The Psychic Reviews

Relationship Psychology Discussions => The Vent => Topic started by: Catlover86 on June 20, 2019, 06:09:28 PM

Title: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Catlover86 on June 20, 2019, 06:09:28 PM
Hi everyone,

I am feeling so down today. Could really use some help. I’ve had readings with Yona, abundant visions, cookie, and lady Jenna this year. They all pick up the same thing. I’ll be in a relationship around summer/after summer so like July-September? Right now, things aren’t going so well in any area of my life. I am pregnant, I need to move out of my current home, and financially I am struggling. Unfortunately I am not in a relationship with the dad but he’s very involved. Yona mentioned new love and asked me of that surprised me, I said well I’m pregnant so I don’t know if you’re picking up the pregnancy/baby, she said it was “adult love” potential long term. Then said she saw a man and woman’s hand together in an agreement but that it had to do with moving? She said he and I would move in together. We’re not even in a relationship and we live 2 hours away from each other. So I don’t know. Cookie saw exactly what’s happening now, periods in 2019 of me not feeling like a priority, going to be times where I want to just walk away, but she saw us meeting families (which happened) and that we would be getting closer. Didn’t saw we would be in a relationship so idk, abundant sees him wanting to start up a romantic relationship, gave me the timeframe, and said basically my life is going to be good. Right now things seem so shitty :,( I feel like he’s still doing his thing if you know what I mean because he’s distant now. Nobody picks ups on a third party, not even Yona but still. Then I feel like shit because I told him I booked a date to take maternity pictures and asked if he wanted to join, he said no. :,( made me feel so stupid. Can anyone give me some advice? I know these are very popular readers. What do you guys think?
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: username1111 on June 20, 2019, 06:23:52 PM
I don't know how far you are into your pregnancy, neither how old you and the father are... But I am gonna give you a bit of my own experience and I hope it will help.
I was pregnant at 19, the dad was also very young. It was unplanned and took both of us by surprise. As a woman, you are in it 100% of the time 24/7 from the day you realized whats happening. For men, it takes a lot more time, often, they need to meet their baby, hold him/her to get it, to feel their involvement and commit to the daddy's life... The pregnancy can create a big rift between you because you have NO ways to escape it, and he has ALL the ways to still do it. He may want to use all the time he has left before the birth to enjoy his life as a non-dad-yet.
Courage, ping me if you want to talk more. :)
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Catlover86 on June 20, 2019, 07:29:05 PM
Hi everyone,

I am feeling so down today. Could really use some help. I’ve had readings with Yona, abundant visions, cookie, and lady Jenna this year. They all pick up the same thing. I’ll be in a relationship around summer/after summer so like July-September? Right now, things aren’t going so well in any area of my life. I am pregnant, I need to move out of my current home, and financially I am struggling. Unfortunately I am not in a relationship with the dad but he’s very involved. Yona mentioned new love and asked me of that surprised me, I said well I’m pregnant so I don’t know if you’re picking up the pregnancy/baby, she said it was “adult love” potential long term. Then said she saw a man and woman’s hand together in an agreement but that it had to do with moving? She said he and I would move in together. We’re not even in a relationship and we live 2 hours away from each other. So I don’t know. Cookie saw exactly what’s happening now, periods in 2019 of me not feeling like a priority, going to be times where I want to just walk away, but she saw us meeting families (which happened) and that we would be getting closer. Didn’t saw we would be in a relationship so idk, abundant sees him wanting to start up a romantic relationship, gave me the timeframe, and said basically my life is going to be good. Right now things seem so shitty :,( I feel like he’s still doing his thing if you know what I mean because he’s distant now. Nobody picks ups on a third party, not even Yona but still. Then I feel like shit because I told him I booked a date to take maternity pictures and asked if he wanted to join, he said no. :,( made me feel so stupid. Can anyone give me some advice? I know these are very popular readers. What do you guys think?

is that all about poi1 or the new guy that yona predicted? Because maybe they are all picking up on a new guy? I know that cookie and abundant can be a bit too optimistic with their time frames. And especially if yona is picking it up too and they all allign, I would be hopeful!

Can I tell you something? You never know what tomorrow will bring (: Things can change in an instant. Stay hopeful <3

After I told Yona I was expecting she automatically tied new adult love to the dad. She didn’t describe a man or was very detailed, that’s what worries me is that she just automatically said it’s him. Abundant describes him and our situation pretty accurately and keeps stating she sees us together. She kept getting the number 7 so she felt July was going to be the key month of him trying to make it a “romantic commitment” but it doesn’t feel like it could happen that soon. Yona said summer, she said ace of cups, new big love, not just the baby. I am trying to be optimistic.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Dreamer23 on June 20, 2019, 08:52:32 PM
I might sound like a downer but I don't think you should trust what psychics say. If you contact psychics, try your best to take what they say with a grain of salt. Because many times, if not most times, they can be very very wrong.

If you are seeking counsel maybe talk to a therapist. Or trust your own gut. Can you rely on this man? Do you want to be with him? Does he prove to be a good partner/father so far? If the answer to one of these questions is no, then can you try to build a life without him? Rely on family, friends and yourself to raise this baby and move forward in life.

Hugs to you and best of luck!!!
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Jeninmd2 on June 20, 2019, 09:06:18 PM
Hi Catlover - I think what username1111 has said is great insight. That being said, what others have mentioned about taking readings with a grain of salt also still applies - I have read with Yona for a while and I’m sure you have noticed from comments on the board that unfortunately her timing can be accurate season-wise, just the wrong year.  I have no doubt that if Yona sees a big love coming for you, that it will come...the big question is WHEN (and sometimes who lol).  Please try not to lose hope that even if things aren’t meant to be with your child’s father that there is someone amazing that the universe will bring you when the time is right. In fact, regarding love matters, Yona has occasionally used that same phrase regading the time being right (or not) when referring to my love situations.

Stay strong - please do what’s best for yourself and your child, and things will eventually work out for the best. Sending lots of positive vibes your way!! <3
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Love2lovenj on June 20, 2019, 09:25:30 PM
I agree don't fret over the reading.  Half the time these outcomes never happen even if they tell you exactly what you are wearing at that moment and what you binge watched 3 months ago.  Nothing is set in stone.  I would just focus on your all around health and the little one you are carrying.   Plus save your money because having a baby is costly.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: happyk on June 20, 2019, 10:07:55 PM
Exactly opposite of what Yona said to me is happening to me right now so I wouldn't put my eggs in that basket. I'm sorry but I think we all need to be real and your baby needs you, save that money. Anything a psychic says, I would not base my life on it because I've had a lot of experience and 99% of what they said has been wrong. I've gotten a hit here and there but nothing major has happened. I cannot even imagine being in your shoes and you are very brave but don't cling on to anything. Even psychics have to give you disclaimer that readings are for entertainment purposes only so I would'nt listen to anyone saying psychics are right and be hopeful, not what I've been through. Hope it's a very dangerous thing. If a man loves you and wants to be in your life there's absolutely nothing that would keep him apart from you.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: persephone on June 20, 2019, 10:14:14 PM
I know how you feel, I’m a mother and I’ve been in your shoes. It’s easy to say it and hard to do it, but I think stress and worry won’t help you and your baby.
Take everything with a grain of salt.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: bstalling on June 20, 2019, 10:16:10 PM
Heartfelt advice, stop the readings and focus on your life in a practical way. No psychic is ever to be relied upon on situations that matter for you. Consider having an honest talk with your childs father, seek counseling, and maybe ask for practical help from your friends and families. Whatever is meant to happen will happen. Save your money.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: diamondcanadian on June 20, 2019, 11:29:04 PM
Hi everyone,

I am feeling so down today. Could really use some help. I’ve had readings with Yona, abundant visions, cookie, and lady Jenna this year. They all pick up the same thing. I’ll be in a relationship around summer/after summer so like July-September? Right now, things aren’t going so well in any area of my life. I am pregnant, I need to move out of my current home, and financially I am struggling. Unfortunately I am not in a relationship with the dad but he’s very involved. Yona mentioned new love and asked me of that surprised me, I said well I’m pregnant so I don’t know if you’re picking up the pregnancy/baby, she said it was “adult love” potential long term. Then said she saw a man and woman’s hand together in an agreement but that it had to do with moving? She said he and I would move in together. We’re not even in a relationship and we live 2 hours away from each other. So I don’t know. Cookie saw exactly what’s happening now, periods in 2019 of me not feeling like a priority, going to be times where I want to just walk away, but she saw us meeting families (which happened) and that we would be getting closer. Didn’t saw we would be in a relationship so idk, abundant sees him wanting to start up a romantic relationship, gave me the timeframe, and said basically my life is going to be good. Right now things seem so shitty :,( I feel like he’s still doing his thing if you know what I mean because he’s distant now. Nobody picks ups on a third party, not even Yona but still. Then I feel like shit because I told him I booked a date to take maternity pictures and asked if he wanted to join, he said no. :,( made me feel so stupid. Can anyone give me some advice? I know these are very popular readers. What do you guys think?

Why have his baby if he’s a total retard? I’m not being insensitive but I’m asking because I know a lot of cases where this happens and I don’t understand it. also the readers u mentioned maybe popular but doesn’t mean they are accurate with current situation AND OUTCOMES. None of those u mentioned were right for me . I feel like helping u so I’m going to inbox u . It baffles me how men can be to a woman AFTER sex and good times but don’t let these advisors make u hold on to something and hold on to hurt longer than u have to . My mother always told me What loves you doesn’t hurt you...and the main reason I don’t have kids til this day is because I refuse to be in a parentship or play house or have to have a shitty man in my life longer than I need to . Stay positive and leave him be

I get your point totally for the rest of the post , but that first line is completely insensitive, even though you said you didn’t mean to be.

There are plenty of reasons why people follow through with a pregnancy when a dad isn’t around, and your curiosity on the matter isn’t a reason for the OP to share. It’s none of our business and she shouldn’t have to, as this is obviously a sensitive and emotional time for her right now.

What if the reason is because she was told she couldn’t have kids , and this miracle happened and she’s following through because she believes it may never happen for her again?

What if it’s a religious reason?

What if it’s simply the joy of having a child?

It’s none of our business - just support the OP where support is needed , not questioning her on her choices
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: username1111 on June 20, 2019, 11:40:49 PM
I agree with @diamondcanadian...
Even if you didn't mean to be hurtful @Natashanyc saying Why have his baby if he’s a total retard? was pretty FUCKED UP, judgmental and ignorant.
Her baby, her body, her decision - If another person can add up some comment to that, thats the future dad.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: josh34 on June 21, 2019, 12:00:38 AM
Hi everyone,

I am feeling so down today. Could really use some help. I’ve had readings with Yona, abundant visions, cookie, and lady Jenna this year. They all pick up the same thing. I’ll be in a relationship around summer/after summer so like July-September? Right now, things aren’t going so well in any area of my life. I am pregnant, I need to move out of my current home, and financially I am struggling. Unfortunately I am not in a relationship with the dad but he’s very involved. Yona mentioned new love and asked me of that surprised me, I said well I’m pregnant so I don’t know if you’re picking up the pregnancy/baby, she said it was “adult love” potential long term. Then said she saw a man and woman’s hand together in an agreement but that it had to do with moving? She said he and I would move in together. We’re not even in a relationship and we live 2 hours away from each other. So I don’t know. Cookie saw exactly what’s happening now, periods in 2019 of me not feeling like a priority, going to be times where I want to just walk away, but she saw us meeting families (which happened) and that we would be getting closer. Didn’t saw we would be in a relationship so idk, abundant sees him wanting to start up a romantic relationship, gave me the timeframe, and said basically my life is going to be good. Right now things seem so shitty :,( I feel like he’s still doing his thing if you know what I mean because he’s distant now. Nobody picks ups on a third party, not even Yona but still. Then I feel like shit because I told him I booked a date to take maternity pictures and asked if he wanted to join, he said no. :,( made me feel so stupid. Can anyone give me some advice? I know these are very popular readers. What do you guys think?

Why have his baby if he’s a total retard? I’m not being insensitive but I’m asking because I know a lot of cases where this happens and I don’t understand it. also the readers u mentioned maybe popular but doesn’t mean they are accurate with current situation AND OUTCOMES. None of those u mentioned were right for me . I feel like helping u so I’m going to inbox u . It baffles me how men can be to a woman AFTER sex and good times but don’t let these advisors make u hold on to something and hold on to hurt longer than u have to . My mother always told me What loves you doesn’t hurt you...and the main reason I don’t have kids til this day is because I refuse to be in a parentship or play house or have to have a shitty man in my life longer than I need to . Stay positive and leave him be

I get your point totally for the rest of the post , but that first line is completely insensitive, even though you said you didn’t mean to be.

There are plenty of reasons why people follow through with a pregnancy when a dad isn’t around, and your curiosity on the matter isn’t a reason for the OP to share. It’s none of our business and she shouldn’t have to, as this is obviously a sensitive and emotional time for her right now.

What if the reason is because she was told she couldn’t have kids , and this miracle happened and she’s following through because she believes it may never happen for her again?

What if it’s a religious reason?

What if it’s simply the joy of having a child?

