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1 / Re: Dragonfly Dancer
« Last post by SGVues on Today at 06:36:39 AM »
Thanks for sharing usermejay! That’s quite reassuring. I hope the predictions work out for all of us here :)
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by greekgeek on Today at 03:15:25 AM »
Would anyone be able to shed some light into what this could mean from my last Yona's reading? This was from the opening cards:

"Recognition of change from an organisation". "It could be a government body, large organisation, an employer, an examiner".

She also saw really bright/light colours around me, which surprised her. She wasn't sure what it meant but she said it has to be a positive thing. She told me that she had never seen my colours so bright. Anyone has had this?

I've never gotten any mention of colors in the crystal. Only recently Yona had said she saw colors in the crystal so she knew we were connecting. I'd be curious to know if people had colors and what they meant. I know green means healing.

Only time I got color in the crystal it was orange. She said it was an "unusual amount of color" and that "Orange is strength and determination."
3 / Re: POI Reached Out! List of Advisors Right/Wrong
« Last post by SGVues on Today at 03:13:44 AM »
Sad to hear that! She told me that my potential love interest will reach out in about 30 days! Will see how that goes. I might end up being in your shoes.  However I am happy with the quality of her reading. She read my POI accurately. She has thrown in other characters and names of places which do not make sense now but would manifest with time I suppose. On reading the older threads on her can see this to be her style.
4 / Re: Dragonfly Dancer
« Last post by usermejay on Today at 03:11:29 AM »
For me she mentioned something that was really true about me and my POI and I never tell any advisor I'm talking to about that.
She got it right. So I'm sure she is accurate to some extent. Prediction is pending but she does give me possibly even in 2 weeks.
I read and saw lots of you said she's not good with timeline so I'm just gonna take it with a grain of salt
5 / Luke Bishop
« Last post by kika on Today at 02:44:16 AM »
Has anyone ever read with him? He nailed a prediction the first time I contacted him. The second reading he was all over the place.
6 / Re: POI Reached Out! List of Advisors Right/Wrong
« Last post by kika on Today at 02:36:49 AM »
Barbara 4846 told he would contact me NOT
7 / Re: Axxelle
« Last post by kika on Today at 02:33:45 AM »
They tried to say I had 2 accounts. I'm like what???
8 / Re: Dragonfly Dancer
« Last post by SGVues on Today at 01:00:28 AM »
Thanks appleeyes75!

She has given me a positive reading too so I wanted to see what others think of her. However, she was able to pick up something interesting in this month for me which is true. Will see what happens. All the best with the predictions! Hope they work out for you.
9 / Re: POI Reached Out! List of Advisors Right/Wrong
« Last post by SGVues on Today at 12:57:52 AM »
She lied to me!!!!

Sorry to hear that kika! Can you please provide some details?
10 / Re: Axxelle
« Last post by Novachild1018 on Today at 12:56:21 AM »
How do you get banned from Bitwine? Did they give u a reason?

Bitwine banned me!!!
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