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1 / Axxelle
« Last post by sarahhellcat on Today at 05:04:28 AM »
Has anyone tried Axxelle on Keen? I saw a review on her somewhere else saying she is very good with timeline predictions. She’s a little expensive so I’m a bit hesitant to try her out just yet.
Hello! I got a reading from him earlier this month. It took a little while to get, but it was cheap so I didn’t mind. I just asked 2 questions about a POI. The predictions were fairly negative. I just asked about contact and was told he didn’t see a past connection and that it’s coming to an end. He told me I got to do what’s best for me and he sees a lot of healing coming in for me. That I’m wasting my time and energy and not getting back what I put in.
So, not really what I was hoping to hear. But, I don’t think my situation is as bad as he puts it. So I don’t know.
Addicted to Psychics / Re: I want to quit
« Last post by Sasha414 on Today at 03:05:44 AM »
For me it's a spiritual journey and a very helpful resource, so I didn't block it out completely. But I have been in your shoes many times and finally what worked for me is sticking to one (actually two) readers. They were both the only too I felt compassion from. So to wean myself off, I spent more time shadow journaling, writing, drawing, and when I did these things I wrote about the things I would deserve and desire. It helped a lot and may seem like nothing but I now have it under control and again for my it's a growth spiritually for me, so I keep it around.
I'm sorry you feel so lost. I hope you find what works for you.
4 / Re: Psychic Sphinx
« Last post by appleeyes75 on Today at 02:26:18 AM »
I feel like jackiendhindang you're recommending all the bad readers. I looked up your posts.. so fishy. All the ones that you have raving comments of are generic readers. Just went based on what you tell them.
5 / Re: Psychic Sphinx
« Last post by appleeyes75 on Today at 02:22:42 AM »
She is a generic reader. I don't recommend it.
6 / Re: Psychic Sphinx
« Last post by jackY on Today at 01:09:44 AM »
Do you know if she has her own site? Thanks!

Shes pretty good for me! Had a reading with her a month ago and what she said has come true within the timeframe. Said great finance energy/upgrade in june and ive got a job offer starting in june ( at the time of the reading i only started looking for job), asked about a guy and she said he would contact around end of may, and he contacted today which is 2nd june. What she said about the present resonated too.knew my ex was a smoker. I think she does have a gift!
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by jackY on July 26, 2024, 10:08:16 PM »

There really is only 1 person causing all the drama because Yona got her husband's eye color wrong...or did she?  ::) :-X Hope the divorce is not too costly Jacky-girl!

No tulip, these are not fake reviews and no I don't have different accounts. I used to have another account from 2017 but left when all the Laura Dolphin crap started. I was a Yona nay-sayer until her readings started panning out. You can PM me if you want more details but I'm not going to post super specific things because of unhinged people like Jacky who clearly stalks the Yona thread try to discredit anyone who has things pass for them. Who knows who she'll stalk next?!

I'm also back here because of idiots like Jacky and Bonba who posts the same shit for years! It's not because I don't want negative reviews. Many people leave Yona negative reviews and THAT IS WHY THIS FORUM EXISTS. No one wants a cult-like mentality and I've said many times Yona can be wrong and will be wrong for people, and everyone has a right to share their experience.  But those unhinged creatures are on another level and someone needed to call them out.

Yona has a fascinating way she reads and until these trolls got on this thread (probably because Yona told them their POIs weren't coming back and weren't their committed partnerships), a lot of folks were able to share their readings and make sense of things from their Yona readings so that's what I'm hoping this thread can go back to that.
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by Howannoying on July 26, 2024, 10:05:25 PM »
There really is only 1 person causing all the drama because Yona got her husband's eye color wrong...or did she?  ::) :-X Hope the divorce is not too costly Jacky-girl!

No tulip, these are not fake reviews and no I don't have different accounts. I used to have another account from 2017 but left when all the Laura Dolphin crap started. I was a Yona nay-sayer until her readings started panning out. You can PM me if you want more details but I'm not going to post super specific things because of unhinged people like Jacky who clearly stalks the Yona thread try to discredit anyone who has things pass for them. Who knows who she'll stalk next?!

I'm also back here because of idiots like Jacky and Bonba who posts the same shit for years! It's not because I don't want negative reviews. Many people leave Yona negative reviews and THAT IS WHY THIS FORUM EXISTS. No one wants a cult-like mentality and I've said many times Yona can be wrong and will be wrong for people, and everyone has a right to share their experience.  But those unhinged creatures are on another level and someone needed to call them out.

Yona has a fascinating way she reads and until these trolls got on this thread (probably because Yona told them their POIs weren't coming back and weren't their committed partnerships), a lot of folks were able to share their readings and make sense of things from their Yona readings so that's what I'm hoping this thread can go back to that.
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by TulipsAndSunflowers on July 26, 2024, 09:23:46 PM »
Tbh, even to me, some of these posts do look like fake reviews. also - the last couple of posts about how predictions panned out? The 'predictions' are so vague that I'm surprised they're being mentioned to begin with. I haven't read with Yona, but all this drama makes me to never want to read with her in the first place.  :o
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Yona Farrell
« Last post by jackY on July 26, 2024, 06:28:19 PM »

It's not about a psychic. It's about fake reviewers who come back again and again to promote their friends and mislead others by jamming up threads with over the top reviews. So sad.

You guys do realize you’re picking fights on a forum about psychics, right? Just think
About that. Doesn’t that sound really fuckin weird to you? Maybe just stop?

Can you prove they are fake reviewers???? NO, YOU CANNOT SO SHUT THE FUCK UP.
The only bitter and nuts individual here is you who is just waiting impatiently to jump in and abuse anyone the minute they have a positive review to give because you are so very sick.
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