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Reading Tarot Aces


Hello everyone, I wanted to ask any tarot experts here on what would be their interpretation of the ace of cups progressing to an ace of wands in a relationship reading. These are both seen as beginning stages or highlight the potential for more but what would be the difference? I feel like they both mean the same thing.

Thank you

The ace of cups is the begining of loving feelings. The ace of wands tends to be more physical. In some decks it has a really phallic image. Check out the ace of wands in the morgan greer deck for example. Edit: actually, it was the Robin Wood deck I was thinking of but they're both really phallic images.

Is that meaning of a new beginning of a passionate new relationship?wands as represent fire,means a very a warm relationship?
Please correct me if I’m wrong :)

Ace of cups is the start of love, the start of a relationship, deep love and deep commitment. Transitioning into the Ace of Wands, means the relationship will become sexual, so it won't just romantic love, it will also be sexual , lustful and passionate.  It also means that the relationship with the person in question needs to stay fresh and stimulating or it will burn out So i would say to the person to reveal themselves in layers, not too quickly, be a bit of mystery, be spontaneous and be fun and light and breezy.


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