The Psychic Reviews

Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions => => Topic started by: BriannaJazmine on May 07, 2011, 03:09:43 AM

Title: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: BriannaJazmine on May 07, 2011, 03:09:43 AM
I've spoken to quite a few psychics from Psychic Source, lately- and mainly the top advisors. There was a guy I was dealing with about a month or so ago, he and I began developing feelings for one another..mainly due to our strong emotional connection. I ended things between us due to personal reasons, and I've been missing him so much ever since. I just haven't been the same without him in my life. Although we weren't in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, we were pretty close. I've spoken to quite a few psychics from PS about this- mainly the top advisors. I spoke to Amy, Ricky, Betty, Paige, Lily, Moira, even the infamous Therese. They all advised me that he'd come back, and I should expect to hear from him within a week's time frame. Keep in mind this was about a month ago. Paige said she hates using the term "soulmate" loosely, but she feels that we have a definite soulmate connection. Ricky said he'd contact me again, we'd spend the entire month of May together, and that eventually we'd begin a serious relationship. Betty said this wasn't the end of us, and that she definitely sees a serious relationship in the near future. Therese said possibly marriage, and so did Lily.

Well guess what? I haven't heard from him AT ALL. Not a text or anything. Not a sign of him coming back at all. I know those are THE BEST advisors on that site, but I can't help but feel hopeless. I feel as if I've just been fed fairytales. Therese's accuracy rate is about 99%, so is Ricky's..and I'm beginning to think I'm that 1% that doesn't have success. I'm a bit angry, because I've blown so much money on that site. How can not even ONE of their predictions come to pass?

I spoke with 3 advisors on asknow, and they also advised me he's coming back, and one psychic stated there's a soulmate connection there.

I spoke with an advisor on liveperson, and she advised me the complete opposite. She said he isn't coming back at all, and to move on..he wasn't that interested in me.

Now, I'm confused & have no idea who to believe.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: fm on May 07, 2011, 04:17:15 AM
Hi Brianna

I used to frequent this forum and trying to get readings from various Ps about a relationship that wasnt meant to be. It is not that I want to slam readings and all, but seriously, I would like you to use logic and reality to judge whether there is still hope for this relationship. Carefully think of the follwing questions and maybe you might have a conclusion

1. How long has he not communicated with you? Over a month? During this one month, did you intiate contact with him?

2. When you guys are together, are you guys really happy? Does BOTH parties want to make things work? Do both of you try to make time for each other and putting in an effort on their part to make things work. Or is it just an extra push of effort on YOUR part?

3. Are there more smiles and laughter then tears when you guys are together?

4. What went wrong exactly from the last point of contact?

5. Do you wan to be in a relationship that is full of misery and little happiness? Is there anything to be worth clinging on to? Do you want to continue waiting and waiting and not knowing when he will ever respond to you? Even if he does, we can worry about that later and see how it goes then

When I had my past relationship which my ex broke all communications with me, I spend no lesser then 2K  (in my local curreny somewhere in Asia, approximately 1.5K in USD in 2 months?) getting all the readings from CP and all said the same stuff, we are soul mates, he would come back and so on and so forth. He would contact me from Dec to Jan to Feb to Mar, many many people said different things, I was confused and hoping that he would talk to me.

In the end, I just write a very nasty sms to him and he did reply in an equally nasty note after 4 months! So then I knew it was fully over. Everyone, from friends to counsellors I was seeing was telling me there is no hope, only the Ps I spoke to told me all the positive outcomes. And once I did not hear from him, I would add more credits to call them again and again to have false hopes and have renewed hopes. In the end it is always in vain.

So save your pocket. Use logic and see what reality has to tell for you about your relationship. If it was meant to be, you would be happy and not wondering what the hell haappened. If someone really loved you, he would go all out to spend time with you and make you happy no matter how tired both of you guys are.

I know once you set your heart on someone, it is very hard to let go and I know it is painful, do youself a favour, go out chill out meet new people and see if you can meet the person of your dreams who probably is worth more of your time effort and money.

All the best!
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: cj on May 07, 2011, 04:26:50 AM
we're all trying to fig out the same thing...can everyone be wrong????
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: fm on May 07, 2011, 04:43:19 AM
hey CJ, it may be true that some are correct some has gifts, maybe only a handful. But who are these Ps anyway, do they know you, do they know your story? They talked to hundreds of people a month, probably saying the same things. We do not know. Who are they to tell you what will happen when they do not know either of you guys? And the companies who earn money from exploiting emotions the greatest weakpoint of human beings?

Clinging on and being attached to someone who does not care is the most miserable of it all. If reality points to everything else and NOT of you will be happy in a relationship, when I saw my counsellor she made me see how the way things are (and not MY wishful fantasy thoughts), she was neutral and made me deduce how things are, but of course initially, I was in absolutely denial hoping that we would ever talk again although there was absolutely NO COMMUNICATIONS! I was prepared to wait for months, years etc, I could not work, I would not sleep and eat. It was very bad.  what is the point of holding on to it if everyday is in misery wondering what the hell would happen next?
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: BriannaJazmine on May 07, 2011, 05:02:36 AM
Hi fm, how are ya?

Wow, you and I sound EXACTLY alike. The longer he doesn't contact me, the more I get the urge to contact PS again! Honestly, I don't know how much money I've spent in the last month, but it probably has to be past the $600 range.

It's been 3 weeks since he and I last spoke, and NO I haven't attempted to contact him first. In a way, I want to just contact him myself and see what the outcome is. If it's a negative outcome, at least I'll know that I did all I can, rather than sitting around wondering forever & ever.

But I don't know about the whole contacting him first thing.

I'm starting to doubt a word that comes out of those advisors' mouths. My logic is telling me, if something is meant to be then it'll be. Also, if a guy truly wants you then nothing can keep him away, or if he's truly interested in you then nothing will keep him from getting in contact with you. That's my old way of thinking.

Very confused, and frustrated at this point. Might have to follow your advice..

Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: positivethoughts on May 07, 2011, 11:48:36 AM
Hey FM!! Nice to see you  :)  :)  :)

I would agree that there are only a handful of truly gifted psychics on many of the psychic networks. And to make it more complicated, you may not connect with all of them. So if you are lucky to find a few who you connect with, it is a really nice "addition" to you life. But you can't live by the predictions.

Brianna - Have you had any predictions come through from the psychics you've listed? Only read with psychics who have had a prediction manifest for you. Unfortunately figuring out who you connect with takes time and money. What works for you might not work for me. I love Ricky and enjoyed talking to him the 2 times I read with him and he NAILED my situation during the 1st reading. But unfortunately, his predictions didn't really pan out.  So although I love to chat with him, he isn't the psychic for me. But clearly he works for A LOT of people and I would recommend him because he really nailed my situation, and a lot of psychics's haven't.

So I wish you luck. Figuring out when to let go is a personal and hard decision. Maybe you should ask a psychic - what happens if I contact him first. Does it push the connection timeline out or speed things up. But remember - you can only ask someone who you truly connect with and trust or you might be getting opinion vs psychic insight. We don't pay for opinion.....we have plenty of friends who can tell us we are waisting out time. lol

Best of luck
Big hugs
I know, it sucks
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: BriannaJazmine on May 07, 2011, 12:51:36 PM
Hi positivethoughts :)

Unfortunately, none of the advisors I've spoken to have made predictions that came true for me. Not a single prediction. So, I'm not sure who I actually connected with. I've never spoken to Deidre woods, and I've heard great things about her. I've seen videos of her on YouTube doing live readings, and I thought she was great. But then again I don't think I even want to waste my time anymore. I saw Paige's live reading as well, which is what inspired me to call her, and none of her predictions came to pass. I'm done calling..
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: positivethoughts on May 07, 2011, 02:04:56 PM
Well if u ever decide to call again - throw in a work question or something
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: BriannaJazmine on May 07, 2011, 02:40:15 PM
I'll definitely keep that in mind! :-)
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sofie on June 02, 2011, 02:43:13 PM
This was my experience with Psychic Source.  Back in 3/2011 of this year I had a very stressful period in my life.  I was involved in a serious career matter and used Psychic Source's various advisers.  I have come to realize that to me a good psychic is a person that can accurately predict the future outcome of a matter.  I don't think a good psychic is a person who can accurately describe my present situation or my past, who cares about that.  I already know that stuff.

First I started with Madeline.  Being new at the whole psychic online thing Madeline blew me off my feet because all I did was give her my name and birth date and she was off.  She accurately described the main thing going on in my life, the career issue.  I was blown away.  I continued reading with her and the more money I spent the less accurate she got.  Even the first reading described my present situation and she threw in her prediction for the future.  So I continued using her.  In time she gave less predictions and her service turned more into counseling.  I shouldn't have called her so often.  But my career issue was still uncertain.

As the career issue came to light and a decision was made Madeline's prediction was wrong about the final outcome.  So I called her again to get more future information.  In the end she told me I wouldn't take the matter further when I told her point blank I would.  Then she gave the bleak prediction as to that future career matter.  I called Psychic Source to get a refund.  BTW, Madeline also gave me information about meeting someone/ relationship.  Who knows, this has not come to light either.

But since the career issue was still pressing forward, but was not the final court or final, final decision, I called Lily and Therese.  Lily was so fast in her prediction and her timeline was off.  She said I would win, hear good news in April.  In April I found out I lost.  She also gave me very specific information regarding a love interest.  I have yet to meet him. 

Now to be fair the career matter is still currently up in the air, but the matter will be completely resolved in the upcoming weeks.  The case can go no further.

I also called Therese around the same time I called Lily.  At this point the matter was still in the same court but I had not exhausted all my options in that court, yet.  This conversation was the longest.  Called her about the same stuff.  The career thing, also will I meet someone.  She too said I would be winning and gave me more details.  I won't bother going into it now.  She also gave me information about meeting 2 men.  One thing is she said the whole career matter would be over in July and I would win and then these 2 men will come in quickly.

I called Therese at a time when the career issue was still lingering in one court after I lost.  I called Lily before I lost in this same court.  Now this career issue is at a different court, at present.  Therese's time line is off, I don't know yet if her prediction is wrong but it isn't fitting in since at the time I called her things were still in limbo with that court.  But a little while after talking to her I lost in that court once again.  So I can't say for sure, as another court is involved now, but her timelines are wrong.  She did admit that her timelines aren't always accurate.  She said I would win, I didn't.  Plus the court thing got over about 3 months before her timeline. 

After completely losing the case in this particular court I was devastated, lost, confused, stressed, etc., etc.  I called Ricky.  It was a very short conversation.  I started with my name and birth date.  Then went into asking my question.  The reading probably took 5 minutes.  Because this career issue is still going on, it isn't dead yet I can't say for certain whether Ricky is right.  But it appears his timeline is off by a couple months. 

If I am wrong, because in the end time isn't important to me, if the outcome of the prediction is my winning I will let you know.

But Ricky had the most recent information from me about the current career situation.  Told him I lost at the last court.  Told him I was going to take the matter to the final step.  The final step was not even being thought of at the time I talked to Lily and Therese because the matter was still locked in the lower court.  When I asked Ricky about taking the matter to the court of last resort he too said I would win.  Told him how much of a long shot it was, like a less than 1% chance of that happening.  He was sure of himself.  It was like clear as day to him.  Then he went to his calendar and told me it would happen 2nd week of September.  Also told me a few other things.  The weird thing is some of what he said makes sense to me right now.  But his timeline is also way off.  This matter will come to a close within the next 3 weeks.

So I am hesitant to say that these advisers are right.  I really had the most faith in Ricky.  I did tell him I didn't mind hearing bad news because then I can prepare for it.  Ricky didn't change his story and he understood that and didn't seem to be pitching a pie in the sky thing and he really didn't.  Some of what he said is currently true, but as for whether the big prediction will pan doesn't look that way since if Ricky were right it would be happening almost 3 months before it is supposed to.

Now in all fairness to Therese, she was only going on the information I presented to her at the time.  But her reading was long and it only lasted for so long because I did the 30 minutes for $30.

