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1 / Re: Barbara4846
« Last post by sai07 on Today at 03:59:56 AM »
Ok since summer has arrived I can give some input on Barbara.

Overall, she’s good fun. A number of her smaller predictions happened, but unfortunately the big ones have not happened and she changed her tune on the last call I had with her aka POI is scattered and it went from her saying there will be  commitment to “the energy is scattered and not sure”. Apparently this time she clearly picked up other women as well when I’ve been saying that from the get-go.

So I guess at the end of all this, I am disappointed. I do think she has a gift but in my experience, readers are better with the present than with the future. I like her but probably won’t be reading with her again in the near future.
2 / Re: Michelle Caporale (new thread)
« Last post by jackY on Today at 03:20:15 AM »
Hi Newbie,

You seem to have amazing experiences with all readers. How does that happen?

I read with her about a month ago, she was accurate about my poi's feelings and contact prediction ( a bit earlier than what she predicted), his feelings and his overall character/energy were spot on which was confirmed by him when he contacted me recently. I think she does have a gift for sure!
3 / Re: Michelle Caporale (new thread)
« Last post by Jackienhidang on Today at 02:24:57 AM »
I read with her about a month ago, she was accurate about my poi's feelings and contact prediction ( a bit earlier than what she predicted), his feelings and his overall character/energy were spot on which was confirmed by him when he contacted me recently. I think she does have a gift for sure!
Addicted to Psychics / Re: I want to quit
« Last post by sai07 on June 02, 2024, 10:58:24 PM »
Tiny update.

My POI said he would not be in contact with me over socials for the summer. At first, I was a bit shocked and then sad - I'm going to continue to be sad but I talked to someone and they said NC is the right thing. It's funny how God/the Universe works. I was in two situationships - one where the guy ghosted me after talking to me daily for 1.5 years (I have not heard from him in a month). And this second situationship with POI, he also is removing himself from the situation. To me, that is God making room for someone more worthy. It is strange how these two things happened at the same time. God/the Universe has been showing me that my POI is not the right person for me and I have been avoiding it. I really have been. And it is time to course-correct.

I deleted snapchat today (I don't have him on anything else). I've deleted Keen off my phone. My favourite advisor is just a advisor at this point and I have no intention of reading with her again, she flip-flopped and I have sunk a lot of money through the POI detachment process.

I'm also probably not going to come here as much. Part of this detachment is creating new habits for myself. Thank you to every single person that has supported me and shared their advice & experiences, contributed to my threads; your interactions and your inspiring stories and how strongly you hold your self-worth inspire and amaze me. 
The Polls / Yona, Mattie, and Uli
« Last post by Tjk197901 on June 02, 2024, 07:49:34 PM »
I had my first reading with Yona today. In my opinion she is incredibly gifted and funny as all get out. She’s very much like myself and blunt. I like that. I don’t need nor want to hear any fluff or bullshit. So now the question for you all….

All three say the exact same thing and some of it almost verbatim. I was shocked and asked to record Yona and she approved of it, thank God because she talk fast and gives tons of information. Regardless I have listened to it several times and I have read with Mattie and Uli three separate times this year. Psychic addiction at its finest. I truly feel that now I have the answers I need and just need to,let it go and see what transpires.

So I guess the questions is do any of you feel that all three would be wrong? I wasn’t given fairytales by any of them and supposedly at the end of the day it’ll be up to me, but I am just curious if anyone has read with all 3 and if they were all wrong?  Hope to get some honest feedback from all. Thanks so much

6 / Re: K I R A (aka Kira de Ra) (aka Shaman Kira)
« Last post by HornetKick on June 02, 2024, 06:37:01 AM »
This is good to know but she is pricey imo. Was she mean to you as other post about or did this develop over time?
7 / Re: Starfish Insights
« Last post by Jackienhidang on June 02, 2024, 05:23:32 AM »
She knew my poi star sign as soon as we start the conversation without me saying a thing, what she said about the present resonated and she said he would reach out and he did , just a month later :)
8 / Re: Psychic Sphinx
« Last post by Jackienhidang on June 02, 2024, 04:54:26 AM »
Shes pretty good for me! Had a reading with her a month ago and what she said has come true within the timeframe. Said great finance energy/upgrade in june and ive got a job offer starting in june ( at the time of the reading i only started looking for job), asked about a guy and she said he would contact around end of may, and he contacted today which is 2nd june. What she said about the present resonated too.knew my ex was a smoker. I think she does have a gift!
9 / Re: K I R A (aka Kira de Ra) (aka Shaman Kira)
« Last post by _sydney_vicious_ on June 01, 2024, 11:21:14 PM »
So she used to be my trusted reader before she blocked me (guess she saw me posting on these boards). Anywho….yeah so the way she picks up energy is when you're typing out your question. At least that’s what she told me when I asked her. In regards to her speed, yeah she’s pretty fast. I started reading with her enough to the point where she knew what types of questions I would ask from the answer she gave me to the original question so thankfully the chatting on my end was low, while the typed stuff on her end was a lot more.

Her profile kind of says a lot. First I saw she mentions not to copy/paste your question. This is b.s. since everyone knows if the reader can't type, it will just draw out the call and make it overly expensive because she claims she reads better through chat. She also claims to type 120 words per min. Is this true, those who have read with her; is she fast?

She also recs a 10 min reading which is more b.s. due to her costs.
This listing is $19.99 pm
This listing is $12.99 pm

Nope, pure greed.
10 / Re: MsLisaM and Lisa Dianne
« Last post by dragonflyer on June 01, 2024, 07:40:37 AM »
In terms of current situation, do you guys feel MsLisam can be quite positive or sugarcoat stuff?
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