Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1966593 times)

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6675 on: December 31, 2024, 09:21:42 PM »
In my experience, I’ve had 3 readings with her so far. All were this year. The first was a general reading in July, the second 30min one in September, and the last was a top-up in November.
I know, too close to each other, but she was able to read for me still.

She has been consistent in a career area across all three readings with the events and outcomes.
However, in another vital department regarding a very specific situation involving specific people I am involved with already, she provided one outcome during the first reading, seemed to follow that in the second, but gave a completely opposite outcome regarding it during the last top-up reading.
So I am confused...
Which outcome will most likely happen? The first one she gave me in her first reading or the other one she gave me in her last reading???

In Yonas readings, I have read many times that her first reading is the most accurate. Does anyone have an opinion about that? I listened to my first reading again today and I don’t like that she said I’ll be waiting and I am not patient. True story, lol. Regardless I was curious of thoughts on her 1st reading being the most accurate?

Sounds like the energy changed, possibly from actions. I’d read with someone else to see which outcome they give.

Offline KikiWelll

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6676 on: January 01, 2025, 03:38:11 PM »
Thank you for your advice. However, I’ve checked with others and noticed that even the same reader can drastically change their predictions. This makes me feel like nothing is set in stone. Since energy is fluid, the future can change.
So, what’s the point of predictions, then?
To be honest, some small predictions Yona gave have played out, but apparently, other things might still change. We manifest our realities based on our energies, and those energies are always shifting.

So I just want to make sure Yona is good at reading current things and people's thoughts and feelings. I know empathic readers might be better suited for this, but it’s hard to find legitimate ones. So, I thought I could rely on Yona for guidance in the present at least. She was good at picking up things that I already had in my life, I just hope she was right about people and their feelings...
« Last Edit: January 01, 2025, 03:47:03 PM by KikiWelll »

Offline Florallover87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6677 on: January 10, 2025, 08:25:16 PM »
Hi! I don’t know in what is your situation but I think when Yona speaker of célébrations they are any type of célébrations, bdays, Wedding you attendons as Guest, etc.

Cat just an observation but you previously asked if the two celebrations could be the baby shower in the birth because all yona I had told you was two celebrations. I agree that what she is seeing is probably somebody entirely new. She said new love big love. Focus on the baby for right now and let it play out she is obviously seeing somebody that you are going to be very happy with but it's going to take time.

She told me after two celebrations is when she saw the moving part. She assumed the second celebration would be when the baby was born. I didn't include the whole reading in my last couple of posts but she said weeks after the second celebration (birth) is when she saw us moving in. So idk anymore. She’s the one who tied the baby into this reading which makes me and her believe this man she sees is the BD. To clarify things, not that it really matters, but we were fighting the week prior and he was upset with me because he felt I did something, nothing like cheating or anything like that, but he felt I was flirting with one of his friends and since then he’s been acting weird and told me that yesterday. So idk. This sucks regardless because nobody wants to be told that. Then the stupid part, after he told me that he still invited me over to his family’s house to take the baby to go visit but was still very catering to me, and almost went back to his normal behavior. I am still not dismissing what he told me, but I am also very confused because his actions show different of what he says.

Offline Cadou

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6678 on: January 16, 2025, 08:27:16 PM »
Hello everyone. This is my first post here. I've been a reader on here for close to ten years now. I was a regular poster on the spsreviewforum until it got cancelled. Decided to finally make an account here, but then, for some reason it took over 3 years to get approved? Anyway, by that time i stopped reading with people much. I still get 1 reading a year from Leanne, mostly spiritual communicationreadings with my mom. They are the most insightful and informative readings i've ever had. Better then the 10 prdeictions ones. My mom is very direct ;-)
Anyway, i've had 5 readings with Yona, the first in dec. 2015 and yearly until 2019.

