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1 / Re: DaisyChainViolet
« Last post by Lys on Today at 04:04:14 PM »
Someone had a reading with her recently ? Or predictions have passed ?
Bitwine / Re: Beverley Ann
« Last post by KikiWelll on Today at 03:55:16 PM »
Oh, that's strange! She never gives me anything metaphorical... her messages are always straight to the point and very clear. Prediction-wise, I can also say that she was spot on about the near future, both in love and career. Maybe only a few small, specific details were slightly different, but overall, things played out as she said so far... I guess she was able to connect with me well.
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by catherines on Today at 01:23:53 PM »
I think it’s better to tell Yona on what you want to Focus, she says she reads what ever the Crystal and cards show her. If you are not focus on that she mentions it and moves on to what you want to know. For me it took more than 6 weeks for POI to come back. It took 10
Months for him to reach out. I have like 4 pending predictions though 🥴and I don’t know if they will play out. 2 are from my previous reading and one is from my latest.

I can agree, she’s asked me what I wanted to focus on and I told her. My reading still came true after that. I think at this point it may be safe to say that everyone’s reading is different and there may not be a definitive set of guidelines with Yona so you may have to do trial and error.

I don't agree. It has been said multiple times - don't ask Yona questions.

That's not Yona's rule. It's better to ask her questions and clarify what she means than not asking hr any questions yourself and then coming here to ask people who didn't do the reading what her words mean, and then getting upset when nobody can answer what went on between Yona and the client.

It has been suggested that it's better when she takes the lead in what she sees in the cards first, but nobody says " do not ask her ANY questions". That's ridiculous and not true.

What is very telling here is that people like this scorpio shit comes here ONLY to judge and criticize. She does not participate, answer or anything....well, she does something like everyone else i.e. watching from the back, reading the forum every day in silence but not contribuiting or participating......they only come here to attack others.

This is a forum just in case you did not realise and the four hundred and something pages, nearly 500 dedicated to Yona's thread have been about people asking questions about their readings non-sotp, commenting, explaining their experiences and everything in between. People DO come here to ask, that has always been the case. And if the case is that you need to ask the reader and not here please ADMIN close this forum because it is not needed. Well, anyway, the forum is DEAD and no one comments on anything, responds, tells their experience, nothing. Then people like this bitch come here to critizice someone like "allisgood" because she asks questions. That is exactly the purpose of this forum you bitch. So if you are only going to come here to jump on what others say just get lost and keep watching from the distance.

I agree with allisgood. With Yona if you want to have an accurate reading you will not ask her what to focus on or ask specific questions. If you read her thread about people who have read with her for years you would already know that but I don´t really give a shit about what people do.

It's funny how you never address me directly. you always just write posts ABOUT me  ;)
Do you think you're intimidating to me? Again, I will post whenever i want. If i want to post every 100 years I'll bloody well do that. I was here long before you and your psychosis and i'll stay here long after you and ALL your accounts disappear.

Psychotic troll.

LOL. No need to comment on your shit any longer. Please, pray for my account to is not going to happen you piece of shit.
4 / Re: Does Spiritual Reader (Cookie) On keen still do readings?
« Last post by Lys on Today at 04:17:16 AM »
I’ve read with her twice in the last year. I’m 4th in line currently.

Weird I don’t see the option to book a reading with her later
5 / Re: Does Spiritual Reader (Cookie) On keen still do readings?
« Last post by Ssora13 on Today at 03:52:29 AM »
I’ve read with her twice in the last year. I’m 4th in line currently.
6 / Re: MysticRAVEN111
« Last post by Lys on Today at 01:48:18 AM »
I had a reading with her tonight. She don’t give details sadly. Like a yes or no and a number.. we will see
7 / Re: Lorrie C
« Last post by Lys on Today at 01:39:41 AM »
I had a reading with her she don’t give a lot of details it was short. But I will see soon if it will happen (new job). Other update about her ?
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by scorpiogirl on Today at 12:18:12 AM »
I think it’s better to tell Yona on what you want to Focus, she says she reads what ever the Crystal and cards show her. If you are not focus on that she mentions it and moves on to what you want to know. For me it took more than 6 weeks for POI to come back. It took 10
Months for him to reach out. I have like 4 pending predictions though 🥴and I don’t know if they will play out. 2 are from my previous reading and one is from my latest.

I can agree, she’s asked me what I wanted to focus on and I told her. My reading still came true after that. I think at this point it may be safe to say that everyone’s reading is different and there may not be a definitive set of guidelines with Yona so you may have to do trial and error.

I don't agree. It has been said multiple times - don't ask Yona questions.

That's not Yona's rule. It's better to ask her questions and clarify what she means than not asking hr any questions yourself and then coming here to ask people who didn't do the reading what her words mean, and then getting upset when nobody can answer what went on between Yona and the client.

It has been suggested that it's better when she takes the lead in what she sees in the cards first, but nobody says " do not ask her ANY questions". That's ridiculous and not true.

What is very telling here is that people like this scorpio shit comes here ONLY to judge and criticize. She does not participate, answer or anything....well, she does something like everyone else i.e. watching from the back, reading the forum every day in silence but not contribuiting or participating......they only come here to attack others.

This is a forum just in case you did not realise and the four hundred and something pages, nearly 500 dedicated to Yona's thread have been about people asking questions about their readings non-sotp, commenting, explaining their experiences and everything in between. People DO come here to ask, that has always been the case. And if the case is that you need to ask the reader and not here please ADMIN close this forum because it is not needed. Well, anyway, the forum is DEAD and no one comments on anything, responds, tells their experience, nothing. Then people like this bitch come here to critizice someone like "allisgood" because she asks questions. That is exactly the purpose of this forum you bitch. So if you are only going to come here to jump on what others say just get lost and keep watching from the distance.

I agree with allisgood. With Yona if you want to have an accurate reading you will not ask her what to focus on or ask specific questions. If you read her thread about people who have read with her for years you would already know that but I don´t really give a shit about what people do.

It's funny how you never address me directly. you always just write posts ABOUT me  ;)
Do you think you're intimidating to me? Again, I will post whenever i want. If i want to post every 100 years I'll bloody well do that. I was here long before you and your psychosis and i'll stay here long after you and ALL your accounts disappear.

Psychotic troll.
Bitwine / Re: Beverley Ann
« Last post by Novachild1018 on February 17, 2025, 07:14:31 PM »
I tried to read with her but she didn’t connect. She was getting it in the first part but then started coming up with animals/shapes that didn’t resonate. Ugh I hope we can connect someday.
Bitwine / Re: Beverley Ann
« Last post by saxenaniks on February 17, 2025, 05:24:47 PM »
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