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21 / Re: Marie Green
« Last post by glamgal on May 05, 2024, 06:19:33 PM »
She has been working for me. Stuff she said in January is playing out. Fine details not so much but big picture... yup...I like her
Addicted to Psychics / Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Last post by sai07 on May 05, 2024, 02:32:14 PM »
Good for you, Mina.

I think we all fall off course at times. But, there is nothing like a change of scenery or environment to produce more support for not calling psychics.  The fact that you are embarking on something new provides an impetus for a better life. For me, I live alone and my family is located in different states and time zones. So, I tend to fall off course and call psychics when I'm alone and don't have time to talk to anyone.  I'm getting ready to travel to see my family again, and each time I do, I spend less. And, I have filled my time up with activities when I'm not alone to avoid calling.

Anyway, good luck to you! (and all the others that struggle with calling too much).

P.S. I went on a binge a couple of months ago because I kept on calling about a work situation. Nothing was changing based on the time frames I was given.  So, I stopped calling and prayed more. Two days later, a situation unveiled itself that provided the answers I needed. It had nothing to do with what the psychics had said but everything to do with what I asked for in my prayers. Not to offend anyone, but that is what has ultimately helped me the most: prayers.

Midwest60, you hit some things right on. When I was with family a week or so ago (I travelled to see relatives, they’re abroad), it was so nice having family around. I live alone and have a chronic illness and so I’m generally “alone”. I also WFH. I feel being lonely is the root cause for a lot of the psychic binges for myself. I’m not 100% sure how to solve for that as yet. Hobbies and friends would only take me so far - because you can feel lonely even with those situations. Anyways, you brought up a great point with family and prayer and wanted to echo.
Addicted to Psychics / Re: Help! :(
« Last post by midwest60 on May 05, 2024, 02:19:15 PM »
A few approaches that have helped me:

I created a journal with four columns:[/b] 1) The advisor's name, 2)date called, 3)what was relayed and predicted 4) any validated outcome
I realized that after several months, years of getting readings (well over 200), there were only two instances where predicted outcomes happened. You can do the math....that leaves 80% of readings being rubbish and just an outlet to relay my emotions. And, that wasted 805-90% of money I could have spent elsewhere. These advisors did not have answers I couldn't have received on my own.

I prayed more.  It's uncanny, but I have received the answers from I sought from advisors through prayer. I'm not saying everything has gone the way I want it to. But, in situations where I am perplexed on why I haven't received a promotion, etc.....the answers have come through prayer.  As an example, my company hired a woman as a VP and she made my life Hell. I had barely any interaction with her but she made it so I was left out of important projects that would propel me forward. She was hired out of nepotism. I must have wasted $3K on calls related to her.  It's when I stopped calling and just prayed for either answers or serenity that I learned the woman was fired.

We can't control our lives, but we can control how we seek answers and who we rely on for support.  So, this is what has worked for me.

Good luck to you.

Addicted to Psychics / Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Last post by midwest60 on May 05, 2024, 02:09:22 PM »
Good for you, Mina.

I think we all fall off course at times. But, there is nothing like a change of scenery or environment to produce more support for not calling psychics.  The fact that you are embarking on something new provides an impetus for a better life. For me, I live alone and my family is located in different states and time zones. So, I tend to fall off course and call psychics when I'm alone and don't have time to talk to anyone.  I'm getting ready to travel to see my family again, and each time I do, I spend less. And, I have filled my time up with activities when I'm not alone to avoid calling.

Anyway, good luck to you! (and all the others that struggle with calling too much).

P.S. I went on a binge a couple of months ago because I kept on calling about a work situation. Nothing was changing based on the time frames I was given.  So, I stopped calling and prayed more. Two days later, a situation unveiled itself that provided the answers I needed. It had nothing to do with what the psychics had said but everything to do with what I asked for in my prayers. Not to offend anyone, but that is what has ultimately helped me the most: prayers.
Addicted to Psychics / Re: Mysticsense
« Last post by jackY on May 05, 2024, 12:51:57 AM »

You all need to call or text Mystic Ash. He's a vedic astrologer for timing. He's really good and super cheap!
Addicted to Psychics / Re: I want to quit
« Last post by sai07 on May 04, 2024, 11:01:16 PM »
Sai07, I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time. Would it be helpful if you date casually again? Just to take your mind off this dude and get some positive energy back into your life? Sometimes a change in scenery, a new hobby, hanging out with girlfriends can also be helpful…

Thanks so much Candy. I am trying to find a new job in a new city - I hope that works out bc I need the change of scenery. That may also change the dating pool bc I am tired of men in my city. I did the dating apps thing for 5 years and it was abysmal. But thank you for the recos!
Addicted to Psychics / Mysticsense
« Last post by kika on May 04, 2024, 08:56:38 PM »
You all need to call or text Mystic Ash. He's a vedic astrologer for timing. He's really good and super cheap!
Addicted to Psychics / Re: I want to quit
« Last post by kika on May 04, 2024, 08:55:08 PM »
Sai07, I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time. Would it be helpful if you date casually again? Just to take your mind off this dude and get some positive energy back into your life? Sometimes a change in scenery, a new hobby, hanging out with girlfriends can also be helpful…
Addicted to Psychics / Re: I want to quit
« Last post by Candy on May 04, 2024, 07:17:25 PM »
Sai07, I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time. Would it be helpful if you date casually again? Just to take your mind off this dude and get some positive energy back into your life? Sometimes a change in scenery, a new hobby, hanging out with girlfriends can also be helpful…
Addicted to Psychics / Re: I want to quit
« Last post by sai07 on May 04, 2024, 03:32:58 PM »
Thanks Chocolate - totally. The reason I have gotten down to a reader was b/c I was not getting enough info from others from the price I was paying or predictions did not line up, some didn't even have one hit and I spent hundreds. But even the current reader, some of her predictions seem so far-fetched to me....I'll know by June what is real and what is not, thankfully not that far away.

My POI is talking to others and all the readers seem to have a hard time picking that up, which makes the reading very positive. It's frustrating. How can he "like/love" me when he's entertaining other sexual interest. No one that "loves" you does that. This is not a new love interest, known him since '22 and he did a complete 180 on me. Hooked me and then moved on to others. It hurts. I am venting a bit here, but I am so tired of men and their inability to commit. And I am having a really hard time getting over him, no amount of rational self-talk is making me forget this dude.
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