My experience is that i have slow cards, so slow that i lost interest, however, for everyone here wondering about timescales and accuracy. My first reading looked the most far in the future, so far that by the time i had my last reading, nothing really substantial happened from the first. The additional top-ups i had yearly had some minor hits but not enough, they zoned in on smaller timeframes within the timespan the first one covered. But overall it was, in total, un underwhelming experience. I've read with her for five years, and had only about 2 or 3 small predictions come true. Yet in the top-ups she kept referring to things she mentioned in the first reading, as kind of an overlap story if that makes sense.(i'm Dutch, apologies for my not perfect english ;-) )

So i kinda gave up. She's expensive, and i had found my reader in Leanne. Not every reader works for everyone was my thought to go with. I did find Yona a wonderfull and kind woman, and fair! Gave me refund once and a free reading after having issues with her computer. Really wonderfull lady, just not working for me.

So i thought.

I have recorded all my readings, so am able to go back to them when i want.
After letting go(ttsssss....) of her predictions and readings, life went on.

That first reading is in full swing now. Listening back to them, now things make sense, and i realize predictions have come true, all of them, up to the point as to where i am now in my life. Mind you, i am halfway through my first reading. And it's been ten years. Looking back, this reading i got in 2015 started summer of 2019, and i am now halfway through. Be aware that one card can span years!
I don't really want to share much personal details of my readings but i will say this as an explanation of  what 'timeframes' can mean, especially big arcana. i had the card the hermit in my reading, accompanied with Yona's prediction that i would be one my own for a while after a sad event, that it would be necessary for my healing.
In 2020, my family died in an accident, and the sudden loss of all of them, in the end spiralled me into an depression where i even pushed my friends away to the point i had noone. It has been the most lonely 2 years of my life, until i started to rebuild my life. I have now 'moved on' to the happier side of the reading, but in this pace it may take another 5 years or so to come to the end of the reading.

She can look extremely far out, but please, do yourself a favor, and stop wasting your energy on unraveling them, they are puzzles, and meant to be puzzles. The predictions that really mean something for your life will not be as you think they will unfold, for good and for bad, but at some point you will look back and say 'Wow!', she saw that years and years ago!

Be patient, and let go, really...

Well, that's my two cents here after years and years of lurking here.

I wish you all the best on your journey!

Bye, Esther

Offline allisgood

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6679 on: January 20, 2025, 12:13:19 PM »
Has Yona given anyone health predictions?
Grateful if people shared their experiences on this.
If you prefer you can pm me here.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6680 on: January 20, 2025, 06:45:55 PM »
I totally forgot that I had recorded the one reading I had with Yona back in April of 2020. I just listened to it for the first time in all these years. Guess my previous review, when I said she was wrong, needs some revision. It should be noted that I asked her for a general reading.

1. The first thing that popped up was long-distance communication, which was correct. I'd still been in touch with my ex, who had moved to another state.

2. The second thing that popped up was actually the ex. She said she hoped that I wasn't hoping for a reconciliation with that ex because there would be NO reconciliation. Thankfully, I wasn't hoping for that at all at that time. She ended up being correct on this too.

3. She told me that I had a life lesson/challenge to overcome of being too nice, being too nurturing, and trying to rescue/help out others without having any boundaries of my own. She was, and still is, correct.

4. She said I had a new relationship coming in the summer months. She did not feel it was going to be the summer of 2020 and said she was leaving the time frame open. She described this person as not being overly romantic but that he was charming. He had routines that he liked to stick by. He would be set in his own ways. He was very focused on work. He was very organized. The agoraphobia that I suffer wouldn't be a deal breaker or a big issue, and he'd like the fact that I wouldn't want/need to go everywhere with him anyway. She said I might feel that he picks other things over me but that wasn't it. He was just set in his ways and routines and won't allow anything to interfere. She then said she saw a flash of blue in the crystal ball and felt he might have blue eyes. This is where things get a little sticky for me. I did begin a relationship with my current POI in May of 2021. We crossed paths before that, but May is when the relationship began. So I'll say she was correct on this. All of the other personality traits she described fit him to a T. He's VERY set in his ways to the point of being nearly impossible to compromise with. He's stubborn. He definitely has his routines down to the point of OCD and selfishness. The guy is not bendable unless he feels like it. He does NOT have blue eyes though. He has brown eyes. Perhaps the blue flash she saw did not represent his eye color but rather blue is the color of healing and I helped this guy heal from his drug addiction. Since he's been sober for a little over a year now, he's been very strict and structured when it comes to his own self. In turn, I definitely feel swept aside. He's definitely not affectionate nor romantic other than once a year or less. So, I guess I'll say she was mostly right about this outside of the blue flash thinking it was blue eyes. UNLESS there's still some other dude that'll appear in my life that does have blue eyes seeing as how my current situation has broken apart for the most part.

