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Bitwine / Re: Beverley Ann
« Last post by KikiWelll on Today at 06:20:46 PM »
I dont know... With me, she was always generous with her time and effort. She went beyond the purchased time and always made sure I got all my questions answered. She is honest and incredibly kind, and she saw things she could never have guessed.
2 / Re: Lorrie C
« Last post by poorprincess on Today at 04:59:20 PM »
Her timeframes have been accurate for me 2 out 3 times thus far. I have one more that ends today so I can let you know there.

Her behavior predictions were I would say 85% accurate for me.
3 / Re: Bonnie or Vincent
« Last post by 1234 on Today at 02:41:38 PM »
So Bonnie does seem to be good with current energy. Is she good with predictionsand its just the timeframes thatare off? Its hard because the timeframe has changed a few times for a prediction but she has been accurate abut other things.
4 / Re: Lorrie C
« Last post by 1234 on Today at 02:38:22 PM »
Have her actual predictions and or timeframes been accurate??
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by allisgood on Today at 12:23:25 PM »
Could really use some feedback about Yona being wrong.

Yona gave me a reading a week ago. She said my first challenge card covered the next 3 months and it was about my boyfriend and I learning to rebuild trust after infidelity, him learning to replace old patterns and what not.

The rest of my reading was all about the things we're going to do together, buying properties together, raising his son together, deeper commitment/more partnership (10 of cups).

However..we broke up yesterday. In a very calm and thought out break up about a completely different related issues. Not impulsive or anything.

Could my whole entire reading be wrong? Or did I just change things through free will?

Would you have any updates on this post and Yona's predictions?
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by PJpilar on Today at 12:18:04 PM »
Just listened to my last reading with Yona that was from November 2022. It was all spot on.
Very spot on, but I would have never known what she was talking about at the time. When I listen to my readings later on, I always regret interrupting her and trying to explain what I think I think that she's talking about because I'm rarely ever right at the time. lol

The beginning of the reading started off with cards that laid out a situation I was in at the time and not future events and at the end of the session she said, "This is all happening very fast. I see this all playing out by April." So basically she was saying it would all play out in 5 months. Yet here we are 2 years and 3 months later and it just now wrapped up.

So...all that to say....same thing that many others say.... She can be very accurate, but her timing is way off.

Can you give an example of a prediction that past, the card she used  and how she described it in relation to the card?
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by allisgood on Today at 11:18:34 AM »
Could anyone please help with what Yona told me in my opening cards?

There is an existing connection with the person AND there is an existing connection with the Emperor (employer, State, Organisation).
I am not stuck, change is happening, Wheel of Fortune, some of the changes are happening in the background, they are outside my control

What does she mean by " existing connection"?

She added:

There is an ongoing situation and it is important that I realise that it is potential.

Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by allisgood on Today at 11:15:08 AM »
Whew. going back and reading my old posts on Yona....coming to some conclusions.
I've been reading with her every 6-8 months for the last couple of years....
the only really good and in depth reading I had with her...was the very first one.
Since then they have gotten more and more confusing, difficult to follow, and leave me really confused.
So no more Yona readings. :(
The last two readings have been so vague and hyper focused on extremely particular events that aren't really important or helpful to have insight on. The perspective she gets is so confusing, even if she gives you advice to take, you don't even realize what she was talking about until after it's already happened and even then you're not entirely sure if that's what she was talking about.

Idk. Maybe it's just me. There's very little predictions or or long term insight on anything at all. When I do get predictions it'll be like..."there's a person you might bump heads with"  ???


Reading my post from right after I got my last reading over 2 years ago!  ;D ;D ;D I was so distraught! omg lol
Took 2 years, but everything she said played out! There's no way I could have known what she was talking about during the reading. Very specific events and some with new people.

I feel like you can't go into Yona readings with particular questions on your mind or hoping to hear about a particular subject at all.

I am indeed confused about your posts unless you elaborate further. Back in 2022 you said she was giving you predictions that were not even important or helpful. Then you also said that she gave you predicitons such as "there's a person you might bump heads with" and now you are saying that they were very specific events. Like you seem to contradict yourself in what you are stating.
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by mixielove on Today at 09:21:21 AM »
Whew. going back and reading my old posts on Yona....coming to some conclusions.
I've been reading with her every 6-8 months for the last couple of years....
the only really good and in depth reading I had with her...was the very first one.
Since then they have gotten more and more confusing, difficult to follow, and leave me really confused.
So no more Yona readings. :(
The last two readings have been so vague and hyper focused on extremely particular events that aren't really important or helpful to have insight on. The perspective she gets is so confusing, even if she gives you advice to take, you don't even realize what she was talking about until after it's already happened and even then you're not entirely sure if that's what she was talking about.

Idk. Maybe it's just me. There's very little predictions or or long term insight on anything at all. When I do get predictions it'll be like..."there's a person you might bump heads with"  ???


Reading my post from right after I got my last reading over 2 years ago!  ;D ;D ;D I was so distraught! omg lol
Took 2 years, but everything she said played out! There's no way I could have known what she was talking about during the reading. Very specific events and some with new people.

I feel like you can't go into Yona readings with particular questions on your mind or hoping to hear about a particular subject at all.
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by mixielove on Today at 09:16:34 AM »
Just listened to my last reading with Yona that was from November 2022. It was all spot on.
Very spot on, but I would have never known what she was talking about at the time. When I listen to my readings later on, I always regret interrupting her and trying to explain what I think I think that she's talking about because I'm rarely ever right at the time. lol

The beginning of the reading started off with cards that laid out a situation I was in at the time and not future events and at the end of the session she said, "This is all happening very fast. I see this all playing out by April." So basically she was saying it would all play out in 5 months. Yet here we are 2 years and 3 months later and it just now wrapped up.

So...all that to say....same thing that many others say.... She can be very accurate, but her timing is way off.
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