It’s none of our business - just support the OP where support is needed , not questioning her on her choices

Very well said. I love that there are those here who recognize that we should be supporting OP. We all have been through, or are going through a rough time, and it's clear to me that OP needs our support.

We're here for you, OP <3
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Fidget1028 on June 21, 2019, 12:01:44 AM
Hi everyone,

I am feeling so down today. Could really use some help. I’ve had readings with Yona, abundant visions, cookie, and lady Jenna this year. They all pick up the same thing. I’ll be in a relationship around summer/after summer so like July-September? Right now, things aren’t going so well in any area of my life. I am pregnant, I need to move out of my current home, and financially I am struggling. Unfortunately I am not in a relationship with the dad but he’s very involved. Yona mentioned new love and asked me of that surprised me, I said well I’m pregnant so I don’t know if you’re picking up the pregnancy/baby, she said it was “adult love” potential long term. Then said she saw a man and woman’s hand together in an agreement but that it had to do with moving? She said he and I would move in together. We’re not even in a relationship and we live 2 hours away from each other. So I don’t know. Cookie saw exactly what’s happening now, periods in 2019 of me not feeling like a priority, going to be times where I want to just walk away, but she saw us meeting families (which happened) and that we would be getting closer. Didn’t saw we would be in a relationship so idk, abundant sees him wanting to start up a romantic relationship, gave me the timeframe, and said basically my life is going to be good. Right now things seem so shitty :,( I feel like he’s still doing his thing if you know what I mean because he’s distant now. Nobody picks ups on a third party, not even Yona but still. Then I feel like shit because I told him I booked a date to take maternity pictures and asked if he wanted to join, he said no. :,( made me feel so stupid. Can anyone give me some advice? I know these are very popular readers. What do you guys think?

Why have his baby if he’s a total retard? I’m not being insensitive
but I’m asking because I know a lot of cases where this happens and I don’t understand it. also the readers u mentioned maybe popular but doesn’t mean they are accurate with current situation AND OUTCOMES. None of those u mentioned were right for me . I feel like helping u so I’m going to inbox u . It baffles me how men can be to a woman AFTER sex and good times but don’t let these advisors make u hold on to something and hold on to hurt longer than u have to . My mother always told me What loves you doesn’t hurt you...and the main reason I don’t have kids til this day is because I refuse to be in a parentship or play house or have to have a shitty man in my life longer than I need to . Stay positive and leave him be

You're right, you're not insensitive, you're a douchebag. Wtaf???
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Natashanyc on June 21, 2019, 12:31:45 AM
Hi everyone,

I am feeling so down today. Could really use some help. I’ve had readings with Yona, abundant visions, cookie, and lady Jenna this year. They all pick up the same thing. I’ll be in a relationship around summer/after summer so like July-September? Right now, things aren’t going so well in any area of my life. I am pregnant, I need to move out of my current home, and financially I am struggling. Unfortunately I am not in a relationship with the dad but he’s very involved. Yona mentioned new love and asked me of that surprised me, I said well I’m pregnant so I don’t know if you’re picking up the pregnancy/baby, she said it was “adult love” potential long term. Then said she saw a man and woman’s hand together in an agreement but that it had to do with moving? She said he and I would move in together. We’re not even in a relationship and we live 2 hours away from each other. So I don’t know. Cookie saw exactly what’s happening now, periods in 2019 of me not feeling like a priority, going to be times where I want to just walk away, but she saw us meeting families (which happened) and that we would be getting closer. Didn’t saw we would be in a relationship so idk, abundant sees him wanting to start up a romantic relationship, gave me the timeframe, and said basically my life is going to be good. Right now things seem so shitty :,( I feel like he’s still doing his thing if you know what I mean because he’s distant now. Nobody picks ups on a third party, not even Yona but still. Then I feel like shit because I told him I booked a date to take maternity pictures and asked if he wanted to join, he said no. :,( made me feel so stupid. Can anyone give me some advice? I know these are very popular readers. What do you guys think?

Why have his baby if he’s a total retard? I’m not being insensitive
but I’m asking because I know a lot of cases where this happens and I don’t understand it. also the readers u mentioned maybe popular but doesn’t mean they are accurate with current situation AND OUTCOMES. None of those u mentioned were right for me . I feel like helping u so I’m going to inbox u . It baffles me how men can be to a woman AFTER sex and good times but don’t let these advisors make u hold on to something and hold on to hurt longer than u have to . My mother always told me What loves you doesn’t hurt you...and the main reason I don’t have kids til this day is because I refuse to be in a parentship or play house or have to have a shitty man in my life longer than I need to . Stay positive and leave him be

You're right, you're not insensitive, you're a douchebag. Wtaf???

I asked that for a reason ... I came from a woman who made the same choice and my sister is almost 40 and can count on one hand how many times she saw her dad ... it hurts the child and reading her post reminded me of my mom and my middle sister who also went through the same thing. I have a very RAW way of speaking and a lot of times people mistake it for disrespect but in reality IM HONESTLY TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THE LOGIC ... u may not like my delivery but I don’t understand why men want to play like they so into you then ghost when responsibility hits... so who’s really the douchebag???... I also had a single parent most of my life so I think I know first hand how parentships or situationships work. I felt bad when she said he wouldn’t do the photos with her but again I’m sorry he’s a assholeee and I know we sometimes disregard signs of a man who is no good for us and that’s why I offered help and the very few ppl who know my situation here can understand why I’m empathize with her .... would u have a mans baby who is not ready nor willing to be a father or be with you ? (That’s a real question not sarcasm) it’s kinda late to ask for commitment...idk why these psychics telling a pregnant woman about NEW LOVE INTEREST OR A NEW MAN. I’m not gonna sugarcoat her more than she has already been. I know what it’s like to spend hundreds on false hope and holding on to a no good bastard and I would hate for a mother to be to go down that spiral or depression. That was my angle on my post so call me what u want... this is the internet hun your opinion of what u think I am is not valid in my real life. But I do hope your thumbs feel better lol (sarcasm) :)

Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: josh34 on June 21, 2019, 12:39:33 AM
Hi everyone,

I am feeling so down today. Could really use some help. I’ve had readings with Yona, abundant visions, cookie, and lady Jenna this year. They all pick up the same thing. I’ll be in a relationship around summer/after summer so like July-September? Right now, things aren’t going so well in any area of my life. I am pregnant, I need to move out of my current home, and financially I am struggling. Unfortunately I am not in a relationship with the dad but he’s very involved. Yona mentioned new love and asked me of that surprised me, I said well I’m pregnant so I don’t know if you’re picking up the pregnancy/baby, she said it was “adult love” potential long term. Then said she saw a man and woman’s hand together in an agreement but that it had to do with moving? She said he and I would move in together. We’re not even in a relationship and we live 2 hours away from each other. So I don’t know. Cookie saw exactly what’s happening now, periods in 2019 of me not feeling like a priority, going to be times where I want to just walk away, but she saw us meeting families (which happened) and that we would be getting closer. Didn’t saw we would be in a relationship so idk, abundant sees him wanting to start up a romantic relationship, gave me the timeframe, and said basically my life is going to be good. Right now things seem so shitty :,( I feel like he’s still doing his thing if you know what I mean because he’s distant now. Nobody picks ups on a third party, not even Yona but still. Then I feel like shit because I told him I booked a date to take maternity pictures and asked if he wanted to join, he said no. :,( made me feel so stupid. Can anyone give me some advice? I know these are very popular readers. What do you guys think?

Why have his baby if he’s a total retard? I’m not being insensitive
but I’m asking because I know a lot of cases where this happens and I don’t understand it. also the readers u mentioned maybe popular but doesn’t mean they are accurate with current situation AND OUTCOMES. None of those u mentioned were right for me . I feel like helping u so I’m going to inbox u . It baffles me how men can be to a woman AFTER sex and good times but don’t let these advisors make u hold on to something and hold on to hurt longer than u have to . My mother always told me What loves you doesn’t hurt you...and the main reason I don’t have kids til this day is because I refuse to be in a parentship or play house or have to have a shitty man in my life longer than I need to . Stay positive and leave him be

You're right, you're not insensitive, you're a douchebag. Wtaf???

I asked that for a reason ... I came from a woman who made the same choice and my sister is almost 40 and can count on one hand how many times she saw her dad ... it hurts the child and reading her post reminded me of my mom and my middle sister who also went through the same thing. I have a very RAW way of speaking and a lot of times people mistake it for disrespect but in reality IM HONESTLY TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THE LOGIC ... u may not like my delivery but I don’t understand why men want to play like they so into you then ghost when responsibility hits... so who’s really the douchebag???... I also had a single parent most of my life so I think I know first hand how parentships or situationships work. I felt bad when she said he wouldn’t do the photos with her but again I’m sorry he’s a assholeee and I know we sometimes disregard signs of a man who is no good for us and that’s why I offered help and the very few ppl who know my situation here can understand why I’m empathize with her .... would u have a mans baby who is not ready nor willing to be a father or be with you ? (That’s a real question not sarcasm) it’s kinda late to ask for commitment...idk why these psychics telling a pregnant woman about NEW LOVE INTEREST OR A NEW MAN. I’m not gonna sugarcoat her more than she has already been. I know what it’s like to spend hundreds on false hope and holding on to a no good bastard and I would hate for a mother to be to go down that spiral or depression. That was my angle on my post so call me what u want... this is the internet hun your opinion of what u think I am is not valid in my real life. But I do hope your thumbs feel better lol (sarcasm) :)

I get your heart was in the right place, but understand that not every "baby daddy" is evil, and likewise, not every one of them are going to just up and ghost, and disappear. I'm sorry for your experience, but you can't use your single experience to claim what will happen to this person, as if it were fact. She did say her guy and she were getting closer. I'm sorry you've been through that, you don't deserve that kind of thing happening. But please know that experiences differ from individual to individual.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Natashanyc on June 21, 2019, 12:42:47 AM
Hi everyone,

I am feeling so down today. Could really use some help. I’ve had readings with Yona, abundant visions, cookie, and lady Jenna this year. They all pick up the same thing. I’ll be in a relationship around summer/after summer so like July-September? Right now, things aren’t going so well in any area of my life. I am pregnant, I need to move out of my current home, and financially I am struggling. Unfortunately I am not in a relationship with the dad but he’s very involved. Yona mentioned new love and asked me of that surprised me, I said well I’m pregnant so I don’t know if you’re picking up the pregnancy/baby, she said it was “adult love” potential long term. Then said she saw a man and woman’s hand together in an agreement but that it had to do with moving? She said he and I would move in together. We’re not even in a relationship and we live 2 hours away from each other. So I don’t know. Cookie saw exactly what’s happening now, periods in 2019 of me not feeling like a priority, going to be times where I want to just walk away, but she saw us meeting families (which happened) and that we would be getting closer. Didn’t saw we would be in a relationship so idk, abundant sees him wanting to start up a romantic relationship, gave me the timeframe, and said basically my life is going to be good. Right now things seem so shitty :,( I feel like he’s still doing his thing if you know what I mean because he’s distant now. Nobody picks ups on a third party, not even Yona but still. Then I feel like shit because I told him I booked a date to take maternity pictures and asked if he wanted to join, he said no. :,( made me feel so stupid. Can anyone give me some advice? I know these are very popular readers. What do you guys think?

Why have his baby if he’s a total retard? I’m not being insensitive but I’m asking because I know a lot of cases where this happens and I don’t understand it. also the readers u mentioned maybe popular but doesn’t mean they are accurate with current situation AND OUTCOMES. None of those u mentioned were right for me . I feel like helping u so I’m going to inbox u . It baffles me how men can be to a woman AFTER sex and good times but don’t let these advisors make u hold on to something and hold on to hurt longer than u have to . My mother always told me What loves you doesn’t hurt you...and the main reason I don’t have kids til this day is because I refuse to be in a parentship or play house or have to have a shitty man in my life longer than I need to . Stay positive and leave him be

I get your point totally for the rest of the post , but that first line is completely insensitive, even though you said you didn’t mean to be.

There are plenty of reasons why people follow through with a pregnancy when a dad isn’t around, and your curiosity on the matter isn’t a reason for the OP to share. It’s none of our business and she shouldn’t have to, as this is obviously a sensitive and emotional time for her right now.

What if the reason is because she was told she couldn’t have kids , and this miracle happened and she’s following through because she believes it may never happen for her again?

What if it’s a religious reason?

What if it’s simply the joy of having a child?

