Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics

Be accountable together for not having readings? One day at a time support group

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Beginning of day 1 for me as of 2:15 pm today. If you’re in a binge or totally addicted like I am right now, feel free to join in counting your days “clean”. We can celebrate & support together. Then talk about the awesome stuff we got with the money we blew on psychics 😆

Day 3

Whoot whoot 💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️

I think I had a two minute reading some time ago. Just to get that hit. In fact I recommend doing that, just having a little listen to help you realise they are rubbish yet still get your hit.

If you can go 6 to 10 days without a reading you will probably start to feel better about yourself and making your own decisions/going with your gut feelings.

Notacrystalfreak - that’s a good suggestion. I have enough credit left for a 7 minute reading so it might convince me it’s usually all a load of crap 😊


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