will be back etc..." after a few months she told me "don't worry you will meet mANY other guys, I feel like your ex has moved on from you and won't be back"... LMFAO she could have said that at the beginning it would have saved me from hoping and waiting!

They are all BS

Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: bluebelle on May 03, 2017, 04:38:47 PM
I'm glad you all opened your eyes on this. Am sorry you have to go through this disappointment too, but it's for the better now.
Today my friend who also was a keen addict, told me the same. She had a reader: shanti66 who last month predicted a long term relationship with her current date. and she was even seeing marriage vibes. Yesterday she went back for a little check up, and oh, all of a sudden he is not ready for a committed relationship LOL. I just told my friend to stop going on keen, that she needs to stay patient with her man without worrying what he thinks etc... only God/life will tell if he is her long term boyfriend or not.
Those psychics who change their stories every month though... so annoying.

I did read with shanti66 too in the past and she did the same to me.
When my ex broke up and told me he was seeing someone else, she said to me "don't worry this is just a present thing, he will be back etc..." after a few months she told me "don't worry you will meet mANY other guys, I feel like your ex has moved on from you and won't be back"... LMFAO she could have said that at the beginning it would have saved me from hoping and waiting!

They are all BS

Yea!  I read with Shanti66 and she was bad!  ugh...
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: bstalling on May 03, 2017, 07:22:53 PM
I read with Zadalia, Ulyana, spiritdevine, Fairie Moon goddess. All said the same thing but nothing panned out

No offense, but these readers are in the lower end of the accuracy pool.

But, this is what I was posting about some time back because its like history repeating itself. Many of the veteran members experienced the same thing.
We would get readings, get striking details, descriptions..infomation that they couldnt have known. And then...nothing ever comes of it. Or, of all the readings that
you had, only one odd person actually got it right in a precise way. I would say this happens for about 70 percent of people on here.

Now, the other 30 percent of the time, you CAN get accurate insight and predictions that play out over time. I had a prediction happen concerning a family matter last month..but it took 4 years to happen (LadyPersephone was the reader). And, I've had a lot of interesting things happen as some psychics say. But I would say mostly small stuff.

The bottom line is that even the good psychics are UNRELIABLE. You just can't depend on them like you would want to depend on them. Its kind of bittersweet.
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: maroonlight on May 10, 2017, 03:50:39 PM
Can't believe it. After a year of readings being accurate, they are wrong now. Especially from my two regular readers. Since February they have been saying wed reconcile. Etc it's now May and nothing.

I can relate.

I had called numerous readings, probably almost 30 or so on CP in the fall about my ex, and almost ALL of them said he'd be back, including the readers that got good reviews on other websites. Nothing ever happened. I tried emailing him after a year of no contact and I never got a response. He's obviously moved on with his life. I was devastated. I couldn't put much stock into readers who said he wouldn't be back because they read the situation completely wrong, and some said he would be back just to be friends, which I knew wasn't going to happen.
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Alchemist13 on May 11, 2017, 02:03:29 AM
Can't believe it. After a year of readings being accurate, they are wrong now. Especially from my two regular readers. Since February they have been saying wed reconcile. Etc it's now May and nothing.

I can relate.

I had called numerous readings, probably almost 30 or so on CP in the fall about my ex, and almost ALL of them said he'd be back, including the readers that got good reviews on other websites. Nothing ever happened. I tried emailing him after a year of no contact and I never got a response. He's obviously moved on with his life. I was devastated. I couldn't put much stock into readers who said he wouldn't be back because they read the situation completely wrong, and some said he would be back just to be friends, which I knew wasn't going to happen.

I'm sorry. I wish they were honest. My readers were accurate for me for a whole year until now I have one more prediction left that is going to be my last reading.
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: maroonlight on May 11, 2017, 12:34:28 PM
Can't believe it. After a year of readings being accurate, they are wrong now. Especially from my two regular readers. Since February they have been saying wed reconcile. Etc it's now May and nothing.

I can relate.

I had called numerous readings, probably almost 30 or so on CP in the fall about my ex, and almost ALL of them said he'd be back, including the readers that got good reviews on other websites. Nothing ever happened. I tried emailing him after a year of no contact and I never got a response. He's obviously moved on with his life. I was devastated. I couldn't put much stock into readers who said he wouldn't be back because they read the situation completely wrong, and some said he would be back just to be friends, which I knew wasn't going to happen.

I'm sorry. I wish they were honest. My readers were accurate for me for a whole year until now I have one more prediction left that is going to be my last reading.

I honestly feel like with 90% of readers, regardless of who you are, or who you were asking about, they are going to give you a positive outcome. Some of the readers mainly give negative outcomes simply via "probable cause" because if the situation was going well, chances are you wouldn't be calling to begin with. Then of course there are others who answer positively or negatively based on the cold readings question answers they get from you. "When was the last time you spoke? "How long have you known him?" "What is your sign and his sign?"