It’s none of our business - just support the OP where support is needed , not questioning her on her choices


Sorry if I didn’t say this correctly but I see why u think I’m insensitive... anywho ... what I’m saying is WHY HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX WITH A MAN WHO IS NOT COMMITMENT WORTHY/READY my age and I’m not old but I would like to think everyone is grown here and knows what we risk by sexing raw . I am in a relationship now and I make sure I’m on birth control because I’m not only not ready but THIS MAN HAS TO SHOW ME THAT HE IS THE KIND OF QUALITY TO BE ON MY LIFE WITH THAT KIND OF RESPONSIBILITY ALSO HE HAS TO SHOW HES GOING TO COMMIT BEFORE I EVEN THINK TO HAVE THE BABY CONVERSATION...I think that because I watched my mom go thru sht As well as my sister and friends... I make SURE I don’t repeat a common cycle. Not only that ppl have made it normal to ask for commitment AFTER having a mans child... I’m not gonna go heavy into that but I never said nothing about abortion so HOLD YOUR THUMBS... I’m just not willing to be a statistic as a black woman I have enough obstacles on my path and I’m not going to willingly create one for myself.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Fidget1028 on June 21, 2019, 12:50:18 AM
Hi everyone,

I am feeling so down today. Could really use some help. I’ve had readings with Yona, abundant visions, cookie, and lady Jenna this year. They all pick up the same thing. I’ll be in a relationship around summer/after summer so like July-September? Right now, things aren’t going so well in any area of my life. I am pregnant, I need to move out of my current home, and financially I am struggling. Unfortunately I am not in a relationship with the dad but he’s very involved. Yona mentioned new love and asked me of that surprised me, I said well I’m pregnant so I don’t know if you’re picking up the pregnancy/baby, she said it was “adult love” potential long term. Then said she saw a man and woman’s hand together in an agreement but that it had to do with moving? She said he and I would move in together. We’re not even in a relationship and we live 2 hours away from each other. So I don’t know. Cookie saw exactly what’s happening now, periods in 2019 of me not feeling like a priority, going to be times where I want to just walk away, but she saw us meeting families (which happened) and that we would be getting closer. Didn’t saw we would be in a relationship so idk, abundant sees him wanting to start up a romantic relationship, gave me the timeframe, and said basically my life is going to be good. Right now things seem so shitty :,( I feel like he’s still doing his thing if you know what I mean because he’s distant now. Nobody picks ups on a third party, not even Yona but still. Then I feel like shit because I told him I booked a date to take maternity pictures and asked if he wanted to join, he said no. :,( made me feel so stupid. Can anyone give me some advice? I know these are very popular readers. What do you guys think?

Why have his baby if he’s a total retard? I’m not being insensitive
but I’m asking because I know a lot of cases where this happens and I don’t understand it. also the readers u mentioned maybe popular but doesn’t mean they are accurate with current situation AND OUTCOMES. None of those u mentioned were right for me . I feel like helping u so I’m going to inbox u . It baffles me how men can be to a woman AFTER sex and good times but don’t let these advisors make u hold on to something and hold on to hurt longer than u have to . My mother always told me What loves you doesn’t hurt you...and the main reason I don’t have kids til this day is because I refuse to be in a parentship or play house or have to have a shitty man in my life longer than I need to . Stay positive and leave him be

You're right, you're not insensitive, you're a douchebag. Wtaf???

I asked that for a reason ... I came from a woman who made the same choice and my sister is almost 40 and can count on one hand how many times she saw her dad ... it hurts the child and reading her post reminded me of my mom and my middle sister who also went through the same thing. I have a very RAW way of speaking and a lot of times people mistake it for disrespect but in reality IM HONESTLY TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THE LOGIC ... u may not like my delivery but I don’t understand why men want to play like they so into you then ghost when responsibility hits... so who’s really the douchebag???... I also had a single parent most of my life so I think I know first hand how parentships or situationships work. I felt bad when she said he wouldn’t do the photos with her but again I’m sorry he’s a assholeee and I know we sometimes disregard signs of a man who is no good for us and that’s why I offered help and the very few ppl who know my situation here can understand why I’m empathize with her .... would u have a mans baby who is not ready nor willing to be a father or be with you ? (That’s a real question not sarcasm) it’s kinda late to ask for commitment...idk why these psychics telling a pregnant woman about NEW LOVE INTEREST OR A NEW MAN. I’m not gonna sugarcoat her more than she has already been. I know what it’s like to spend hundreds on false hope and holding on to a no good bastard and I would hate for a mother to be to go down that spiral or depression. That was my angle on my post so call me what u want... this is the internet hun your opinion of what u think I am is not valid in my real life. But I do hope your thumbs feel better lol (sarcasm) :)

Actually,  I'm raising 3 kids without a "baby daddy". They are happy and very well adjusted. He obviously isn't a "retard" (using your ignorant word) since she stated he is very involved. And here is the thing "hun", she doesn't owe you, or anyone else, a reason for her decision. There are plenty of healthy single parent families. Much healthier than twisted families with a miserable marriage.

And having worked for years with mentally challenged children and adults, insensitive isn't even touching the surface of your comment.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Natashanyc on June 21, 2019, 12:53:38 AM
In a nutshell and idc if we agree or not ....but all men show u signs that they are either stand up guys or really ain’t sht EARLY ON IF U PAY ATTENTION. It took me hundreds of dollars in psychics and a reality check to understand that. Problem is WE women will DISREGUARD alllllll of the SIGNS that maybe subtle or plain as day and call psychics or stay in La la land until we can’t bare more hurt. Support her with real advice ....don’t tell her wat Madam FooFoo online is probably telling her for 19.99 a min ! I take pride in being that friend that will always tell it how it is and this forum won’t stop that.

To add... she said “he’s doing his thing” that sound like a man who ain’t sht and don’t value u....sounds like : SIGNS

Closer to u but also doing his thing? These psychics she been to are feeding her nonsense


And josh thank u I appreciate that !!!
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Natashanyc on June 21, 2019, 01:05:58 AM
Hi everyone,

I am feeling so down today. Could really use some help. I’ve had readings with Yona, abundant visions, cookie, and lady Jenna this year. They all pick up the same thing. I’ll be in a relationship around summer/after summer so like July-September? Right now, things aren’t going so well in any area of my life. I am pregnant, I need to move out of my current home, and financially I am struggling. Unfortunately I am not in a relationship with the dad but he’s very involved. Yona mentioned new love and asked me of that surprised me, I said well I’m pregnant so I don’t know if you’re picking up the pregnancy/baby, she said it was “adult love” potential long term. Then said she saw a man and woman’s hand together in an agreement but that it had to do with moving? She said he and I would move in together. We’re not even in a relationship and we live 2 hours away from each other. So I don’t know. Cookie saw exactly what’s happening now, periods in 2019 of me not feeling like a priority, going to be times where I want to just walk away, but she saw us meeting families (which happened) and that we would be getting closer. Didn’t saw we would be in a relationship so idk, abundant sees him wanting to start up a romantic relationship, gave me the timeframe, and said basically my life is going to be good. Right now things seem so shitty :,( I feel like he’s still doing his thing if you know what I mean because he’s distant now. Nobody picks ups on a third party, not even Yona but still. Then I feel like shit because I told him I booked a date to take maternity pictures and asked if he wanted to join, he said no. :,( made me feel so stupid. Can anyone give me some advice? I know these are very popular readers. What do you guys think?

Why have his baby if he’s a total retard? I’m not being insensitive
but I’m asking because I know a lot of cases where this happens and I don’t understand it. also the readers u mentioned maybe popular but doesn’t mean they are accurate with current situation AND OUTCOMES. None of those u mentioned were right for me . I feel like helping u so I’m going to inbox u . It baffles me how men can be to a woman AFTER sex and good times but don’t let these advisors make u hold on to something and hold on to hurt longer than u have to . My mother always told me What loves you doesn’t hurt you...and the main reason I don’t have kids til this day is because I refuse to be in a parentship or play house or have to have a shitty man in my life longer than I need to . Stay positive and leave him be

You're right, you're not insensitive, you're a douchebag. Wtaf???

I asked that for a reason ... I came from a woman who made the same choice and my sister is almost 40 and can count on one hand how many times she saw her dad ... it hurts the child and reading her post reminded me of my mom and my middle sister who also went through the same thing. I have a very RAW way of speaking and a lot of times people mistake it for disrespect but in reality IM HONESTLY TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THE LOGIC ... u may not like my delivery but I don’t understand why men want to play like they so into you then ghost when responsibility hits... so who’s really the douchebag???... I also had a single parent most of my life so I think I know first hand how parentships or situationships work. I felt bad when she said he wouldn’t do the photos with her but again I’m sorry he’s a assholeee and I know we sometimes disregard signs of a man who is no good for us and that’s why I offered help and the very few ppl who know my situation here can understand why I’m empathize with her .... would u have a mans baby who is not ready nor willing to be a father or be with you ? (That’s a real question not sarcasm) it’s kinda late to ask for commitment...idk why these psychics telling a pregnant woman about NEW LOVE INTEREST OR A NEW MAN. I’m not gonna sugarcoat her more than she has already been. I know what it’s like to spend hundreds on false hope and holding on to a no good bastard and I would hate for a mother to be to go down that spiral or depression. That was my angle on my post so call me what u want... this is the internet hun your opinion of what u think I am is not valid in my real life. But I do hope your thumbs feel better lol (sarcasm) :)

Actually,  I'm raising 3 kids without a "baby daddy". They are happy and very well adjusted. He obviously isn't a "retard" (using your ignorant word) since she stated he is very involved. And here is the thing "hun", she doesn't owe you, or anyone else, a reason for her decision. There are plenty of healthy single parent families. Much healthier than twisted families with a miserable marriage.

And having worked for years with mentally challenged children and adults, insensitive isn't even touching the surface of your comment.

And again this is the internet your perception of me doesn’t matter in my real life lol have fun with that lifestyle I wish u the best. My siblings are great . I was commenting on seeing a mother hurt ... from seeing mine hurt and clearly reading how she is hurt now.

We had everything we could need or want... my mom had 3 jobs as a kid and always showed joy... when I got old enough to understand maybe about age 18-21 when I graduated college with honors my mom said she would be in her room and wait til we would be sleep to cry.. sometimes from weights on her shoulders and sometimes from joy that she’s doing it on her own but that is not okay to me and it made me want to make better choices. There’s nothing healthy about having weight overloaded on your shoulders by being a single parent. We are just so phenomenal at being super hero’s we convince ourselves it is healthy. If it only required one person then god would’ve never created the opposite sex. We as woman are strong so we can tolerate and handle ALOT but that don’t mean it’s HEALTHY OR NORMAL. You can’t be mad at me because I have a level of standards. I have been to countless baby showers where the dad isn’t there ...financially suffering to stay afloat and feeling alone....why would I willingly want that for myself to go thru something so big alone ? Why should I settle when I know for a fact I can do better ? U have a different view and that’s fine but ur not gonna sway me to think being a single parent is a dream come true. That is just what the cards were for u and you deal with it proudly and I commend u but that was NOT your PLAN IN LIFE. Show me some little girl who has plans to be a single parent growing up..... I’ll wait.

I don’t even want to get off the subject of the OP LIKE I SAID IM GOING TO HELP HER AND IF NOBODY WILL TELL HER TRUTH I DAM SURE WILL :)
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: KotaSwan on June 21, 2019, 01:23:12 AM
Hi Catlover...I hope you go with your gut feeling rather than trusting these psychics. Don't base your life decisions on what the energy like is coming up for you or what someone sees is probably going to happen for you but base them on complete confidence and faith in yourself. You will be fine with or without a man. Have trust in yourself. You will have a new chapter of your life to enjoy with this baby and I wish you so much luck and love for that.

@ Natasha you sound very bitter and quite hurt and given on what you share that is understandable but don't generalize men and women by calling them "retards" or by saying  women DISREGARD! all the signs. May be for you that have been the case but not everyone is that way. I am glad you have learned from your mistakes and from the mistakes of people around you...that's always a good thing. good on you!

Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Natashanyc on June 21, 2019, 01:32:35 AM
Hi Catlover...I hope you go with your gut feeling rather than trusting these psychics. Don't base your life decisions on what the energy like is coming up for you or what someone sees is probably going to happen for you but base them on complete confidence and faith in yourself. You will be fine with or without a man. Have trust in yourself. You will have a new chapter of your life to enjoy with this baby and I wish you so much luck and love for that.

@ Natasha you sound very bitter and quite hurt and given on what you share that is understandable but don't generalize men and women by calling them "retards" or by saying  woman DISREGARD! all the signs. May be for you that have been the case but not everyone is that way. I am glad you have learned from your mistakes and from the mistakes of people around you...that's always a good thing. good on you!


Thanks and again it’s the internet hun... those that know my story and why I never posted my story on here with the list of ppl who was right and wrong know why I said wat I said so I don’t want op to take it personal. This was just a post that hit close to home and I hardly comment here as it is lol I never said all women disreguard or all men are just retards. Don’t quote that lol
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Sparkle002 on June 21, 2019, 01:50:08 AM
YoU ARE PREACHING RIGHT HERE!!! This is sad but true.
We be in LA LA land and "HOPE" the guy gets better and nope.

In a nutshell and idc if we agree or not ....but all men show u signs that they are either stand up guys or really ain’t sht EARLY ON IF U PAY ATTENTION. It took me hundreds of dollars in psychics and a reality check to understand that. Problem is WE women will DISREGUARD alllllll of the SIGNS that maybe subtle or plain as day and call psychics or stay in La la land until we can’t bare more hurt. Support her with real advice ....don’t tell her wat Madam FooFoo online is probably telling her for 19.99 a min ! I take pride in being that friend that will always tell it how it is and this forum won’t stop that.

To add... she said “he’s doing his thing” that sound like a man who ain’t sht and don’t value u....sounds like : SIGNS

Closer to u but also doing his thing? These psychics she been to are feeding her nonsense


And josh thank u I appreciate that !!!
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Natashanyc on June 21, 2019, 02:03:52 AM
YoU ARE PREACHING RIGHT HERE!!! This is sad but true.
We be in LA LA land and "HOPE" the guy gets better and nope.

