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91 / Re: LadyPersephone
« Last post by lala on April 18, 2024, 09:34:40 PM »
any updates on this reader?
Addicted to Psychics / Re: I hope this helps someone.
« Last post by jackY on April 18, 2024, 03:12:11 PM »
What site is Karen Jo on or is she an independent?

Out of the thousands and thousands and thousands I’ve spent, I’ve never left a bad review because I was always terrified to.

I will still see psychics, but I’ve narrowed it down to Karen Jo and Judi.

Karen Jo’s reading was insane. She saw a locked steeeing wheel that had red around license to drive. I later find out my POI can’t drive at the moment. She saw an old cb radio for phone problems & turns out his phone is broken - for real not bullshit. Judi tells you what someone is truly feeling in their heart and their thoughts but that doesn’t mean they will act on it. It all helps me make better, informed decisions though.
Beginning of day 1 for me as of 2:15 pm today. If you’re in a binge or totally addicted like I am right now, feel free to join in counting your days “clean”. We can celebrate & support together. Then talk about the awesome stuff we got with the money we blew on psychics 😆
Addicted to Psychics / Re: I hope this helps someone.
« Last post by artsygirlms on April 18, 2024, 02:38:23 AM »
Out of the thousands and thousands and thousands I’ve spent, I’ve never left a bad review because I was always terrified to.

I will still see psychics, but I’ve narrowed it down to Karen Jo and Judi.

Karen Jo’s reading was insane. She saw a locked steeeing wheel that had red around license to drive. I later find out my POI can’t drive at the moment. She saw an old cb radio for phone problems & turns out his phone is broken - for real not bullshit. Judi tells you what someone is truly feeling in their heart and their thoughts but that doesn’t mean they will act on it. It all helps me make better, informed decisions though.
95 / Re: Credit card charge in error - no response from keen
« Last post by jackY on April 18, 2024, 01:23:19 AM »
someone hacked your credit card-close it down immediately
Addicted to Psychics / Re: I hope this helps someone.
« Last post by PJpilar on April 18, 2024, 12:35:15 AM »
I noticed this was an issue when I left a bad review of a popular psychic on Etsy and random people from Etsy messaged me to confirm that the reader was terrible.

A lot of these people are fake but you cant leave a bad review since the reader will harass you to remove it
97 / Credit card charge in error - no response from keen
« Last post by JessicaDuBois on April 17, 2024, 09:44:01 PM »
On Tuesday I found a charge for on my card, which is a debit attached to my keen account.

I removed this card last week, and all cards actually.

The amount was for $2933.85.  I saw this around 9am, but the actual charge was around 2am

When I invested, it seems the max that I can add at any time is $1000.  This $2900+ is odd.  My account was not hacked, as my account has a limit of $1000

I called keen but they seem a little less than concerned and the customer service does little but take a message.

I was willing to be helpful but honestly… I was concerned that not everyone has an extra $3000 sitting in their bank.  So I am sharing publicly.

Bank screenshots and from the bank app alerts on my iPhone

Addicted to Psychics / I hope this helps someone.
« Last post by artsygirlms on April 17, 2024, 07:53:22 PM »
I have a pretty severe addiction that I believe I just broke from a wake up call.

99.9% of psychics on purple garden & purple ocean are fake
Predictions rarely happen. They don’t see the big things.
You create your reality. Focus on manifestation, prayer and meditation.
I believe the addiction comes from being desperate for contact.
That’s a 50/50 outcome so when we get contact we keep coming back.
That’s not a gift. That’s a guess from one of two answers: yes or no
Your highest self knows the truth. Listen to your gut.

That being said, I’m going through a very difficult time with a loved one.
I’ve spent thousands of dollars. Not one predictive psychic saw it.
Not one.

That being said, I will continue to read with Karen Jo and Judi.
They are helping me through a very tough time, and they truly know
Thoughts and emotions. Karen gets symbols that are real.

Save your money. Get help for addiction. Talk to God & the universe. Believe that’s what’s for the best will come to you.

You can search all the heavy hitters on here. I did.
Leeloo is ok. She still didn’t predict a major event.
I love open channel but she’s seen things rosier, but she has a sweet positive personality.
Karen Jo pretty much knows all. I don’t ask for predictions.
Judi pretty much knows all.
Stephanie Theresa is good but sways negative.
Braelin Awoken is a brilliant card reader. She has a storefront. Google it.
She’s usually always right in predictions but they aren’t super clear as to exactly what is coming but she always gets the vibe. You can see her reviews on purple ocean.

Look, you have to understand if a reader is positive or negative, it’s because they are filtering what they pick up through their own life perspective.
You decide how to see the events in your life.
You decide if something is a gift or not. You decide.

Hopefully I will save a lot more money now.
God knows I need to pull back and invest in my own life.
Pay off debt & I’m getting Botox Friday 😆
99 / Re: Spiritual Guide 1111
« Last post by Mina on April 17, 2024, 02:10:17 PM »

Oh my dear sweet summer child… if you leave anything less then 4 star ratings on keen … sigh I think we all have our “yeah I remember when I left my first 3 star review too”. I got the same treatment and blocked
100 / Re: Leroy
« Last post by excemagrl14 on April 17, 2024, 12:12:42 PM »
Glad I am not the only one! I reached out to him after the reading and he tried to gaslight me into believing he didn't say that time frame but the reading was a chat and I always screen-record my chats just to make sure. So weird how he is extremely popular but inaccurate (well atleast to me)
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