In all fairness to Ricky I felt like he wasn't trying to milk for money.  He was fast and to the point.  I honestly felt like he knew much more and I didn't have to tell him much of anything.  His information was most closely related to my situation and I have to admit he did not sugar coat because he told me there would be an acceptance but also told me the downside to it as well.  I do believe he is genuine, but I wonder if his prediction is accurate because with some readers they are better at predicting short term things and that is what his reviews seem to show.  Whereas my prediction was about at least 3 months away, but his timeline would make it 6 months away.

I had an open and clear mind with all these readers and did not go in with preconceived notions or with thinking in my mind it had to be a certain answer.  I was very open minded and prepared for the truth.  I also think one should go to a psychic with direct and clear questions rather than a round about "general" reading, especially when these advisers are so expensive. 

One thing I know for sure is that I am sick of reading reviews and posts from people who say a psychic is accurate when a psychic is only describing the present or past situation.  I was like that at first too, when I gave reviews on Psychic Source.  To me a good psychic can predict the future outcome of a question(s).  Also timelines aren't so important but when a timeline is directly related to the outcome of a question, when the timeline is wrong it appears the whole prediction is wrong.

Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sofie on June 02, 2011, 03:58:24 PM
BTW, I also had chat sessions which did not involve my career issue but rather whether I would meet a man and whether this one man I was thinking of was the right one for me.  Chatted with Jenna and Narnia.  I can't remember much of these except Jenna also sent me a a free email that the man in question was not it, Narnia said the same.  They were right, he wasn't it.  Jenna said I would meet a man w/ the letter M and Narnia said she saw a man in May.  Nothing of the sort has panned out.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Kareena on June 02, 2011, 07:46:53 PM
Sofie I understand your pain on the misleading stuff.

For legal issues psychic Ron on CP was accurate, he has now crossed over. I would suggest Jayzie also for insights into legal issues especially if it is a complicated one, she can tell you if there is something underhanded going on. And as for final outcome on one issue Christian was very accurate for me.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sofie on June 02, 2011, 08:06:43 PM
Thanks much, Kareena for your kind advice!  I wish I could start a post or a post could be started in regards to The Most Gifted Psychics and whether anyone has used them.  The thing about CA Psychics that freaks me out is they have SO many psychics.  I know they say they do all these tests with their psychics and only 2 out of 100 qualify for a job with them but why do they have more than 200 some psychics on board with them?
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Kareena on June 02, 2011, 10:54:39 PM
Sofie I read that CP has 2.5 million customers, mostly in US, Canada and many in India. Go figure.

I forgot to mention Ciarra, she is good at unraveling the dynamics between the opposing parties. She can give you the big picture and Jayzie can rip apart the cover and expose for you what is going on underneath, so you can take defensive action.

CP are more discerning than the other online companies but by no means do they test them for just accuracy. They also look for those who can keep you on line the longest, I know with Kelly I could not shake her off. Is that woman judgmental or what? And Gina Rose told me stuff what was available free online astrological stuff.  She said I could have been a healer etc etc. What is the big deal with that unless she told me that I am a healer or have the potential to be a artist or a composer now that would be good finding out something about yours hidden talent that you did not know about.  I do not need to pay $10/minute to know astrology stuff.

Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sammiepoo on June 02, 2011, 11:45:36 PM
Wow! I would say the best one at the 10 dollar rate and 7.50 rate is Jacqueline. Shes been accurate for me I am in her que right now :) I am going to have a reading with Jacqueline tomorrow morning :) I like her because she doesnt just keep you own the phone she gives you loads of info :)
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sofie on June 03, 2011, 01:09:41 AM
lol!  I can totally see that whole "keep you on the line as long as possible" crap.  That is ridiculous and yes, I did check out CP and noticed they actually have like 5 psychics at $10 a minute.  Hell, if they could give me some serious winning lotto numbers I may be interested but I have to be honest and say I refuse to pay anyone $10 a minute.  That is outrageous and I don't think even half of that money is going to the psychic.

I had no clue that they had that many customers and would never have guessed a whole bunch of them are in India.  Wow.  It's kind of like the reverse since most of our customer service agents are over in India.  ;)

What can I say, I enjoy psychic readings but can see how they can get out of hand.  To me it is addicting.  I haven't read with anyone since Ricky and decided I would leave it at that.  Ricky did not keep me on the line any longer than need be.  He gave me all the information  I needed within 5 or 6 minutes.  I didn't need anything more or less.  It really was a perfect read in terms of time.

Problem with Psychic Source is dialing over and over to get Ricky or Therese.  Don't get me wrong, I liked Therese too.  I don't think she overly milked, but I do think Madeline was starting to milk the cow.  Lily was fast and didn't milk.

But I am looking for no milk and accurate fortune telling, yes fortune telling.  That is what I am looking for when I contact a psychic I need to know the future outcome.  I want the truth whether good or bad so I have a jump start.  That is why I call a psychic, honestly, so if it is bad I can share that pain with someone on the other end who can provide details of the bad news ahead of time so I can think of a whole bunch of ways to try to prevent it or get a jump start on different options to deal with it.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sammiepoo on June 03, 2011, 01:25:07 AM
I am like you, I like to try to prevent things as well. The future isnt set in stone, but they do see where it is going if we keep on that path. I like a reading every now and then as guidance :)
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Kareena on June 03, 2011, 01:26:53 AM
Fortune telling: try I ching. I heard it is a solid divining method but I have no idea of the practitioners.

 Some events are destined to happen no matter what and  that is Fate.

Some are subject to change and that is destiny.......... I think it is a mixture of science and clairvoyance to find out which is which.

I think in a legal issue there should have been correct predictions it is not hard to see the outcome with cards for weeks in advance unless something changes in the interim
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sammiepoo on June 03, 2011, 01:57:59 AM
I have never had a reading where they do I ching it  sounds interesting.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sofie on June 03, 2011, 02:15:02 PM
Agreed completely!  To me a lot of things are fate, only a small fraction destiny.  Honestly, I don't think there is that much "free will".  I think in the end your free will can change some things slightly and that there are certain paths of destiny to deal with the fate but overall major things in your life are predestined and there isn't much to control.  I think the way a person reacts to a situation has to do with free will (destiny) but the actual event itself is fate.

