The Psychic Reviews

Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: Wildheart81 on February 10, 2017, 04:50:37 PM

Title: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Wildheart81 on February 10, 2017, 04:50:37 PM
I had an account on Keen till last year and I had it for about two years. I can't remember any psychic being accurate with anything they predicted. Some were good with assessing personalites of either myself or someone I had asked about but that was it. I never tried anyone who charged more then 2.99 a minute as I couldn't justify spending any more then that.  I remember one woman whose name I can't remember whio was quite rude and nasty. She was snippy and very angry in her reading. She was a blonde woman and I think she had glasses in her profile pic

I remember trying a woman who was from the south and she tried to charge me 600.00 for what she called an "Energy Boost" to get me back on track. I didn't fall for that. Her profile was the Apple in her pic.

There was a black woman called Lightworker Lexie and she was not great.

Positive Vibz I am not sure if the spelling of her username is correct. She was awful. Tried her 2x and the first time she said one thing and the second time she did a 180 and said something totaly different.

Josselyn was not bad in terms of knowing my personality etc but predictions never paned out.

There was a psychic with an indian in his profile pic and he wasted my time with mumbo jumbo so I hung up.

I remember trying a guy who it turned out had two profiles on Keen. I found out because I called him and then tried another and it was the same voice. I am not sure how they get away with that.

I tried quite a few and they were all duds in my oppinion with respect to any predictions they gave me.

Overall my expereinces on that site were not good. I closed my account and am not sure I would go back though as I understand once it is closed you can't get the account back.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Sooshi on February 10, 2017, 05:32:38 PM
Doesn't sound like you managed to find any of the good ones on there, no. There are some, but before I found this board I only found one I could rely on and I found him on his own site before I found him on keen. 
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Caroline on February 10, 2017, 05:46:30 PM
I think a lot of these readers are good at  describing someone, but yes none of the major predictions have occurred.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Rediska on February 10, 2017, 06:02:10 PM
I think a lot of these readers are good at  describing someone, but yes none of the major predictions have occurred.

Sadly, yes. I noticed that a lot of them predict the future going off on current energy and personality and unfortunately that's why so many of them get it wrong.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Caroline on February 10, 2017, 06:22:37 PM
yes, that's true.  I guess also, they connect to everyone differently.  I read in the forum that Laurie Lee 90210 was good.  It was a waste of $20.  Her profile says super fast typist - it felt like a lifetime.  Vague vague vague.  I'm like getting so frustrated with my POI and myself for wanting to waste money on readings.

Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Wildheart81 on February 10, 2017, 09:00:14 PM
Is there someone who people on here can for the most part agree is very good. I want somone who is good with predictions.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Caroline on February 10, 2017, 09:40:16 PM
Is there someone who people on here can for the most part agree is very good. I want somone who is good with predictions.

Queen of Cups
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Shayalay on February 10, 2017, 10:07:15 PM
Is there someone who people on here can for the most part agree is very good. I want somone who is good with predictions.

For the most part:
Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
Aries Intuition (Kisha)

Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Luckystar on February 10, 2017, 10:24:52 PM
I agree with Shayalay.
I only read with Queen of Cups once. I asked two questions. One was about whether or not I would meet someone online and another was about a job. She said I would not meet the guy in question which was correct, but she also told me that I would not get the job I was interviewing for. She was wrong, I got the job.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Caroline on February 10, 2017, 11:10:54 PM
I agree with Shayalay.
I only read with Queen of Cups once. I asked two questions. One was about whether or not I would meet someone online and another was about a job. She said I would not meet the guy in question which was correct, but she also told me that I would not get the job I was interviewing for. She was wrong, I got the job.

She has been wrong about some stuff, but one thing she told me I didn't expect and was surprised when it happened.  She has been right about guys I have asked about and jobs.  She can be a real debbie downer though and sometimes she gets sassy so I have to check her lol.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: SunshineChick22 on February 10, 2017, 11:28:27 PM
I've used Keen for about 7 years now and I've been through my fair share of not so great readers.  I have 3 that I have found to be really great.

Maria Pearman - But she reads with playing cards and can't always answer a specific question if she doesn't see - like if a person isn't thinking about it or if it's not showing up in her spreads.  She also doesn't do timing.  But anything that has come up in her readings that she has seen, turned out to be true.  Even random things, and things that were bad and I wish had never happened lol  So if you like general readings or asking about someone's feelings, she's definitely great for that.  She can tell you what's going to happen, just not so much when.  I've been talking to her for about a year and a half now.

