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Thank you - that’s reassuring because she’s been overly positive and it’s my first time reading with her.  Will update as things pan out


--- Quote from: Zipocal on February 19, 2024, 03:20:25 AM ---Thank you - that’s reassuring because she’s been overly positive and it’s my first time reading with her.  Will update as things pan out

--- End quote ---

I've been a long time peeler on this site and been reading for quite some time with different readers not just online but in person.. things I would suggest is being aware that all readers will have their off days, timelines will be a hit or miss regardless who the reader is and they can also mix energies. I don't read as much as I used to but definitely use it as a guide..
i think some days they can really see the present while other days they see more of the future.
One recent reading I had with another reader.. I didn't even mention someone at my work but I just asked about my job and this reader just said, 'I don't see that other female there' and sure enough a month later she was let go.. but she has been predicting this outcome for a year before it happened.. and other things a year in advanced..


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