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1 / Re: CLEO
« Last post by nursemarie9551 on Today at 03:50:48 AM »
Read with Cleo today. Described poi well. I respect that she told me not entirely sure of timing but possible communication in November. I'll be back to update.
2 / Re: CP Josie
« Last post by nursemarie9551 on Today at 03:29:53 AM »
Unfortunately Josie isn't working for me anymore which is sad bc she was my go to for years. She predicted I'd hear from poi by end of summer. That didn't pass. She pushed it back to end of September. That didn't pass either. Now she's saying contact by Christmas.
My Story / Re: Readers aligning on a prediction
« Last post by jackY on Today at 01:19:32 AM »
I agree that we hear what we want to hear even when IRL it's totally different. I used to believe that there was something more because of the "connection we had". Guess what? Trust you own lying eyes and ears--if someone wants to be with you. They will be with you. It's not complicated. And if it is at that time, walk away. Get back to you life. What is meant for you will not pass you by.

I don’t think it’s the fault of readers!
Tarot is a spirit, just like a spirit board. It plays with our minds, telling us what we want to hear, and then nothing happens.
Storefront Psychics & Online Services / Re: Shamanic Arawak Priestess
« Last post by PJpilar on October 12, 2024, 09:33:24 PM »
I had a reading with her early January 2023, she mentioned there would be a financial opportunity connected to the city of Baltimore in regard to a job but she said it was happen early this year 2024. I did get a new job that stated relocation might happen and one of the areas is in Maryland. I am waiting to see if this will happen and I should know by the end of this month.
My Story / Re: Readers aligning on a prediction
« Last post by Florallover87 on October 12, 2024, 08:19:37 PM »
I don’t think it’s the fault of readers!
Tarot is a spirit, just like a spirit board. It plays with our minds, telling us what we want to hear, and then nothing happens.
My Story / Re: Readers aligning on a prediction
« Last post by Aaron0326 on October 12, 2024, 12:51:44 PM »
I once went on a post-break up binge where several readers - readers who I am convinced have some sort of gift, who have been very correct about things I didnt want to hear in the past, and who are either independent or on different networks - all made an oddly specific prediction that my POI and I would be talking about moving in together at some point in the near future.  I had never heard this sort of thing from them previously and it rattled me a bit because these readers typically gave me the "no its not gunna work out" lines. These readers had no connection to each other at all.  What are the odds? I never spoke to that POI again.  Moral of the story is take everything with a grain of salt.

I'm convinced they are reading our thoughts/mind/desires. This has happened to me plenty of times as well, unfortunately.

I’ve had this thought too.  Ive had one reader who predicted a crazy amount of work things that I knew for a fact were upcoming.  Things already set in stone that were on my mind.  It’s like they could get in my head and see or hear my thoughts.  The accuracy fell off when it came to the thoughts and actions of others though.
Bitwine / Re: Log Lady
« Last post by nursemarie9551 on October 12, 2024, 04:57:34 AM »
Anyone read with log lady lately? I have alerts set but I don't think she's been on in a while?
My Story / Re: Readers aligning on a prediction
« Last post by jackY on October 12, 2024, 01:03:34 AM »
Same here. I'd get soooo excited because now 3 readers told me the same thing and then it didn't happen. Oof.

I agree above. I have had readers tell me communications end of Aug and September many said that ..did readings in July  ..did not pan out so...🤷‍♀️
My Story / Re: Readers aligning on a prediction
« Last post by appleeyes75 on October 11, 2024, 08:46:45 PM »
I agree above. I have had readers tell me communications end of Aug and September many said that ..did readings in July  ..did not pan out so...🤷‍♀️
10 / Re: SilverBreeze
« Last post by sai07 on October 11, 2024, 08:34:31 PM »
most of her predictions didn’t happen so I stopped reading with her
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