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Rachel Marie keeps blocking me

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That's what is SO strange.
I last read with her 6 months back

and as I said, I don't really care about the money but yes she has blocked my account and doesn't reply to any messages
I really do love her as a reader but don't seem to understand this behaviour

Is it because she knows something she doesn't want to share? or That's just me being paranoid and jumping to conclusions haha


--- Quote from: saxenaniks on August 15, 2023, 09:52:25 AM ---That's what is SO strange.
I last read with her 6 months back

and as I said, I don't really care about the money but yes she has blocked my account and doesn't reply to any messages
I really do love her as a reader but don't seem to understand this behaviour

Is it because she knows something she doesn't want to share? or That's just me being paranoid and jumping to conclusions haha

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then, only one solution; create another account just for rachel m


--- Quote from: pfizer on August 15, 2023, 08:29:24 AM ---
--- Quote from: saxenaniks on August 14, 2023, 06:29:29 PM ---Hi.
I've read with Rachel several times in the past 2 years, and she's been on point for me
However, since the past few months she's been blocking me - i tried making a different account too but she blocks that

It's strange because we were always on a good note
The only catch is that she had gone offline, after me paying when we spoke for the last time before she blocked me and she owed me 45 dollars. I had raised a complaint to the website, because she didn't respond to me for months :(

I don't really care about that money now, I do want to speak to her. How do I make this right? Not sure what's happening

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as far as i know, she never blocked people; she simply MESSY
as for the money she took, without delivering a reading, report to paypal; they will refund, and if its too late, message her bitwine and email or whatever, i dont think she intentionally took your money, she is simply MESSY.

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Yeah I agree, we’ve both been reading with her for many years


--- Quote from: pfizer on August 15, 2023, 10:23:21 AM ---
--- Quote from: saxenaniks on August 15, 2023, 09:52:25 AM ---That's what is SO strange.
I last read with her 6 months back

and as I said, I don't really care about the money but yes she has blocked my account and doesn't reply to any messages
I really do love her as a reader but don't seem to understand this behaviour

Is it because she knows something she doesn't want to share? or That's just me being paranoid and jumping to conclusions haha

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then, only one solution; create another account just for rachel m

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I think her PayPal has to be linked to it?

But that’s the thing, if you are blocked right, messages won’t go through. You won’t be able to message her.

I’m not sure how to get her to reply to messages, I never get a response either. Catching a reading with Rachel is super hard in my experience. Like a unicorn sighting or something lol

If you can create another account, I agree with Pfizer, try that

That's what I said, I created another account, after hearing my name - she blocked me there too
I'm wondering what's happening.

Why is she doing this?
Do you guys have any explaination?

And I agree with you guys, she's always been the sweetest


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