5. Said I'd have my own business. She was correct because I have plans to start one very soon.

6. Said I'd receive contact from a woman and felt it was tied to my ex and that I'd think she was a friend but she really wasn't going to be a friend to me. At the time, he had been with this one female that he married. I never got contact from her. HOWEVER, that was a short-lived marriage that ended in divorce. He got with another woman who he's currently with to this day, married to her now I believe. SHE DID reach out to me and was asking me questions about him in the beginning stages of their relationship because she spotted his narcissism. She's actually a psychologist with her own business. Go figure. I actually liked her and thought we'd form a friendship but then she sorta dropped off the map and we didn't talk anymore. So, I'll say Yona was right about this too.

So, I guess, all in all, Yona was very accurate for me minus the one small thing of "blue flash" interpretation. Maybe I will have another reading with her but I'll just know that the readings probably won't manifest for a few years. Seems like that's how most of my readings go with nearly every reader. Shit takes years. Hopefully some of the good stuff that readers have seen will take place before I die. :)

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6681 on: January 20, 2025, 08:20:49 PM »
I totally forgot that I had recorded the one reading I had with Yona back in April of 2020. I just listened to it for the first time in all these years. Guess my previous review, when I said she was wrong, needs some revision. It should be noted that I asked her for a general reading.

1. The first thing that popped up was long-distance communication, which was correct. I'd still been in touch with my ex, who had moved to another state.

2. The second thing that popped up was actually the ex. She said she hoped that I wasn't hoping for a reconciliation with that ex because there would be NO reconciliation. Thankfully, I wasn't hoping for that at all at that time. She ended up being correct on this too.

3. She told me that I had a life lesson/challenge to overcome of being too nice, being too nurturing, and trying to rescue/help out others without having any boundaries of my own. She was, and still is, correct.

4. She said I had a new relationship coming in the summer months. She did not feel it was going to be the summer of 2020 and said she was leaving the time frame open. She described this person as not being overly romantic but that he was charming. He had routines that he liked to stick by. He would be set in his own ways. He was very focused on work. He was very organized. The agoraphobia that I suffer wouldn't be a deal breaker or a big issue, and he'd like the fact that I wouldn't want/need to go everywhere with him anyway. She said I might feel that he picks other things over me but that wasn't it. He was just set in his ways and routines and won't allow anything to interfere. She then said she saw a flash of blue in the crystal ball and felt he might have blue eyes. This is where things get a little sticky for me. I did begin a relationship with my current POI in May of 2021. We crossed paths before that, but May is when the relationship began. So I'll say she was correct on this. All of the other personality traits she described fit him to a T. He's VERY set in his ways to the point of being nearly impossible to compromise with. He's stubborn. He definitely has his routines down to the point of OCD and selfishness. The guy is not bendable unless he feels like it. He does NOT have blue eyes though. He has brown eyes. Perhaps the blue flash she saw did not represent his eye color but rather blue is the color of healing and I helped this guy heal from his drug addiction. Since he's been sober for a little over a year now, he's been very strict and structured when it comes to his own self. In turn, I definitely feel swept aside. He's definitely not affectionate nor romantic other than once a year or less. So, I guess I'll say she was mostly right about this outside of the blue flash thinking it was blue eyes. UNLESS there's still some other dude that'll appear in my life that does have blue eyes seeing as how my current situation has broken apart for the most part.

5. Said I'd have my own business. She was correct because I have plans to start one very soon.

6. Said I'd receive contact from a woman and felt it was tied to my ex and that I'd think she was a friend but she really wasn't going to be a friend to me. At the time, he had been with this one female that he married. I never got contact from her. HOWEVER, that was a short-lived marriage that ended in divorce. He got with another woman who he's currently with to this day, married to her now I believe. SHE DID reach out to me and was asking me questions about him in the beginning stages of their relationship because she spotted his narcissism. She's actually a psychologist with her own business. Go figure. I actually liked her and thought we'd form a friendship but then she sorta dropped off the map and we didn't talk anymore. So, I'll say Yona was right about this too.

