Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > London

Anyone ever read with her


And did her predictions come to pass, she has a very weird schedule and does not show up most of the time

I read with her twice.  I guess we did not connect because nothing she said  came to pass .

According to London I should have married my ex-SM a year ago.

I've talked to him twice in the past year and he has a girlfriend (although he didn't tell me about the g/f- her profile picture is of the 2 of them - gotta love facebook lol).

London was the only one who said my SM relocated and I found out that was true.  I am still not with my sm either, but we are talking and getting closer to that day.  She's been off about a year or more on that as well, but most other readers have been too.

Her predictions did not pan out. According to her I should have been married like the beginning of this year! Lol


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