LOL, loved this! Did she get the details surrounding your (at that time) situation correct?
I was impressed, and believe me it takes a lot to impress me lol. She was very good with my daughter, she also went well over the time my daughter paid for.
I don't believe in predictions anymore, I believe that most things are not to be known. I believe that a truly gifted person can see what has happened or what is going on at the moment but there are to many factors to actually predict some things.
I do feel if, or at least in my case when I did get readings, someone calls numerous psychics someone will be right lol.
I feel that all anyone can expect from readings is to get details about the present....predictions? Not in my experience.
Thank Oben for sharing, MISS chatting with you!!!! Congratulations on the marriage, I am so happy for you! Now don't forget to clean your place LMAO, I have to say THAT Cookie story still makes me laugh!
I read with her, very nice sweet lady. She is not really after your money like the others all, she does not care about the time, she stayed on the phone with me for like two hours, we chatted about so many things like two friends. I also recorded the call. She clearly tells you to not call back unless if you have something manifested. Well, of course I have nothing manifested yet lol. She did not give me what other psychics did, like a fairy tale ending and so on, but so the douche lord coming back, trying to enter mylife again, even give me an apology, but I would not feel it was sincere and would not have him back in my life. (Or I should not, don't remember exactly it was either an advice or a fact). She said he will be back in this year. Well still 3 months to go I guess LOL and I wonder now how he would find me, I moved, changed address and phone, got married and changed last name, and so on lol.