I just wanted to update everyone that I just had a Jean prediction to fruition!
The last reading I had with her was not even about money but at the very end of the reading, she said, "Oh wait, there is one more thing I have to tell you. You are going to be getting some money coming from somewhere. I'm not sure where and it's not huge but it is coming your way." I was like right... and money always just falls out of the sky! LOL! Well, it sort of did.
I was looking at a web site the other day and it automatically took me to another goverment web site where you could type in your name and see if you had lost money coming. I figured, what the heck, I'll try it and low and behold, my name and my Dad's name was on it! It didn't tell me how much I had coming but you just fill out your information and they send you a form stating the amount owed to you. All you have to do is fill it out, have it notorized and send it back in and they send you a check. I couldn't believe it... I have over $1,000 coming to me!!! Very cool!

I guess there are billions of dollars sitting out there unclaimed that the government "holds" for us.
I do agree with you guys about her "advice" though.

She loves to give it, but I actually think there is something there psychic wise.