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1 / Re: Endorsed Strengths
« Last post by applecheeks on Today at 12:36:21 PM »
Does anyone know why the "Endorsed Strengths" #s drop over time for many readers? Were those fake numbers? I used to use those #s as index for me to decide if I wanted to try the psychic. But I've noticed that those numbers fluctuate! Shouldn't they just increase as more people get readings and put in more reviews? How come those numbers decrease?! Any ideas?

I read somewhere that they drop off after a year, the same way the ratings do there. Have you ever noticed that it will say they have x number of ratings, but then maybe only have a couple pages of ratings? That is because they drop off after a year, and only the ratings from the past year count towards their rating average. I like it, because when you look at how many endorsed strengths they have, it gives you an idea of how active the reader has been in the past year. It also means their rating average isn't being padded by ratings from a decade ago.
Psychic Readings That Came True / Re: Bitwine Psychics
« Last post by piccolapixie on Today at 06:45:33 AM »
anyone read with clara love reader? a lot of her reviews are of predictions coming true from different people and not just generic reviews so curious if anyone has had experience with her.

I read with her on June 27 of this year and I knew she was full of shit when she told me all of this:

“Yes, I do see that sometimes they are hard to read and makes you feel like youre just friends sometimes. but i do see deep thoughts in his mind about you and marriage. and i do see a love connection and strong attraction from him towards you, i do see that you cant stop thinking about you and i know you just want to get this started and enjoy him to the fullest i do see that he was thinkinga bout you 4 night ago before he slept and smiled. He’s pretending to play it cool but I see he’s very nervous and doesn’t want to loose you. hes worth your time and heart and i know he just makes you smile so much. there was a magic when he first looked into your eyes that night you first saw him and i do see that he felt the same way about you”

I interject her by saying “I’m not sure you’re reading the right person” because I knew all of that was bullshit because that was definitely NOT the case between POI and I and she says “aww let us re connect another time then, my energies get exhausted sometimes and i would love to give you a reading another time”

That crap sounded too lovey dovey, hunky dory, super fairytalish to me lol

based on your posts I can say the only person full of shit here is you.
3 / Endorsed Strengths
« Last post by dragonflyer on Today at 03:17:20 AM »
Does anyone know why the "Endorsed Strengths" #s drop over time for many readers? Were those fake numbers? I used to use those #s as index for me to decide if I wanted to try the psychic. But I've noticed that those numbers fluctuate! Shouldn't they just increase as more people get readings and put in more reviews? How come those numbers decrease?! Any ideas?
4 / Re: Cosmic Navigator
« Last post by PsyGurl on May 10, 2024, 08:00:09 PM »
 Hes on Kassamba but did not know this.  I read with him on Keen gave me a date for June then I said to myself read with him on Kassamba and he gives me a different timeline LOL!!!!

Oh wow!! That tells me enough lol.
5 / Re: North star Julie
« Last post by Hannahc88 on May 10, 2024, 07:53:35 PM »
Yeah it’s so bizarre isn’t it. It doesn’t make sense as more customer is money for them. And I’m in the UK so it was early here late in US so she was just green lol but yeah I understand how you must feel- it’s hard to find a psychic who connects so well to you and is accurate with your situation to then just block you. It’s plain rude I actually don’t know who they think they are haha.
6 / Re: Cosmic Navigator
« Last post by kika on May 10, 2024, 06:54:18 PM »
Psychic Readings That Came True / Re: Solid Reading that came true
« Last post by kika on May 10, 2024, 06:51:56 PM »
Tried it she gave me a quick positive answer and I was like WOW!!! So we shall see.
8 / Re: Cosmic Navigator
« Last post by kika on May 10, 2024, 06:49:57 PM »
Hes on Kassamba but did not know this.  I read with him on Keen gave me a date for June then I said to myself read with him on Kassamba and he gives me a different timeline LOL!!!!
9 / Re: Cosmic Navigator
« Last post by Chocolate on May 10, 2024, 06:34:33 PM »
Sounds like a cosmic cowboy 😊
10 / Cosmic Navigator
« Last post by PsyGurl on May 10, 2024, 03:55:00 PM »
Cosmic Navigator looks like he’s new to keen with a few calls so far, but no written feedback :(  Anyone read with him? He’s an astrologer.♐️♈️
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