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1 / Re: Ruby Jane Star or Lorrie C
« Last post by SGVues on Today at 02:35:37 PM »
Sorry to learn about this. I still have a few days left to see whether or not Lorrie C was right about the contact prediction.
2 / Re: Ruby Jane Star or Lorrie C
« Last post by poorprincess on Today at 04:17:06 AM »
I tried Ruby Jane Star tonight just based upon your question and interestingly Lorrie C. and her both lined up in terms of timing. Lorrie said 2-3days and Ruby said not tonight, tomorrow, or the next day - they both aligned on Thursday. I'll report back.

Welp, I still have 1 hr and 45minutes left of today in my time zone, but, I fear they both were wrong this time :(
3 / Re: Ruby Jane Star
« Last post by Novachild1018 on Today at 03:43:35 AM »
Wasn’t impressed with her and apparently she gets outcomes better vs short term predictions so idk.
4 / Re: Bonnie or Vincent
« Last post by MAgirl on Today at 02:40:02 AM »
5 / Re: Sincerity
« Last post by Miss Philosopher on Today at 12:38:46 AM »
Update: Another Sincerity hit. In my reading on January 9, 2025, concerning my current POI, she said, "I see him having health checkups. He's got something like a never-ending reflux or something like that, and it triggers him to have health checkups. He's going to want you to be extra nice to him and feel sorry for him because of his poor health. This health issue is spirit's way of slowing him down." So first, he came down with some awful cold/flu and had a fever with chills etc. It was some weird mystery illness. It never turned into coughing, chest congestion, runny nose etc. Just had body aches, fever, chills for a couple of days and then boom everything was gone. Then, beginning about 4 days ago, he informed he that he'd been having horrible stabbing pains in the middle of chest along with pressure like someone was sitting on it. He said he got short of breath each time these episodes occurred which were two or more times per day so far. I know for a fact this has to do with his heart. He used to do an exorbitant amount of cocaine for about a decade which is known to do massive damage to the heart. He's been sober now for 1 year and 15 days to the date. He just scheduled a doctor's appointment to get himself checked out. This is a not so good thing that Sincerity saw but it's happening. I feel horrible for him and I do hope it's nothing super serious and I also hope he doesn't suffer a major heart attack. I'll continue to update as more things happen.
6 / Re: Pricey Readers
« Last post by _sydney_vicious_ on January 16, 2025, 11:05:17 PM »
I do read with one of the people you listed. She’s been pretty accurate for me and I’ve been able to verify that she’s the real deal based on the random pieces of info she’s pulled during her readings (my current nail colors, where my friends and I planned to take a trip to, etc). She does have her own personal site though where she charges MUCH less than what she charges on Keen. I guess Keen has doubled what they take from advisors so a lot of them are pricier than usual.

Who was it?


Her website is still crazy priced. $285 for 15 minutes is about almost $10 off from her keen price at about $19 per minute. For those prices absolutely everything should be accurate and timing impeccable, which no psychic can guarantee.

I don’t think my old review is up anymore since it’s been over a year. But here’s how scary accurate she is…now before I tell this story I have to mention she has no idea of where we live or really anything about us, besides from what she’s picked up in previous readings.

During the call she asked if the state of Texas is relevant to him and mentioned something about him going on a trip there. I said yes because he’s from there, however that’s his homestate that he left over a decade ago. Turns out he ended up booking a super last minute trip a week later because his dad got sick.

While on this same call, I was put on hold while adding in funds LOL. When I hopped back on the call she asked me if there’s something relative to us called the Viper Room and she was asking about that. When she mentioned Viper Room, I’d never been so shocked and speechless in my whole entire life. The Viper Room is the actual name of the club that my POI was living 500 ft from at the time. There’s no way in hell she would’ve been able to guess that unless she had a true gift. She proceeded to say the next time I saw him would have something to do with the club. Now I’m not a big clubber and this specific club is more of a live music venue that a lot of rock bands play at (I don’t listen to rock), but I ended up there one night for a work event. While leaving the venue I did run into my POI and I hung out with him after.

She’s also predicted a bunch of other things as well, but for me she’s well worth the money because I’ve never found someone who could nail details quite like that.
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by Cadou on January 16, 2025, 08:27:16 PM »
Hello everyone. This is my first post here. I've been a reader on here for close to ten years now. I was a regular poster on the spsreviewforum until it got cancelled. Decided to finally make an account here, but then, for some reason it took over 3 years to get approved? Anyway, by that time i stopped reading with people much. I still get 1 reading a year from Leanne, mostly spiritual communicationreadings with my mom. They are the most insightful and informative readings i've ever had. Better then the 10 prdeictions ones. My mom is very direct ;-)
Anyway, i've had 5 readings with Yona, the first in dec. 2015 and yearly until 2019.

My experience is that i have slow cards, so slow that i lost interest, however, for everyone here wondering about timescales and accuracy. My first reading looked the most far in the future, so far that by the time i had my last reading, nothing really substantial happened from the first. The additional top-ups i had yearly had some minor hits but not enough, they zoned in on smaller timeframes within the timespan the first one covered. But overall it was, in total, un underwhelming experience. I've read with her for five years, and had only about 2 or 3 small predictions come true. Yet in the top-ups she kept referring to things she mentioned in the first reading, as kind of an overlap story if that makes sense.(i'm Dutch, apologies for my not perfect english ;-) )

So i kinda gave up. She's expensive, and i had found my reader in Leanne. Not every reader works for everyone was my thought to go with. I did find Yona a wonderfull and kind woman, and fair! Gave me refund once and a free reading after having issues with her computer. Really wonderfull lady, just not working for me.