So, I guess, all in all, Yona was very accurate for me minus the one small thing of "blue flash" interpretation. Maybe I will have another reading with her but I'll just know that the readings probably won't manifest for a few years. Seems like that's how most of my readings go with nearly every reader. Shit takes years. Hopefully some of the good stuff that readers have seen will take place before I die. :)

I really don't understand why you said she was wrong if you hadn't even listened to her reading in nearly 5 years. Weird.

Because the only part of the reading that I remembered at the time of my previous review was the new person having blue eyes. My old PC crashed and I was just moving some folders on to this new one and I came across a folder called "Readings". I had forgotten that I recorded that one reading with her so I listened to it today and reported it here. It's really not weird. It's been nearly 5 years since I had that reading, and I'm older so my memory isn't that wonderful anymore.

Offline Kate

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6682 on: January 20, 2025, 10:41:05 PM »
Has Yona given anyone health predictions?
Grateful if people shared their experiences on this.
If you prefer you can pm me here.

I really need help with this due to a recent reading I had with her, which scared me and found it quite unusual.

She will only give a health prediction IF it comes up in the main reading. Otherwise, she doesn't turn over the health card.

She has given me a health prediction twice in the main spread - but she couldn't see what the health matter was exactly.

In the first read, when it came up in the main spread, she saw it related to something to do with my mood - it was not a tower (she stressed) - but it was something that was going to produce worry, and spirit was saying it was not anything I was not able to overcome. This was all accurate to what happened - it was health - but nothing major, but it did impact me.

In the latest read - a health matter came up in the main spread regarding my PoI - again, she could not see what it was - it was paired with the tower (but my tower, not his - me worrying/waiting for news) The tower is not in the outcome position - so this is more my mood and reaction than the outcome. This tower has yet to happen - but she was clearly being told it was health-related based on her seeing who he is talking to at the time when it happens.

Finally - on a slightly different note - she read a tower for my PoI over three readings in the past that would put him out of action for a period of time - it turned out to be a health tower and it was huge. She didn't know it was health - but it was pretty obvious that it was leaning in that direction based on my reaction to it, and him being out of action for a period of time. Her prediction was extremely accurate to what happened - especially in how I reacted to it. But I got snippets of information about it over three readings.

Hope that helps.

Offline allisgood

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6683 on: January 20, 2025, 11:06:31 PM »
Has Yona given anyone health predictions?
Grateful if people shared their experiences on this.
If you prefer you can pm me here.

I really need help with this due to a recent reading I had with her, which scared me and found it quite unusual.

She will only give a health prediction IF it comes up in the main reading. Otherwise, she doesn't turn over the health card.

She has given me a health prediction twice in the main spread - but she couldn't see what the health matter was exactly.

In the first read, when it came up in the main spread, she saw it related to something to do with my mood - it was not a tower (she stressed) - but it was something that was going to produce worry, and spirit was saying it was not anything I was not able to overcome. This was all accurate to what happened - it was health - but nothing major, but it did impact me.

In the latest read - a health matter came up in the main spread regarding my PoI - again, she could not see what it was - it was paired with the tower (but my tower, not his - me worrying/waiting for news) The tower is not in the outcome position - so this is more my mood and reaction than the outcome. This tower has yet to happen - but she was clearly being told it was health-related based on her seeing who he is talking to at the time when it happens.

Finally - on a slightly different note - she read a tower for my PoI over three readings in the past that would put him out of action for a period of time - it turned out to be a health tower and it was huge. She didn't know it was health - but it was pretty obvious that it was leaning in that direction based on my reaction to it, and him being out of action for a period of time. Her prediction was extremely accurate to what happened - especially in how I reacted to it. But I got snippets of information about it over three readings.

Hope that helps.

Thank you for your answer. I sent you a message privately.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6684 on: January 20, 2025, 11:51:34 PM »
I totally forgot that I had recorded the one reading I had with Yona back in April of 2020. I just listened to it for the first time in all these years. Guess my previous review, when I said she was wrong, needs some revision. It should be noted that I asked her for a general reading.