So Kareena I think your outlook is in jive with mine.  As far as I am concerned this legal issue in my career is the most important thing that has ever happened in my career and one of the top issues that have ever happened in my life period.  It is fate, not destiny and as far as I am concerned such a pinnacle should be so significant that the outcome can be foretold.

In the end I know, you should always prepare for the worst so I am doing that, it doesn't matter whether a psychic is right or wrong about it you should always prepare for the worst.  But, like I said something that is this much of a pinnacle in my life I would certainly think the outcome could be foreseen.

Now, I also believe that psychics are only allowed to see what God allows to be seen.  So at the same time I understand if an answer on the outcome isn't clear as day but there should be an indication which a psychic can say looks one way (winning) or another way (losing).  I also think longer term predictions may be more difficult to predict than short term ones, like what will happen in a couple days.

Of course, I am still holding out hope that Ricky is right, talking to him I have to say I felt most of a connection with just because I think he knew.  For instance, he knew the case has been going on a long time, it has like 5 years of my life.  I told him in a sentence or two the basic important topics of the case, he understood.  I did feel comfortable talking to him and, as embarrassing as it was did cry for a second or two.  I really can't believe this is the way my life is unfolding. 

Some of the things he said were weird and didn't make sense to me at the time, but now that this case has reached it's almost ending finale some of what he said now makes sense.  Mind you I spoke to him about around the end of March.  The problem is that the ultimate prediction of "acceptance" he didn't predict until 9/2011.  At this juncture, unless this court does something between now and a week and a half, the case will be denied or accepted in about 2 weeks.

Being fair, it is possible at this juncture that this court will require the other side to file some paperwork.  If that happens, highly unlikely, it could push the case out further and if accepted by this court it probably wouldn't happen until 9/2011.  Limbo really sucks.

You know, I have to admit this case is like a crutch to me.  I want it over, but then I don't.  I can't understand why.

So now I am trying to adopt the attitude that at least if it is not accepted, HIGHLY LIKELY, and I will hear about the denial in about 2 weeks I can finally get this crap out of my life, period and deal with the b.s. aftermath.  Oh well.

But one more thing, thanks everyone for letting me talk about this because it is helping me tremendously, Ricky did tell me something that is very weird.  I don't want to up and announce this one thing he said, but at the time he said it I had been thinking a little bit about this possibility.  It wasn't really a possibility at the time, but more like if this court of last resort accepts the case it could result in this one thing happening.  This was the bad part of the prediction, but it wasn't that bad for ME.  But now that the paperwork has been filed this one thing he said could most certainly turn out to be true if he is right.  The case started to take this sort of turn in the past month or so that he ultimately predicted, which would be acceptance but leave someone else screwed.  The way the case is set up this is a VERY STRONG possibility.  But then again, the decisions of the lower courts has somewhat played out like this already.  See, that is why I don't know how much I can count on the ultimate prediction.

Calling another psychic won't help this now, I have to wait it out.  I know, being honest with myself, is that I don't know how objective I can be about these predictions now.  I want it to turn out well, the way Ricky said.  Well actually if I had my way, the bad part of what he said I wish wouldn't happen.  But I would be happy and ecstatic if it did turn out the way he said.

Funny, a couple years ago I had a dream that I did "win" the case.  Now I feel like I can't trust anything and not even myself.  That is dangerous.

But life goes on and you just have to keep on truckin.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Kareena on June 03, 2011, 04:54:09 PM
Sofie the problem with psychic reading is you do not know if you needed it or not until you have had the reading.

I would suggest to give a call to Ciarra on CP and then Jayzie because if you are spending thousands on a court case what is another couple of hundred?

Since this is a long dragging case there is something that has hindered to turn it in your favour. And this is where a psychic reading can help you. I am afraid a prediction is not much helpful when you need is insight and guidance and be on top of the other side, like anticipating their next action. This is not a lottery or rolling the dice, this is a matter of getting your ducks in a row. If you want to be reminded afterwards and not take proactive action that is your choice.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sammiepoo on June 03, 2011, 05:36:15 PM
I agree with Kareena you need to get advice, you need to know what is going to happen next to see what you can do about it :) I hope everything turns out just fine
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sofie on June 03, 2011, 05:38:41 PM
After reading your posts I think I will pick up the phone and give one of those psychics you mentioned a phone call.  Ay yay yay, what a life!  Thanks for the advice!
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: cocoapple on June 03, 2011, 05:48:14 PM
Sofie, just remember......if on CP and you don't like the call or that they are totally wrong, HANG UP AND GET MONEY BACK!  Because you can  :)  I personally don't have a good experience with Jayzie...but i heard from this forum that Ciarra is good.  Good luck and keep us posted with the calls!

I have experienced fortune telling when i was in one of the temples in Hong Kong about 3 years ago.  That lady was super accurate and basically, i gave her my name, DOB, TIME of birth, place of birth, where my ancestors are from and she did some calculations in a weird chart thing (no it's not astrology) and kinda read me like a book.  She also read my palms and i have to say, EVERYTHING she said has been true so far.  The last thing she told me is that i will have 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl, my marriage lasts 20 years and there's departure....whether is divorce or death not too sure....cuz she read it from my marriage line.  Overall, it was a good experience.   :D
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sammiepoo on June 03, 2011, 06:12:28 PM
I read with Jayzie once and I did not have a good reading with her as well. I got my money back because I didnt understand, what she was saying it was back in November!
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Kareena on June 03, 2011, 06:22:38 PM
I think it is a little unfair comment on Jayzie, I had multiple readings with her on extremely complex situations and she has been very accurate on seeing the fine details and can tell you what is going on in the heads of these people. No one has surpassed her on that level. She will give you the truth on that.

If you are talking about predictions that is a different story, and I do not know anyone whose predictions have manifested always. Some were successes later than she predicted, and she was clairvoyant and I had not come across those people yet in my life. I do not ask much about predictions anyway. But for a legal matter or finding out stuff about the other party she can give you an edge there so you can arm yourself. 

