Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics

Be accountable together for not having readings? One day at a time support group

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Fell off a bit but still doing ok. Went to bitwine to look then immediately came here to post

I admit I had binge
And to my surprise I’m working day 2

My binge involved 4 advisors and I was arguing with them about the most likely outcome isn’t this flowery dream

Ugh… but I also got in argument with my friend who was saying the most likely scenario isn’t my dream scenario

I do doth protest too much 😆 (seems like I go to two different types of ppl and argue opposing views… which is something for me to look into)

But I am happy to say: I am saving money! I did make some fixes to my car! I got money saved for my upcoming move for work! My confirmation for two booked hotels went thru! And the best news is: I actually don’t have to rely on gig work this week because I got bartending gig at my local theatre! It’s so easy! And I don’t even know how to bartend! (Just kidding I did use to work at Starbucks and I do know what goes in a drink, so I mean I’m not utterly clueless. Plus all my other customer service skills do apply)… and it feels good to be coming out my holes of debts! My credit score is slowly going back up. And I give credit to sticking to cash basis (oh and God) the cash system is annoying because I do need up going to atm sometimes 3 times a day because of a bill, but it is nice if I wake up in the middle of the night I don’t call a psychic. I question do I want to leave my comfy bed or put a bra on and put money in the bank so I can call an advisor that will probably be offline when I get to it… fiiine I’ll just be anxious in my comfy bed

Poco poquito
Little by little

We’ll get there

Your post helps me! I think this next paycheck I will go cash basis until I can trust myself. Just pay bills first through my account then get all cash out, put in envelopes and lock cards


You know I realized I slowly created this unconscious belief: I can’t trust myself with money

…Because of this addictive impulse.
I’ve done enough “inner child” work to break down certain phrases and ask where is this voice/belief/saying coming from? And see okay there’s my mother or father voice, and to an extent some of it is true and plays out unconsciously. And some NLP has helped but it’s not the everything … I dunno

I just want to say don’t let this become your unconscious mantra.
Be careful try the phrase “for now” is helpful
“For now, it feels like I can’t trust myself with money”
“For now, it feels unmanageable “
“For now, it feels hopeless”

But it’s not forever, it doesn’t mean you can’t change.

And to look at this as a form self preservation, a form self love, a form self boundaries. To also remember where you are good with money …

To an extent there is some helpful advice with the new age and manifestation stuff: like paying yourself first, or looking into what our parents said about money when growing up, or I affirming “I trust myself with money”

Now applying it is another

But yeah in the lows… I see how that phrase “I can’t trust myself with money” slowly sunk into my esteem and definition of worth

That is such good advice & I will take it to heart. ❤️


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