1. The first thing that popped up was long-distance communication, which was correct. I'd still been in touch with my ex, who had moved to another state.

2. The second thing that popped up was actually the ex. She said she hoped that I wasn't hoping for a reconciliation with that ex because there would be NO reconciliation. Thankfully, I wasn't hoping for that at all at that time. She ended up being correct on this too.

3. She told me that I had a life lesson/challenge to overcome of being too nice, being too nurturing, and trying to rescue/help out others without having any boundaries of my own. She was, and still is, correct.

4. She said I had a new relationship coming in the summer months. She did not feel it was going to be the summer of 2020 and said she was leaving the time frame open. She described this person as not being overly romantic but that he was charming. He had routines that he liked to stick by. He would be set in his own ways. He was very focused on work. He was very organized. The agoraphobia that I suffer wouldn't be a deal breaker or a big issue, and he'd like the fact that I wouldn't want/need to go everywhere with him anyway. She said I might feel that he picks other things over me but that wasn't it. He was just set in his ways and routines and won't allow anything to interfere. She then said she saw a flash of blue in the crystal ball and felt he might have blue eyes. This is where things get a little sticky for me. I did begin a relationship with my current POI in May of 2021. We crossed paths before that, but May is when the relationship began. So I'll say she was correct on this. All of the other personality traits she described fit him to a T. He's VERY set in his ways to the point of being nearly impossible to compromise with. He's stubborn. He definitely has his routines down to the point of OCD and selfishness. The guy is not bendable unless he feels like it. He does NOT have blue eyes though. He has brown eyes. Perhaps the blue flash she saw did not represent his eye color but rather blue is the color of healing and I helped this guy heal from his drug addiction. Since he's been sober for a little over a year now, he's been very strict and structured when it comes to his own self. In turn, I definitely feel swept aside. He's definitely not affectionate nor romantic other than once a year or less. So, I guess I'll say she was mostly right about this outside of the blue flash thinking it was blue eyes. UNLESS there's still some other dude that'll appear in my life that does have blue eyes seeing as how my current situation has broken apart for the most part.

5. Said I'd have my own business. She was correct because I have plans to start one very soon.

6. Said I'd receive contact from a woman and felt it was tied to my ex and that I'd think she was a friend but she really wasn't going to be a friend to me. At the time, he had been with this one female that he married. I never got contact from her. HOWEVER, that was a short-lived marriage that ended in divorce. He got with another woman who he's currently with to this day, married to her now I believe. SHE DID reach out to me and was asking me questions about him in the beginning stages of their relationship because she spotted his narcissism. She's actually a psychologist with her own business. Go figure. I actually liked her and thought we'd form a friendship but then she sorta dropped off the map and we didn't talk anymore. So, I'll say Yona was right about this too.

So, I guess, all in all, Yona was very accurate for me minus the one small thing of "blue flash" interpretation. Maybe I will have another reading with her but I'll just know that the readings probably won't manifest for a few years. Seems like that's how most of my readings go with nearly every reader. Shit takes years. Hopefully some of the good stuff that readers have seen will take place before I die. :)

I really don't understand why you said she was wrong if you hadn't even listened to her reading in nearly 5 years. Weird.

Because the only part of the reading that I remembered at the time of my previous review was the new person having blue eyes. My old PC crashed and I was just moving some folders on to this new one and I came across a folder called "Readings". I had forgotten that I recorded that one reading with her so I listened to it today and reported it here. It's really not weird. It's been nearly 5 years since I had that reading, and I'm older so my memory isn't that wonderful anymore.

Not remembering the reading is perfectly fine. However what is not fine is giving a negative review based on one simple thing.

Actually, it IS fine. That's the part of the reading that I remembered. It wouldn't be fine had I not come back and clarified. You do not get to dictate what is and what is not fine for other people to do. You don't control me or anyone else. Thanks for your input. Noted but not interested.

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6685 on: January 21, 2025, 01:27:17 AM »
I totally forgot that I had recorded the one reading I had with Yona back in April of 2020. I just listened to it for the first time in all these years. Guess my previous review, when I said she was wrong, needs some revision. It should be noted that I asked her for a general reading.

