Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Maxine

Maxine Review - Psychic Source


Maxine is the first reader I read with at PS.   She is friendly and seems to read a bit astrologically.   

She was correct overall on final outcome but a few things she mentioned didn't happen exactly as she said they would.  Although later I have found out he may have been thinking these things but they didn't come out of his mouth.

 Timing was off but I go back to her on occation because she seems to know some things that I have verified that others didn't.

I havnt signed up with psychic source yet, I dont know if I want to, go to another website just yet, it took a year for me to decide if I wanted to do one with California psychics


I know I'm the one that left the review on Maxine from PS, and yes, a few of their predictions have come true for me but honestly, if I had access to the "local" hometown psychics that we now have based on our friends reviews here, I would have gone to them first based on the real feedback on this site and the much cheaper rates.    I like PS, but you never know, as their rates can get quite pricey as well!   

I guess you just have to do what feels right to you!   

I just dont want to start relying on psychics predictions. I understand that they see the future, but I too have control over my future, and I just want to stay with Jacqueline because she has been the best for me :)

It's always better to stay with your best confident like in your case Jacqueline. Being in control of your future kind of thought if not said with over confidence always keep a person in good spirits. Keep it up!


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