In a nutshell and idc if we agree or not ....but all men show u signs that they are either stand up guys or really ain’t sht EARLY ON IF U PAY ATTENTION. It took me hundreds of dollars in psychics and a reality check to understand that. Problem is WE women will DISREGUARD alllllll of the SIGNS that maybe subtle or plain as day and call psychics or stay in La la land until we can’t bare more hurt. Support her with real advice ....don’t tell her wat Madam FooFoo online is probably telling her for 19.99 a min ! I take pride in being that friend that will always tell it how it is and this forum won’t stop that.

To add... she said “he’s doing his thing” that sound like a man who ain’t sht and don’t value u....sounds like : SIGNS

Closer to u but also doing his thing? These psychics she been to are feeding her nonsense


And josh thank u I appreciate that !!!

Thank you sparkle I’m glad someone understands I wasn’t coming from a nasty place but I’m an Aries and we are often Too damn BLUNT for society lol
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: bstalling on June 21, 2019, 02:43:34 AM
In a nutshell and idc if we agree or not ....but all men show u signs that they are either stand up guys or really ain’t sht EARLY ON IF U PAY ATTENTION. It took me hundreds of dollars in psychics and a reality check to understand that. Problem is WE women will DISREGUARD alllllll of the SIGNS that maybe subtle or plain as day and call psychics or stay in La la land until we can’t bare more hurt. Support her with real advice ....don’t tell her wat Madam FooFoo online is probably telling her for 19.99 a min ! I take pride in being that friend that will always tell it how it is and this forum won’t stop that.

To add... she said “he’s doing his thing” that sound like a man who ain’t sht and don’t value u....sounds like : SIGNS

Closer to u but also doing his thing? These psychics she been to are feeding her nonsense


And josh thank u I appreciate that !!!

I didnt want to take it there, but I agree. And OP DID ask for help. Even if the father is involved, it dosent sound like he wants to be involved with OP long term. Hes simply having a baby with her from what it sounds. Him doing his own thing and saying NO to the maternity shoot should be huge enough signs. OP, if you are happy with your baby, thats fine. But please dont invest into what these readers are saying. They may be talking about a completely different person or a whole other situation years away.You wont know until time passes, so in the mean time, just do what is best for you. And quit spending money on these readers when you cant afford it. Its almost never worth it.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: SomethingBetter on June 21, 2019, 02:49:37 AM
Hi everyone,

I am feeling so down today. Could really use some help. I’ve had readings with Yona, abundant visions, cookie, and lady Jenna this year. They all pick up the same thing. I’ll be in a relationship around summer/after summer so like July-September? Right now, things aren’t going so well in any area of my life. I am pregnant, I need to move out of my current home, and financially I am struggling. Unfortunately I am not in a relationship with the dad but he’s very involved. Yona mentioned new love and asked me of that surprised me, I said well I’m pregnant so I don’t know if you’re picking up the pregnancy/baby, she said it was “adult love” potential long term. Then said she saw a man and woman’s hand together in an agreement but that it had to do with moving? She said he and I would move in together. We’re not even in a relationship and we live 2 hours away from each other. So I don’t know. Cookie saw exactly what’s happening now, periods in 2019 of me not feeling like a priority, going to be times where I want to just walk away, but she saw us meeting families (which happened) and that we would be getting closer. Didn’t saw we would be in a relationship so idk, abundant sees him wanting to start up a romantic relationship, gave me the timeframe, and said basically my life is going to be good. Right now things seem so shitty :,( I feel like he’s still doing his thing if you know what I mean because he’s distant now. Nobody picks ups on a third party, not even Yona but still. Then I feel like shit because I told him I booked a date to take maternity pictures and asked if he wanted to join, he said no. :,( made me feel so stupid. Can anyone give me some advice? I know these are very popular readers. What do you guys think?

Please, in this instance, forget these readers. Forget Yona’d accuracy or Cookie’s freaky remote viewing. You’re going to be a mommy. That creates a strong, visceral gut intuition in those of us who didn’t already possess it. Look at reality. Look at what he says and does. He doesn’t want to be in the photo shoot, he distant. Is he making plans with you? Daddy classes? Anything?

Sweetie, you have, for the time being, have your answer. Worry about yourself and that peanut. He isn’t worth the stress on your mind and body.

Self-care. Eat well, sleep well, pamper yourself, keep good company, rest, and please don’t spend money on psychics. You know in your heart what his deal is.

I am wishing you the best and you can PM if you like.

Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Fidget1028 on June 21, 2019, 02:59:50 AM
In a nutshell and idc if we agree or not ....but all men show u signs that they are either stand up guys or really ain’t sht EARLY ON IF U PAY ATTENTION. It took me hundreds of dollars in psychics and a reality check to understand that. Problem is WE women will DISREGUARD alllllll of the SIGNS that maybe subtle or plain as day and call psychics or stay in La la land until we can’t bare more hurt. Support her with real advice ....don’t tell her wat Madam FooFoo online is probably telling her for 19.99 a min ! I take pride in being that friend that will always tell it how it is and this forum won’t stop that.

To add... she said “he’s doing his thing” that sound like a man who ain’t sht and don’t value u....sounds like : SIGNS

Closer to u but also doing his thing? These psychics she been to are feeding her nonsense


And josh thank u I appreciate that !!!

I didnt want to take it there, but I agree. And OP DID ask for help. Even if the father is involved, it dosent sound like he wants to be involved with OP long term. Hes simply having a baby with her from what it sounds. Him doing his own thing and saying NO to the maternity shoot should be huge enough signs. OP, if you are happy with your baby, thats fine. But please dont invest into what these readers are saying. They may be talking about a completely different person or a whole other situation years away.You wont know until time passes, so in the mean time, just do what is best for you. And quit spending money on these readers when you cant afford it. Its almost never worth it.

I totally agree. He doesn't sound either willing or ready for a relationship. And that's ok. The parents don't have to be in a relationship with each other to have a relationship with the child. Save your money and focus on yourself and your baby. He may not be POI material, but he may step up as a parent and that's a blessing in itself. And if not, the you'll love that baby enough for the both of you.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Penelope on June 21, 2019, 05:03:55 AM
Hi there.  Take this for what it’s worth but I learned the hard way that even the psychics who connected with me on other things, including Abundant Visions and Cookie (btw, Jenna was so off on her reading for me!), read the situation completely wrong for my POI and I.  Please do not spend any more time and energy on what the readings mean.  What will happen will happen and no amount of psychic reading will be able to help you look into the future clearly.  Even if the readings were right, you won’t know until it happens so please spend your valuable time focusing on you and your precious little one.  I know you know this (just as I knew this) but it’s worth repeating.  You and your baby deserve more than this!  You are having a baby and it will need it’s mama to be 110%!
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: username1111 on June 21, 2019, 05:20:53 AM

Sorry if I didn’t say this correctly but I see why u think I’m insensitive... anywho ... what I’m saying is WHY HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX WITH A MAN WHO IS NOT COMMITMENT WORTHY/READY my age and I’m not old but I would like to think everyone is grown here and knows what we risk by sexing raw . I am in a relationship now and I make sure I’m on birth control because I’m not only not ready but THIS MAN HAS TO SHOW ME THAT HE IS THE KIND OF QUALITY TO BE ON MY LIFE WITH THAT KIND OF RESPONSIBILITY ALSO HE HAS TO SHOW HES GOING TO COMMIT BEFORE I EVEN THINK TO HAVE THE BABY CONVERSATION...I think that because I watched my mom go thru sht As well as my sister and friends... I make SURE I don’t repeat a common cycle. Not only that ppl have made it normal to ask for commitment AFTER having a mans child... I’m not gonna go heavy into that but I never said nothing about abortion so HOLD YOUR THUMBS... I’m just not willing to be a statistic as a black woman I have enough obstacles on my path and I’m not going to willingly create one for myself.

I am sorry to come back to that ridiculous discussion again but @Natashanyc you really need to stop SHOUTING and being judgmental.

Are you preaching the "don't want baby? don't have sex then" kind of shit?? Do you know that pregnancies can also happen when one is having some control of some sort?
Sometimes accidents / surprises do happen.
I was pregnant twice in my life, the first time, I was 19 and in a relationship that was just 2-3 months old - I just got my birth control renewed but I had to wait the beginning of my cycle to start taking it. I kept protecting myself except for that ONE and ONLY night at the very end of my cycle, and I got pregnant. Thats not supposed to happen, right? well guess what, it does happen. Things are not as black and white as you are trying to define them so badly.
Some baby conversations happen after the baby is on his way, or even, already in your life, and not before. You can plan well a ton of shit, big chances that they will turn in different directions and you will have to adapt. I am afraid that's the nature of life.
Also, for that second pregnancy, I was on BIRTH CONTROL when it happened. Yes, girl, birth control are not 100% safe.
I was faced twice to that very difficult choice to make, I had one abortion, and a beautiful daughter who is now a grown up. Don't be judgmental, chill for real. People go through different challenges and have different solutions / perspectives / courage / desire to overcome it.

If it's not your story and you cannot relate to it, then let it go... don't come to shout at people and give them lessons, its not helping anything, it just hurts!
Especially not on a thread someone opened to receive guidance and support.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: bstalling on June 21, 2019, 05:42:30 AM

Sorry if I didn’t say this correctly but I see why u think I’m insensitive... anywho ... what I’m saying is WHY HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX WITH A MAN WHO IS NOT COMMITMENT WORTHY/READY my age and I’m not old but I would like to think everyone is grown here and knows what we risk by sexing raw . I am in a relationship now and I make sure I’m on birth control because I’m not only not ready but THIS MAN HAS TO SHOW ME THAT HE IS THE KIND OF QUALITY TO BE ON MY LIFE WITH THAT KIND OF RESPONSIBILITY ALSO HE HAS TO SHOW HES GOING TO COMMIT BEFORE I EVEN THINK TO HAVE THE BABY CONVERSATION...I think that because I watched my mom go thru sht As well as my sister and friends... I make SURE I don’t repeat a common cycle. Not only that ppl have made it normal to ask for commitment AFTER having a mans child... I’m not gonna go heavy into that but I never said nothing about abortion so HOLD YOUR THUMBS... I’m just not willing to be a statistic as a black woman I have enough obstacles on my path and I’m not going to willingly create one for myself.

I am sorry to come back to that ridiculous discussion again but @Natashanyc you really need to stop SHOUTING and being judgmental.

Are you preaching the "don't want baby? don't have sex then" kind of shit?? Do you know that pregnancies can also happen when one is having some control of some sort?
Sometimes accidents / surprises do happen.
I was pregnant twice in my life, the first time, I was 19 and in a relationship that was just 2-3 months old - I just got my birth control renewed but I had to wait the beginning of my cycle to start taking it. I kept protecting myself except for that ONE and ONLY night at the very end of my cycle, and I got pregnant. Thats not supposed to happen, right? well guess what, it does happen. Things are not as black and white as you are trying to define them so badly.
Some baby conversations happen after the baby is on his way, or even, already in your life, and not before. You can plan well a ton of shit, big chances that they will turn in different directions and you will have to adapt. I am afraid that's the nature of life.
Also, for that second pregnancy, I was on BIRTH CONTROL when it happened. Yes, girl, birth control are not 100% safe.
I was faced twice to that very difficult choice to make, I had one abortion, and a beautiful daughter who is now a grown up. Don't be judgmental, chill for real. People go through different challenges and have different solutions / perspectives / courage / desire to overcome it.

If it's not your story and you cannot relate to it, then let it go... don't come to shout at people and give them lessons, its not helping anything, it just hurts!
Especially not on a thread someone opened to receive guidance and support.

Yeah, we get that and all. But looking at the OPs post history, this is her second baby so she has two baby daddies where both guys were not commitment oriented.. So, its safe to say she has a bad pattern here that she needs to break. If shes wondering about commitment after she is already pregnant, she applied poor dating strategies. Point, blank period. No psychic can help that. Maybe things will change for the better down the line with this new guy, but its really out of her control now since she is invested and is in a position where shes basically waiting on the guy to come around. I see this behavior again and again with young women today, it has to stop. Its not being judgemental, especially when she is asking for help here. So many of us come here and call psychics when we really needed a firm hand at home during our formative years as well as nurturing friends and family....and a therapist.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: josh34 on June 21, 2019, 05:57:41 AM

Sorry if I didn’t say this correctly but I see why u think I’m insensitive... anywho ... what I’m saying is WHY HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX WITH A MAN WHO IS NOT COMMITMENT WORTHY/READY my age and I’m not old but I would like to think everyone is grown here and knows what we risk by sexing raw . I am in a relationship now and I make sure I’m on birth control because I’m not only not ready but THIS MAN HAS TO SHOW ME THAT HE IS THE KIND OF QUALITY TO BE ON MY LIFE WITH THAT KIND OF RESPONSIBILITY ALSO HE HAS TO SHOW HES GOING TO COMMIT BEFORE I EVEN THINK TO HAVE THE BABY CONVERSATION...I think that because I watched my mom go thru sht As well as my sister and friends... I make SURE I don’t repeat a common cycle. Not only that ppl have made it normal to ask for commitment AFTER having a mans child... I’m not gonna go heavy into that but I never said nothing about abortion so HOLD YOUR THUMBS... I’m just not willing to be a statistic as a black woman I have enough obstacles on my path and I’m not going to willingly create one for myself.