On the other hand do not make a judgment based on other people's experience here on this board, read the testimonials and experienced for yourself first and then decide if it is worth getting advice from this person. If satisfied you can call again or not depending on your decision.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: positivethoughts2 on June 03, 2011, 07:10:18 PM
Sammie - I honestly don't think people should get married before the age of 30. Men and women are very different at the age of 30 then they are at 20. Elvin should be confused right now. This is an age for him to discover himself and in his case, his religion. You should be discovering yourself as well. Get out there and date girl - there is a big beautiful world for you to enjoy. Put your $$ and focus on you - put your attention on some dating web sites and send 100 messages to all of the cute guys out there. You are just starting your life journey and you don't want to start it already stuck. There will be plenty of roadblocks and reasons to become stuck later in life. For now, enjoy the freedom and life lessons. I understand you love him, and your heart hurts, but you are meant to experience that as a 20 year old, and experience it again, so when it is time to marry, you make the right decision.

Trust those of us with a few years experience on you (yes, I'm 42).

We all mean the best for you
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sammiepoo on June 03, 2011, 07:12:40 PM
Yeah well I am not like most people my age. I dont enjoy going out and dating it is so boring I would rather be reading a book or studying!
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: cocoapple on June 03, 2011, 07:12:58 PM
On a note of fate and destiny Kareena.....i think to some degree our life was planned out before we were born.  For example, some people generally have better lucks than others like how many times have you heard of the same person winning prizes, lotteries and just generally having an easier life than say someone who's always had to work hard for everything in life?  When the fortune teller told me that my life is destined to be fill with work......and that my life evolves around work, that's when it hit me.  Since i was a kid....i NEVER stop working.  From newspaper routes until now, having my career and i believe that it will be that way until i'm too old to work lol.  Plus, i'm generally the type of person that NEEDS work because i'll get bored doing nothing at home.  In chinese, we use the work fate and destiny together and there's a saying how sometimes when you meet someone in life, you may be fated to meet each other, but it may not be your destiny to end up together.  You meet people everyday and some may have a longer stay in your life and some don't.  That's how i see my exs.

Sammie, when i was your age, i experienced many many things including death in my family, moving to school on my own and getting my heart broken for the first time.  ALL in one year and funny enough, that didn't drive me to call psychics lol.  You will one day look back on this chapter of your life and say 'meh, it was no big deal'.  If it helps, think of the crap Elvin's done......and you'll think of him lesser and lesser.  That did the trick for me!
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: admin on June 04, 2011, 05:52:43 AM
Hi Everyone,

I don't know exactly where the offensive posts began, so I did the best I could to remove some of the harsh comments. I'm not trying to favor anyone. I'm just trying to clean up the board. Let's just make up, be friends, talk about our lovers, our problems, the psychics, etc.

I still haven't heard from my SM. So far all CP psychics have been wrong and I paid them over $10K. I have found some comfort in reading my own cards and I would recommend that to everyone here. It's calming and you don't have to wonder if they are telling you bs or not. You get to see what comes up yourself and best of all, it's free.

Let's all try to move in concert from here to create one grandioso, positive energy and maybe we'll have more fortuitous results!

Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Luckystar on June 06, 2011, 02:41:08 PM

I am so sorry that you spent that much money on CP...that is truly sad. I would definitely try to get a hold of the owner and tell them how you feel about that. If you can. I would be so upset.

Anyways, i cant help but notice that you had said "all CP psychics have been wrong"....didn't sabrina tell you to move on? i remember you telling us she said that, along with a couple others. Do you remember the other ones who told you it wasnt going to work?
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Sunshinegirl on June 06, 2011, 04:43:32 PM
Hi Elana and welcome to the board.   

I've noticed you have posted a few one liners but nothing about yourself or whom you have read with, your psychic experiences, etc.    We are a very sharing community, and would love to know more as I'm sure, since your here on this board, you have some stories about psychics and your experiences to contribute!

You may want to start by posting your story in the "My Story" area.  Looking forward to learning more.   :)
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Libra on June 06, 2011, 05:24:38 PM
Sounds like we need the Administrator to look into the forum more often and do the deleting.  :(
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: kiki155 on June 06, 2011, 06:58:47 PM
Welcome to the group, Elana. Who was your reading with?
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: kiki155 on June 06, 2011, 07:03:38 PM
Seriously? I read with Jacqueline and Maryanne frequently. Can you give me more detail??? Pleeeeease?
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: cocoapple on June 06, 2011, 07:04:24 PM
I wonder why all of a sudden this board is getting all these spam!!  >:(  Not happy!

Welcome to our forum Elana.  Please share your psychic reading experience  ;D  The universe works in a funny way at times and you get what you want when you don't want it anymore. 

I also have read with Abrielle and Jacqueline and so far Abrielle was right on in relations to my work but not my SM...still waiting for that.  As for Jacqueline, her predictions for me is two weeks and counting late lol  If you don't mind Elana, please do share and maybe we can compare notes.

@kiki, Hihi~
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: kiki155 on June 06, 2011, 07:08:55 PM
That's way cool, Elana. I think it's great you went back to school and focused on yourself. So do you still call CP for readings?
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: kiki155 on June 06, 2011, 07:15:18 PM
Elana, sorry if you feel like I'm interrogating you with all these questions, but I'm in the thick of having major moments of doubt and then moments of "it's all going to work out." So are you saying they were always correct about his feelings for you and the outcome but the timing wasn't working, so you let go of it and that's when it happened?

Coco, hi.  :D
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: cocoapple on June 06, 2011, 07:20:16 PM
@ Elana, GOOD FOR YOU for going back to school!  I did that when i was 25  ;D.....a couple years after my last ex dumped me lol
How far off were Abrielle and Jacqueline's predictions for you?