Fairie Moon Child - She is tarot/psychic, and she does give life advice along with her readings, so it may not be for some people.  However, her predictions, especially as far as a significant other is concerned, have been on point and correct, down to the exact date at some points.  She will tell you any third parties that come up as well, she is very honest in that regard, doesn't tell you just what you want to hear.

Zadalia - I have only been talking to her for 2 months now, but she is extremely accurate and amazing at picking up what you are feeling/thinking and what the other person is feeling/thinking.  She doesn't do timing, only if it comes to her in the reading, but she has been great and accurate for me.

There have been some others that I have come to trust and who have been accurate here and there, but nothing big picture, and sometimes didn't tell me anything negative, which I don't like to hear only fairy tales :)
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: SunshineChick22 on February 11, 2017, 05:54:26 PM
Sunshine, even though Zadalia doesn't do timing, have you had experiences with her predictions/outcomes coming true?

I've only spoken with her three times, the third time I called because a prediction came to pass and wanted an update.  When I spoke to her, that's all I said, was I wanted an update and she literally gave me a play by play of what had just happened.  She will tell you she's not great with timing unless it automatically comes up, but she has been for me.  But I also ask generally what's next in my relationship and she is able to pick that up.  Everything she has said has come to pass and the feelings/things she has picked up have been accurate too.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: SunshineChick22 on February 11, 2017, 05:57:29 PM
I've never heard of Maria Pearman. Sounds interesting...she has a lot of great reviews, but pretty much all from the same 2 people.

I think that's because Maria is different than most readers.  The first time I spoke to her, she couldn't answer my question because at the time the other person I wasn't calling about, it wasn't on their mind or in their intentions, so she couldn't tell me.  But she picked up on a lot of other things -- like she said that my sister's grandpa would be passing away, and I thought no, that's crazy because he's fine.  Well two months after the reading, he told everyone he had been battling cancer the past year and hadn't told anybody and then passed away shortly after that.  She doesn't do timing.  If she can't see something she won't pretend to or won't keep trying, but if she does see it, she's accurate and it'll come to pass.  She's also great at picking up on third parties - romantically or not.  I don't go to her for timing, but I do for other things.  I think that's maybe why some of us stick it out with her and others don't because a lot of people want timing or answers right then.  But she doesn't fairy tale.  She's extremely honest.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Baypark1 on February 11, 2017, 08:15:18 PM
I've never heard of Maria Pearman. Sounds interesting...she has a lot of great reviews, but pretty much all from the same 2 people.

I read with her a few times a couple of years ago. Wrong and fairytale
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Itsmylife on February 11, 2017, 10:00:07 PM
Hi  Wildheart81!
Its awesome you did not try more then 2.99/Min. Honestly, its been so funny and amazing how sometimes we are mislead by people because we are worried about life. ALL THE BEST OF THE BEST psychics on the keen including Kisha (Aries Intuition), Gaylene aka abundant visions, Cookie aka spiritualist reader, Lisa Diane and many others have been completely wrong. Even Kisha has been 95% wrong in all long or short term predictions besides a couple but I wont give much credit because after spending hundred of $$$ somethings can be right by chance. In fact, 99.8% these psychics cannot portray a timeline when proven wrong they claim oh we are good at  overall the conclusion/ long term, but then they dont go further then 6 months..... Its sad I have wasted a lot of money, though not too much on Keen but on Kasamba/ aka liveperson. I have grown and learned through painful experiences, personal disappointments and hardships no one knows future and if only something is reliable  A BIT could be astrology transits which are also only possible if one knows their unique time of birth..... This so far has been SO scarily accurate.... that I cant deny.
I hope you find good readers though.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: AnxiouslyWaiting2012 on February 12, 2017, 02:46:53 AM

I've used Keen for about 7 years now and I've been through my fair share of not so great readers.  I have 3 that I have found to be really great.

Maria Pearman - But she reads with playing cards and can't always answer a specific question if she doesn't see - like if a person isn't thinking about it or if it's not showing up in her spreads.  She also doesn't do timing.  But anything that has come up in her readings that she has seen, turned out to be true.  Even random things, and things that were bad and I wish had never happened lol  So if you like general readings or asking about someone's feelings, she's definitely great for that.  She can tell you what's going to happen, just not so much when.  I've been talking to her for about a year and a half now.

Fairie Moon Child - She is tarot/psychic, and she does give life advice along with her readings, so it may not be for some people.  However, her predictions, especially as far as a significant other is concerned, have been on point and correct, down to the exact date at some points.  She will tell you any third parties that come up as well, she is very honest in that regard, doesn't tell you just what you want to hear.

