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Psychic Readings That Came True / Re: Yona's LOVE and RELATIONSHIP hits
« Last post by shannynlin on April 24, 2024, 11:16:44 PM »
Yep. Yona has been right on every single love/relationship prediction she's made for me over the last 7 years. Her timing has been spot on as well.

These are things that (in my opinion) have boosted the accuracy of her readings for me:

1. I maintain my energy and spirit very well.
2. I only call her. It's once per year, maximum. On the rest of the 364 days of the year, I'm working on maintaining a high vibration + tapping into my own abilities and manifesting outcomes I want.
3. I use her predictions to validate past experiences, not future ones.

I don't know if it's related to this, but she often says she can't read me. Or my cards are "complicated". So a few times in the past, we've either had to reschedule or cancel.

But she's the real deal!

The Vent / Please realize when this is happening to you.
« Last post by shannynlin on April 24, 2024, 11:04:41 PM »
This is literally the bread and butter for fake "love and relationships" psychics. Please do yourself a favor and recognize the pattern. It makes any psychic reading irrelevant and you can save yourself from false hope, heartache, waiting. Your money will be better spent buying things that make you happy.

If you are calling a psychic about a roller coaster relationship that follows a similar structure:

Phase (1) Loving and doting affection from the other person at the beginning
Phase (2) But you did something to upset them and their mood switched on you, it could even be something really small
Phase (3) You apologized and hoped things go back to normal, and maybe they did. But over time, you started walking on eggshells because they are no longer that same loving and doting person they used to be
Phase (4) You have even a SNEAKING feeling they could be lying about multiple things, or there are already confirmed multiple red flags in any of these areas:
     - Their personal history like their education or job
     - Their characteristics, ambitions for the future, their intentions
     - Trauma they had
     - A string of bad luck or conflict regarding other people
     - How they were forced to do something questionable in their past because they were put in a situation that left them with no other choice
     - The nature of their relationship with someone else (could be an ex, a person they might be attracted to, someone they just started recently talking to)
     - Why they don’t want you talking to their friends without them around
     - Why they can’t sustain long-term friendships with people
     - Anything that points to a pathological lying
Phase (5) They start gaslighting you and point out all your mistakes or flaws
Phase (6) They drop the mask and are no longer the doting, affectionate person you knew at the beginning of the relationship

If your relationship looks anything like that, following that sequence of events, you do not need a psychic. A psychic might answer questions, but you can assume:

(1) If the relationship is salvageable from your POI’s perspective, meaning you have not yet figured them out or called them out on anything, they will probably contact you
(2) It is not about you and it will never be about you
(3) If you really knew what was going on in your POI’s head, you would be absolutely shattered and liberated at the same time
(4) There is nothing you can do to prevent your POI from repeating the same behavior in the future
(5) Most people who are not aware of the emotional manipulation you went through with this person will probably just tell you to “move on because the POI isn’t worth it”, but this is SUPER unhelpful because it doesn’t give you an opening to process the emotions nor full closure on what really happened

Ask yourself if you have a history of attracting these types of relationships. Some of the most empathic, sweet, beautiful people repeatedly and predictably find themselves trapped in relationships that follow this pattern. The "why" is too much to get into here, but just know that a psychic isn't invested in helping you identify these patterns, preventing them in the future, or helping you attract better prospects into your life.

Feel free to message me if you have any questions! Here to talk or point you to more spiritual development / manifesting resources.
73 / Re: LadyPersephone
« Last post by kika on April 24, 2024, 09:52:52 PM »
Had a reading with her today. She is coming back to Keen.
74 / Re: NorthstarJulie
« Last post by midwest60 on April 24, 2024, 09:52:13 PM »
"Why on earth would she block you for missing a call back? That would be kinda psycho....

Quote from: dragonflyer on February 08, 2024, 05:51:07 PM
Ugh! I arranged the call with her on Keen and missed it....Not sure if she would block me or not. I really don't like the arranged calls..."

I am chuckling to myself.....not that you were blocked...but by the fact I have had one chat with this reader and left good feedback.  But, every time I try to get a follow up reading either by chat or arranged call...she purposely knocks me out of the cue.  I had her as one of my favorites and she "un-favorited me." (is that a word).  Rejection is God's protection as they say...
I admit I had binge
And to my surprise I’m working day 2

My binge involved 4 advisors and I was arguing with them about the most likely outcome isn’t this flowery dream

Ugh… but I also got in argument with my friend who was saying the most likely scenario isn’t my dream scenario

I do doth protest too much 😆 (seems like I go to two different types of ppl and argue opposing views… which is something for me to look into)

But I am happy to say: I am saving money! I did make some fixes to my car! I got money saved for my upcoming move for work! My confirmation for two booked hotels went thru! And the best news is: I actually don’t have to rely on gig work this week because I got bartending gig at my local theatre! It’s so easy! And I don’t even know how to bartend! (Just kidding I did use to work at Starbucks and I do know what goes in a drink, so I mean I’m not utterly clueless. Plus all my other customer service skills do apply)… and it feels good to be coming out my holes of debts! My credit score is slowly going back up. And I give credit to sticking to cash basis (oh and God) the cash system is annoying because I do need up going to atm sometimes 3 times a day because of a bill, but it is nice if I wake up in the middle of the night I don’t call a psychic. I question do I want to leave my comfy bed or put a bra on and put money in the bank so I can call an advisor that will probably be offline when I get to it… fiiine I’ll just be anxious in my comfy bed

Poco poquito
Little by little

We’ll get there
Fell off a bit but still doing ok. Went to bitwine to look then immediately came here to post
Addicted to Psychics / Re: psychic independence + manifestation
« Last post by jackY on April 23, 2024, 10:18:12 PM »
So..... what's the price tag?

I would like to add this as a resource. It's a 12-week guided wellness training that bridges neuroscience with spiritual development to help people conquer the struggle.
Addicted to Psychics / psychic independence + manifestation
« Last post by shannynlin on April 23, 2024, 08:30:21 PM »
I would like to add this as a resource. It's a 12-week guided wellness training that bridges neuroscience with spiritual development to help people conquer the struggle.
79 / Re: Tarottells
« Last post by sai07 on April 23, 2024, 06:26:14 PM »
Just an update for anyone that this may be helpful for, job timing prediction for April did not pan out.
80 / Re: Starfish Insights
« Last post by Chitowngirl on April 23, 2024, 02:50:02 PM »
Yes, please keep us posted. I think she's been good however I haven't been able to confirm yet whether or not she was correct with her major predictions. As soon as I know I'll post; good or bad.
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