So yeah. It's really a shame. I only read with CP about the ex, but have been reading with Keen recently about my current POI. Again, mostly all positive outcomes. Predictions are pending for later May/June. I have a feeling nothing will happen but I could be wrong. If nothing happens this time I am done calling psychics for good.
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Alchemist13 on May 11, 2017, 05:13:48 PM
Can't believe it. After a year of readings being accurate, they are wrong now. Especially from my two regular readers. Since February they have been saying wed reconcile. Etc it's now May and nothing.

I can relate.

I had called numerous readings, probably almost 30 or so on CP in the fall about my ex, and almost ALL of them said he'd be back, including the readers that got good reviews on other websites. Nothing ever happened. I tried emailing him after a year of no contact and I never got a response. He's obviously moved on with his life. I was devastated. I couldn't put much stock into readers who said he wouldn't be back because they read the situation completely wrong, and some said he would be back just to be friends, which I knew wasn't going to happen.

I'm sorry. I wish they were honest. My readers were accurate for me for a whole year until now I have one more prediction left that is going to be my last reading.

I honestly feel like with 90% of readers, regardless of who you are, or who you were asking about, they are going to give you a positive outcome. Some of the readers mainly give negative outcomes simply via "probable cause" because if the situation was going well, chances are you wouldn't be calling to begin with. Then of course there are others who answer positively or negatively based on the cold readings question answers they get from you. "When was the last time you spoke? "How long have you known him?" "What is your sign and his sign?"

So yeah. It's really a shame. I only read with CP about the ex, but have been reading with Keen recently about my current POI. Again, mostly all positive outcomes. Predictions are pending for later May/June. I have a feeling nothing will happen but I could be wrong. If nothing happens this time I am done calling psychics for good.

 I hear you on that one. I have one prediction left from Lotus of light who has been the best reader for me so far. I'll know by the end of this month if she's accurate I've already taking my credit card off my account I should really deactivate. it's been 3 months and no reconciliation. There have been readers that said he's coming back there has been to readers so that he's not. I've been working on myself but there's time for I have moments where I really miss him. I wish us both luck
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Baypark1 on May 12, 2017, 07:03:49 PM
Can't believe it. After a year of readings being accurate, they are wrong now. Especially from my two regular readers. Since February they have been saying wed reconcile. Etc it's now May and nothing.

I can relate.

I had called numerous readings, probably almost 30 or so on CP in the fall about my ex, and almost ALL of them said he'd be back, including the readers that got good reviews on other websites. Nothing ever happened. I tried emailing him after a year of no contact and I never got a response. He's obviously moved on with his life. I was devastated. I couldn't put much stock into readers who said he wouldn't be back because they read the situation completely wrong, and some said he would be back just to be friends, which I knew wasn't going to happen.

I'm sorry. I wish they were honest. My readers were accurate for me for a whole year until now I have one more prediction left that is going to be my last reading.

I honestly feel like with 90% of readers, regardless of who you are, or who you were asking about, they are going to give you a positive outcome. Some of the readers mainly give negative outcomes simply via "probable cause" because if the situation was going well, chances are you wouldn't be calling to begin with. Then of course there are others who answer positively or negatively based on the cold readings question answers they get from you. "When was the last time you spoke? "How long have you known him?" "What is your sign and his sign?"

So yeah. It's really a shame. I only read with CP about the ex, but have been reading with Keen recently about my current POI. Again, mostly all positive outcomes. Predictions are pending for later May/June. I have a feeling nothing will happen but I could be wrong. If nothing happens this time I am done calling psychics for good.

 I hear you on that one. I have one prediction left from Lotus of light who has been the best reader for me so far. I'll know by the end of this month if she's accurate I've already taking my credit card off my account I should really deactivate. it's been 3 months and no reconciliation. There have been readers that said he's coming back there has been to readers so that he's not. I've been working on myself but there's time for I have moments where I really miss him. I wish us both luck

In my experience, the readers in the past that have said the POI is not coming back or it's over and done, were correct. There were only a few out of many that said this but they were right.  The current POI, none of them said he's not coming back but I'm still moving on. Lotus told me he's ending it with the GF and will be back but in the long run, I won't be happy with him or the relationship.  I found that interesting.
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: maroonlight on May 12, 2017, 09:16:46 PM
Can't believe it. After a year of readings being accurate, they are wrong now. Especially from my two regular readers. Since February they have been saying wed reconcile. Etc it's now May and nothing.

I can relate.