Zadalia - I have only been talking to her for 2 months now, but she is extremely accurate and amazing at picking up what you are feeling/thinking and what the other person is feeling/thinking.  She doesn't do timing, only if it comes to her in the reading, but she has been great and accurate for me.

There have been some others that I have come to trust and who have been accurate here and there, but nothing big picture, and sometimes didn't tell me anything negative, which I don't like to hear only fairy tales :)

I have just tried Maria Pearman because of you. I AM SO GRATEFUL TO YOU FOR MENTIONING HER. For every reader that I've said was good, she is by FAR THE BEST.  She mentioned things that are happening with me that I would not have mentioned. I actually was quiet. She asked questions about looks so she'd know who was who. OMG is all I have to say. I am in a state of shock. Thank you very much. She is really good.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: CNicole82 on February 12, 2017, 03:07:39 AM
I used to think that there were psychics on Keen that were great.  I still think there are two that are pretty good, but $5 dollars a minute is absurd to pay when someone is "sometimes" right.

I have since left Keen. Many dollars burned in moments of desperation only to be hurt more when the complete opposite happens and I can’t pay for gas that week either….

The reason I gave up on Keen is because I was connected to a reader in who was working out of a metaphysical store for a number of years providing in person and phone readings.  She is a medium (like John Edwards, Theresa Caputo, or Tyler Henry) that has all 4 Clair abilities as well.  This woman has changed my life!!!!!!!!!! – I have referred family, friends, and coworkers who have all been blown away by their experience with her.

Because she is ethical, if she does not think there is a connection, she does not charge you OR you can try to have a reading with her again in a few days. She is one of the kindest souls I have ever spoken to and she has never been wrong with me.

This is not your typical question and answer kinda reading, she actually talks to your loved ones and tells you exactly what they tell her.  Again, she is not the typical Keen kind of reader where you ask questions and they give you an interpretation of the information they are given – she tells you what is being said to her.

Anyway, she is a gem of a reader and one of the kindest souls I have ever spoken to. She does not work in the storefront anymore, but she does work out of her home.  You can contact her at

Lots of love!
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Shayalay on February 12, 2017, 05:16:07 AM
I used to think that there were psychics on Keen that were great.  I still think there are two that are pretty good, but $5 dollars a minute is absurd to pay when someone is "sometimes" right.

I have since left Keen. Many dollars burned in moments of desperation only to be hurt more when the complete opposite happens and I can’t pay for gas that week either….

The reason I gave up on Keen is because I was connected to a reader in who was working out of a metaphysical store for a number of years providing in person and phone readings.  She is a medium (like John Edwards, Theresa Caputo, or Tyler Henry) that has all 4 Clair abilities as well.  This woman has changed my life!!!!!!!!!! – I have referred family, friends, and coworkers who have all been blown away by their experience with her.

Because she is ethical, if she does not think there is a connection, she does not charge you OR you can try to have a reading with her again in a few days. She is one of the kindest souls I have ever spoken to and she has never been wrong with me.

This is not your typical question and answer kinda reading, she actually talks to your loved ones and tells you exactly what they tell her.  Again, she is not the typical Keen kind of reader where you ask questions and they give you an interpretation of the information they are given – she tells you what is being said to her.

Anyway, she is a gem of a reader and one of the kindest souls I have ever spoken to. She does not work in the storefront anymore, but she does work out of her home.  You can contact her at

Lots of love!

Thanks for the rec, she does sound great! How much is a typical reading? I don't see pricing on her site.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: CNicole82 on February 12, 2017, 01:57:38 PM
Depends on how you pay. If it is credit card I think it is $130 because of the fees, but I usually pay her cash $80.  She will explain payment methods when ou call her.  Good luck!
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: SunshineChick22 on February 12, 2017, 03:09:22 PM

I've used Keen for about 7 years now and I've been through my fair share of not so great readers.  I have 3 that I have found to be really great.

Maria Pearman - But she reads with playing cards and can't always answer a specific question if she doesn't see - like if a person isn't thinking about it or if it's not showing up in her spreads.  She also doesn't do timing.  But anything that has come up in her readings that she has seen, turned out to be true.  Even random things, and things that were bad and I wish had never happened lol  So if you like general readings or asking about someone's feelings, she's definitely great for that.  She can tell you what's going to happen, just not so much when.  I've been talking to her for about a year and a half now.