So i thought.

I have recorded all my readings, so am able to go back to them when i want.
After letting go(ttsssss....) of her predictions and readings, life went on.

That first reading is in full swing now. Listening back to them, now things make sense, and i realize predictions have come true, all of them, up to the point as to where i am now in my life. Mind you, i am halfway through my first reading. And it's been ten years. Looking back, this reading i got in 2015 started summer of 2019, and i am now halfway through. Be aware that one card can span years!
I don't really want to share much personal details of my readings but i will say this as an explanation of  what 'timeframes' can mean, especially big arcana. i had the card the hermit in my reading, accompanied with Yona's prediction that i would be one my own for a while after a sad event, that it would be necessary for my healing.
In 2020, my family died in an accident, and the sudden loss of all of them, in the end spiralled me into an depression where i even pushed my friends away to the point i had noone. It has been the most lonely 2 years of my life, until i started to rebuild my life. I have now 'moved on' to the happier side of the reading, but in this pace it may take another 5 years or so to come to the end of the reading.

She can look extremely far out, but please, do yourself a favor, and stop wasting your energy on unraveling them, they are puzzles, and meant to be puzzles. The predictions that really mean something for your life will not be as you think they will unfold, for good and for bad, but at some point you will look back and say 'Wow!', she saw that years and years ago!

Be patient, and let go, really...

Well, that's my two cents here after years and years of lurking here.

I wish you all the best on your journey!

Bye, Esther
8 / Re: Ruby Jane Star
« Last post by bemily on January 16, 2025, 07:34:55 PM »
I tried Ruby earlier this week because there's a little restructuring happening at my job, and a few people I work with directly have been affected. She told me I'm "hanging on at the brim of it all" and that I need to start looking for a new job - I asked my boss to chat today because I didn't want to spend the weekend stewing, and she said the people who are being let go had been on notice about it, and my job is not in danger in any way.
9 / Re: Queen of Cups18
« Last post by SGVues on January 16, 2025, 06:35:02 PM »
I read with her a few months back and regretted doing so. A chat might have been better but despite all the feedback on how she can be real rude, I gave her a call. In keeping with her reputation she was rude and shouted at me at one point. There seemed to be an audio issue on her end and she was completely wrong about my POI.
She did not provide me with any details or validation whatsoever.
 I also found her to be opinionated and have promised myself to not read with her ever again!

I get so frustrated because I feel like they’re no real psychics on Keen but you guys always talk about Queen of Cups so tried her a few times but it’s like her readings start good then get negative as she get more context? Its so frustrating… has anyone experience that with her?
10 / Re: Best out of the Underdogs?
« Last post by Miss Philosopher on January 16, 2025, 06:30:31 PM »
I feel like I've read with nearly every cheaper-priced reader on Keen over the span of 15 years. I can't even remember all of them. Here's a little list of alright readers that I've experienced.

Dawn001 - $5.55 per minute - She's VERY good at picking up current feelings as she's an empath. I spoke to her approximately 10 times since 2023 after Kisha retired about my current POI. I stopped calling her because it was always negative and some of things she said would hurt so bad but deep down I knew it was true. I always strive to find out the truth no matter how bad it hurts. Some stuff she said was incorrect though. She's not good at third parties and will say there is one when really there isn't one so she's a little dangerous to read with if you're already emotionally distraught.

Zadalia - She's VERY VERY good as an empath. For me she was amazing at picking up his current feelings/wants etc. I didn't get any predictions from her. I didn't ask for any. I typically will only use empaths for current emotions because most of them suck at predictions and that's because emotions change constantly.

Moonstarmother - She was actually pretty good and the one thing that got me about her was that she said "I want you to know that you're not wasting your time. He'll turn around and become a completely different man". I swear all that I had been thinking during that time was "Am I wasting my time with this guy?" and had been thinking that for like a year or so. She said she saw him around me on NYE but he wasn't so she was wrong about that part. She said by late Jan/early Feb the relationship would be a little more stable. That's currently happening, A LITTLE. Not anywhere near how I'd like it to be though.

Dalia is your guide - Accurate as far as him not being ready to make a full on commitment. The chat cut off before I got more info and I just didn't feel like going back to it.

So the above list are those that I've tried regarding the current POI. The following below list are those that I called about previous POIs, and they were all wrong.

Jupiterinlove - Great astrologer. Never got predictions or anything. Just wanted to know the astrological energies.

Readings by Rayna - When I called her back in 2013, she was actually the only one who was correct about a relationship not working out.

Triple Moon Goddess - Inaccurate fairytale

Serenastar11 - Inaccurate fairytale

Angelic Dream - Inaccurate fairytale

Angelic Visions - Inaccurate fairytale

Jeekers17 - Inaccurate fairytale

MissHollywood1988 - Inaccurate fairytale

Ms Cherokee - Inaccurate fairytale

And there are a TON more that I can't recall.............all wrong.

When I'm searching for an advisor, I obviously check the feedback for "predictions happened" from multiple different users. I've also began looking at what year they started reading, how many readings given, and how much total feedback they've received. I will only pick those with 5.0 stars, and once in a while, 4.9 but nothing below that. If I see a reader has given, let's say, 10,000 readings but they've received less than 3,000 in feedback, I skip because that feedback ratio doesn't match. It's highly probable that reader sucks. Like Sincerity has given about 50k readings and she also has about 20k reviews which means that she's got to be great if that many people leave the feedback (which she has been for me for the most part). I'm sure you get my point by now. I'm just super picky with who I will give a chance to.

These days, I'm just over the readings. I've no desire to choose someone new. I just call Sincerity once every month to two months and that's it. 
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