I had called numerous readings, probably almost 30 or so on CP in the fall about my ex, and almost ALL of them said he'd be back, including the readers that got good reviews on other websites. Nothing ever happened. I tried emailing him after a year of no contact and I never got a response. He's obviously moved on with his life. I was devastated. I couldn't put much stock into readers who said he wouldn't be back because they read the situation completely wrong, and some said he would be back just to be friends, which I knew wasn't going to happen.

I'm sorry. I wish they were honest. My readers were accurate for me for a whole year until now I have one more prediction left that is going to be my last reading.

I honestly feel like with 90% of readers, regardless of who you are, or who you were asking about, they are going to give you a positive outcome. Some of the readers mainly give negative outcomes simply via "probable cause" because if the situation was going well, chances are you wouldn't be calling to begin with. Then of course there are others who answer positively or negatively based on the cold readings question answers they get from you. "When was the last time you spoke? "How long have you known him?" "What is your sign and his sign?"

So yeah. It's really a shame. I only read with CP about the ex, but have been reading with Keen recently about my current POI. Again, mostly all positive outcomes. Predictions are pending for later May/June. I have a feeling nothing will happen but I could be wrong. If nothing happens this time I am done calling psychics for good.

 I hear you on that one. I have one prediction left from Lotus of light who has been the best reader for me so far. I'll know by the end of this month if she's accurate I've already taking my credit card off my account I should really deactivate. it's been 3 months and no reconciliation. There have been readers that said he's coming back there has been to readers so that he's not. I've been working on myself but there's time for I have moments where I really miss him. I wish us both luck

In my experience, the readers in the past that have said the POI is not coming back or it's over and done, were correct. There were only a few out of many that said this but they were right.  The current POI, none of them said he's not coming back but I'm still moving on. Lotus told me he's ending it with the GF and will be back but in the long run, I won't be happy with him or the relationship.  I found that interesting.

I had readers a few readers tell me my old POI was not coming back, but they also said things like he had a serious girlfriend, which he was single, and or that he would reach out to be a friends which I know would not happen and it didn't. So they could always be guessing...

But yeah I feel the ones who give negative readings are more likely to be legit. But It's like I mentioned to Alchemist, the majority of readers will tell you something positive regardless of who you are calling about. They know we call to hear something good, not bad
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: copperhead on May 17, 2017, 05:17:30 AM
Brief update on a recent binge - confirming that all readers were wrong.
- My ex should have broken up with his gf and contacted me by the end of May. Last week they got engaged.
- A recent POI was described as nice, that he really liked me, that things would have evolved. As of last week he disappeared in silence.
$300 that I would have better enjoyed with a massage, mani-pedi, and some new clothes.
Lesson learned - again
(One of the readers said that she saw another man for me though - But now I don't care about checking my notes to see who said so and details. I have a date on Saturday: I'll just see what happens and proceed from there. The stupid readers won't find love or confidence for me. Let's live life as it is._

Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Bostongirl on May 17, 2017, 10:12:11 AM
So sorry. The hard part is that you were lead on. Glad you have a date. Hope it works out for you. xxx
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: copperhead on May 17, 2017, 03:15:05 PM
Brief update on a recent binge - confirming that all readers were wrong.
- My ex should have broken up with his gf and contacted me by the end of May. Last week they got engaged.
- A recent POI was described as nice, that he really liked me, that things would have evolved. As of last week he disappeared in silence.
$300 that I would have better enjoyed with a massage, mani-pedi, and some new clothes.
Lesson learned - again
(One of the readers said that she saw another man for me though - But now I don't care about checking my notes to see who said so and details. I have a date on Saturday: I'll just see what happens and proceed from there. The stupid readers won't find love or confidence for me. Let's live life as it is._

Ok - did not follow up with my own intentions. Woke up very sad this morning, opened Keen, Soul exposure was available for chat, I've just spent $60 to hear bs ... Why do we do this to ourselves?
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Baypark1 on May 17, 2017, 03:26:29 PM
Brief update on a recent binge - confirming that all readers were wrong.
- My ex should have broken up with his gf and contacted me by the end of May. Last week they got engaged.
- A recent POI was described as nice, that he really liked me, that things would have evolved. As of last week he disappeared in silence.
$300 that I would have better enjoyed with a massage, mani-pedi, and some new clothes.
Lesson learned - again
(One of the readers said that she saw another man for me though - But now I don't care about checking my notes to see who said so and details. I have a date on Saturday: I'll just see what happens and proceed from there. The stupid readers won't find love or confidence for me. Let's live life as it is._

Ok - did not follow up with my own intentions. Woke up very sad this morning, opened Keen, Soul exposure was available for chat, I've just spent $60 to hear bs ... Why do we do this to ourselves?