Fairie Moon Child - She is tarot/psychic, and she does give life advice along with her readings, so it may not be for some people.  However, her predictions, especially as far as a significant other is concerned, have been on point and correct, down to the exact date at some points.  She will tell you any third parties that come up as well, she is very honest in that regard, doesn't tell you just what you want to hear.

Zadalia - I have only been talking to her for 2 months now, but she is extremely accurate and amazing at picking up what you are feeling/thinking and what the other person is feeling/thinking.  She doesn't do timing, only if it comes to her in the reading, but she has been great and accurate for me.

There have been some others that I have come to trust and who have been accurate here and there, but nothing big picture, and sometimes didn't tell me anything negative, which I don't like to hear only fairy tales :)

I have just tried Maria Pearman because of you. I AM SO GRATEFUL TO YOU FOR MENTIONING HER. For every reader that I've said was good, she is by FAR THE BEST.  She mentioned things that are happening with me that I would not have mentioned. I actually was quiet. She asked questions about looks so she'd know who was who. OMG is all I have to say. I am in a state of shock. Thank you very much. She is really good.

Glad you liked her :)
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Caroline on February 21, 2017, 01:42:38 AM

I've used Keen for about 7 years now and I've been through my fair share of not so great readers.  I have 3 that I have found to be really great.

Maria Pearman - But she reads with playing cards and can't always answer a specific question if she doesn't see - like if a person isn't thinking about it or if it's not showing up in her spreads.  She also doesn't do timing.  But anything that has come up in her readings that she has seen, turned out to be true.  Even random things, and things that were bad and I wish had never happened lol  So if you like general readings or asking about someone's feelings, she's definitely great for that.  She can tell you what's going to happen, just not so much when.  I've been talking to her for about a year and a half now.

Fairie Moon Child - She is tarot/psychic, and she does give life advice along with her readings, so it may not be for some people.  However, her predictions, especially as far as a significant other is concerned, have been on point and correct, down to the exact date at some points.  She will tell you any third parties that come up as well, she is very honest in that regard, doesn't tell you just what you want to hear.

Zadalia - I have only been talking to her for 2 months now, but she is extremely accurate and amazing at picking up what you are feeling/thinking and what the other person is feeling/thinking.  She doesn't do timing, only if it comes to her in the reading, but she has been great and accurate for me.

There have been some others that I have come to trust and who have been accurate here and there, but nothing big picture, and sometimes didn't tell me anything negative, which I don't like to hear only fairy tales :)

I have just tried Maria Pearman because of you. I AM SO GRATEFUL TO YOU FOR MENTIONING HER. For every reader that I've said was good, she is by FAR THE BEST.  She mentioned things that are happening with me that I would not have mentioned. I actually was quiet. She asked questions about looks so she'd know who was who. OMG is all I have to say. I am in a state of shock. Thank you very much. She is really good.

Hi i just read with Maria Pearman.  You were right.  Although at first she couldn't hear me I was ready to hang up.  But she did describe both of us.  His hair is  salt and pepper, but she said dark so I guess maybe, but she described me well.  I am glad I read your comments here because I asked her what she saw between us down the line and she said it wasn't showing her so that makes sense now.  Anyway she asked are you going to buy a car - I just did earlier this month so I was like whaaat?  So I liked her, but she was all oh life is a mystery I was like really dude cause I mean that is true, but I kinda wanted you to tell me what you're seeing lol. 
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: HornetKick on February 21, 2017, 02:25:38 AM
So what do you say to Maria Pearman, just ask her to tell you what she sees?
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Caroline on February 21, 2017, 02:49:19 AM
So what do you say to Maria Pearman, just ask her to tell you what she sees?

Well my reading got off to a rocky start cause I guess she couldn't hear me cause she kept saying "hello hello" and then when i said I want to ask about "M" and how he feels about me and where she sees things going with she was like "who what" so then she asked his name again and his age.  I honestly don't know if she heard my question or not.  Then she described how we look.  She did ask his date of birth and asked what sign I am, but then later she was like so he's a scorpio and I was like no I am.