@Kiki, i'm having those moments too and right NOW, i don't want him to come back.  I'm starting to wonder if the more time passes by the more we (those who got left behind) realize that why SUCKS and eventually we come to terms that we don't want him no more and BAM, that's when they come back? because during this time when we realize how sucky they are, they realize how great we were to them? Just a thought ~ ::)
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Libra on June 06, 2011, 07:26:03 PM
Hmmmm Elena is another person to confirm, that if you want your predictions to happen, you shouldn't think about them! It is very difficult, but I heard so many people telling me that. But that is another validation that the Universe wants you to live in the present moment and not worry about the future.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Libra on June 06, 2011, 07:31:37 PM
So true Elena! I'm so glad that you are saying it. Someone said to me that "if you want something, in order to get it, you have to be OK with not having it"
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: kiki155 on June 06, 2011, 07:32:41 PM
Wow. Okay, that is what I need to work on. It also makes the days way more pleasant when I'm not obsessing about him.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: cocoapple on June 06, 2011, 07:37:26 PM
I really really like that 'haha sucker' part.......i can't stop laughing and it is SOOOOO true.  Damn i feel like this universe is mocking us at times!  Not cool!

A wise friend once told me, if they are not adding anything to your already full life, then you don't need them!  Because without them, you still have the whole you!

@Kiki, repeat after me 'it's all going to be OK!'  :)  We'll get through this together, with or without stupid SM! >.<
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: kiki155 on June 06, 2011, 07:40:34 PM
Thanks, Coco. It WILL be okay. I just focus on all the good in my life everyday.  ;D

I lol'ed at ha ha suckers as well.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: cocoapple on June 06, 2011, 08:40:09 PM
That's AWESOME healer!!!  I'm so happy for you!  AND you should add on top of all the money you WOULD'VE spent on CPs if you continue reading with them. 

I think i should get my cards out from storage..... :D and start playing with them again. 
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: admin on June 06, 2011, 10:01:44 PM
Yes, but what I prefer is to find an older deck which gives me more feeling. You can find older decks in your own home, your parents, or even on eBay. There are some really old decks online. You just want ones without missing or bent cards.

There are many books on this also on Amazon to learn the basics. Recently, I have found it better to use the 32 card deck and choose a couple of cards for me, my sm, and I use a joker for interference. This way there is no doubt of how close we are and how far away the negative energy is.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: admin on June 06, 2011, 10:04:58 PM
I wanted to post information about PRIVACY on this site.

You can go to your profile settings and turn off "allow others to email me" and this will hide your personal email from everyone.

Go to

Profile > Account Settings

Then uncheck this box

Allow users to email me

Everyone should do that so you don't give out your personal info or get spammed.


Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: joslin on June 07, 2011, 10:15:08 AM
After reading your alert I have followed the advice, since I don't want any problem from unwanted emails.  :)
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: cj on June 07, 2011, 03:06:41 PM
I agree with you on that Libra. It has become a circus...  :o
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Libra on June 07, 2011, 03:18:53 PM
Yeah cj  :-\
Sammie is gone? lol
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: cocoapple on June 07, 2011, 03:39:37 PM
Metaphorically speaking, i felt like a tornado came and uplifted our forum.....and now it's calm again?!.... ???  I really truly missed the old forum.....where people share their experiences.....and support each other.  It's been super quiet lately and i'm wondering if it's because people are discouraged to post anymore or waiting on predictions.