Because it's a feel good addiction but it only lasts a short time.  The way I broke the addiction was to actually speak the words "he's with someone else, he's not coming back, its over and done, he's happy".  I repeated that until I felt better.  It sucked at first but once I got through it, I was ok.  I also read back through my notes for the last 4 or 5 months and realized all the WRONG readings I had and how nothing ever happened.  Then I started focusing on myself.  Doing things I used to do when I didn't occupy time with obsessing and readings. I started reading again, cleaning out my closets and cabinets, walking my dogs etc.   I read somewhere when you start cleaning out and organizing your house, you're actually helping to move on.  It does feel good :)   It's a slow process.  I went from numerous readings a day, to one a day, to one a week etc.  Baby steps.
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: copperhead on May 17, 2017, 04:29:39 PM

Ok - did not follow up with my own intentions. Woke up very sad this morning, opened Keen, Soul exposure was available for chat, I've just spent $60 to hear bs ... Why do we do this to ourselves?

Because it's a feel good addiction but it only lasts a short time.  The way I broke the addiction was to actually speak the words "he's with someone else, he's not coming back, its over and done, he's happy".  I repeated that until I felt better.  It sucked at first but once I got through it, I was ok.  I also read back through my notes for the last 4 or 5 months and realized all the WRONG readings I had and how nothing ever happened.  Then I started focusing on myself.  Doing things I used to do when I didn't occupy time with obsessing and readings. I started reading again, cleaning out my closets and cabinets, walking my dogs etc.   I read somewhere when you start cleaning out and organizing your house, you're actually helping to move on.  It does feel good :)   It's a slow process.  I went from numerous readings a day, to one a day, to one a week etc.  Baby steps.

I do not want to get back with my ex, hell no! But it's like he has left toxins in my body that are so hard to get rid of. And I also feel that despite all my efforts - (I do clean my house, keep it neat, recently also threw out a lot of stuff, I get out, have a quite active social life, go on dates), not much is moving in my life romantically. So, the reading this morning was only partially about my ex. Oh well, but as of this morning I erased all the saved texts and chats with the ex and his phone number. And although we are no longer FB friends since the break up, I've blocked him (and his fiancé), so I'm no longer tempted to pick into whatever is public on their profiles. Moving on ... baby steps ... (not ready to erase years of emails yet but working on that).
Yes, readings do make you feel good, having something to look forward into the future. The dates for switching on energy in me that Soul Exposure gave me this morning coincide with my traveling for the summer, I found that interesting. She felt strongly that the guy who recently went silent will re-appear and that the date I'm having this weekend won't develop romantically. So, for the logic of wrong predictions, I'm likely going to have a blast with the new date and will never ever hear with the POI again!!
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: gwen76 on July 27, 2017, 07:37:41 AM
I had a reading with Fairie Moon goddess. Got the month and date right of when i would get my next job but was off by 1 year.
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: whskers on July 27, 2017, 02:45:36 PM
There was a point in my life when about 20 readers said i wont get laid off, but i did.  And i called them asking why are they wrong.. and they're like... oh its a last minute change.  They weren't planning to until last minute your management decided because they need to lay off more people.  Sure....
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: bluebelle on July 27, 2017, 03:03:34 PM
There was a point in my life when about 20 readers said i wont get laid off, but i did.  And i called them asking why are they wrong.. and they're like... oh its a last minute change.  They weren't planning to until last minute your management decided because they need to lay off more people.  Sure....

UGH how awful.  these readings are so bad for mental health overall.  really best to just let life play out as it is supposed to, but they become like a dirty habit (the readings) LOL!  like smoking, or drugs.
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: 5neatguysGAL on July 27, 2017, 08:22:06 PM
Re: POI 2001

For me, the only thing that helped was TIME. Even when he told me it was never, ever going to happen and we weren't even going to be friends EVER.... I still complained to two psychics, one in particular, about it. Time can heal a wound like this. Now if it would refund my $.
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: bluebelle on July 28, 2017, 04:44:08 PM
Re: POI 2001

For me, the only thing that helped was TIME. Even when he told me it was never, ever going to happen and we weren't even going to be friends EVER.... I still complained to two psychics, one in particular, about it. Time can heal a wound like this. Now if it would refund my $.

RIGHT!  i went thru the same thing.  I want all my money back, I get sick thinking about it.
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Littl30ne on August 17, 2017, 02:49:52 AM
LotusofLight  and treu destiny

Omg I read with both of them I can't remember what LotusofLight said but Treu Destiny was all cold reading! I wasted an hour with her a few months ago trying to get something "psychic" but it was all stuff my neighbor could've told me!!!
Title: Re: All readers were wrong so far
Post by: Littl30ne on August 17, 2017, 10:18:40 AM
Sorry I realized I got LotusofLight mixed up with someone else, the name looked familiar. I haven't read with her actually lol. I heard she and Jacqueline from CP were good friends so I got a reading with Jacqueline who was so sweet but the predictions never came to pass:(