I am sorry to come back to that ridiculous discussion again but @Natashanyc you really need to stop SHOUTING and being judgmental.

Are you preaching the "don't want baby? don't have sex then" kind of shit?? Do you know that pregnancies can also happen when one is having some control of some sort?
Sometimes accidents / surprises do happen.
I was pregnant twice in my life, the first time, I was 19 and in a relationship that was just 2-3 months old - I just got my birth control renewed but I had to wait the beginning of my cycle to start taking it. I kept protecting myself except for that ONE and ONLY night at the very end of my cycle, and I got pregnant. Thats not supposed to happen, right? well guess what, it does happen. Things are not as black and white as you are trying to define them so badly.
Some baby conversations happen after the baby is on his way, or even, already in your life, and not before. You can plan well a ton of shit, big chances that they will turn in different directions and you will have to adapt. I am afraid that's the nature of life.
Also, for that second pregnancy, I was on BIRTH CONTROL when it happened. Yes, girl, birth control are not 100% safe.
I was faced twice to that very difficult choice to make, I had one abortion, and a beautiful daughter who is now a grown up. Don't be judgmental, chill for real. People go through different challenges and have different solutions / perspectives / courage / desire to overcome it.

If it's not your story and you cannot relate to it, then let it go... don't come to shout at people and give them lessons, its not helping anything, it just hurts!
Especially not on a thread someone opened to receive guidance and support.

Yeah, we get that and all. But looking at the OPs post history, this is her second baby so she has two baby daddies where both guys were not commitment oriented.. So, its safe to say she has a bad pattern here that she needs to break. If shes wondering about commitment after she is already pregnant, she applied poor dating strategies. Point, blank period. No psychic can help that. Maybe things will change for the better down the line with this new guy, but its really out of her control now since she is invested and is in a position where shes basically waiting on the guy to come around. I see this behavior again and again with young women today, it has to stop. Its not being judgemental, especially when she is asking for help here. So many of us come here and call psychics when we really needed a firm hand at home during our formative years as well as nurturing friends and family....and a therapist.

I think that's a very unfair assumption to make. Maybe the issue isn't with her. In fact it's not. If both males aren't good individuals, then it's with the two males. We can't know somebody 100%. Ever. Love and emotions are complicated, and you cannot fault her for this. Maybe this guy genuinely appeared to be a better man, and treated her well. Who knows what her story is, or how the second dad is? No one knows, so it's unfair to say that it's something that "she has to change", and a habit that "she has to break". That's very ignorant, if you don't know the full story. Just want to put in my two cents here. I don't think that's very fair to say it's some "habit" that she needs to break, when you don't know the story, or aren't in her shoes. Maybe it has nothing to even do with her, in the sense that any reasons of "backing off" from the men, might be completely comprehensible from an outsider's point of view, or might be due to something outside of her control. Maybe there are outside factors which we don't know. We don't know the reasons, so you shouldn't make that assumption. Also, she did say that they were getting closer. So I'd steer clear from making such an assumption, when the individual is having such a rough time, and is in need of support. That's not fair to her, and quite honestly, is a little rude, and insensitive.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: bstalling on June 21, 2019, 06:08:42 AM
We can only judge based on her posts here. And of course, we dont know the whole story. But, this thread is her asking for help, so I'm going to be honest and offer some help. Maybe the recent guy did present himself as a better option, but she clearly said of the first guy that she was forcing something without a firm foundation, but that didnt stop her from having a baby with him. Today,  shes clearly in a situation she dosent want to be in with her second baby in the way and her status in the relationship is not clear to her, even though it is to most of us. The only behavior she can change is her own, so its not ignorant to say she should have more responsibility over how things go in her life. At the minimum, she should have assured commitment and engagement before getting pregnant. I mean, he wont even commit to photos with her right now! 

But do you think most any of these psychics are willing to tell it as it is, even just based on the facts right now? NO! The only one that seems to do it is Leanne, and it seems shes mostly right with those particular outcomes! We go get readings for hope, when really we should get a reality check and see that things arnt going to always happen as we want them to, and just sometimes we could have applied a better strategy in our lives to get where we want to go.

Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: josh34 on June 21, 2019, 06:17:25 AM
We can only judge based on her posts here. And of course, we dont know the whole story. Maybe the recent guy did present himself as a better option, but she clearly said of the first guy that she was forcing something without a firm foundation, but that didnt stop her from having a baby with him. Today,  shes clearly in a situation she dosent want to be in with her second baby in the way and her status in the relationship is not clear to her, even though it is to most of us. The only behavior she can change is her own, so its not ignorant to say she should have more responsibility over how things go in her life. At the minimum, she should have assured commitment and engagement before getting pregnant. I mean, he wont even commit to photos with her right now! 

But do you think most any of these psychics are willing to tell it as it is, even just based on the facts right now? NO! The only one that seems to do it is Leanne, and it seems shes mostly right with those particular outcomes! We go get readings for hope, when really we should get a reality check and see that things arnt going to always happen as we want them to, and just sometimes we could have applied a better strategy in our lives to get where we want to go.

-Exactly. So why judge at all, if you don't know the whole situation? That's really ignorant.
-Again, your point? You don't know the whole story. To take bits and pieces and use what's written as connotation for your judgement isn't a very mature, smart, nor a sensitive thing to do. She's clearly really upset. So be sensitive.
-Again. A very rude and ignorant assumption to make. It's not "clear" to anyone but her. Only she knows the truth. What's clear to you, is the ignorant assumption and foolish judgements you're making. And that's a very sour thing to do. You shouldn't assume someone's story, when you don't even know the person, or their reasons behind the things they've done.
-Again, sure it is. You do NOT know what's going on in her life. You can't simply assume "she has to control her life better". You don't know anything about her life. Really, you're coming across incredibly rude, and incredibly insensitive.
-Really? Should she have? There's more than one way to do things, there's more than one reason as to why someone may or may not do something. Maybe she really thinks he's the one, and he may be. MANY these days have a kid prior to getting engages, when they've got what they consider to be a loving relationship with somebody. Get out of here with your "engagement or don't have kids" mindset. Really, how small-minded of you...

You need to stop with being so damn ignorant and judging of this person. ESPECIALLY when you don't even understand the situation. How closed minded are you, to assume that things are either black or white? How many assumptions must you make about someone who's going through hell? Can you not see how rude and insensitive you're being via your posts? Can't you see they're going through a rough time?!

Unless you're going to reply without judgement and actually attempt to be kind, you need to take a step back. Like, right now.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: bstalling on June 21, 2019, 06:33:29 AM
We need to judge the facts as she has presented them, and they are not doing her any favors. She needs straight talk, Josh, not hope and lies from psychics. Which is something I know you don't like. A lot of people want to hear fairy stories it seems....

Even if I'm mistaken about her, I've given good advice and support here. At least, something for her to think about. 99 percent of psychics wont do that for her, even when charging her money.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: josh34 on June 21, 2019, 06:45:14 AM
We need to judge the facts as she has presented them, and they are not doing her any favors. She needs straight talk, Josh, not hope and lies from psychics. Which is something I know you don't like. A lot of people want to hear fairy stories it seems....

Even if I'm mistaken about her, I've given good advice and support here. At least, something for her to think about. 99 percent of psychics wont do that for her, even when charging her money.

We don't need to judge anyone or anything about anyone prior to understanding the whole story. That's not your place, nor is that fair to her. You seem very geared toward "bad outcomes" and pessimsim regarding psychics' outcomes. You havent had great experiences with predictions passing, we get it. But a lot of us have, and I'd say there's reason to be optimistic. I'd say that holding onto hope and being optimistic about life is a blessing. Reputable readers with decent track records regarding predictions are giving positive outcomes, so I'd say theres hope. To go straight to "they're lying and giving false hope" is extremely pessimistic and negative of you. Geez. You automatically assume the worst dont you?  This has absolutely nothing to do with "fairytale readings". Its clear that you have a VERY negative outlook on psychics, even if they've been shown to have a gift regarding predictions passing. I'm sorry that you're too pessimistic and negative to see things in a balanced light. If you're going to be negative, and assume the worst, keep it to yourself, or in this case, leave that out. We dont know if theyll be right or wrong in her case. They very well could be correct for her, as they have been for many. Your "advice" is filled with judgement and insensitivity and you need to fix that before attempting to give "advice". What she needs right now is a shoulder to cry on. She needs support, and people who will be there for her. You can "be real" with her, without the pessimism, without the unnecessart and insensitive judgements.

 But i will say, that what we can agree on, is, that in the meantime, she should focus on herself and do things that make her smile. Who knows how this will turn out? She should do things that she enjoys, and things that make her happy. I think we can both agree on this.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Natashanyc on June 21, 2019, 09:05:35 AM

Sorry if I didn’t say this correctly but I see why u think I’m insensitive... anywho ... what I’m saying is WHY HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX WITH A MAN WHO IS NOT COMMITMENT WORTHY/READY my age and I’m not old but I would like to think everyone is grown here and knows what we risk by sexing raw . I am in a relationship now and I make sure I’m on birth control because I’m not only not ready but THIS MAN HAS TO SHOW ME THAT HE IS THE KIND OF QUALITY TO BE ON MY LIFE WITH THAT KIND OF RESPONSIBILITY ALSO HE HAS TO SHOW HES GOING TO COMMIT BEFORE I EVEN THINK TO HAVE THE BABY CONVERSATION...I think that because I watched my mom go thru sht As well as my sister and friends... I make SURE I don’t repeat a common cycle. Not only that ppl have made it normal to ask for commitment AFTER having a mans child... I’m not gonna go heavy into that but I never said nothing about abortion so HOLD YOUR THUMBS... I’m just not willing to be a statistic as a black woman I have enough obstacles on my path and I’m not going to willingly create one for myself.

I am sorry to come back to that ridiculous discussion again but @Natashanyc you really need to stop SHOUTING and being judgmental.

Are you preaching the "don't want baby? don't have sex then" kind of shit?? Do you know that pregnancies can also happen when one is having some control of some sort?
Sometimes accidents / surprises do happen.
I was pregnant twice in my life, the first time, I was 19 and in a relationship that was just 2-3 months old - I just got my birth control renewed but I had to wait the beginning of my cycle to start taking it. I kept protecting myself except for that ONE and ONLY night at the very end of my cycle, and I got pregnant. Thats not supposed to happen, right? well guess what, it does happen. Things are not as black and white as you are trying to define them so badly.
Some baby conversations happen after the baby is on his way, or even, already in your life, and not before. You can plan well a ton of shit, big chances that they will turn in different directions and you will have to adapt. I am afraid that's the nature of life.
Also, for that second pregnancy, I was on BIRTH CONTROL when it happened. Yes, girl, birth control are not 100% safe.
I was faced twice to that very difficult choice to make, I had one abortion, and a beautiful daughter who is now a grown up. Don't be judgmental, chill for real. People go through different challenges and have different solutions / perspectives / courage / desire to overcome it.

If it's not your story and you cannot relate to it, then let it go... don't come to shout at people and give them lessons, its not helping anything, it just hurts!
Especially not on a thread someone opened to receive guidance and support.

I was putting caps to highlight my question NOT to yell. It’s always internet people who assume everything but the truth. Don’t assume u know me or know my angle. As someone said I was asking about poor dating strategies and pointing out these psychics can’t help this. Prepare for a new baby not new love... isn’t that the priority? Op asked for help and I did that. I never asked for none of my post to be liked. I too was once pregnant and miscarried by a man who wasn’t sht being YOUNG ABD DUMB BUT I DODGED A BULLET WITH A HEAVY PRICE TO PAY, I wouldn’t want to go thru that again sooooo again my post come with experience. That was the wake up call to not even play with having kids until I was READY and I’m EQUIP with what a new life needs....I’m sorry but when I was goin through that the last thing I was worried about was a new love interest. Psychics saw us ride into the sunset and none of that happened.this was years ago during that calling addiction phase . Psychics can be mentally draining and can be manipulative so u can keep calling. Y’all so busy trying to find fault with what I post that y’all forget I’m not the one on this thread who asked to be helped so your opinions about me are not needed or taken.... BUT the person who did ask for help is still hurt and none of what ur saying to ME is helping HER. Maybe u missed the part where I said this is the internet but don’t ever think I care about ppl here trying to attack me because I could care LESS DUE TO THE FACT I HAVE A REAL LIFE outside of this forum.

Get her the help she asked for . If u want to bash me maybe start a clubhouse or new thread for that but this right here ain’t it hun lol I can PROMISE YOU IDC lol
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: diamondcanadian on June 21, 2019, 11:33:30 AM
We need to judge the facts as she has presented them, and they are not doing her any favors. She needs straight talk, Josh, not hope and lies from psychics. Which is something I know you don't like. A lot of people want to hear fairy stories it seems....

Even if I'm mistaken about her, I've given good advice and support here. At least, something for her to think about. 99 percent of psychics wont do that for her, even when charging her money.

