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Credit card charge in error - no response from keen


On Tuesday I found a charge for on my card, which is a debit attached to my keen account.

I removed this card last week, and all cards actually.

The amount was for $2933.85.  I saw this around 9am, but the actual charge was around 2am

When I invested, it seems the max that I can add at any time is $1000.  This $2900+ is odd.  My account was not hacked, as my account has a limit of $1000

I called keen but they seem a little less than concerned and the customer service does little but take a message.

I was willing to be helpful but honestly… I was concerned that not everyone has an extra $3000 sitting in their bank.  So I am sharing publicly.

Bank screenshots and from the bank app alerts on my iPhone


someone hacked your credit card-close it down immediately

I agree it looks like someone hacked your credit card

Also if you’re in good standing with your credit card they let you go over your limit seeing your such a good debt paying customer… I know because I’ve dones it during binges 😬


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