I'm sorta both  :(.... or perhaps we all ran out of money to call any more
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: tippyrose1 on June 07, 2011, 05:56:25 PM
Hi Cocoapple and gals....Tippy here....I am so darn busy at work today but I just had to see what was going on on the forum today...and yes, I must say I am a bit sad...this forum really has kept me going the last month or so since I found you...I so enjoyed reading everyone's comments about their psychic experiences...and I enjoyed reading about everyone's personal journeys as well...I do agree that things got a little out of hand and a lot of the conversation didn't pertain to what we all came here for which was to discuss psychics, and psychic experiences, and predictions, and outcomes....and honestly you know...those that have read my posts year ago I started on that CP psychic rampage as we call sm left me after 5 years...just like that...found another woman, told me goodbye...and left my world in shambles...I am over 40 and I was really in love for the first time in my life..with this man...but he is gone...I started calling CP exactly one year ago this month....I started with Angel..and found her to be very calming..and then I was intrigued, so I called Jayzie..and I talked to her maybe three times...but she had a different story for me each time and I felt she was kind of rude to me on the phone...(just my experience) so I moved on and that was when Natalie first started and Oh man, I thought I hit the jackpot with her...she was so sweet, and quick and immediately told me as Angel and Jayzie did...that he would be back...give it 6-8 weeks..and I would call Natalie every 2 to 3 days it seemed...and the weeks went by and I found out from sm's mom that the new woman and her two kids (and he had two young kids) was moving in with him...and I freaked was horrible and I called Natalie and said, "hey...this new girlfriend is moving in with him"...and she would say..."well, it won't last" then, I called Jacqueline...and Jacqueline was so much more mature and so calming and she told me the same thing..."Oh, he still loves you...he feels so bad about leaving you...No he's not in love with this woman...they will part...give it another 8 weeks..." then I started talking to Jacqueline once a week and Natalie still a couple tiimes a week and the weeks went by and the months went by and then I found out in September...that sm and girlfriend had just rented a new bigger house for them and the 4 kids...and I was like WHAT!!!!...and Jacuqeline said that almost as soon as they moved into the new house she would be gone...she said she saw boxes everywhere and they would have a huge fight and they would be done and they would both wonder what they were doing with each other and he would be back within 2 weeks of their breakup...and in the meantime I had also started talking to Abrielle...and she was telling me the same thing...and she went as far as to tell me that by December of 2010 she was 90% sure that we would be back together, happy as clams, and talking marriage by March 2011...Well, guys to make a long story short...since the day sm said goodbye to me June 2nd 2010...we have never texted, talked, seen each other...passed each other on the road...nothing..nada...zilch...he and girlfriend are still together...and I did hear from a friend that he told them that he will never marry her...she is not the ultimate girl for him...but not one of those predictions ever came true...not one of those predictions were even close...and so I still love him...but I'm not as devestated as I was a year ago...time does heal...but I will never fall out of love with him...and so time went on...and I met someone new in Feb of 2011...and this guy...omg..I am just crazy about him...but once again...this guy is a free bird...I am not kidding...this guy is very non committal...he does not believe in marriage...he's not a player...he's very old school, even though he is 10 years younger than me...we have quite the chemistry when we are together...but that is the point...we are not together very often...he comes and goes...he's on his on schedule and I just kind of sit back and wait...I don't call him, text him, get in his face...put any demands on him...I am just giving it time to grow...but since I met him I have been talking to Alison...I started talking to Alison in October of 2010 over another guy...that was very short lived in my life...she actually predicted his energy...but it didn't last and I just felt so at home with since October I have called her once a week...and she always tells me that this new guy cares trememdously for me...that he is as close to me as he will ever be to a woman...that he will be long term...but honestly...I don't think he week he'll call me every day....and the next week he'll call me a couple of's aweful...cuz I am crazy for him...and I'm sure he sees it in my eyes and my actions when we are together...but I will never speak the words...for fear that he would run...and I'm not ready to let him go yet...I keep hoping that some new prince will enter my life and he will want to be with me...give me a normal relationship...(Ellen Hartwell said this new person will enter my life late in the summer of this year...and this new man will make me forget all about the current guy and he will be the end all)...and you know what you guys...I don't believe it....I have read all of your testimonials...every last one of them here...and honestly we've all read with basically the same people...Natalie, Jacqueline, Abrielle, Anasela, Nina, William, Gail, Vickie Joy, etc....and really nobody is back with their sm...I haven't read about too many happy endings..seems as if we are all still in the waiting pattern..or moving on...I wonder to myself everytime I read the testimonials on CP for our do all of these people get their predictions to come true...I am so jealous??  I haven't even made my weekly call to Alison this week or last week for that matter because as much as I truly love talking to her...I think all of this is a huge waste of money....and I have said it before and I am not proud of it...I have spent close to 14K or more on CP...and not ONE THING HAS COME TO makes me sick when I think of dialing up another psychic...Oh yea, and I have talked to Ellen Hartwell about 3 times and I talked to Amy from PS...I loved Amy...but just too good to be true...Help me you guys...I so want to call Demi, Casey or maybe Ciarra or Seha...maybe Sabrina...(these are ones that i have not ever talked to) but I don't know what to's scarry to start over with someone new...I feel like Alison is my safety net but Im just beginning to think that she's just telling me what I want to hear...and then we all know how it feels when you get that reading where the person says..."well, I'm just not seeing him sticking around" Danni said about 3 months ago about the man in my life right now...I called Danni...and she immediately said..."Oh my Gosh..he won't be around but maybe another 3 months...and then someone new will come in and don't bother calling another psychic about (current guy) because he's not worth it)!  and I was like...."what??"...because Alison tells me and William and Amy told me that he does have loving feelings for me and he's not going anywhere, if anyone leaves it will be me....Oh...I've taken up too much space here..but just had to get this out...Any advice would be appreciated.  Please keep posting everyone...I can not tell you how it gets me thru the days and nights...I miss you guys!  Love, Tippy xo
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: positivethoughts2 on June 07, 2011, 07:38:30 PM
tippy - BIG HUGS. I'm so sorry. The only one who blew me away out of the people you listed to try is Casey. But I feel like your call to her should be more of a relationship/life overview and see where she goes. She isn't the type you'll start calling once a week. Maybe she can help set you on your path - whatever it is.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: cj on June 10, 2011, 12:37:17 AM
you guys should check this out
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sofie on June 21, 2011, 02:45:58 PM
I am back to inform everyone that all 3 psychics I called to speak to in 3/2011 were wrong about the outcome of my court case.  Ricky, Therese and Lily, so was Madeline.  The court of last resort denied the petition.  Therefore overall I lost, I didn't completely lose but in all reality I did.  Madeline's dire prediction at the last conversation was correct, the court of last resort wouldn't do anything different.  But she got that info from me when I told her basically that.

I just wanted to let everyone know that the money I spent talking to these psychics; Madeline, Therese, Ricky, Lily was a waste.  Found out today about the case not going any further and losing.  Must move on with life.

Now, Lily did predict I would meet a man who I would marry, in a grocery store or around food in May.  Therese said I would meet 2 men after the case was over, she predicted it would be all wrapped up in July.  So I can hold out to see about these 2 predictions.  But the overall important one about court all 3 were wrong about.  Therese was sort of right, it is all over today.  Lily could be right.  I never went grocery shopping, but just started going as of last week.

Ricky saw vindication and acceptance by the court of last resort in 9/2011.  Unfortunately completely wrong.  But he did say that I wouldn't be screwed, but someone else would be.  Now this part of his prediction really does reflect the past/ present outcome of the case and I have to admit that from the finality as of today it is likely that this other person will be screwed more than I will so Ricky may be somewhat correct in his prediction but not about winning the case.

Only God knows the future and he may give that information to some psychics, but it wasn't to anyone I spoke to at Psychic Source.  Just wanted to let everyone know.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: cj on June 21, 2011, 03:21:23 PM
lmaoooo @ only God knows the future and he didnt give any of them to the people on psychic source.

Thank you so much Sofie...we really needed to hear something this small to know that what they see may not be correct at all...and in fact all psychics can tell you the same things and still be wrong!

They shouldve gotten that and that has nothing to do with timelines being shifted or free will that everyone keeps using as an excuse!
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: scorpiogirl on June 21, 2011, 04:02:51 PM
lmaoooo @ only God knows the future and he didnt give any of them to the people on psychic source.

Thank you so much Sofie...we really needed to hear something this small to know that what they see may not be correct at all...and in fact all psychics can tell you the same things and still be wrong!

They shouldve gotten that and that has nothing to do with timelines being shifted or free will that everyone keeps using as an excuse!