1. The first thing that popped up was long-distance communication, which was correct. I'd still been in touch with my ex, who had moved to another state.

2. The second thing that popped up was actually the ex. She said she hoped that I wasn't hoping for a reconciliation with that ex because there would be NO reconciliation. Thankfully, I wasn't hoping for that at all at that time. She ended up being correct on this too.

3. She told me that I had a life lesson/challenge to overcome of being too nice, being too nurturing, and trying to rescue/help out others without having any boundaries of my own. She was, and still is, correct.

4. She said I had a new relationship coming in the summer months. She did not feel it was going to be the summer of 2020 and said she was leaving the time frame open. She described this person as not being overly romantic but that he was charming. He had routines that he liked to stick by. He would be set in his own ways. He was very focused on work. He was very organized. The agoraphobia that I suffer wouldn't be a deal breaker or a big issue, and he'd like the fact that I wouldn't want/need to go everywhere with him anyway. She said I might feel that he picks other things over me but that wasn't it. He was just set in his ways and routines and won't allow anything to interfere. She then said she saw a flash of blue in the crystal ball and felt he might have blue eyes. This is where things get a little sticky for me. I did begin a relationship with my current POI in May of 2021. We crossed paths before that, but May is when the relationship began. So I'll say she was correct on this. All of the other personality traits she described fit him to a T. He's VERY set in his ways to the point of being nearly impossible to compromise with. He's stubborn. He definitely has his routines down to the point of OCD and selfishness. The guy is not bendable unless he feels like it. He does NOT have blue eyes though. He has brown eyes. Perhaps the blue flash she saw did not represent his eye color but rather blue is the color of healing and I helped this guy heal from his drug addiction. Since he's been sober for a little over a year now, he's been very strict and structured when it comes to his own self. In turn, I definitely feel swept aside. He's definitely not affectionate nor romantic other than once a year or less. So, I guess I'll say she was mostly right about this outside of the blue flash thinking it was blue eyes. UNLESS there's still some other dude that'll appear in my life that does have blue eyes seeing as how my current situation has broken apart for the most part.

5. Said I'd have my own business. She was correct because I have plans to start one very soon.

6. Said I'd receive contact from a woman and felt it was tied to my ex and that I'd think she was a friend but she really wasn't going to be a friend to me. At the time, he had been with this one female that he married. I never got contact from her. HOWEVER, that was a short-lived marriage that ended in divorce. He got with another woman who he's currently with to this day, married to her now I believe. SHE DID reach out to me and was asking me questions about him in the beginning stages of their relationship because she spotted his narcissism. She's actually a psychologist with her own business. Go figure. I actually liked her and thought we'd form a friendship but then she sorta dropped off the map and we didn't talk anymore. So, I'll say Yona was right about this too.

So, I guess, all in all, Yona was very accurate for me minus the one small thing of "blue flash" interpretation. Maybe I will have another reading with her but I'll just know that the readings probably won't manifest for a few years. Seems like that's how most of my readings go with nearly every reader. Shit takes years. Hopefully some of the good stuff that readers have seen will take place before I die. :)

I really don't understand why you said she was wrong if you hadn't even listened to her reading in nearly 5 years. Weird.

Because the only part of the reading that I remembered at the time of my previous review was the new person having blue eyes. My old PC crashed and I was just moving some folders on to this new one and I came across a folder called "Readings". I had forgotten that I recorded that one reading with her so I listened to it today and reported it here. It's really not weird. It's been nearly 5 years since I had that reading, and I'm older so my memory isn't that wonderful anymore.

Not remembering the reading is perfectly fine. However what is not fine is giving a negative review based on one simple thing.

Catherines - Where are you seeing this is a negative review? Miss Philospher provided a very detailed and helpful review unlike anything you have ever posted. All you do is give anyone who posts about Yona as something you perceive as negative a hard time. Give it a rest already.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6686 on: January 21, 2025, 06:56:19 AM »
My top up with Yona, which happened 1 year ago, started to unfold. Things she said in my 1st reading, which was about 2 years ago, haven't happened yet.
Her future predictions for me are pretty accurate, but not 100%. For example, she said I would travel overseas for reason A. In reality, I did travel overseas, but for reason B.
She said something would happen and I would feel pretty upset about it. That thing did happen, but I didn't feel much about all.
She said I would get next round of interviews and the hiring manager would focus on certain area of my skills. I did get into the next round. They really didn't ask any questions about what Yona said they would.

