Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Bitwine

Empath readers

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I thought it might be helpful if we could breakdown a list like this.

Let us know what empaths on Bitwine have been right for you.

For those who aren't certain what that is.

Empathy is the ability to read and understand people and be in-tune with or resonate with others. ... Their intense empathy creates a tuning fork effect, wherein the empath seems to actually "feel" the emotions of the people around them.

Diana Shoshone
Dino (I think he's an empath?)
Psychic Ari
Field Expert
Nitesh Gurnani (reads face but I think he'd be an Empath)
These readers have been correct about a relationship not working. But only that particular situation.

Thanks for sharing happyk. 👍

Anyone read with Spirit Adviser? He is an empath.

You're welcome Love! Absolutely my pleasure.

I've read with Spirit Adviser. He predicted something for Feb which did not manifest. Other predictions are not until July. Overall, I think a good Empath. He was right on current. Didn't think about him earlier.


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