But as I said what she said about me and buying the car was accurate and I guess some other stuff.  She predicted stuff in 2018 for me.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Beesa on February 21, 2017, 05:53:25 AM
I'm done with readings for a while, it's all lame.
I think the whole thing just slows shit down from happening. Like we're literally paying someone to assure us and all we're doing is normalizing stupid situations that we need to move on from - getting readings doesn't help move us on really, does it? I'm sorry I sound so cynical.
It's like, what, are we all looking for some perfect magical reader to make everything better?
I'm so sad, I want us all to trust ourselves and move on  :'(
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: transplantnurse on February 21, 2017, 06:28:08 AM
I'm done with readings for a while, it's all lame.
I think the whole thing just slows shit down from happening. Like we're literally paying someone to assure us and all we're doing is normalizing stupid situations that we need to move on from - getting readings doesn't help move us on really, does it? I'm sorry I sound so cynical.
It's like, what, are we all looking for some perfect magical reader to make everything better?
I'm so sad, I want us all to trust ourselves and move on  :'(

I agree.It does slow things down..I am done with readings God I am so Ashamed.My Gf and I had the same situation last year we both met two different separate guys fell hard and it didn't work.My friend moved mourned the guy was hurt but moved on cold turkey no psychic readings & in the last few months she met a wonderful guy who swept her off her feet and are talking marriage.Meanwhile I am here relying on someone to tell me he will be back.Arghh we should do better&not rely on them
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Caroline on February 21, 2017, 07:12:33 AM
I'm done with readings for a while, it's all lame.
I think the whole thing just slows shit down from happening. Like we're literally paying someone to assure us and all we're doing is normalizing stupid situations that we need to move on from - getting readings doesn't help move us on really, does it? I'm sorry I sound so cynical.
It's like, what, are we all looking for some perfect magical reader to make everything better?
I'm so sad, I want us all to trust ourselves and move on  :'(

I agree.It does slow things down..I am done with readings God I am so Ashamed.My Gf and I had the same situation last year we both met two different separate guys fell hard and it didn't work.My friend moved mourned the guy was hurt but moved on cold turkey no psychic readings & in the last few months she met a wonderful guy who swept her off her feet and are talking marriage.Meanwhile I am here relying on someone to tell me he will be back.Arghh we should do better&not rely on them

You're both right; I think I need to stop too.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Beesa on February 22, 2017, 08:59:15 PM
I haven't gotten a reading in a few weeks. I'm sure I'll get one again eventually, but yeah, I kinda just want my situation to end or get better on its own without asking all the time.. But I don't really feel like I need a read anymore either, so it's not like I'm even 'trying' to not call. Maybe that's good?
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Saratahan on April 03, 2022, 03:51:35 AM
One of the worse advisers is kayyla. She gave me a date even and when I called her afterwards she completely changed my statement and claimed that MY poi had changed his destiny, great job so u predict for 16 per hour and then obviously when it doesn’t happen maybe 50% of the time. It wa s the change of stars. Do not call her if u care about your money.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: aquagirl on April 09, 2022, 04:07:31 PM
The reader who tried to charge you 600$ needs to be reported to keen.  That is against their terms of use. 

There are good readers on there. But you also have to have realistic expectations.  The ones mentioned above in my opinion are overrated and over priced.  The same reading style in others readers they are crucified but these ones are forgiven. 

Bear in mind that who works for one may not for another.  I’ve had the best success with some that people didn’t like on this forum.  But have proved to be the most accurate for me.   You can find good readers on keen under 4$. 

Timing is difficult for most. As much as people hate to hear about free will, it’s a huge factor.  Reader can be picking up on the persons intention to call but then something happens and they get distracted etc  I have had readers predict the craziest things that I thought they were off their rocker that came true.   Keep notes of all your calls.   And don’t read with the same person too often.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: gailG on June 11, 2023, 05:38:00 AM
One of the worse advisers is kayyla. She gave me a date even and when I called her afterwards she completely changed my statement and claimed that MY poi had changed his destiny, great job so u predict for 16 per hour and then obviously when it doesn’t happen maybe 50% of the time. It wa s the change of stars. Do not call her if u care about your money.
She was the only one who told me the truth .I got fairy tales from everyone else and they kept me hanging on it was a short reading but she was blunt and I dumped my POI never felt better For me she was good  I guess everyone has a different experience
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: gailG on June 11, 2023, 05:49:09 AM
Is there someone who people on here can for the most part agree is very good. I want somone who is good with predictions.
Liked queen of Cups she was off on some stuff but still good .kayyla was honest  pretty good too and  Maria  Pearlman was ok I quit calling so many because lots of them didnt get anything right  and made up stories all know is find someone you trust
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: Stone88 on June 11, 2023, 08:38:06 PM
Queen of cups didn't get a single thing right for me. I don't get the hype.
Title: Re: My experiences on Keen
Post by: jackY on June 11, 2023, 10:06:33 PM
I said the same thing on some other threads about her. She was way off on her assessments and predictions.

Queen of cups didn't get a single thing right for me. I don't get the hype.