We don't need to judge anyone or anything about anyone prior to understanding the whole story. That's not your place, nor is that fair to her. You seem very geared toward "bad outcomes" and pessimsim regarding psychics' outcomes. You havent had great experiences with predictions passing, we get it. But a lot of us have, and I'd say there's reason to be optimistic. I'd say that holding onto hope and being optimistic about life is a blessing. Reputable readers with decent track records regarding predictions are giving positive outcomes, so I'd say theres hope. To go straight to "they're lying and giving false hope" is extremely pessimistic and negative of you. Geez. You automatically assume the worst dont you?  This has absolutely nothing to do with "fairytale readings". Its clear that you have a VERY negative outlook on psychics, even if they've been shown to have a gift regarding predictions passing. I'm sorry that you're too pessimistic and negative to see things in a balanced light. If you're going to be negative, and assume the worst, keep it to yourself, or in this case, leave that out. We dont know if theyll be right or wrong in her case. They very well could be correct for her, as they have been for many. Your "advice" is filled with judgement and insensitivity and you need to fix that before attempting to give "advice". What she needs right now is a shoulder to cry on. She needs support, and people who will be there for her. You can "be real" with her, without the pessimism, without the unnecessart and insensitive judgements.

 But i will say, that what we can agree on, is, that in the meantime, she should focus on herself and do things that make her smile. Who knows how this will turn out? She should do things that she enjoys, and things that make her happy. I think we can both agree on this.

100% agree .

We shouldn’t be judging at all, we don’t know the OP’s individual circumstances so shouldn’t be judging on the little information she has provided here .

We should only be advising her as psychic users, to not take everything psychics say as gospel and try and live our life without them.

Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Clarita on June 21, 2019, 11:38:23 AM
You think you’re always right and the rest of us are wrong and throw insults along the way.
What makes you think it’s ok to do that?
Dude, chill out.

I really can't deal with this ridiculous reply right now. I don't even know how you came up with this. Just leave me alone. I'm literally sitting her, asking you to PLEASE leave me alone. You're mad at something I did a while ago, Got it. Loud and clear. But just let it go. I'm asking you with kindness, please just let me be. I'm so scared to even type here because you or one of the few others will start trying to get a rise out of me, and derail the conversation in an attempt to try and start things, to get me upset. This isn't okay. I am literally nervous to be part of ANY conversation here because of unprovoked hateful comments form people like you. I'm Just asking you to be kind, let things go, and PLEASE. LEAVE. ME. ALONE. PLEASE. I'm going through a lot and can't handle this kind of childish drama.
Josh, your reply here disturbed me. I've seen you reply like this before. This site has very toxic people on it. The energy here is rancid in some places. Based on that my guidance to you is to not react to toxic people on this site and see it for what it is. I hope that helps.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: ladya on June 21, 2019, 01:03:10 PM
The OP is asking for help and support not people bashing her while she’s carrying a child. People have the choice to do whatever they want in life and we have no right to judge them. I would think if you’ve been through the same thing, it would teach you to be more understanding towards similar situations and understand dynamics are not always black or white. OP if you need anything you can always inbox me.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: diamondcanadian on June 21, 2019, 01:06:15 PM
The OP is asking for help and support not people bashing her while she’s carrying a child. People have the choice to do whatever they want in life and we have no right to judge them. I would think if you’ve been through the same thing, it would teach you to be more understanding towards similar situations and understand dynamics are not always black or white. OP if you need anything you can always inbox me.

Well said !
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Lovefash67 on June 21, 2019, 02:18:24 PM
Hey, I just told another font this but I honestly think you shouldn't bank on these psychics word. Yona said I will be in relationship with a man I have a strong connection with since Feb 2016, and each year that I read with her she says the same thing you will be a long term relationship at the end of the year and the next year comes and not a damn thing happens. I have still yet to meet this guy. Yona didn't even see a third party for my ex until late 2017 and she said that this girl is not a threat which was false because he ended up having a baby. Overall, my message is not listen to these psychics because when you do and you see that its not matching up with what is currently happening in your life it results to you becoming depressed and overall disappointed you even start to become desperate to find a solution. Do you have any family near you that you can stay with till you are able to get on your feet? I wish you the best of luck and congratulations on your baby.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Lovefash67 on June 21, 2019, 02:23:58 PM
In a nutshell and idc if we agree or not ....but all men show u signs that they are either stand up guys or really ain’t sht EARLY ON IF U PAY ATTENTION. It took me hundreds of dollars in psychics and a reality check to understand that. Problem is WE women will DISREGUARD alllllll of the SIGNS that maybe subtle or plain as day and call psychics or stay in La la land until we can’t bare more hurt. Support her with real advice ....don’t tell her wat Madam FooFoo online is probably telling her for 19.99 a min ! I take pride in being that friend that will always tell it how it is and this forum won’t stop that.

To add... she said “he’s doing his thing” that sound like a man who ain’t sht and don’t value u....sounds like : SIGNS

Closer to u but also doing his thing? These psychics she been to are feeding her nonsense


And josh thank u I appreciate that !!!

I didnt want to take it there, but I agree. And OP DID ask for help. Even if the father is involved, it dosent sound like he wants to be involved with OP long term. Hes simply having a baby with her from what it sounds. Him doing his own thing and saying NO to the maternity shoot should be huge enough signs. OP, if you are happy with your baby, thats fine. But please dont invest into what these readers are saying. They may be talking about a completely different person or a whole other situation years away.You wont know until time passes, so in the mean time, just do what is best for you. And quit spending money on these readers when you cant afford it. Its almost never worth it.

I agree hundred percent, do NOT invest in what they say you will be greatly disappointed. 
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: sawthelight on June 21, 2019, 02:25:56 PM
I agree ^^ OP's first and foremost priority right now is the baby, and if the dad is involved and helping great....but don't bank or put your hope and emotional well-being into psychic really isn't what it's important now.

OP best of luck!
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Catlover86 on June 23, 2019, 01:51:09 AM
Ugh, I seriously hate my brain. I felt blah today and reached out to two advisors on Keen. They both told me dad doesn’t have any loving feelings towards me, even I was like that’s a little too dramatic. But to make things worse, one told me he’s hiding something from me. Which I find a little hard to believe only because he’s very honest. But she said she sees another women around him. So now I am in full on depression mode. Has anyone read with celestial tarot or advisor trishula? Trishula told me about the woman. She told me things looked good between us then after I added money she brought up other woman.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: josh34 on June 23, 2019, 01:55:22 AM
Ugh, I seriously hate my brain. I felt blah today and reached out to two advisors on Keen. They both told me dad doesn’t have any loving feelings towards me, even I was like that’s a little too dramatic. But to make things worse, one told me he’s hiding something from me. Which I find a little hard to believe only because he’s very honest. But she said she sees another women around him. So now I am in full on depression mode. Has anyone read with celestial tarot or advisor trishula? Trishula told me about the woman. She told me things looked good between us then after I added money she brought up other woman.

Who did you read with? If it means anything most on keen are frauds(:

I cant tell you how many ive read with on there and were full of bs. Dont worry! Sometimes, the good person, who's been giving it their all, waiting in pain, patiently... sometimes they get what they've asked for. <3 stay positive love.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Catlover86 on June 23, 2019, 02:16:07 AM
Ugh, I seriously hate my brain. I felt blah today and reached out to two advisors on Keen. They both told me dad doesn’t have any loving feelings towards me, even I was like that’s a little too dramatic. But to make things worse, one told me he’s hiding something from me. Which I find a little hard to believe only because he’s very honest. But she said she sees another women around him. So now I am in full on depression mode. Has anyone read with celestial tarot or advisor trishula? Trishula told me about the woman. She told me things looked good between us then after I added money she brought up other woman.

Celestial tarot and advisor trishula

Who did you read with? If it means anything most on keen are frauds(:

I cant tell you how many ive read with on there and were full of bs. Dont worry! Sometimes, the good person, who's been giving it their all, waiting in pain, patiently... sometimes they get what they've asked for. <3 stay positive love.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: josh34 on June 23, 2019, 02:38:57 AM
Ugh, I seriously hate my brain. I felt blah today and reached out to two advisors on Keen. They both told me dad doesn’t have any loving feelings towards me, even I was like that’s a little too dramatic. But to make things worse, one told me he’s hiding something from me. Which I find a little hard to believe only because he’s very honest. But she said she sees another women around him. So now I am in full on depression mode. Has anyone read with celestial tarot or advisor trishula? Trishula told me about the woman. She told me things looked good between us then after I added money she brought up other woman.

Celestial tarot and advisor trishula

Who did you read with? If it means anything most on keen are frauds(:

I cant tell you how many ive read with on there and were full of bs. Dont worry! Sometimes, the good person, who's been giving it their all, waiting in pain, patiently... sometimes they get what they've asked for. <3 stay positive love.

Oh ive never heard from her. If it means anything at most are very fake. I would disregard that reading(: <3 is there anything I can for you? I know how being terrified can be and I want to help <3
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Catlover86 on June 23, 2019, 03:00:35 AM
Ugh, I seriously hate my brain. I felt blah today and reached out to two advisors on Keen. They both told me dad doesn’t have any loving feelings towards me, even I was like that’s a little too dramatic. But to make things worse, one told me he’s hiding something from me. Which I find a little hard to believe only because he’s very honest. But she said she sees another women around him. So now I am in full on depression mode. Has anyone read with celestial tarot or advisor trishula? Trishula told me about the woman. She told me things looked good between us then after I added money she brought up other woman.

Celestial tarot and advisor trishula

Who did you read with? If it means anything most on keen are frauds(:

I cant tell you how many ive read with on there and were full of bs. Dont worry! Sometimes, the good person, who's been giving it their all, waiting in pain, patiently... sometimes they get what they've asked for. <3 stay positive love.

Oh ive never heard from her. If it means anything at most are very fake. I would disregard that reading(: <3 is there anything I can for you? I know how being terrified can be and I want to help <3

I think I am going to close my keen account. I will only read with cookie, abundant visions, and Yona. I feel they are the most ethical and I can’t see them deliberately stringing people along. Cookie not as much only because a prediction she gave me a year ago didn’t come to pass yet. Details correct though. I’ve been practicing affirmations, journaling and praying and I felt those two readers set me back. If anyone else here has any experiences reading with them, let me know!
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: SomethingBetter on June 23, 2019, 03:42:22 AM
Ugh, I seriously hate my brain. I felt blah today and reached out to two advisors on Keen. They both told me dad doesn’t have any loving feelings towards me, even I was like that’s a little too dramatic. But to make things worse, one told me he’s hiding something from me. Which I find a little hard to believe only because he’s very honest. But she said she sees another women around him. So now I am in full on depression mode. Has anyone read with celestial tarot or advisor trishula? Trishula told me about the woman. She told me things looked good between us then after I added money she brought up other woman.

Celestial tarot and advisor trishula

Who did you read with? If it means anything most on keen are frauds(:

I cant tell you how many ive read with on there and were full of bs. Dont worry! Sometimes, the good person, who's been giving it their all, waiting in pain, patiently... sometimes they get what they've asked for. <3 stay positive love.

Oh ive never heard from her. If it means anything at most are very fake. I would disregard that reading(: <3 is there anything I can for you? I know how being terrified can be and I want to help <3

I think I am going to close my keen account. I will only read with cookie, abundant visions, and Yona. I feel they are the most ethical and I can’t see them deliberately stringing people along. Cookie not as much only because a prediction she gave me a year ago didn’t come to pass yet. Details correct though. I’ve been practicing affirmations, journaling and praying and I felt those two readers set me back. If anyone else here has any experiences reading with them, let me know!

Catlover, that sounds like a wonderful idea. Definitely cutting down on who you read with and making sure they are ethical is important. I’m definitely toying with the idea of cancelling my keen account too but I want access to Cookie and Anne and I have no clue how to work the other site she is on.

Idk how far along you are but maybe it might even be a good idea to curtail the readings until after the baby is born? Just a suggestion! lol

My sis in law is pregnant right now and her emotions are like a daily roller coaster ride. If she were in a similar situation I would give her the same advice. Just for sanity’s sake lol

I wish you and your little one the best
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Natashanyc on June 23, 2019, 06:37:19 AM
Ugh, I seriously hate my brain. I felt blah today and reached out to two advisors on Keen. They both told me dad doesn’t have any loving feelings towards me, even I was like that’s a little too dramatic. But to make things worse, one told me he’s hiding something from me. Which I find a little hard to believe only because he’s very honest. But she said she sees another women around him. So now I am in full on depression mode. Has anyone read with celestial tarot or advisor trishula? Trishula told me about the woman. She told me things looked good between us then after I added money she brought up other woman.

Celestial tarot and advisor trishula

Who did you read with? If it means anything most on keen are frauds(:

Don’t waste ya money on keen hun ... there’s no value there and it will do more to hurt u than anything.its hard but u got this ... u don’t need psychics at all

I cant tell you how many ive read with on there and were full of bs. Dont worry! Sometimes, the good person, who's been giving it their all, waiting in pain, patiently... sometimes they get what they've asked for. <3 stay positive love.

