Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services

Bast the Spiritual Intuitive Goddess

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I scheduled a reading with Bast for today and I have to say she was right on target!  I scheduled through MySpace and never mentioned this site and of course, we have screen names here, so I scheduled using my real name.  I was asking her about a relationship with this new guy I met last month, wanted to get her insight.  What was most interesting is that right in the beginning she said that she was getting something else from the spirits...then she said do you have something going on in court, something financial?  I said, why yes, I went to court yesterday regarding support from my husband, I am going through a divorce.  That was very timely indeed?!!  Then when we discussed the guy, I gave her his name and dob, she immediately asked if he was going through a divorce also, and of course, he is.  The reading was on target with what is going on.  I never gave her any details.  She does read tarot, but is clairvoyant.  Reading was $25 for 15min.

Shoe Gal:
Like AngelGuided, I too just scheduled a reading with bast.  I thought what AG said sounded like someone I'd like to read with and gauge some of what CP told me.  The timeframes are just not coming to pass for me (although I understand and accept the whole free will thing) but I'd like to be able to add to our "stories" board with something coming to pass and give hope to the group :)

Hey shoegal,

How was your reading with Bast?

Well I had a great connection with her...she was spot on with my situation too.  Some people have a connection and some dont.  Also there are those people who dont like to hear things they are not ready for and will be difficult in readings and they will say  that everything is wrong what they are being told.  I admit i dont like it when im being told something i dont want to hear.  And if your reading was free and went over then you got what you paid for.  So dont be too upset.  maybe there are things behind the seems you dont not really know is going on. 

Actually, the administrator didn't take her info down.  He removed the multiple posts, but left her info in this storefront category.  She actually took her info down herself.  I somewhat agree with you Shoe gal, in that you prefer no tools readers.  I had a reading with her and I will say that she possesses some clairvoyant, intuitive ability because she commented at the very beginning of the reading that the spirits were telling her to give me a message about something legal, then she asked me if I had recently been to or was going to court?  I replied that I had been to court the day before.  I was asking about a relationship question that had nothing to do with court or my husband that I was going to court with.  Needless to say, I was impressed by that she picked this up.  Some readers use the tarot as validation and to get more clarity on a reading.  She also knew that the guy I was asking her about was going through a divorce.  The 2nd reading wasn't as impressive as the 1st, but that happens sometimes.


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