Anyway, I think Yona is pretty good in terms of predicting. She can see long term. I also experienced readers who nailed the future, but more about the near future.

Hello everyone. This is my first post here. I've been a reader on here for close to ten years now. I was a regular poster on the spsreviewforum until it got cancelled. Decided to finally make an account here, but then, for some reason it took over 3 years to get approved? Anyway, by that time i stopped reading with people much. I still get 1 reading a year from Leanne, mostly spiritual communicationreadings with my mom. They are the most insightful and informative readings i've ever had. Better then the 10 prdeictions ones. My mom is very direct ;-)
Anyway, i've had 5 readings with Yona, the first in dec. 2015 and yearly until 2019.

My experience is that i have slow cards, so slow that i lost interest, however, for everyone here wondering about timescales and accuracy. My first reading looked the most far in the future, so far that by the time i had my last reading, nothing really substantial happened from the first. The additional top-ups i had yearly had some minor hits but not enough, they zoned in on smaller timeframes within the timespan the first one covered. But overall it was, in total, un underwhelming experience. I've read with her for five years, and had only about 2 or 3 small predictions come true. Yet in the top-ups she kept referring to things she mentioned in the first reading, as kind of an overlap story if that makes sense.(i'm Dutch, apologies for my not perfect english ;-) )

So i kinda gave up. She's expensive, and i had found my reader in Leanne. Not every reader works for everyone was my thought to go with. I did find Yona a wonderfull and kind woman, and fair! Gave me refund once and a free reading after having issues with her computer. Really wonderfull lady, just not working for me.

So i thought.

I have recorded all my readings, so am able to go back to them when i want.
After letting go(ttsssss....) of her predictions and readings, life went on.

That first reading is in full swing now. Listening back to them, now things make sense, and i realize predictions have come true, all of them, up to the point as to where i am now in my life. Mind you, i am halfway through my first reading. And it's been ten years. Looking back, this reading i got in 2015 started summer of 2019, and i am now halfway through. Be aware that one card can span years!
I don't really want to share much personal details of my readings but i will say this as an explanation of  what 'timeframes' can mean, especially big arcana. i had the card the hermit in my reading, accompanied with Yona's prediction that i would be one my own for a while after a sad event, that it would be necessary for my healing.
In 2020, my family died in an accident, and the sudden loss of all of them, in the end spiralled me into an depression where i even pushed my friends away to the point i had noone. It has been the most lonely 2 years of my life, until i started to rebuild my life. I have now 'moved on' to the happier side of the reading, but in this pace it may take another 5 years or so to come to the end of the reading.

She can look extremely far out, but please, do yourself a favor, and stop wasting your energy on unraveling them, they are puzzles, and meant to be puzzles. The predictions that really mean something for your life will not be as you think they will unfold, for good and for bad, but at some point you will look back and say 'Wow!', she saw that years and years ago!

Be patient, and let go, really...

Well, that's my two cents here after years and years of lurking here.

I wish you all the best on your journey!

Bye, Esther

Offline T422

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6687 on: January 21, 2025, 07:55:05 PM »
I have read with Yona a few times now. The first reading back in early 22 hasn’t played out yet but the 2nd (my first top up) that I had in October 24 has started to. As there had been some progress and there were some confusing parts to my 2nd reading, I decided to book another top up - this was a couple of weeks ago. Several of the predictions aligned with the 2nd reading but with more info, which was exactly what I was after.

Anyway, I find the whole thing really fascinating and am looking forward to seeing how the future unfolds!

Offline Florallover87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6688 on: January 23, 2025, 06:04:16 PM »
Has anyone got the chance to speak with Yona 2 hours? Like they paid for 2 back to back topups

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6689 on: January 23, 2025, 07:47:10 PM »
Has anyone got the chance to speak with Yona 2 hours? Like they paid for 2 back to back topups

I haven’t considered it because she gives so much information in one hour, but I’m sure you can email her first to ask if she’ll accept a two hour reading.