Oh ive never heard from her. If it means anything at most are very fake. I would disregard that reading(: <3 is there anything I can for you? I know how being terrified can be and I want to help <3

I think I am going to close my keen account. I will only read with cookie, abundant visions, and Yona. I feel they are the most ethical and I can’t see them deliberately stringing people along. Cookie not as much only because a prediction she gave me a year ago didn’t come to pass yet. Details correct though. I’ve been practicing affirmations, journaling and praying and I felt those two readers set me back. If anyone else here has any experiences reading with them, let me know!
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: WinterElf on June 23, 2019, 06:42:28 AM
Hi everyone,

I am feeling so down today. Could really use some help. I’ve had readings with Yona, abundant visions, cookie, and lady Jenna this year. They all pick up the same thing. I’ll be in a relationship around summer/after summer so like July-September? Right now, things aren’t going so well in any area of my life. I am pregnant, I need to move out of my current home, and financially I am struggling. Unfortunately I am not in a relationship with the dad but he’s very involved. Yona mentioned new love and asked me of that surprised me, I said well I’m pregnant so I don’t know if you’re picking up the pregnancy/baby, she said it was “adult love” potential long term. Then said she saw a man and woman’s hand together in an agreement but that it had to do with moving? She said he and I would move in together. We’re not even in a relationship and we live 2 hours away from each other. So I don’t know. Cookie saw exactly what’s happening now, periods in 2019 of me not feeling like a priority, going to be times where I want to just walk away, but she saw us meeting families (which happened) and that we would be getting closer. Didn’t saw we would be in a relationship so idk, abundant sees him wanting to start up a romantic relationship, gave me the timeframe, and said basically my life is going to be good. Right now things seem so shitty :,( I feel like he’s still doing his thing if you know what I mean because he’s distant now. Nobody picks ups on a third party, not even Yona but still. Then I feel like shit because I told him I booked a date to take maternity pictures and asked if he wanted to join, he said no. :,( made me feel so stupid. Can anyone give me some advice? I know these are very popular readers. What do you guys think?

is that all about poi1 or the new guy that yona predicted? Because maybe they are all picking up on a new guy? I know that cookie and abundant can be a bit too optimistic with their time frames. And especially if yona is picking it up too and they all allign, I would be hopeful!

Can I tell you something? You never know what tomorrow will bring (: Things can change in an instant. Stay hopeful <3

After I told Yona I was expecting she automatically tied new adult love to the dad. She didn’t describe a man or was very detailed, that’s what worries me is that she just automatically said it’s him. Abundant describes him and our situation pretty accurately and keeps stating she sees us together. She kept getting the number 7 so she felt July was going to be the key month of him trying to make it a “romantic commitment” but it doesn’t feel like it could happen that soon. Yona said summer, she said ace of cups, new big love, not just the baby. I am trying to be optimistic.

Please do not trust these FUC@!#$ psychics.  SEriously.  Especially if it is extremely emotionally charged, their predictions usually dont happen. Psychics who were right for me in the past are so wrong now to the point of me crying and asking for some release from this addiction.  It is very emotional for me and it makes the readings unreliable and they can be right on something and REALLY WRONG on another issue.  Get some professional help if you can. I feel sorry for your situation.  I hope things improve. 
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: ArcherBullFish on June 23, 2019, 10:17:50 AM
Well...You people will fight anywhere won't you? ( <---- RHETORICAL ) The horrible thing is the feeling of watching and waiting for an opportunity to pounce. I would say the replies could possibly harm the poster but that clearly isn't true considering she barely acknowledged the replies then proceeded to post that she got yet another reading and was told things that made her spiral. -_-

Look I don't know you or your situation and there's a chance you will overlook this comment because the one you're hoping to see isn't here yet but TRUST THE ACTIONS AND THE WORDS OF YOUR CHILDS FATHER. Follow his lead and look after yourself.  If that man ever had feelings for you reading will ALWAYS pick that up in some warped fashion because of a prior connection.  If he says he doesn't want you then behave accordingly. You weren't born with anyone and even if you died in a crowd you'd still be alone in that last moment. This isn't just for romance. Follow your gut in all things and you can't go wrong.  Don't ignore what's right in front of you because a reader told you different.

TBH when I read your post I immediately though "Dude got another woman..." I'm not a reader so I don't know if that is the case but for the simple fact that he's told you flat out how he feels and you continue to try to find ways to change the status quo to suit your mood implies that he was always upfront and open in regards to his intentions and you completely ignored it. Again I can be wrong and at this point it doesn't matter what was said you need to focus on what needs to be done in the here and now. 

Although I'm pretty sure you're gonna do exactly as you've been doing...
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: josh34 on June 26, 2019, 02:19:25 AM
I have an update on this post. So spoke to Gaylene, had some money left over from last convo plus 3 mins for free. Gaylene still sees us getting closer and the month of July he would be inclined to romance. Yona as you guys know saw Ace of Cups. Adult love, she didn’t think this was the baby. Both see summer-ish the time for this to happen. Well, I spoke to QOC and she picked up a 3rd party. I asked who I thought it could be saw sexual energy but no love. I asked her how he felt about me she said he loves me, that he loves my maternal energy. Also said she saw him being more communicative about the baby and sees a “closeness” too. Well, I know this is stupid but he and I aren’t friends on Snapchat anymore. I was like wtf? I know it’s just Snapchat but at the same time I would send him belly pics/videos and we would sometimes converse on there too. So a 7 month emotional hormonal pregnant woman going through this is just torture. I give up.

Did he delete you like now? Did you just find that out? I would say to be optimistic if Abundant, and Yona are picking up on getting closer! <3 They're usually really really good and far above many others.

I want to add too that I have seen situations take 180s in an instance. Esepecially since he's the father, and after rereading your first post on this thread, I'd be really surprised if you two don't become closer, if not simply due to the child. But even then, with that there, you can use that as a building point to repair the relationshiP <3
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: username1111 on June 26, 2019, 02:20:59 AM
We are not just talking about a potential romance here. You guys are going to become the parents of a little one and both of you will be bound for the rest of your lives by this kid. I don't think any psychics will give you the answers that you seek better than the future dad himself! Please, be practical, and open the discussion with this man to know where he stands and what you can expect from him.
Most psychics fail to see future events and outcomes properly. Don't hold onto readings, have an adult conversation with this man. Please, you need to handle that with maturity not with a dreamy / hopeful mindset that may lead you to some important disappointments.
Don't hesitate to ping me. Take care.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Catlover86 on June 26, 2019, 07:37:16 AM
I have an update on this post. So spoke to Gaylene, had some money left over from last convo plus 3 mins for free. Gaylene still sees us getting closer and the month of July he would be inclined to romance. Yona as you guys know saw Ace of Cups. Adult love, she didn’t think this was the baby. Both see summer-ish the time for this to happen. Well, I spoke to QOC and she picked up a 3rd party. I asked who I thought it could be saw sexual energy but no love. I asked her how he felt about me she said he loves me, that he loves my maternal energy. Also said she saw him being more communicative about the baby and sees a “closeness” too. Well, I know this is stupid but he and I aren’t friends on Snapchat anymore. I was like wtf? I know it’s just Snapchat but at the same time I would send him belly pics/videos and we would sometimes converse on there too. So a 7 month emotional hormonal pregnant woman going through this is just torture. I give up.

Did he delete you like now? Did you just find that out? I would say to be optimistic if Abundant, and Yona are picking up on getting closer! <3 They're usually really really good and far above many others.

I want to add too that I have seen situations take 180s in an instance. Esepecially since he's the father, and after rereading your first post on this thread, I'd be really surprised if you two don't become closer, if not simply due to the child. But even then, with that there, you can use that as a building point to repair the relationshiP <3

He deleted me today. I posted a selfie, it came up on my memories. He saw it, was chatting with someone else on Snapchat throughout the day.. saw his username and his emoji thing was gone clicked on his name and it said “add friend.” I haven’t talk to him that consistently since last week. He went MIA, he messaged me asking how I was doing on Sunday but that was it. Literally I have gotten from Gaylene closeness and by july/August feel like we’re together, Yona said Ace of cups but didn’t tie it to the baby, said adult love, status change summer/after summer, even queen of cups said a “closeness” between us, lady Jenna said he wants to spend more time with me, Gaylene said the same. I don’t understand.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Sparkle002 on June 26, 2019, 11:57:11 AM
Cat - I'm so sorry to hear this.
I do want to give some perspective regarding Yona (Ive never read with Gaylene). Also to be transparent, I havent followed your entire story here - so I may be jumping in halfway...

Yona can easy mix up energies. She is very well known to do that (she has done it with me for a major prediction regarding my POI). I thought he prediction was for my original POI and it turned out to be someone else.

I dont doubt Yona in this instance, but be optimistic that it may be someone else, and it may not be in the original timeframe she suggested.

I'd personally not put to much hope in what appears in reality to be a dead end situation (that's just me).
Be open to the fact that it could be someone else ...the other thing is do you really really want your BD back? Just something to think about. When we remove emotion out of it and look at facts, is that something we really want when there is someone who could treat us waaaay better? #foodforthought

Nothing wrong with being optimistic - but being hopeful about a situation that seems to be a dead end can deplete energy when that energy can be released to allow some one else who deserves you to come in. Again, we never know what the future brings - ppl can do a 180 out of the blue as well, but I just wouldnt hold my breath.

I have an update on this post. So spoke to Gaylene, had some money left over from last convo plus 3 mins for free. Gaylene still sees us getting closer and the month of July he would be inclined to romance. Yona as you guys know saw Ace of Cups. Adult love, she didn’t think this was the baby. Both see summer-ish the time for this to happen. Well, I spoke to QOC and she picked up a 3rd party. I asked who I thought it could be saw sexual energy but no love. I asked her how he felt about me she said he loves me, that he loves my maternal energy. Also said she saw him being more communicative about the baby and sees a “closeness” too. Well, I know this is stupid but he and I aren’t friends on Snapchat anymore. I was like wtf? I know it’s just Snapchat but at the same time I would send him belly pics/videos and we would sometimes converse on there too. So a 7 month emotional hormonal pregnant woman going through this is just torture. I give up.

Did he delete you like now? Did you just find that out? I would say to be optimistic if Abundant, and Yona are picking up on getting closer! <3 They're usually really really good and far above many others.

I want to add too that I have seen situations take 180s in an instance. Esepecially since he's the father, and after rereading your first post on this thread, I'd be really surprised if you two don't become closer, if not simply due to the child. But even then, with that there, you can use that as a building point to repair the relationshiP <3

He deleted me today. I posted a selfie, it came up on my memories. He saw it, was chatting with someone else on Snapchat throughout the day.. saw his username and his emoji thing was gone clicked on his name and it said “add friend.” I haven’t talk to him that consistently since last week. He went MIA, he messaged me asking how I was doing on Sunday but that was it. Literally I have gotten from Gaylene closeness and by july/August feel like we’re together, Yona said Ace of cups but didn’t tie it to the baby, said adult love, status change summer/after summer, even queen of cups said a “closeness” between us, lady Jenna said he wants to spend more time with me, Gaylene said the same. I don’t understand.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: lp1111 on June 26, 2019, 12:03:18 PM
I don’t use Snapchat much, but I believe if it gave you the option to add him, you may may have accidentally deleted him. Try adding him and then see if you can send him something.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Catlover86 on June 26, 2019, 01:23:56 PM
I don’t use Snapchat much, but I believe if it gave you the option to add him, you may may have accidentally deleted him. Try adding him and then see if you can send him something.

No I searched his user name in search bar. Pulled up his profile. Didn’t say we were friends. It had the add friend button meaning were no longer Snapchat friends. He took me off.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: lp1111 on June 26, 2019, 01:30:18 PM
Right, if he had deleted you and you not him, he would still show as one of your friends but when you snapped him it would be gray.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Catlover86 on June 26, 2019, 01:34:28 PM
Emailed Yona and asked if I could have an emergency update she said I’d have to wait til August/September. I tried getting a hold of Gaylene too. This sucks so bad. I feel like God hates me and like I can’t catch a break. I cried and cried so hard yesterday to the point where I was contracting a lot.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Fidget1028 on June 26, 2019, 01:46:52 PM
Emailed Yona and asked if I could have an emergency update she said I’d have to wait til August/September. I tried getting a hold of Gaylene too. This sucks so bad. I feel like God hates me and like I can’t catch a break. I cried and cried so hard yesterday to the point where I was contracting a lot.

You asked for help. The consensus from people here was to stop getting readings and focus on yourself and your baby. A reader isn't going to make him want a relationship. Stop getting readings. STOP GETTING READINGS. It's selfish of you to be spending money on them when you will need diapers, clothing, etc for this baby. I totally get your upset and hormonal, but no matter what a reader tells you, you won't be satisfied until he takes action and a reader can't make something happen.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: sawthelight on June 26, 2019, 02:02:53 PM
Emailed Yona and asked if I could have an emergency update she said I’d have to wait til August/September. I tried getting a hold of Gaylene too. This sucks so bad. I feel like God hates me and like I can’t catch a break. I cried and cried so hard yesterday to the point where I was contracting a lot.

You asked for help. The consensus from people here was to stop getting readings and focus on yourself and your baby. A reader isn't going to make him want a relationship. Stop getting readings. STOP GETTING READINGS. It's selfish of you to be spending money on them when you will need diapers, clothing, etc for this baby. I totally get your upset and hormonal, but no matter what a reader tells you, you won't be satisfied until he takes action and a reader can't make something happen.