Yep, this line really bugs me and is such a lame thing to say to people who keep calling you because the thing didnt happen when you said it was going to. It's so shifty and an easy out. And they just believe you and keep calling because you explained it. Blech.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: cocoapple on June 21, 2011, 04:08:55 PM
I totally agree.  It's really a clear yes or no outcome for this court thing.  All the factors and players are already in motion so they should be able to see a yes or no outcome.  I understand that when it comes to relationship it's more unpredictable but again, the outcome should be a simple is he coming back or no?  ever.  It shouldn't be this difficult really.   
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sofie on June 21, 2011, 07:00:00 PM
Thanks cocoapple & csj33.  I totally agree.  I mean, I know there is free will but when it comes right down to it these judges were in control of the outcome, not me.  All I could do is fight, which is what I did.  I would surely think that just like coco said, with a legal case someone's gotta win and someone's gotta lose.  I lost.  Now finding out this morning wasn't a shock, but come on.  Now I could have told myself a fairytale and it would have been a FREE delusion.  But to say you see winning and vindication, I don't know where they got that from.  It really shouldn't be that difficult, it's not like the court case was a year away or something.

The whole "free will" and timeline shifting is a bunch of b.s. in my opinion for something like this.  Something so BIG and something so major.

But that just goes to show that you really can't trust this stuff.  Better to flip a damn coin and decide if heads means you win or lose and then ask if you are going to win or lose and flip.  Ay yay yay.

Life continues to move on...
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Luckystar on June 22, 2011, 12:06:30 AM
I just wanted to share that one time i did call psychic source, and only once.

At the time my ex-bf had just come back into my life and i wanted to know what was going on. I never called back but i do feel like the lady i talked to (dont remember who) was honest with me. she told me he was still emotionally connected to another girl. he had loved his ex so much and i was always so afraid to get back with him because i knew (you just know) when someone loves you in a different way that they loved another person.....

anyways, that guy is not my sm but i definitely did have a connection with him and will love and care about him forever. my point though is that lady could have made up some "you will live happily ever after" bs, but she didnt.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: cocoapple on June 22, 2011, 12:20:06 AM
Good readers are hard to find.  Harder than finding gold in sand.....*sigh

I read with PS when my boy and i was still together and i read with Lily and Stella and BOTH said i'll get the internship (there wasn't one to begin with, prof lied to us), Lilly said i'll get a ring this summer even lol and we'll move in together and live happily ever after.  Stella said we have a trip to the waters coming up and there's opportunities in the relationship and changes are coming and everything will be ok.  Well, the VERY next day we had a fight, he went camping for a week, came back and dumped me. 

Happily ever after...HA!
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: sofie on June 22, 2011, 03:07:13 AM
I think the psychics at Psychic Source are honest in what they think they see, but personally I think there are 2 kinds of psychics.  One is the kind that can tell you stuff about the present, they are able to tell you the color of people's hair or car, etc., etc.  Stuff that people think are trick questions they can ask a psychic to "test" them.  I think Psychic Source and CA Psychics focus more on that stuff.  Then there is the 2nd kind of psychic that can actually predict the future.  Not one psychic at Psychic Source predicted this kind of loss and that was exactly what I wanted them to tell me. 

Coco, that is so funny about Lily and Stella.  Yeah really, happily ever after b.s.

I would think that if they know something bad to keep a customer they would tell them the truth, maybe soften it up a bit but tell the customer.  To keep a repeat customer I would think accurate predictions would do the trick.

But what I have learned from all of this is that I only think I have ever spoke to 2 psychics who ever gave me accurate predictions about my future and their predictions were weird.  One I asked point blank and he gave me an answer I didn't want to hear so I hung up on him.  I can't remember the network or who he was, this was years ago when I was in college.  He was right.  I spoke to maybe 4 other psychics in person and they all said, no that's not going to happen.  This one guy said yes, he could see that and I clicked him.  I wished I wouldn't have been so stupid by doing that, I was just scared at what I heard and I was young.

The 2nd guy was a palm reader outside a restaurant and he told me I would always have money protection.  I do not come from money nor do I have it but even with this court case and having a large judgment against me, my reputation has been lost but I have always been able to protect my assets.  This palm reader was right, I have to admit that throughout my life I have had money protection.  He never said I would be wealthy.  Believe me, I'm not.  But then again I have never fell flat on my face financially either, been very close but have always had money protection. 

So overall those are the only 2 experiences in my life where a psychic told me something that was true.  Everything else was a bunch of b.s.  Very true, it is really hard to find a true psychic.

I think lots of these places that "test" psychics are looking for people who can gauge the present.  That way they can fool people into thinking because they can see things in the present psychically they can also predict the future.  No, no, no.  I can really see now these are 2 different psychic type talents and some of these networks only have the kind that can tell you about the present or the past and pretend they can foretell the future.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Parker on July 07, 2011, 08:59:21 PM
Hi!!  I'm new to your board, but I think it is awesome!!  I have been reading all week and finally decided to join. 
I've been a member (caller, I don't work for them) of PS since 1993.  Yep, that long!!  I've called other places and been to local psychics everywhere I travel.  Most stink, but when you find the real thing, it's great! 
The PS phone system is a pain, but you CAN get through to the "hard to reach" people.  Just keep punching in their number, as soon as it says "you have" hit 1 and hit it again1!  If it goes blank, then says they are not available, don't hang up.  Punch in the number again.  Sometimes they take a break and if you keep dialing you'll get them first after a few minutes because others give up.  If it give you the wrong person, say sorry and call customer service, they'll put the time back on.
I spoke to several CP readers for a year back in 2007-2008, but I found most of them using the tricks to drag out a reading.  I closed my account with CP.  Some folks on PS do that, too.  But if you hang up within 3-5 minutes and call PS customer service, they will put the time back on.  CP would not do that.   If someone asks me more questions than I am asking or pokes around, can't hear blah, blah, blah, I hang up. 
Therese and Deidra Woods, are awesome!
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: starlite on July 07, 2011, 09:08:31 PM
Hi:What site are Therese and Deidra Woods are on.I find PS to be total scam.Their reader are very rude.
Title: Re: My Psychic Source Experience
Post by: Parker on July 08, 2011, 03:33:23 AM
Deidre and Therese are both on PS.   I agree! I feel that ALL psychic phone lines are a scam.  It's not like these people started the business to help anyone.  They are in it for the $$$$!!  But you can find a few good psychics occasionally.