I agree!
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: lp1111 on June 26, 2019, 02:09:00 PM
Yes! Babies are so expensive. If you are having money problems please, please stop getting readings. Not to mention it is just not good for your mental state. Why don’t you have a heart to heart with the baby’s dad? This is also his child, and regardless of your relationship, he should be involved in your health and well-being so that his child’s health and well-being will be addressed.

Also, you have posted several times that Yona has never been accurate with you and you did not enjoy her readings, also you said Gaylene was plain wrong for you in the past. Before you throw them more money, think about what they’ve accurately predicted. If it’s nothing significant, you are just going back to them to hear what you want to hear, and that is not good for you or your little family. Please try to reach out to someone in your real life for help.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Jellybean123 on June 26, 2019, 03:09:12 PM
I agree, you need to find peace within and stop getting upset over this man. Psychics can only help so far they are not GOD, you have free will, he has free will , everyone has free will. You will never know what the true outcome is going to be. You are about to receive a miracle in your life which is your baby. Not this man. Take care of YOU and your baby!!!!!! DO not waste another dime on a psychic they will also get conflicting answers when your mental state is down. YOU GOT THIS GIRL!!!! trust me you are muchhh stronger than you think.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Catlover86 on June 26, 2019, 03:45:54 PM
Yes! Babies are so expensive. If you are having money problems please, please stop getting readings. Not to mention it is just not good for your mental state. Why don’t you have a heart to heart with the baby’s dad? This is also his child, and regardless of your relationship, he should be involved in your health and well-being so that his child’s health and well-being will be addressed.

Also, you have posted several times that Yona has never been accurate with you and you did not enjoy her readings, also you said Gaylene was plain wrong for you in the past. Before you throw them more money, think about what they’ve accurately predicted. If it’s nothing significant, you are just going back to them to hear what you want to hear, and that is not good for you or your little family. Please try to reach out to someone in your real life for help.

Gaylene has been more accurate for me this time around when I ask for general readings. Stuff she’s been seeing have been coming to pass. Something work related just came to pass so that’s the only reason I am holding on to her predictions because certain things have actually happened. Yona, I think her older readings from 2015 on are starting to pass, so that’s why I gave her another shot. She even said in a reading 2017 is be moving, related to love life, she saw stork/blessings? Maybe that was the baby? Even Barbara4846 gave predictions last year I feel are starting to come to pass this year. That’s why I am holding on. I don’t post updates so that’s my fault sorry.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Catlover86 on June 26, 2019, 03:47:50 PM
Emailed Yona and asked if I could have an emergency update she said I’d have to wait til August/September. I tried getting a hold of Gaylene too. This sucks so bad. I feel like God hates me and like I can’t catch a break. I cried and cried so hard yesterday to the point where I was contracting a lot.

Girl you need a reality check! Not another reading! Save your money for the baby!

I know it’s so hard! Trying to break the addiction and I fear the unknown.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: sawthelight on June 26, 2019, 04:04:46 PM
I agree with need to just be strong for your baby and not let anyone upset you this man is worth it, I promise, and the money could be so much better spent on you and the baby.

ST, just curious, how long did it take you to stop getting the urge to call psychics...I ask because I still get a reading here and there (not NEARLY as much as I used to) and want to just stop completely, but I feel i go through a withdrawal when I cold turkey lol. 
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: lp1111 on June 26, 2019, 04:26:49 PM
Yes! Babies are so expensive. If you are having money problems please, please stop getting readings. Not to mention it is just not good for your mental state. Why don’t you have a heart to heart with the baby’s dad? This is also his child, and regardless of your relationship, he should be involved in your health and well-being so that his child’s health and well-being will be addressed.

Also, you have posted several times that Yona has never been accurate with you and you did not enjoy her readings, also you said Gaylene was plain wrong for you in the past. Before you throw them more money, think about what they’ve accurately predicted. If it’s nothing significant, you are just going back to them to hear what you want to hear, and that is not good for you or your little family. Please try to reach out to someone in your real life for help.

Gaylene has been more accurate for me this time around when I ask for general readings. Stuff she’s been seeing have been coming to pass. Something work related just came to pass so that’s the only reason I am holding on to her predictions because certain things have actually happened. Yona, I think her older readings from 2015 on are starting to pass, so that’s why I gave her another shot. She even said in a reading 2017 is be moving, related to love life, she saw stork/blessings? Maybe that was the baby? Even Barbara4846 gave predictions last year I feel are starting to come to pass this year. That’s why I am holding on. I don’t post updates so that’s my fault sorry.

Oh ok, I see! That makes sense then why it’s hard to cut the readings out; I hope my statement didn’t come off as too judgmental. I am just a fellow mother and I hate to see you suffering, especially to the point that it is affecting your baby. I truly hope you can find some closure and peace that allows you to, for the time being at least, cut out readings and enjoy this new blessing.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: josh34 on June 26, 2019, 04:39:14 PM
I don’t use Snapchat much, but I believe if it gave you the option to add him, you may may have accidentally deleted him. Try adding him and then see if you can send him something.

I think this is the case, because if they delete you, they will actually still be "on" your friends list. So if it's asking for you to add them, then you must have deleted them, from your side. I'm sorry you're going through this. Stay positive <3 (:
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: doubleoh8 on June 26, 2019, 04:59:08 PM
Hi @catlover,

Just going to echo the thoughts of others who have urged you to stay strong for you and the baby and NOT go on any calling sprees... even with advisors who you think 'may' be somewhat accurate. It's a money drain and can just add to confusion and anxiety if you are not in a grounded space to begin with. Also, since you are in touch with the dad, I agree with whomever suggested you talk to him. He'll tell you where he's at with a lot more accuracy that even the best psychic. Unless he's an out-and-out liar, but I didn't get that from your posts and I also think if that's the case your own intuition will be telling you.

Also, if you are caught up in hopes and expectations about how he will feel in the future... please try to let go of that and accept what is in the present. No psychic will be able to guarantee anything for you and you are far better off basing your decisions on what's really in front of you and not a possibility down the line.

Good luck and stay strong. You have a lot of support on here and I think the guidance is pretty consistent -- take care of you.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: sawthelight on June 27, 2019, 04:44:12 PM
I agree with need to just be strong for your baby and not let anyone upset you this man is worth it, I promise, and the money could be so much better spent on you and the baby.

ST, just curious, how long did it take you to stop getting the urge to call psychics...I ask because I still get a reading here and there (not NEARLY as much as I used to) and want to just stop completely, but I feel i go through a withdrawal when I cold turkey lol.

It took me a LONG time to lose the urge...years! I actually closed my Keen account for about two years. But in the back of my mind I was still wondering about past predictions and what those readers would say about other things that came up. Then when I started back up in 2012 the urge was much stronger than it had been before. In 2013 I tried to stop cold turkey and was not able to quit. I realized then I had to do it gradually. I slowed down some in 2015 but then picked back up in 2016 when my job became stressful and my ex was being weird. It took 2 more years after that before I finally lost the urge. It helped when I finally cut all ties with my ex because suddenly I just didn't care to hear about him anymore. I asked about two other guys and those predictions didn't come true either. It got to a point where I just felt flat while getting a reading and really found it almost humorous to hear the same old BS. All the excitement went away. I think it was a change in perspective more than anything. I stopped believing that they could really predict anything and when I made up my mind about that then the emotional high really faded away.

I still have urges to shop compulsively but I have cut way back on that too.

yea I can see how that would work, kind of a slow weaning off type of thing.  You get bored with the whole process.  And it's so true, hearing the same BS from them becomes almost laughable.  I asked about a second guy too and was told all the same stuff..he's my soulmate, we will end up together.  SMH.  I also, in the beginning, would get sort of a high after a reading, but it's at the point now when I do get one, I just feel stupid for spending the money.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Star_01 on July 08, 2019, 04:03:32 PM
Hi CatLover I just stumbled across this post of yours, so maybe a bit late posting. I'm really sorry to hear of your situation but glad that the father of the baby is supporting you and I hope you're getting enough support from family and friends also.

My advice to you even though it's difficult is to really try and see how long you can go without having readings. I know it's tough, but think of your baby and the necessities he/she is going to need and your bond with the baby when they come. I spent thousands myself and nothing came of it and some people on here have been very lucky and reconciled with their exes or had multiple opportunities with guys. I would try to let this go and focus on the things and be around the people that make you feel good and if this man wants to be around you and with you then it will be no matter what but for now just keep as distracted as you can and less stress for you and the baby inside of you which you both don't need coming from this situation and these readings. I do really hope you're okay and I wish you all the best of luck and if you're a first time mum then good luck with motherhood. I agree with other posters slowly wean off, go from like, 10 a week down to 3 and so on.. Eventually you will begin to realise that readings are not worth it.

I don't want to put a dampener on people but lots of people have said that psychics are good at validating but many struggle to get the actual outcomes correct so trust in your gut whatever it has to say and believe what you feel is right.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Catlover86 on July 08, 2019, 05:30:07 PM
Hi CatLover I just stumbled across this post of yours, so maybe a bit late posting. I'm really sorry to hear of your situation but glad that the father of the baby is supporting you and I hope you're getting enough support from family and friends also.

My advice to you even though it's difficult is to really try and see how long you can go without having readings. I know it's tough, but think of your baby and the necessities he/she is going to need and your bond with the baby when they come. I spent thousands myself and nothing came of it and some people on here have been very lucky and reconciled with their exes or had multiple opportunities with guys. I would try to let this go and focus on the things and be around the people that make you feel good and if this man wants to be around you and with you then it will be no matter what but for now just keep as distracted as you can and less stress for you and the baby inside of you which you both don't need coming from this situation and these readings. I do really hope you're okay and I wish you all the best of luck and if you're a first time mum then good luck with motherhood. I agree with other posters slowly wean off, go from like, 10 a week down to 3 and so on.. Eventually you will begin to realise that readings are not worth it.

I don't want to put a dampener on people but lots of people have said that psychics are good at validating but many struggle to get the actual outcomes correct so trust in your gut whatever it has to say and believe what you feel is right.

Hi thank you for reaching out! I think I am done for now. Which will hopefully mean I’ll stop completely. I have definitely been reflecting on everything and you’re right. Nobody has ever gave me a solid prediction on an outcome. I just have to continue doing what I feel is best for me. I’ve been praying, affirming, and meditating and I feel really good! These readings have been a roller coaster ride.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Star_01 on July 08, 2019, 05:35:40 PM
Hi CatLover I just stumbled across this post of yours, so maybe a bit late posting. I'm really sorry to hear of your situation but glad that the father of the baby is supporting you and I hope you're getting enough support from family and friends also.

My advice to you even though it's difficult is to really try and see how long you can go without having readings. I know it's tough, but think of your baby and the necessities he/she is going to need and your bond with the baby when they come. I spent thousands myself and nothing came of it and some people on here have been very lucky and reconciled with their exes or had multiple opportunities with guys. I would try to let this go and focus on the things and be around the people that make you feel good and if this man wants to be around you and with you then it will be no matter what but for now just keep as distracted as you can and less stress for you and the baby inside of you which you both don't need coming from this situation and these readings. I do really hope you're okay and I wish you all the best of luck and if you're a first time mum then good luck with motherhood. I agree with other posters slowly wean off, go from like, 10 a week down to 3 and so on.. Eventually you will begin to realise that readings are not worth it.

I don't want to put a dampener on people but lots of people have said that psychics are good at validating but many struggle to get the actual outcomes correct so trust in your gut whatever it has to say and believe what you feel is right.

Hi thank you for reaching out! I think I am done for now. Which will hopefully mean I’ll stop completely. I have definitely been reflecting on everything and you’re right. Nobody has ever gave me a solid prediction on an outcome. I just have to continue doing what I feel is best for me. I’ve been praying, affirming, and meditating and I feel really good! These readings have been a roller coaster ride.

You're welcome. It's great to hear that you have made some progress and you feel better within yourself already as that's what life is all about. Keep doing what you're doing and being positive and things should work out whichever way they want to. Best of luck with everything  :)
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Catlover86 on July 09, 2019, 08:11:13 AM
So here’s a little mini update. Had two somewhat negative readings back to back on 7/7. Didn’t let it bring me down but still felt like shit. Prayed, meditated, journaled, did everything I could think of to get myself out of my mini funk. As my day was ending.. I received a friend request from him on Instagram. I know that’s not a huge deal. But I was like wtf?? Readers made it sound like I’m shit to him. Going to stay away from readings for a bit. I see more progress when I work on myself. Internally that is.
Title: Re: I need help guys... :/
Post by: Star_01 on July 09, 2019, 08:15:28 AM
So here’s a little mini update. Had two somewhat negative readings back to back on 7/7. Didn’t let it bring me down but still felt like shit. Prayed, meditated, journaled, did everything I could think of to get myself out of my mini funk. As my day was ending.. I received a friend request from him on Instagram. I know that’s not a huge deal. But I was like wtf?? Readers made it sound like I’m shit to him. Going to stay away from readings for a bit. I see more progress when I work on myself. Internally that is.

Well let's hope that this friend request leads to something special for you both and you get the predictions you wished for. Readings mess with your head you get told all sorts of different answers and positives and negatives, focus on your gut feeling of the situation and keeping positive the more you shift your focus away from him the more typically he will prick his head up lol.